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Dragons of the Elven Nights


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It was a fine day for travelling. The sun was shining, a brisk breeze blowing, and a few wispy clouds scuttling across the blue sky.

The gates of Elgarth Keep opened unceremoniously and a party of riders crossed the lowered drawbridge.

Riding in the lead was Durgan Snake (Rogue 4), an auxiliary in the services of the Knights of Solamnia. He had been tasked by the Knighthood to act as a scout for the party in this particular mission. Previously, in other missions, he had fulfilled the roles of saboteur and spy. His talents in such unconventional roles render him especially useful to the Knights.

The main body was flanked by six Knights of Solamnia, the symbols of the Knighthood apparent on their breast plates.

At the head of the main group were two warriors that looked uncommonly muscular. A male, and a female. They had greatswords strapped to their backs and rode the steeds easily.

Taunus Goodbreeze (Fighter 2/ Barbarian 2) had left the Que-shu in his youth to seek the fame and fortune that he believed was waiting for him out in the world. He now works as a mercenary in the employ of the Knights of Solamnia along with Solvinius.

Mand Goldenegg (Barbarian 4) had arrived in Solomnia as the escort of a diplomatic party, representing all the Que tribes, to forge a military alliance with the Knights of Solamnia. A member of the Que-ti tribe, she had volunteered for this mission in an attempt to show good faith to the Knights.

A man wearing thick robes, that failed to hide his armour, was riding uncomfortably. Karavas Eversolemn (Mystic 4) was one of the healers that worked within the walls of the Keep. He is considered a guest of the Knights and reciprocates by making his healing talents available to the Knights and all who ask. He sees this as an opportunity to alleviate suffering outside Solamnia.

Another robed figure was quietly studying those about him. Vilinius Muriel(Wizard 4) is considered an apprentice belonging to the newly reformed Order of High Sorcery. He believed that magic could be used to further the cause of Good, and sees aiding the Solamnic Knights as a way to further that cause, and increase his own magical potency at the same time. A weasel stuck a head out from the backpack upon the horse and sniffed the air about.

At the rear, an elven maiden rode gracefully. Upon her back was a longbow made out of wood, which seemed to shine under the radiant sunlight. Stark Soliante (Ranger 4) had come to Solamnia with a plea for aid from the elves of Silvanesti. To assist in ejecting the minotaurs who had conquered and occupied Silvanesti.

The Knights were unable to put together a force large enough to defeat the minotaurs, without leaving themselves vulnerable to attack. However, they have volunteered information to Stark, about an elven artefact that was heard to exist in a place known as the Stone Bog.

It is to this locale that the party travels.
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Leaving the Protection of the Knights

The party rode on for a week before coming to a large forest. The Solamnic Knights checked their steeds. The leader of the escorts, Chakrin, a Knight of the Sword, turned towards Stark. “Lady Soliante, we have come as far as we may. Our orders were but to escort you to the borders of Solamnia.”

Stark bowed slightly and gracefully slid off the horse, patting it on the nose. “Thank you for your kind protection, Sir Chakrin. We are grateful for it. Unlike the rest of my Silvanesti kin, I have no talent for pretty words nor long winded niceties. I am sure that we may have averted many dangers because of your presence.”

Chakrin blushed. “Milady, I would love to go with you but my duties prevent me from doing such.”

As Stark handed the reins of her steed over to Chakrin, the horse gave Stark a sorrowful look and nuzzled her. “Where we are going, we will not need the horses. The forest is thick and I can discern no path for them. Besides, they will be safer with you.”

The rest of the party dismounted and handed over their reins to the remaining Knights.

Chakrin dismounted to accept the reins from Stark. “Milady, I will be heading back to Elgarth Keep. But I will keep the horses at the village of Ulstad. We passed by that one yesterday. The horses will be in the care of the village head, a man by the name of Nampf. You may reclaim the horses there.”

Stark nodded. “As always, I am grateful for all your kind help. You and your men are a credit to the Knighthood. We shall be leaving now. Farewell.”

And with that, Stark turned and strode away, leaving her horse looking mournfully after her.

Bidding their farewells, the rest of the party followed her.


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Ruins Within the Forest

The party had been travelling for 3 days within the forest. They were relying on Durgan to lead the way.

Durgan had with him a map. He had purchased that, with some cost, from an elven bard named Quan. Durgan suspected that it wasn’t even his real name. However, the man claimed that he came upon a dying elven ranger who told him about an artefact that he had been carrying. The purpose of this artefact was to save the elves and reclaim the homeland. However, the elf had suffered mortal injuries, and before he could elaborate further, he gasped his last breath. Hearing noises that sounded like someone trudging through the undergrowth, Quan panicked, grabbed the map and ran away. As he was going through some hard times, Quan decided to sell the map for some quick steel pieces.

Durgan spotted some ruins in a small clearing up ahead. A temple of some sort used to be here. Probably one dedicated to Chislev. All that was left now are a flight of stairs leading up to a squarish platform with 4 half collapsed stone columns, one at each corner. Several statues of various beasts and monsters stood around the base of each column. In front of the stairs, was what used to be a public fountain. Now, it only held stagnant water. The carvings had used to adorn the rim of the fountain were been weathered and no longer decipherable.

Stark suddenly noted that the forest seemed unnaturally quiet. The chirps of birds that had accompanied them for the past two days seem to have disappeared. “Be careful. The forest doesn’t feel right. The wildlife is staying away from this place.” She drew an arrow and nocked it.

Seeing no apparent danger, the party approached the fountain cautiously. Suddenly, a pair of stone statues, which looked like giant eagles, sprang into life and took to the air.

The pair dove down at Vilinius and Karavas. Both of them reeled under the slashing talons and ripping beaks of the eagles.

A little too late, Durgan shouted a warning, “Gargoyles!”

The gargoyles continued their relentless assault on Karavas and Vilinius. The arrows of Stark seemed to leave only scratches on the gargoyles

Durgan coolly appraised the situation and manoeuvred himself into a position where he could give flanking to the barbarians. He adopted a defensive stance and begin to harry the gargoyles with his flashing longsword.

Taunus drew “Burning Rage” (his greatsword) and struck out in rage at the gargoyle assailing Vilinius. The magical flames wreathing around the blade seemed to echo his rage. The flames burst into a bright orange light and as his sword struck the gargoyle, the flames seemed to burn into its skin.

Mand swung her greatsword at the other gargoyle. Her keen blade, which had taken down many before this, did not seem able to bite through the gargoyle’s skin as effectively.

Fighting back the pain, Vilinius took a step back. He gestured and muttered an incantation. And then, he was lost to sight.

Mindful of the talons of the eagles, Karavas concentrated on drawing forth his innate energies to heal himself. The cuts and slashes which he had suffered began to close at an extraordinary rate, with not even a scar left.

The ensuing melee seemed to be going in favour of the gargoyles, who had concentrated their attacks on Karavas.

Out of thin air, a ray of scorching fire found a gargoyle’s chest. Snarling, both the gargoyles charged at Vilinius, who had suddenly reappeared some distance away.

The gargoyles had inflicted grievous wounds to Vilinius and his faced paled at the sight of his own blood flowing freely from the many wounds. Karavas selflessly rushed to the side of Vilinius, and gritting his teeth as the gargoyles attacked him, he released a rush of energy to heal the wounds of Vilinius.

The battle drew on with Vilinius drawing healing strength from Karavas. The attacks of the gargoyles were growing increasingly desperate as a simmering shield around Vilinius seemed to deflect many of their blows. Vilinius’ fingers were sparking with bolts of light that unerring found their way to the gargoyles. His magic missiles, along with the attacks of Taunus and Mand were wearing the gargoyles down. Stark, who was rapidly drawing and firing her bow, was chipping away at the gargoyles’ health.

As Taunus was starting to feel the strength of his rage drain from him, he struck mightily at a gargoyle and Burning Rage claimed another victim. Taunus spun about and cleaved at the other gargoyle. The flames hungrily consumed yet another kill.

Vilinius seemed spent and exhausted, and was supported by Karavas and a very concerned Taunus. Stark started taking a quick count of the arrows left in her quiver.

Stark faced Durgan and arched an eyebrow. “Your source of intelligence didn’t tell you anything about the dangers we’d face?”

Durgan shrugged and smiled embarrassingly at the rest of the party.


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Brief Hi

Well, I'm doing up this Story Hour mainly for the enjoyment of my players, who may like to see their exploits immortalised in text.

My friends and I had been following Dragonlance since we were in our teens and are fans of the Dragonlance series. When the D20 campaign setting for Dragonlance came out, my pal rushed to get it and managed to get me to run the game.

Half of my group consists of seasoned players. The other half are newbies. The games started at a low level to get them used to the system.

It may not be much. Heck, it pales in comparison to some of the stuff I see written here.

I would welcome any comments and suggestions. Enjoy the gaming.


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elves, elves, elves!

everybody knows the only races worth playing are draconian, thri-kreen and half-orc. :]

but -snort snort- your kids did pretty good for pinkskins haha, it's great :)
only one suggestion - ask get Loren a magic bow as soon as possible. she'll find that a lot better than not scratching stone beasts.. and the magic-user's probably the most seasoned player, no? just a wild guess hehe.

i can see all your DnD questions that you call me up for in the Story Hour. i.e. does the +1 damage from the enhancement bonus kick in when you fight a gargolye or does it just bypass DR etc haha.

anyhow, have fun and keep on writing!


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Not Quite Dead.

It looked about the abandoned land. It knew this place once. It could almost remember the name of the place. It could almost remember its own name. However, that did not matter now. All It knew is now was its hunger, the ever present hunger. It was the gnawing hunger that drove it on. It was only a month ago when It had feasted on the sweet flesh of two hapless elves. Yet it seemed an eternity away. It was always hungry.

And as It shambled on, it saw a faint light in the woods. A light that It knew must come from a fire. And where there was a fire, there was something to eat. Seeing It move off, two other shadows followed.


The night was humid and cold. A mist seemed to hang about the air. The clouds had all but obscured the sky, leaving only occasional slivers of light to poke through gaps in the passing clouds. Solinari would be full and round were it visible.

Mand stifled a yawn as she stretched her limbs. Taking her turn at sentry duty, she did not expect any trouble tonight. After all, they had dispatched the gargoyles that had inhabited this area. She took out Sharp Edge (Greatsword Keen) and began her usual routine of oiling and cleaning it.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Mand seemed to see a shadow move. She blinked and peered intently at the spot. It was a dark night and she could not see very well. The mist was not helping either. It could have been either her imagination or a trick of the light as some cloud opened.

As Mand scanned the area, she heard a twig break behind her. As she spun about, she saw horrors that seemed to materialise out of the shadows in the night.

There were three decayed humanoid bodies leering at her, their jaws open. Maggots living in their tongues seemed to look at her too. One of them was so decomposed that his left arm was nothing but strands of dried sinews holding the bones together. Mand smelled an overwhelming stench of decay and corruption. She fought down her nausea and prepared to heft her weapon. A ghast and two ghouls had spotted her alone in the night.

Simultaneously, the three undead launched themselves at her in a frenzy of bites and claws. Due to her natural alertness, she dodged all but three of their attacks. (Everyone loves uncanny dodge.)

As they struck and bit her, she felt energy draining from her. As she was gathering her strength to return a blow, the ghast bit deeply into her right thigh. The war cry she was to scream never left her throat, her shoulders sagged and she could only plunge the sword into the ground. (Fort save vs paralysis, passed two, failed one. Quite unlucky.)

Mand Goldenegg could not scream or fight as the undead started to gnaw into her flesh. She looked on in wide eyed horror as they rapidly tore off and chewed her limbs. She saw the merciful end coming when the ghast reached for her heart. She felt a pain in her chest and closed her eyes. The void was a relief. (After paralysing her, the ghast and ghouls set about with coup de graes. Her dice were not blessed that day.)


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The next posts may seem sacrilegious to some Dragonlance fans.

It is a result of my hero worship of Raistlin Majere. I have decided to include him into my version of Krynn. Just to indulge myself. :lol:
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Dalamar took a sip of the tea. “I can see you do not believe me. I assure it is true. My old wound has started hurting again.”

Jenna continued to stare incredulously at the dark elf. “It cannot be. He is dead… What does he intend to do? Start a third Cataclysm.”

Dalamar cupped his chin in his fingers. “No. I cannot discern his motives, but it is not destruction or power that he seeks. He has tasted more power than you or I could even imagine. It looks like some sort of atonement to me. But I do not believe it is that simple.”

Jenna nodded, “Yes. One should not underestimate the Master of the Past and the Present.”

Dalamar leaned forward and stroked her face. “Is it not cool enough? Why are you perspiring?”

The sarcasm was not lost on Jenna.


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The Rebirth of the Orders

Dalamar the Dark was a dark elf whose slender frame hid great power. His black robes hung loosely about him.

He was one of the most powerful mages in Ansalon. He had been slain during the War of Souls, and was resurrected through the intercession of his God Nuitari to the other gods of Magic. (Solinari and Lunitari.)

Jenna the Red was the daughter of the head of the Red Robes (Justarius) in the Orders of High Sorcery. They had a love affair that was as much about pursuing their mutual ambitions as it was about romance. It had been many years since the affair began, and Jenna had aged gracefully and was still a beauty to many eyes. She had selected a red top that seemed melded to her womanly form, and a skirt that fell to her ankles. The many bejewelled adornments and rings that she wore were undoubtedly magically enchanted.

Dalamar had been barred from the Tower of High Sorcery at Nightlund and now resided in a secluded grove of trees in the Southern part of Nightlund. His humble cottage is more than meets the eyes.

Dalamar had issued a sending to Jenna requesting her presence. She had come to his study expecting anything but this.

Dalamar had informed her of Raistlin’s return in a most casual manner, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Raistlin the Black, an archmage who had risen to challenge the Gods, the former Master of the Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas. He was supposed to be dead.

Dalamar set his empty cup down upon a low table to the side of his chair. The pot levitated and tipped itself, pouring steaming tea from its spout. The fragrance of freshly brewed Yasmin leaves wafted across the room.

Dalamar smiled at the obvious discomfiture of Jenna. Ignoring the look of annoyance that Jenna threw at him, Dalamar took another sip of the tea. “My Shalafi is not dead. Neither is he truly what you might call alive. He exists, but is no longer merely mortal. He no longer has need of air, water or food.”

Jenna pursed her lips. “Is he a God then? That is what he has always wanted, yes?”

Dalamar shook his head. “No. He does not desire Godhood. He does not desire to be worshipped. I think he fears it would detract from his studies. He said that to be a God is to become. He wants to stay in the process of becoming, for to become would mean the end. I myself shudder at the thought of what it could imply. At the power my Shalafi will gather. His ambition is immeasurable.”

“Is he a lich then?”

Dalamar seemed to grow exasperated. “By the Gods, no! He is sustained by magic and force of will alone. The closest that you could think of him as being would be a magical aberration… If you insist on pigeon holing everything that you cannot understand. He is now a truly unique being. He has ascended to another level. He has taken to wearing robes of green to show his transcendence above the Orders.”

“Hmmm. Well, where is he now?”

Dalamar smiled caustically. “Why? Do you want to meet him?”

Jenna shifted in her chair. “No. Not particularly. No.”

Dalamar’s smile grew wider. “Why not? I’m sure that he would be pleased to enlighten you. I would’ve thought you would be dying of curiosity.”

Jenna glared. “True. But I have no wish to die for my curiousity.”

Dalamar took another sip. “Well, he’s moved back into the Tower of High Sorcery at Nightlund. He’s converted the Tower into his own demiplane.”

Jenna gaped, and then shook herself when she became conscious of the fact. She tried to recover her calm by smoothening her skirt. Thoughts raced through her head as she contemplated on the magical strength needed to complete that exercise by oneself. Not all the thoughts were pleasant.

Dalamar did not even bother to hide his smirk. “Well, the reason I’ve asked you here is not to discuss my Shalafi, interesting though he is.”

Jenna arched an eyebrow.

Dalamar continued, “It is to pass on to you what my Shalafi told me.”

“What did Raistlin say to you?”

“Disturbing things. He has informed that the Dome of Creation, that shields us from the vagaries of the Ethereal Sea, has been weakened and thinned. This is due to Takhisis stealing the world as well as the loss of both the powers of Paladine and my former Dark Queen. Though the Gods have returned, the other planes are now more accessible. Extraplanar entities will also find access to the Prime easier than ever. You might notice that if you were to try plane shifting now, it takes less effort.”

Jenna nodded. “I have found that I needed to draw less on my reservoir to teleport ever since the Gods returned. I did not know that was the reason.”

Dalamar nodded. “He has also instructed me to carry out certain tasks.”

Jenna narrowed her eyes. “What tasks?” Visions of Apocalypse come down on Krynn flashed through her mind.

Dalamar laughed as he read her thoughts. “He wants me to rebuild the Orders of High Sorcery. To hold a conclave, and reorganise the Order.”

Jenna nodded. This, she could agree with. It was what she and Dalamar had both been trying to accomplish since the end of the War of Souls. “Does he not know that we have been trying but have failed thus far? Those Sorcerers have their Academy of Sorcery.”

Dalamar smiled again. “They used to have their Academy. And we used to have our Towers. However, now they do not have anything, while we still retain our Tower.”

“Does he intend to re-open the Tower of High Sorcery at Wayreth?”


“How then does he intend that we accomplish this rebuilding?”

Dalamar produced a scroll from the folds of his robes. “This was scribed by my Shalafi himself. A spell of immense power. It would enable us to rebuild the Tower of Wayreth. He has dictated that it be located in Nightlund. That the Academy be incorporated into the Orders. Neither primal magic, nor our godly magic can claim ascendancy. They are but different ways of manipulating the same force. The Academy shall accept and teach all who show the talent the best ways of handling the magic for each individual. Apprentices who pass the Test shall be named in the rolls of the Orders and join each Order as befitting their tendencies. The three Orders of White, Red and Black robes shall remain. Those who wield the Primal Magic shall be given equal standing in the Orders. The Orders are to remain apolitical and be a force unto itself. As always, our first loyalty is to be to the Magic and the Orders. The Conclave shall be reconvened with four representatives from each Order. The head of each Order will be decided within the Order itself.”

Jenna sank back into the chair. “This is all a lot to take in and accomplish. But, first things first. What of the Tower? May I see the scroll?”

Dalamar handed the scroll over Jenna, and she unrolled it on her lap. “This spell is beyond my, yours or even our power to cast. Perhaps we should keep it for a later time.”

Dalamar shook his head. “Do you not think that I have thought of scribing it as well? There are many who would die for this spell in their books. My Shalafi has warned me that anyone attempting to do so would undoubtedly come to a most horrific instantaneous end. And the spell would be lost.”

“I see. He does not trust much, does he?”

Dalamar smiled, and said with a touch of emotion, “He can be generous when he wants to. In fact, he can be anything he wants to. He is, after all, my Shalafi.”

“So what do we do with the scroll?”

“We will assemble a cabal of like-minded mages. We will hold the First Conclave and announce our plans to them. Then, we will band our energies together to cast and control the spell. The drain of this spell will be shared equally among all of us. I am aware that I am not liked nor trusted among our peers at the moment. I am afraid that it will be up to you to convince the others to join in.”

“I will do my best. Though, I think that we should leave Raistlin’s involvement out for the moment.”

Dalamar nodded. “I will study the spell and prepare the components necessary.”

Jenna stood up and straightened her skirt. “I will leave now. There is much to be done.”

Dalamar sprang up and encircled his arms about her waist.

Jenna turned and kissed him. “Take care now. Raistlin is dangerous.”

Dalamar released her and she walked to the door. Opening it, she turned and asked, “Did he say anything about your treachery to Palin?”

Dalamar smiled grimly. “He said. I forgive you. But I will not forget.”
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