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DragonStar: Deep Space Rogues Gallery


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Here are the Characters in my Dragonstar Campaign. I'll also be posting Monster & Villian Stats from time to time.

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Mossaka The Drogre (Velenne)

Male Half-ogre Half-Dragon (white) (ECL +4) Barbarian 1; Large-size Dragon;
HD 1d12+5 (17 hp); Init +0 (+0 Dex); Spd 40 ft. Fly 40 (Average) AC 24 (10 base +8 natural +6 armor +1 deflection -1 size; touch 17, flat-footed 24); Atk +11/+9/+9 melee (Bite/Claw/Claw; 1d8+11, 1d6+5); SA Rage, Cone of Cold (3d6; Ref 16 Half); SQ Cold Immune, Giant Blood; AL CG; SV Fort +7, Ref +0, Will ?1; Str 32, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 7, Wis 9, Cha 10.
Languages: Common, Giant, Draconic
Skills: Swim +13, Jump +15, Climb +13; Feats: Multiattack.
Gear: +1 Mithral Breastplate [5,000], Boots of Spider Climbing [2,000], Ring of Protection +1 [2,000].

Background: Tychorwakovilak had lived for four centuries before he, the Frozen Heart of the North, had amassed enough power to begin the transfiguration of the ogres whom he had subjugated after years of warfare. Having stayed his white-scaled hand during the war between the ogres and humans, he had placed himself in excellent position to descend upon the weakened victor. And so he had.
With nearly a hundred ogres under his sole command, the white wyrm chose his first subject. The human woman was said to carry ogre progeny and so he hoped this first creature would be given the best traits of its parents, as well as his own cunning and ferocity.
He was sorely disappointed.
How the dragon gnashed his sword-like teeth as the monstrosity that was Mossaka grew to be a simple, gentle giant. In truth, it seemed the vile creature had inherited nothing from any of his parents but brute strength and an alarm capacity to kill when he wanted to. Well, he would be good for something at least. Though he was worshipped among the ogres, Mossaka could never keep his attention on anything for long and never found any true friends amongst his people. In the deepest part of one winter, as Tychorwakovilak lay as he did for months at a time, Mossaka took flight into the frigid winds and made his way south, never to be heard from again.

DM Comments: 4 more Skill points, 1000 gp unspent.
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Sasaki Kojiro (ErichDragon)

Sasaki Kojiro
Male Half-Celestial Human ECL +4 Samurai 1; Medium-size Humanoid;
HD 1d10+5 (15); Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 20 ft. / Fly 40 ft. (good); AC 21 (+7 Great Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Natural, +1 ring; touch 11, flat-footed 18); Atk +7 melee (Katana 1d10+7); SA Ancestral Daisho, Light at will, Prot. from Evil 3/day, Bless 1/day; SQ Half-Celestial traits; AL LG SV Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +7; Str 22, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12.
Languages: Common, Bonus Lang
Skills: Diplomacy 4 (+6), Intimidate 4 (+6), Iaijutsu Focus 4 (+6), Sense Motive 4 (+6), Swim 3 (+9)*, Spot 2.5 (+9), Listen 2.5 (+4) Feats: Weapon Focus: Katana, Flyby Attack, Iron Will;
*Armor Check Penalty (-5)
Half-Celestial Traits: Low-light vision, Immune: Acid, Cold, Disease, Electricity, +4 Fort vs. Poison
Gear: Katana +1 [2000], MW Wakizashi, Great Armor [1000], Gauntlets of Ogre Power [4000], Cloak of Resistance +1 [1000], Ring of Protection +1 [2000] Courtier's Outfit, Bedroll, Whetstone, Prayer Beads, Incense sticks, Flint and Steel, 5 days Rations

Background: Sasaki Kojiro is the result of the union between a Celestial courtesan and a Human Samurai of unsurpassed virtue. The Courtesan was ordered by her master to seduce the Samurai and bring his seed to the Celestial court. Their offspring would be raised as a ward of the Daimyo, and become a great warrior.

Sasaki grew up in the service of his Daimyo Miramotu Kenji, serving as a Samurai in the Celestial Court. He is the very model of a warrior following the code of Bushido. He faithfully executed every on of his Daimyo's orders, always aware that failure meant death. Either at the hands of his enemies or by his own act of seppuku.

Now Sasaki is alone, with no master to determine his fate. He must slowly learn to become his own master, adhering to Bushido as best as his circumstances allow.
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Horatio The Salesman (Calim)

Horatio The Salesman
Male Human Psion (Nomad) 5; Medium-size Humanoid;
HD 5d4 (12 hp); Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Armor +3 Dex; touch 13, flat-footed 11); BAB +2; Atk ; SQ human traits; AL CG; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +8; Str:10, Dex:16, Con:11, Int:14, Wis:10, Chr:16.
Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven.
Skills: Appraise +5, Autohypnosis +4, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +19, Forgery +6, Innuendo +2, Intuit Direction +1, Knowledge (Psionics) +5, Psicraft +10, Remote View +10, Disguise +2, Gather Info +2; Feats: Charlatan, Run, Trustworthy.
PSP: 19 (base +10, bonus +9).
Psionic Combat Abilities: Empty Mind, Id Insinuation, Intellect Fortress, Mental Barrier, Mind Blast, Thought Shield, Tower of Iron Will.
Psionic Powers Known: 0: Catfall, Distract, Float, Memory Recall; 1: Call Weaponry, Lesser Mindlink, Minor Creation; 2: Levitate, Sudden Minor Creation.
Gear: Explorer?s Outfit, Signet Ring (Bluff +10) grants a Circumstance bonus to selected skill [2005], Dorje (Lesser Body Adjustment) [750], Signet Ring (Diplomacy +10) grants a Competance bonus to selected skill [2005], Dorje (Minor Creation) [750], Psicrystal (Liar) [100], Dorje (Trinket) [375], Cloak of Resistance +1 [1000], Bracers of Armor +1 [1000], Double-sided Clothes [50],
Smokebomb [70] 100gp.

Background: The Barker, the Snake oil purveyor, Horatio goes town to town making a living off his talent at talking to people and selling them whatever they will buy. He has made a good living doing this but he does not get to stay anywhere to long usually just ahead of the local authorities. He loves his life and he is always looking for bigger and better cons. He does not know where his Psionic powers came from being an orphan and all, he just loves that they are there to keep him company. He does not like to fight but when he has to his powers aid him again by providing a weapon to use.


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Tenos Urahee (Vargo)

Tenos Urahee
Male Elf Rogue 3/Fighter 2; Medium-size Humanoid;
HD 3d6+3/2d10+2 (27 hp); Init +4 (+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 19 (+5 armor +4 dex); touch 14, flat-footed 19; BAB +4; Atk +6 melee +11 range (whip dagger 1d6+3, 15ft.); SA Rogue Abilities; SQ Elf Traits; AL CG; SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2; Str:15, Dex:18, Con:12, Int:13, Wis:12, Chr:10.
Language: Common, Elven, Draconic
Skills: Climb +10(8), Craft(Leatherworking) +9(8), Hide +10(6), Jump +12(8), Listen +9(6), Search +9(6), Spot +9(6), Swim +10(8), Tumble +12(6), Use Rope +8(4); Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Whip/Whip Dagger), Point blank shot, Precise shot, Weapon Focus(Whip/Whip Dagger)
Rogue Abilities: Sneak Attack +2d6, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge.
Elf Traits: +2 to saves versus Enchantments, Immune to Sleep spells and effects,
Low light vision, +2 on Listen, Search, and Spot checks, Automatic search check within 5'.
Gear: +1 Mighty (+2) Whip Dagger [1625], Whip, +1 Breastplate [1350], Slippers of spider climbing [2000], Heward's handy haversack [2000], Longsword, Composite Longbow, 60 arrows, 2 vials of antitoxin, bedroll, marble w/Continual Flame cast on it, 5 pieces colored chalk (white, red, yellow, blue, black), 1 grappling hook, 250' rope, 10' pole, 4 tanglefoot bags

Background: Tenos was brought up on the streets by a fagin, who used him primarily to prep the escape routes for the other children. One day, a band of slavers bought most of the children off the fagin - and Tenos helped them escape. While under the slavers, he came to hate their whips, but realized the supreme irony in using their own weapons against them, and decided to master the use of the whip.

Tenos has become a minor thorn in the side of many slaver organizations, and he is beginning to gain a bit of a reputation - something that will bite him if he's not careful.


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Kaalek Vesh (Mickerus)

Kaalek Vesh
Male Human Wizard 5; Medium-size Humanoid;
HD 5d4-5 (10 hp); Init +3 (+3 Dex), Spd 30ft.; AC 15 (Base 10, +3 Dex, +1 natural, +1 deflection), touch 14, flat-footed 12; BAB +2, Atk ; SQ Human Traits; AL TN; SV Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 8, Int 19, Wis 11, Cha 10.
Language: Common, Draconic, Ignan, Terran, Goblin
Skills: Alchemy +10(6), Concentration +7(8), Intimidate +4(3), Knowledge (Arcana) +12(8), Knowledge (The Planes) +10(6), Scry +10(6), Spellcraft +12(8), Listen +2(2), Diplomacy +3(2); Feats: Improved Familiar, Toughness, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Scribe Scroll, Summon Familiar, Spell Mastery (mage armor, summon monster I, vampiric touch, mirror image).
Spells Book: 0: All, 1: Serpent's Stare (Relics and Rituals 2), Shield, Mage Armor, Sleep, Comprehend Languages, Summon Monster I, Chill Touch, Mount, Unseen Servant, Ray of Enfeeblement, Magic Missile, Corrosive Grasp (Magic of Faerun) 2: Ghoul Touch, Mirror Image, Summon Monster II, 3: Enhance Familiar (Tome and Blood), Vampiric Touch.
Gear: Amulet of Natural Armor +1 [2000], Ring of Protection +1 [2000], Quarterstaff +1 [2000], 3 potions of cure light wounds [150], 5 Healing Salves [250], Cloak of Resistance +1 [1000] (Scrolls bought and scribed: magic missile [25], acidic curse [25]), explorer's outfit, silvered dagger(10), masterwork dagger [302], spell component pouch(5), pearl of power (1st level) [1000], spellbook, 123 gold

Familiar: Quarrop: Eyeball Tiny Aberration;
HD 1d8-1 (3 hp); Init +3; Spd 5, Fly 40 (good); AC 21 (+3 Dex, +4 size, +4 natural); Atk Eye ray +7 Ranged Touch, Bite -3 melee; SA Familiar Abilities, Eye Rays; SQ Flight, All-round Vision, Immune: Charm and command effects ; AL TN; SV Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +4; Str: 6, Dex: 16, Con: 9, Int: 8, Wis: 10, Cha: 10.
Skills: Hide +15, Search +6, Spot +6
Special Abilities/Feats: Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Touch, Speak with Master, Eye Rays (Daze DC 10, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Spellray), Immunities (charm and command effects), All-around Vision, Flight

Background: Just one hundred years ago, Saaran was a thriving world, not much different than most others. It was covered by rich blue oceans and verdant green forests, and was populated by many different races. It was also one hundred years ago when the Great Star was first seen. Some seers claimed it was a terrible omen, but few put much stock in such silly notions made by obvious madmen. Soon after, the Great Star plummeted to the earth, smashing into the cold north with such an impact that it was eventually felt by even those in the southern kingdoms.

Today, Saaran is dying. The very earth is blowing itself apart, with even long-dormant volcanoes erupting almost constantly. Plague and famine have spread across the land with terrifying speed, and the sky is so filled with ash that even on the clearest and brightest days the sky is a dull gray. Terrible monsters that before only dared to lurk deep beneath the surface are now walking the land preying on whatever they can find, and the goblinoid races have laid siege on every patch of civilization left standing.

There is little hope left for the people of Saaran. Those few with the power to escape into the planes vanished long ago, leaving little of worth behind them.

Kaalek Vesh was an apprentice to one of these archmages. He was left behind long ago, and ever since has been frantically researching whatever he can to find a way to escape Saaran. Though he's long been certain that the planes are his key, so little information is left that this research is frustratingly difficult. He is almost ready to give up completely and accept his fate...

Description: Kaalek Vesh is a male human with dark skin (he is often mistaken for either a drow or half-drow), a shaved head, and pale blue eyes. Though he is actually quite frail (the price of malnourishment and ash-filled air), it isn't readily apparent due to his voluminous robes. He usually wears a thick scarf that covers his mouth and nose (to help filter out ash and smoke), and is often hunched over a gnarled black staff. He is almost always accompanied by his familiar, a strange creature that appears to be a miniature beholder with four eyestalks.


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Banwyl ap Gwion (mirthcard)

Banwyl ap Gwion
Male Human Monk 1/Paladin 4; Medium-size Humanoid;
HD 1d8+1/4d10+4 (33 hp); Init +4 (+3 Dex, +1 gloves); Spd 30 ft.; AC 18 (+4 Dex, +4 Wis), touch 18, flat-footed 10; BAB +4; Atk +6 melee (1d8+2:Heavy Mace, 1d6+2:Short Sword) +8 range (1d6+2:Shortbow); SA Unarmed [1D6+2], Stunning Attack, Smite Evil, Turn Undead: 6/day as Cleric 2; SQ Wis Mod to AC, Evasion, Detect Evil, Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Divine Health, Aura of Courage, Remove Disease; AL LG; SV Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +11, STR 14, DEX 18, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 18, CHA 10.
Language Common;
Skills: Balance +11(5), Handle Animal +7(7), Heal +9(5), Jump +9(5), Ride +9(5), Tumble +11(5); Feats: Far Shot, Improved Unarmed Strike, Point Blank Shot, Serenity [Your wisdom, inner calm and sagacity fuels your class abilities rather than your force of personality or will. Prerequisite: Divine Grace. Benefit: Use your Wisdom bonus in place of your Charisma bonus for purposes of Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Smite Evil and Turn Undead. Dragon #306.]
Gear Everburning Torch, Gloves of Dexterity +2, Periapt of Wisdom +2, Scroll of Cure Light Wounds (5), Arrows (20), Backpack, Bedroll, Cleric's Vestments, Flint & Steel, Healer's Kit, Holy Water (3), Manacles, Monk's Outfit, Sack, Silver Holy Symbol, Tanglefoot Bag, Torch, Trail Rations (7), Waterskin;
Spells per day: 1st - 1 [+1 Wis]
Spell Prepared: 1st - Divine Sacrifice. Sacrifice hp for a damage bonus. [Defenders of the Faith]; Spell Save DC: 14

Description: Banwyl has tan, weathered skin from years of long, hard travel. His black hair is always kept to a bare stubble and his body is trim and fit but solid. Quiet and serene, Banwyl is often the calm presence in the eye of a storm.

Background: Banwyl is an Arbiter, one of an small but trusted order of peacekeepers who has been awarded the autonomy to bring peace and justice to the wild and lawless areas of his homeland. Arbiters are rigorously trained in matters of the mind, the body and most importantly the soul in order that they may better tame the wild and protect the innocent. Traveling on his own from settlement to settlement, Banwyl has established a reputation of being fair in his judgments and swift in implementing them. But even the best lawmen gain their share of enemies. Banwyl often feels that it is just a matter of time before he runs across an evil he cannot best. However, his grim dedication to the law and his belief in equality for all help him overcome any doubts he might have.


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Monster Stats from the First Combat:

Juvenile Flayer Beast: Medium-sized aberration; CR 3; HD 3d8+6 (19hp); Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 40 ft.; AC 13 (+1 Dex, +2 Natural); touch 13, flat-footed 12; Atk +6 melee (2 claws 1d4+4) +1 bite (1d6+2); SA Psionics; SQ Sent, Telepathy (Su); AL NE; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2; Str:19, Dex:13, Con:15, Int:2, Wis:12, Chr:6.
Skills: Climb +6, Listen +4, Spot +7, Swim +8;
Psionics (Sp) At will- sense psionics. These abilities are as the powers manifested by a 11th-level psion. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will - mind blast/empty mind.

Adult Flayer Beast: Large-sized aberration; CR 6; HD 5d8+16 (43 hp); Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 40 ft.; AC 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 Natural); touch 15, flat-footed 14; Atk +8 melee (2 claws 1d4+4) +4 bite (1d6+2); SA Psionics, SQ Sent, Telepathy (Su); AL NE; SV Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3; Str:19, Dex:13, Con:15, Int:2, Wis:12, Chr:6.
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +7, Swim +8;
Psionics (Sp) At will- stomp, concussion, sense psionics. These abilities are as the powers manifested by a 11th-level psion. Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will - ego whip, mind blast/empty mind, mental barrier.

Voidrunner's Codex

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