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Drazulfel's Core Adventure Path


First Post
My family is new to 4E, and my youngest son is brand new to paper 'n pencil RPG's altogether. We decided to get our feet wet with the core adventure path. Yeah, I know, there are probably a dozen or more threads for Keep on the Shadowfell already. Well, this one's mine! As of this initial posting, we're about 4 sessions deep...

The dawn of the new year was a special day for five, young, long-time friends. After 12 long years as students in the Junior Academy of the Cobalt order, for Paget the halfling, Bakbuk the dwarf, Phoebe the half-elf, Gildras the tiefling, and Raxil--the spindly lone human in the group--today was graduation day! The group didn't care one bit for the pomp and pageantry of the occasion. They all simply wanted to get it done and over with.

Several hours after the final party guests went home, Paget came running excitedly into the courtyard, the friends' traditional hangout. From past experience, the friends knew that when Paget was excited, trouble was generally on the near horizon. The young halfling was frantically waving a piece of paper in his hands, yelling "Guys, guys! Guess what?!"

Paget explained that he had overheard a conversation between Lord Warden Somerset--the lord protector of the sleepy outpost community of Harkewnwold--and a high ranking member of the Nentir Vale's cartographers guild. The guildsman, one Parle Cranewing, was offering the sum of 250 gold pieces for completed maps of various locations throughout the Vale. One of the locations was some old, ruined keep, located at the foot of the Cairngorn Mountains, near a town called Winterhaven.

The friends' ears perked up at the mention of the Cairngorns. For years, they had talked and dreamed about leaving the boredom of Harkenwold, and heading out on bold adventures, hunting trolls among Cairngorn's peaks. Paget announced that he had secured the contract for the ruined keep, and slapped a map of the Nentir Vale on the table in front of his friends.

The breathless halfling rambled on that, at only 120 miles away, the friends could reach Winterhaven in barely a week, map out the old ruins, and be back in Harkenwold to collect their fee before the month of Anyas was half over. "TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY gold! Do you know what we could do with two hundred and fifty gold?!"

The half-elf, Phoebe--ever insightful--quickly surmised that Paget wasn't telling the whole story. Paget might like to exaggerate, but he could never lie outright to Phoebe's face. Her stern glare always seemed to be enough to break his will. "Well, maybe I didn't exactly... technically... secure the contract, so to speak. But, that's not the point. The point is, that keep's out there, and two hundred and FIFTY gold are ours for the taking!"

No matter how skeptical, the halfling's friends were powerless to resist Paget's enthusiasm. Besides, the lure of the Cairngorns and a purse full of gold was practically a dream come true. The five agreed to gather up their meager savings, make plans and purchase supplies, and leave for Winterhaven the following week.

4E Meta:
Phoebe's Passive Insight score of 15 was high enough to overcome Paget's Bluff roll of 13. That's how she knew he wasn't quite telling the whole truth, even though M didn't actively roll to challenge the validity of the halfling's claims.

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First Post
Starday, 7th Anyas, 528 NR

The friends were packed and ready to go! On a cool and pleasant Starday morning, they departed from Harkenwold for the start of their "one week, easy walk" to Winterhaven in the Cairngorns, 120 miles away along the King's Road.

The first half of the journey was relatively uneventful, though progress was much slower than planned. After slightly more than a full week, the party was just crossing the Nentir River, the half-way point of their journey to Winterhaven. Things went downhill from there...

Day 2 - Arrive at the edge of Harken Forest
Day 4 - Emerge from Harken Forest
Day 6 - Stay overnight in Fallcrest
Day 7 - Crossing of the Nentir River
Day 9 - Light rains begin
Day 11 - Heavy storms
Day 12 - Heavy storms, mudslides hamper progress
Day 13 - Heavy storms, slow going
Day 14 - Wrong turn towards Gardmore Abbey
Day 15 - Double back towards King's Road
Day 16 - Back on the right path towards Winterhaven
Day 17 - First attack by small band of Kobolds. Scared off with no combat, due to being outnumbered.
Day 18 - Wolves invade camp. Stuck in a tree for a day and a half.

DM Note: None of this played out. I simply filled these events in on the campaign calendar, and related them at the table in order to deflate character egos, and introduce a feeling of exhaustion, frustration, and aggravation towards Paget. There was some eye-rolling, grumbling, and giggling from M, Z and X, so it worked well.

Incidentally, the Cairngorns are a real place. Check out this panoramic picture! (Click the thumbnail to enlarge... at least, a little bit.)

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First Post
Starday, 25th Anyas, 528 NR
DM Disclaimer: The fact that, so far, every significant event has occurred on a Starday is coincidence... fickle dice!
In the early evening of the 18th day, three whole weeks after departing from Harkenwold (according to the cycles of the moon, Nenorith) the exausted group of young friends crested a narrow rise and came within sight of the tiny walled village of Winterhaven. Situated at the top of a tall hill, the party could clearly see their end goal, though it was still many miles away. Likewise, even in the failing light of dusk, they could see the town gates swinging shut, and hear the dull "boom" of the heavy doors slamming to, as the guards secured the community for the night to come.

Four pairs of glaring eyes turned towards Paget. Nonplussed, the halfling offered up some so-called good news. "Just a few hundred yards back, I saw a nice, little, rocky roadside clearing that would make a perfect camp site! It looked comfortable, pleasant, and safe." Silently, the grumpy band turned around and followed Paget to the clearing. When it came into view, Raxil--who had been dabbling in the arcane arts for years--prepared to cast a scorching burst, to start a quick and easy campfire. While he was distracted, small creatures that were hiding behind the rocks sprang into view, and began moving towards the friends.

Paget cried out in warning, "Kobolds! We're under attack!" Drawing his twin daggers, the halfling rogue rushed out into the middle of the road, and in a fluid twirling motion he let loose with one of his blades, which took one of the reptilian creatures square in the chest, quickly dispatching it. The next several minutes were a flurry of chaos.

Phoebe called upon her divine powers as an apprentice cleric of Bahamut, and vaporized a second minion with a blast of searing, golden radiance. Bakbuk grunted, drew his fighter's axe, and trotted into the heat of battle, ready to take on whichever foe was within his reach. Suddenly, three more kobolds came into view. On the south side of the road, two heavily armored, and shield-carrying draconian thugs emerged from behind a rock. Across from them, a wildly cackling young kobold lept up on top of a boulder and began spinning a pot of flaming oil around in a sling, its eyes focused on Raxil. In its insane bloodlust, the creature misjudged the height of the boulder, and burst the flaming pot on the side of the rock, dousing its leg with hot oil. Raxil, despite himself, burst into a fit of giggles as he watched his diminutive foe leap around in circles, cursing, and trying to extinguish itself.

The friends easily picked off the minions, one by one, but not before Paget suffered two painful jabs from thrown javelins, one to each shoulder. The armored dragonshields and the slinger proved more difficult. Phoebe flung divine radiance left and right, but seemed to have a hard time hitting her targets. Finally, she settled into a rhythm of keeping the reckless wizard, Raxil, from getting himself killed, which was almost more than she could handle... especially when the slinger's second flaming pot nailed the young wizard solidly in the chest. The evil creature giggled with glee, considering this turn of events to be fitting retribution for the human scum's earlier mirth, at its expense. Poor Raxil started to panic as the front of his robe burst into flame.

After jumping on top of a boulder, Paget was able to land a blow on one of the dragonshields and drive it away from his friends. Now extinguished (but still smoldering) Raxil seized the opportunity to cast a sleep spell on the creature, but neglected to pay attention to the proximity of his friends... and himself. In all, the dragonshield, Paget, Phoebe, and Raxil himself fell under the thrall of the sleep spell. Fortunately, all three companions were able to shake off its effects. Unfortunately, so did the armored kobold! Meanwhile, the tiefling warlord, Gildras, had suffered a string of near-useless attacks, and grew weary of failure. He backed up, and with a vicious charge and a battle cry, he effectively obliterated one of the dragonshields.

Paget jumped off of the rock, and used his momentum to bury his dagger into the back of the other dragonshield, ending its life. Alone, frightened, and desperate, the kobold slinger threw down his sling, drew his dagger, and leaped into the fray. The little creature managed to take a good sized chunk out of the dwarf, Bakbuk. But, the silent warrior would have none of it. Summoning all of his might, Bakbuk swung his axe in a blinding arc that didn't so much kill the slinger, as it did erase the unfortunate creature from existence.

The fight was over, and the tired and wounded friends focused their angry gazes back on Paget. The ever-cheerful halfling pranced across the road and sat in the grass in the middle of the clearing. Looking around with a pleased expression, as he wiped the blood off of his daggers, he smiled to his friends and said, "See! Comfortable, pleasant, and safe!"

4E Meta: The ability of a Fighter to mark his target was very effective in this battle. One of the dragonshields had several opportunities to lash out at weaker enemies, but the mark kept his attention focused on Bakbuk. I thought it fair to play it that way, instead of allowing the kobold to make the other attacks with penalties, because dragonshields are also experienced fighters. They wouldn't turn their backs on a dangerous melee combatant, like Bakbuk. And dangerous he was! That last kill was a Brute Strike, a fighter's level 1 Daily. He smashed that poor little booger for almost 30 damage!

X's Sleep spell hit everyone in its range. In 4E rules, that means that everyone was instantly slowed, limiting movement to 2 squares per round. A slowed character makes a save on its first turn after being struck by Sleep. A successful save negates the effect. Failure, and he falls asleep. All four of X's victims... three of whom were his allies... managed to make their saves!

End Notes: The only loot that the party managed to gain was 35 measly silver. Paget noted that the even distribution of coins among the kobolds indicated that someone probably paid them to set up that ambush. The party cleaned up, made camp, and plans to continue on to Winterhaven in the morning.

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First Post
Sunday, 26th Anyas, 528 NR, Dawn

Morning dawned, and after breaking their fast with some hard crusts of bread, the five adventuresome friends cleaned up their campsite and marched down the hillside towards Winterhaven. The sun shining brightly against the facade of the Cairngorns greatly improved their moods. In fact, Phoebe, Bakbuk, Raxil and Gildras almost forgot that they were supposed to be mad at Paget! Almost.

Upon arriving at the town wall, the gate guards offered the companions a friendly greeting, and directed them towards the market square, where Market Day was just getting underway. The friends looked around, but saw little of interest. Small tables and carts were set up throughout the square, most containing a sad looking assortment of vegetables, and stringy meats. A few vendors sold some curious, if useless, odds and ends. Raxil examined the knick-knacks, and practiced making fire in his hands while the rest of the party continued to look around.

An aging elf woman, and her beautiful arrangements of wildflowers, caught the group's attention. When they approached her, the woman--who later identified herself as Delphina--greeted them warmly and offered a fresh, spring flower to each. Phoebe was wary of the elf's overt friendliness, and risked some measure of offense by carefully examining her gift. But, nobody could detect any sign of malice. The flower vendor's cheerful nature seemed genuine.

Delphina remarked that she was pleased to see newcomers in Winterhaven, and lamented that, of late, travelers in and out of town were scarce due to the recent rash of kobold raids. She suggested that such a strong, and brave group of adventurers should find the time to speak to Ernest Padraig, the Lord of Winterhaven. He might be interested in the friends' assistance in ridding his community of the plague of kobolds.


After talking to a few other villagers, the friends discovered that the most likely place to find Lord Padraig at breakfast time was inside Wrafton Inn, Winterhaven's only accommodations. They met back up with Raxil, and discovered that he had acquired a crude map of the lands surrounding Winterhaven. The map was near useless, as it contained almost no landmarks other than Winterhaven itself. But, Raxil was very proud of himself, so his friends humored him.


Inside the Wrafton Inn, the party was greeted enthusiastically by Susan Wrafton, the owner. She ushered them to a clean table by the fireplace, and offered a hot breakfast of eggs, bread, and fresh milk. Susan apologized profusely for not being able to offer anything more substantial or tasty. She explained that she was expecting a double wagon-load of supplies the previous morning, but the merchants never showed up. With all the kobold and goblin activity in the area, she feared the worst. Before heading back to the kitchen to prepare their eggs, Susan pointed to Lord Padraig, who was eating his own breakfast at a corner table, and suggested that the newcomers might wish to speak to him.

Gildras approached the Lord of Winterhaven and, after a short conversation, the weary-looking mayor came to the friends' table to speak with them.

“You’ve encountered the kobolds that have turned the old King’s Road and our outlying farms into their personal hunting grounds? Those beasts vex me sorely. Yet the villagers refuse to recognize the seriousness of the problem. Attacks along the road have grown more frequent over the last few months. Something’s stirring the kobolds up. I don’t suppose you would be interested in taking a commission from me? I promise you, I can pay well for your services.”

Furthermore, Lord Padraig stated plainly that, if the party was able to help the people of Winterhaven by making their roadways and farmlands safe again, the residents would most assuredly be willing to aid them in their quest to map out the Keep, which was located north of town.

After such a difficult and tiresome journey from Harkenwold, the companions' supplies were running low, and an offer of gold and assistance for a task as simple as dispatching a few kobolds seemed a no-brainer. Gildras and Lord Padraig settled on the sum of 100 gold for the job. Padraig took Raxil's map, sketched out brief directions to where he believed the kobold hideout to be, and returned it to the young wizard. Before the sun even had a chance to reach high noon, the adventurers were heading back out the east gate of Winterhaven, in search of the kobold lair.
DM Notes: All of this interaction was role played at the game table. The party learned much in a short amount of time. I don't think this in-town encounter took more than 15 minutes out of our afternoon. I could have done a lot more to bring Winterhaven to life, created more in-depth RP opportunities, and possibly even some skill challenges. However, with a 9-year-old at the table, and limited time to be able to play each week, this worked out just fine to keep everyone's interest, and keep the story moving forward.

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First Post
A Change of Pace - Going Digital

DM Note: I didn't like the fact that the first two combat encounters in this module, as written, are almost identical. Both are roadside kobold ambushes, both using the exact same battle map. That's why I had Susan Wrafton mention the missing merchant wagons while the PCs were in town. That gave me the opportunity to exchange the encounter from the module with a substitute encounter from Dungeon Magazine, called Wagon Ambush. It was written as an add-on to Keep on the Shadowfell, so it fit into the adventure perfectly.

Also--and this is huge--this morning and early afternoon, I worked on building out this adventure in Fantasy Grounds II. On Thursday, we played at the table with paper and pencil, and hand-drawn maps. That worked fine, and we had fun. But, it got uncomfortable after a while, and the set-up / clean-up was kind of a drag. Today, M, X and Z sat around the bed and signed in to FGII using M's laptop, while I ran the show from my PC (at my desk, at the foot of the bed). All RP interaction and action description was verbal, face-to-face. We only used FGII for the incredible combat tracking utilities, and battle maps. It worked splendidly! We had a wonderful time, and once I found my DM groove, the game action flowed like milk and honey. In fact, we played for more than six hours! No set-up / clean-up to speak of. What's more, FGII's text log will enable me to provide more detailed combat encounter descriptions in this Story Hour blog. It's win-win!

It's super late. For now, here's the raw FGII log from the first of our two combat encounters, this evening. I'll work on editing it into an interesting Story Hour tomorrow. Well... sorta raw. I cleaned it up a bit and organized it into clear turns and rounds. If you understand D&D, it's actually very readable, and if you care to take the time to read through it, it'll give you a good idea of what 4E meta is like.
Phoebe: [SKILL] Perception [1d20+3 = 21]

[TURN] Phoebe
Phoebe: Power [Beacon of Hope] [std]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Bakbuk] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Paget] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Gildras] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Raxil] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Phoebe] [by Phoebe]

[TURN] Kobold Slyblade

[TURN] Guard Drake

[TURN] Kobold Minion
GM: [ATTACK (R)] Javelin (vs. AC) (Charge attack +1)
GM: [1d20+6 = 14]

[TURN] Kobold Minion
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Javelin (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+5 = 15]

[TURN] Bakbuk
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Cleave (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+6 = 24]
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Cleave
GM: [2d6+3 = 6]
GM: Damage [6] -> [to Kobold Minion] [DYING]
GM: [DAMAGE #2 (M)] Cleave
GM: [1d6+3 = 3]
GM: Damage [3] -> [to Kobold Minion] [DYING]

[TURN] Kobold Minion

[TURN] Paget
GM: [SKILL] Athletics
GM: [1d20+11 = 14]

[TURN] Kobold Minion

[TURN] Goblin Sharpshooter
Goblin Sharpshooter:
GM: [ATTACK (R)] Hand Crossbow (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+9 = 16]
Goblin Sharpshooter:
GM: [DAMAGE (R)] Hand Crossbow
GM: [1d6+4 = 6]
GM: Damage [6] -> [to Paget]

[TURN] Gildras
Gildras: [ATTACK (M)] Viper’s Strike (vs. AC) (Charge attack +1) [1d20+6 = 26]
Attack [26] -> [at Kobold Minion] [AUTOMATIC HIT, CHECK FOR CRITICAL]
Gildras: [DAMAGE (M)] Viper’s Strike [MAX] [CRITICAL] [1d8+3 = 11]
Damage [11] -> [to Kobold Minion]
Gildras: [DAMAGE (M)] Viper’s Strike [MAX] [CRITICAL] [11]
Damage [11] -> [to Kobold Minion] [DYING]

[TURN] Raxil
Raxil: [ATTACK (A)] Scorching Burst (vs. Ref) [1d20+4 = 24]
Attack [24] -> [at Guard Drake] [AUTOMATIC HIT, CHECK FOR CRITICAL]
Raxil: [DAMAGE (A)] Scorching Burst [TYPE: fire] [MAX] [CRITICAL] [1d6+4 = 10]
Damage [10] -> [to Guard Drake]
Damage [10] -> [to Goblin Sharpshooter]

[TURN] Kobold Minion

[TURN] Kobold Minion


[TURN] Phoebe
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Bakbuk] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Paget] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Gildras] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Raxil] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Phoebe] [by Phoebe]
Phoebe: [ATTACK (R)] Lance of Faith (vs. Ref) [1d20+5 = 12]
Attack [12] -> [at Kobold Minion]

[TURN] Kobold Slyblade
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Short Sword (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+9 = 18]
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Short Sword (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+9 = 12]
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Short Sword
GM: [1d6 = 6]
GM: Damage [6] -> [to Phoebe]

[TURN] Guard Drake
Guard Drake:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Bite (vs. AC) (Charge attack +1)
GM: [1d20+7 = 24]
Guard Drake:
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Bite
GM: [1d10+3 = 11]
GM: Damage [11] -> [to Raxil]

[TURN] Kobold Minion

[TURN] Kobold Minion

[TURN] Bakbuk
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Reaping Strike (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+6 = 21]
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Reaping Strike
GM: [2d6+3 = 11]
GM: Damage [11] -> [to Kobold Slyblade]

[TURN] Paget
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Sly Flourish (vs. AC) (Combat Advantage +2)
GM: [1d20+10 = 18]
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Sly Flourish
GM: [1d4+7 = 8]
GM: Damage [8] -> [to Guard Drake]
Paget: [2d8 = 8]
Damage [8] -> [to Guard Drake] [BLOODIED]

[TURN] Kobold Minion

[TURN] Goblin Sharpshooter
Goblin Sharpshooter:
GM: [ATTACK (R)] Hand Crossbow (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+9 = 21]
Goblin Sharpshooter:
GM: [DAMAGE (R)] Hand Crossbow
GM: [1d6+4 = 10]
GM: Damage [10] -> [to Paget]

[TURN] Gildras
Gildras: [ATTACK (M)] Viper’s Strike (vs. AC) (Charge attack +1) [1d20+6 = 15]
Attack [15] -> [at Guard Drake]
Gildras: [ATTACK (M)] Lead the Attack (vs. AC) (Tactical Presence +2) [1d20+7 = 15]
Attack [15] -> [at Guard Drake]

[TURN] Raxil
Raxil: [ATTACK (C)] Burning Hands (vs. Ref) [TARGET 1] [1d20+4 = 15]
Attack [15] -> [at Guard Drake]
Raxil: [ATTACK (C)] Burning Hands (vs. Ref) [TARGET 3] [1d20+4 = 23]
Attack [23] -> [at Paget]
Raxil: [ATTACK (C)] Burning Hands (vs. Ref) [TARGET 2] [1d20+4 = 23]
Attack [23] -> [at Gildras]
Raxil: [DAMAGE (C)] Burning Hands [TYPE: fire] [2d6+4 = 9]
Damage [9] -> [to Guard Drake]
Damage [9] -> [to Gildras]
Damage [9] -> [to Paget] [BLOODIED]
Damage [9] -> [to Gildras]

[TURN] Kobold Minion
Kobold Minion:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Javelin (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20 = 1]

[TURN] Kobold Minion
Kobold Minion:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Javelin (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+5 = 12]


[TURN] Phoebe
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Bakbuk] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Paget] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Gildras] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Raxil] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Phoebe] [by Phoebe]
Phoebe: [HEAL] Healing Word [COST 1] [HSV 1] [1d6 = 3]
Heal [HSV+3] -> [to Gildras]
Gildras: Healing surge used.
Phoebe: [ATTACK (R)] Lance of Faith (vs. Ref) [1d20+5 = 23]
Attack [23] -> [at Guard Drake]
Phoebe: [DAMAGE (R)] Lance of Faith [TYPE: radiant] [1d8+3 = 6]
Damage [6] -> [to Guard Drake]

[TURN] Kobold Slyblade
Kobold Minion:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Short Sword (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+9 = 16]
Kobold Minion:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Short Sword (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+9 = 22]
Kobold Minion:
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Short Sword
GM: [1d6 = 6]
GM: Damage [6] -> [to Bakbuk]

[TURN] Guard Drake
Guard Drake:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Bite (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+6 = 25]
Guard Drake:
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Bite
GM: [1d10+3 = 10]
GM: Damage [10] -> [to Paget] [DYING]

[TURN] Bakbuk
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Spinning Sweep (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+6 = 15]

[TURN] Paget
GM: [SAVE] Saving Throw
GM: [1d20 = 4]
GM: Saving throw [4] -> [for Paget] [FAILURE]

[TURN] Kobold Minion
Kobold Minion:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Javelin (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+5 = 15]

[TURN] Goblin Sharpshooter
Goblin Sharpshooter:
GM: [ATTACK (R)] Hand Crossbow (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20 = 1]
Goblin Sharpshooter:
GM: [DAMAGE (R)] Hand Crossbow
GM: [1d6+4 = 8]
GM: Damage [8] -> [to Kobold Minion] [DYING]

[TURN] Gildras
Gildras: [HEAL] Inspiring Word [COST 1] [HSV 1] [TARGET 2] [1d6 = 4]
Heal [HSV+4] -> [to Paget]
Paget: Healing surge used.
Gildras: [ATTACK (M)] Viper’s Strike (vs. AC) [1d20+5 = 24]
Attack [24] -> [at Guard Drake]
Gildras: [DAMAGE (M)] Viper’s Strike [1d8+3 = 6]
Damage [6] -> [to Guard Drake]

[TURN] Raxil
Raxil: [ATTACK (A)] Scorching Burst (vs. Ref) [1d20+4 = 19]
Attack [19] -> [at Guard Drake]
Raxil: [DAMAGE (A)] Scorching Burst [TYPE: fire] [1d6+4 = 5]
Damage [5] -> [to Guard Drake]

[TURN] Kobold Minion
Kobold Minion:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Javelin (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+5 = 22]
Kobold Minion:
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Javelin
GM: [1d6+4 = 4]
GM: Damage [4] -> [to Bakbuk]


[TURN] Phoebe
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Bakbuk] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Paget] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Gildras] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Raxil] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Phoebe] [by Phoebe]
Phoebe: [ATTACK (R)] Lance of Faith (vs. Ref) [1d20+5 = 20]
Attack [20] -> [at Kobold Slyblade]
Phoebe: [DAMAGE (R)] Lance of Faith [TYPE: radiant] [1d8+3 = 5]
Damage [5] -> [to Kobold Slyblade]
Effect ['TRGT; ATK: 2 power'] -> [to Bakbuk] [by Phoebe]

[TURN] Kobold Slyblade
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Short Sword (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+9 = 21]
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Short Sword (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+9 = 20]
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Short Sword
GM: [1d6 = 1]
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Short Sword
GM: [1d6 = 3]
GM: Damage [1] -> [to Bakbuk]
GM: Damage [3] -> [to Bakbuk]
Effect ['DMGO: 5'] -> [to Bakbuk] [by Kobold Slyblade]

[TURN] Guard Drake
Guard Drake:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Bite (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+6 = 23]
Guard Drake:
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Bite
GM: [1d10+3 = 9]
GM: Damage [9] -> [to Paget] [BLOODIED]

[TURN] Bakbuk
GM: [DAMAGE] Ongoing damage
GM: [1d6+5 = 5]
GM: Damage [5] -> [to Bakbuk]
GM: Damage [5] -> [to Bakbuk] [BLOODIED]
Bakbuk: Power [Spinning Sweep] [std]
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Brute Strike (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+6 = 12]
Effect ['DMGO: 5'] -> [ALLOWS SAVE] [on Bakbuk]
GM: [SAVE] Saving Throw
GM: [1d20 = 19]
Effect ['DMGO: 5'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Bakbuk]

[TURN] Paget
GM: [HEAL] Second Wind [COST 1] [HSV 1]
GM: [1d6 = 0]
Paget: Healing surge used.
Effect ['DEF: 2'] -> [to Paget] [by Paget]

[TURN] Kobold Minion
Kobold Minion:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Javelin (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+5 = 22]
Kobold Minion:
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Javelin
GM: [1d6+4 = 4]
GM: Damage [4] -> [to Bakbuk]

[TURN] Goblin Sharpshooter
Goblin Sharpshooter:
GM: [ATTACK (R)] Hand Crossbow (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+9 = 11]

[TURN] Gildras
Gildras: [ATTACK (M)] Viper’s Strike (vs. AC) (Charge attack +1) [1d20+6 = 7]

[TURN] Raxil
Raxil: [ATTACK (R)] Magic Missile (vs. Ref) [1d20+4 = 12]
Attack [12] -> [at Guard Drake]
Raxil: [DAMAGE (R)] Magic Missile [TYPE: force] [2d4+4 = 9]
Damage [9] -> [to Guard Drake] [DYING]
Raxil: [SKILL] Athletics [1d20 = 14]
Raxil: [ATTACK (A)] Scorching Burst (vs. Ref) [1d20+4 = 10]
Attack [10] -> [at Goblin Sharpshooter]

[TURN] Kobold Minion
Kobold Minion:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Javelin (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+5 = 9]


[TURN] Phoebe
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Bakbuk] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Paget] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Gildras] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Raxil] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Phoebe] [by Phoebe]
Phoebe: [HEAL] Healing Word [COST 1] [HSV 1] [EFFECTS +5] [1d6+5 = 11]
Heal [HSV+11] -> [to Bakbuk]
Bakbuk: Healing surge used.
Phoebe: [ATTACK (C)] Divine Glow (vs. Ref) [TARGET 3] [1d20+5 = 18]
Attack [18] -> [at Kobold Minion]
Phoebe: [ATTACK (C)] Divine Glow (vs. Ref) [TARGET 1] [1d20+5 = 9]
Attack [9] -> [at Kobold Slyblade]
Phoebe: [ATTACK (C)] Divine Glow (vs. Ref) [TARGET 2] [1d20+5 = 17]
Attack [17] -> [at Kobold Minion]
Phoebe: [DAMAGE (C)] Divine Glow [TYPE: radiant] [1d8+3 = 9]
Damage [9] -> [to Kobold Minion] [DYING]
Damage [9] -> [to Kobold Minion] [DYING]

[TURN] Kobold Slyblade
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Short Sword (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+9 = 23]
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Short Sword (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+9 = 25]
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Short Sword
GM: [1d6 = 4]
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Short Sword
GM: [1d6 = 6]
GM: Damage [4] -> [to Phoebe]
GM: Damage [6] -> [to Phoebe]
Effect ['DMGO: 5'] -> [to Phoebe] [by Kobold Slyblade]

[TURN] Bakbuk
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Reaping Strike (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+6 = 21]
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Reaping Strike
GM: [2d6+3 = 9]
GM: Damage [9] -> [to Kobold Slyblade] [BLOODIED]

[TURN] Paget
Effect ['DEF: 2'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Paget]
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Deft Strike (vs. AC) (Combat Advantage +2)
GM: [1d20+10 = 16]

[TURN] Goblin Sharpshooter
Goblin Sharpshooter:
GM: Original attack = 20+9=29
Goblin Sharpshooter:
GM: [ATTACK (R)] Hand Crossbow (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20 = 20]
Goblin Sharpshooter:
GM: [DAMAGE (R)] Hand Crossbow [MAX] [CRITICAL]
GM: [1d6+4 = 10]
GM: Damage [10] -> [to Raxil]

[TURN] Gildras
Gildras: [SKILL] Athletics [1d20+7 = 15]
Gildras: [ATTACK (M)] Viper’s Strike (vs. AC) (Charge attack +1) [1d20+6 = 23]
Gildras: [DAMAGE (M)] Viper’s Strike [1d8+3 = 11]
Damage [11] -> [to Goblin Sharpshooter] [BLOODIED]

[TURN] Raxil
Raxil: [ATTACK (R)] Ray of Frost (vs. Fort) [1d20+4 = 18]
Attack [18] -> [at Goblin Sharpshooter]
Raxil: [DAMAGE (R)] Ray of Frost [TYPE: cold] [1d6+4 = 8]
Damage [8] -> [to Goblin Sharpshooter]
Effect ['Slowed'] -> [to Goblin Sharpshooter] [by Raxil]


[TURN] Phoebe
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Bakbuk] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Paget] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Gildras] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Raxil] [by Phoebe]
Effect ['Heal 5'] -> [to Phoebe] [by Phoebe]
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [DAMAGE] Ongoing damage
GM: [1d6+5 = 5]
GM: Damage [5] -> [to Phoebe]
Phoebe: [ATTACK (M)] Healing Strike (vs. AC) [1d20+3 = 22]
Attack [22] -> [at Kobold Slyblade]
Phoebe: [DAMAGE (M)] Healing Strike [TYPE: radiant] [2d8+1 = 14]
Damage [14] -> [to Kobold Slyblade]
Effect ['Marked'] -> [to Kobold Slyblade] [by Phoebe]
Phoebe: [HEAL] Healing Strike [COST 1] [HSV 1] [EFFECTS +5] [1d6+5 = 5]
Heal [HSV+5] -> [to Paget]
Paget: Healing surge used. (+3)
Effect ['DMGO: 5'] -> [ALLOWS SAVE] [on Phoebe]
Phoebe: [SAVE] Saving Throw [1d20+1 = 14]
Effect ['DMGO: 5'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Phoebe]
Saving throw [14] -> [for Phoebe] [VS 'DMGO: 5'] [SUCCESS*]

[TURN] Kobold Slyblade
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Short Sword (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+9 = 13]
GM: Attack [13] -> [at Phoebe] [MISS]
Kobold Slyblade:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Short Sword (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+9 = 11]
GM: Attack [11] -> [at Phoebe] [MISS]

[TURN] Bakbuk
Bakbuk: Power [Reaping Strike] [std]
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Reaping Strike (vs. AC) (Combat Advantage +2)
GM: [1d20+8 = 15]
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Reaping Strike (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+6 = 8]
GM: Attack [8] -> [at Kobold Slyblade] [MISS]

[TURN] Paget
Paget: Power [Deft Strike] [std]
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Deft Strike (vs. AC) (Combat Advantage +2)
GM: [1d20+10 = 21]
GM: Attack [21] -> [at Kobold Slyblade] [HIT]
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Deft Strike
GM: [1d4+4 = 7]
GM: Damage [7] -> [to Kobold Slyblade] [DYING]

[TURN] Goblin Sharpshooter
Goblin Sharpshooter:
GM: [ATTACK (M)] Short Sword (vs. AC)
GM: [1d20+6 = 17]
GM: Attack [17] -> [at Gildras] [MISS]
Gildras: [ATTACK (M)] Melee attack (vs. AC) [1d20+3 = 6]
Attack [6] -> [at Goblin Sharpshooter]

[TURN] Gildras
Gildras: [SKILL] Intimidate [1d20+6 = 26]


Gildras: [SKILL] Intimidate [1d20+6 = 12]
Raxil: [SKILL] Intimidate [1d20 = 5]
Phoebe: [SKILL] Diplomacy [1d20+5 = 21]
Gildras: [SKILL] Intimidate [1d20+6 = 19]
Raxil: [SKILL] Intimidate [1d20 = 6]
Phoebe: [SKILL] Diplomacy [1d20+5 = 15]

DM: Party taking short rest

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First Post
Sunday, 26th Anyas, 528 NR, Noon

4E Meta: This encounter, as written, includes a couple of kobold variations that don't appear in the MM. If we were at the table using pencil & paper, that would be no big deal since the stats and information for these new creatures are provided in the encounter text. However, since we're using FGII now, and I currently have only MM creatures available for me to drag-and-drop, I am very thankful for 4E's NPC "role" designations. It made it quite simple for me to swap out NPC's while still keeping the encounter balanced, and without changing its flavor. For example, Dungeon Magazine called for a Kobold Pikeman, which isn't in FGII's MM module. But, since I knew that the Kobold Pikeman was a level 2 brute, I was able to easily swap it out with another level 2 brute which was able to serve the same purpose in the battle. In this case, I used a Guard Drake. Likewise, Dungeon's Kobold Hurler--a level 2 artillery--was easily replaced with a Goblin Sharpshooter with little-to-no impact.
The friends departed Winterhaven through the east gate, and followed the road back towards their campsite from the night before. After about a mile, they came to the place where Lord Padraig's map notes indicated they should start looking for a wagon trail. After a few minutes, the group found the winding trail, and they turned south off of the main road. The road was filled with rocks and ruts, but it was easy enough to follow--especially with Paget in the lead practically dragging the others along. After another mile, or so, Paget came to a spot where the worn dirt road curved to the southwest, bounded by an increasingly steep escarpment on the east and southeast. A large copse of birches clustered east of the road, and barrels and bags seemed to have tumbled from two wagons that had been overturned. The horses that once drew these wagons were nowhere to be seen.

Paget halted, and raised a hand in warning. Phoebe inched forward and, taking in the scene, wondered aloud if these were, in fact, the ill-fated supply wagons that were bound for the Wrafton Inn. Urging the others into silence, Phoebe concentrated and heard sibilant whispers coming from behind the wagons. She nodded to Paget, and the grim-faced companions drew their weapons. Instantly, they all heard scrabbling and hissing from behind the wagons as kobolds leaped from cover to attack!

Without hesitation, Phoebe called upon Bahamut to protect her friends from harm with a Beacon of Hope. The companions, comforted and encouraged by the blessing of the Platinum Dragon, rushed forward into battle. An armored kobold, twirling twin short swords in a dizzying fashion, stepped out from behind one of the overturned wagons and began to advance towards the party. At the same time, something large rumbled out from behind a stack of overturned barrels at the top of the ledge which overlooked the road, and slowly lumbered in Paget's direction. The halfling was stunned at the site. "Is that... a dragon?!" Paget could barely contain his excitement. "Oh, he's SO mine," he yelled.

Guard Drake

Two squeaking kobold minions pushed past their sword-wielding master to take jabs at Bakbuk with their javelins. The dwarf grinned as he easily swatted their weapons aside and, with a mighty swing of his two-handed maul, he smashed through both reptiles as if they were nothing more than a pair of ripe melons, ending both of their lives in a spray of pink mist. A third minion circled around the wagon, but stopped dead in its tracks when it saw what the mighty Bakbuk had just done to its two allies.

With a mighty war cry, Paget rushed across the road and attempted to scramble up the escarpment, determined to face the approaching drake head on. But, the loose stones and dirt gave way, and the halfling was dumped ignominiously back onto the road. He growled with frustration when yet another minion's head appeared at the top of the ledge, and the creature chuckled at his misfortune. Paget jumped up to threaten the irritating little lizard, when suddenly a goblin stood up from behind a couple of well-placed barrels at the top of the ledge and fired a crossbow bolt into the hapless rogue's hip. Paget cried out in surprise and pain as the green-skinned assailant ducked back down behind the barrels to load another bolt into his weapon.


Kobold minions truly seemed to be crawling out of the woodwork, as another circled around the back of the wagon in the road, and leveled its javelin at the wounded halfling. Without hesitation, Gildras stepped forward and skewered the beast with a quick Viper's Strike from his longsword. Raxil moved forward to stand beside his wounded friend, and unleashed a Scorching Burst over the ledge and into the face of the approaching drake. The beast screeched with pain and rage as the flames washed over its hide, and singed the goblin sharpshooter in the process. Meanwhile, on the road, two more minions stepped out to replace their fallen comrades, and flanked their dual sword-wielding master.

Relief was felt by all of the friends as another wave of Bahamut's healing power washed over them. The cleric, Phoebe, stepped into the fray and unleashed a Lance of Faith towards one of the minions near the cart. Unfortunately, the slyblade kobold rushed forward and managed to knock Phoebe's aim wide with one sword, and cut a gash across her arm with the other. It hissed out an unintelligible threat, and shifted back between its minions, both of whom stepped forward to protect their master from harm. As Phoebe winced in pain, she turned her head just in time to see the drake come barreling over the edge of the escarpment and into the road behind her, its beady eyes focused on the wizard that had brought it pain. The creature opened its jaws, and chomped down hard on Raxil's shoulder, opening a painful gash across the frail wizard's upper chest. Paget reacted instantly. Drawing both daggers, he flanked the scaly beast between himself and Raxil, and tore chunks out of its hide with a sneaky Sly Flourish.

In blind panic, Raxil shoved the drake away with a fiery arcane blast from his Burning Hands spell, not realizing that two of his friends were so close. The drake roared as the wizard burned it a second time, but Gildras and Paget were also engulfed in the sudden gout of flame. The tiefling managed to absorb most of the assault stoically, but Paget was already badly wounded, and Raxil's fire left him in a bloody state. While it was distracted, Gildras attempted to charge at the furious drake with two precision attacks from his longsword, but the heat of the blast and the loose gravel on the road threw the warlord off balance, and it was all he could do to remain on his feet. Meanwhile, the goblin sharpshooter seized the opportunity to launch another bolt into Paget's back, leaving the poor halfing very near to death's door.

Heedless of the chaos and carnage behind him, Bakbuk squared off against the pair of minions near the cart. Both of them tried, once again, to break through the fighter's defenses, but Bakbuk was able to hold them off. However, their coordinated attack caught him off guard to the point where he wasn't able to land a blow on either of them before they shifted, snickering, back to their master's side. Phoebe noted that Bakbuk seemed to be handling himself nicely, so she turned her attention to the melee with the drake. As another healing wave from the cleric's Beacon of Hope rejuvenated the companions, Phoebe uttered a Healing Word on Gildras' behalf, and managed to launch a divinely aimed Lance of Faith into the reptile's flank. With her focus diverted, Phoebe didn't see the slyblade step forward with his twin blades, and slice a chunk of flesh out of Bakbuk's cheek. She turned when the dwarf cried out, and she saw Bakbuk's scowl of pain turn into a look of fear and horror as the drake lunged at Paget, picked him up and shook him in its jaws, and dropped the unconscious and dying halfing onto the rocky road.

Determined to save his friend, Bakbuk tried to break away from the slyblade with a Spinning Sweep, but failed to trip his opponent and was forced to stay locked in melee in order to defend himself when one of the minions lunged forward with its javelin.

Paget gasped for air, and collapsed back into the dirt as the minion from the top of the ledge slid down the embankment and leveled its javelin for the killing blow. The kobold's timing was unfortunate, as at that very moment the goblin re-appeared from behind the barrels and fired its crossbow at the dying halfling, only to pierce the minion through the back of the head, killing it instantly.
4E Meta: On his turn, Paget made a Save vs. Death and failed. A PC that suffers three Save vs. Death failures before being healed or stabilized will die. Fortunately, the goblin rolled a natural 1 on its ranged attack on that round, and I took that as an opportunity to toss a little bit of good fortune the halfling's way and have the stray bolt toast the minion.
Seeing their friend fall renewed Gildras' and Raxil's determination to end the threat of the guard drake. Uttering an Inspiring Word to heal himself of some of his wounds, Gildras pierced the beast with a well-aimed Viper's Strike while Raxil charred more of its flesh with another Scorching Burst. Meanwhile, Bakbuk suffered another painful blow from javelin to the ribs, courtesy of one of the kobold minions, as he tried to claw his way towards Paget and the drake.

Phoebe's Beacon of Hope, blessedly, was able to revive Paget before the Raven Queen took him, and the pure adrenaline of the conflict brought the halfling back to his feet and ready to fight. The drake caught the movement out of the corner of its scorched eye, and lashed out with its teeth, bloodying the poor halfling once more. Realizing that Bakbuk would be invaluable in dispatching the giant lizard, Phoebe turned her attention back to aiding the dwarf. She blasted the advancing slyblade with a Lance of Faith, which invigorated Bakbuk. The dual-wielding kobold reacted with a vicious twin-bladed attack against the dwarf, slashing him with both weapons, and leaving him badly wounded and bleeding. Bakbuk's injuries thwarted his counterattack against the slyblade kobold, but he was able to shake off the effects of his wounds and staunch the bleeding as if by a shear act of will. His grim determination wasn't enough to thwart another painful stab from a minion's javelin.

Meanwhile, Gildras backed away from the enraged guard drake and charged at it with his longsword. The goblin sharpshooter launched a bolt in the tiefling's direction and missed, but Gildras had to side-step the attack to avoid being hit and his own assault failed as a result. Raxil, growing weary of this episode, drew out his wand, and launched a sizzling Magic Missile into the drake's hide, finally slaying the beast! Without waiting for the monster to stop twitching, Raxil ran towards the embankment towards the goblin bowman. But, like Paget, the loose side of the escarpment thwarted his attempt to climb it, and he slid back down into the road behind the overturned wagon as a kobold minion chucked a javelin over the wizard's head.

As Phoebe's opening prayer continued to infuse her companions with divine healing, she blessed Bakbuk with an additional Healing Word, and turned to face the slyblade and its two minion lackeys. With Phoebe calling on the power of Bahamut, a bright glow formed at the slyblade's feet and exploded up and outwards. When the Divine Glow faded, the slyblade was left standing, but the two minions had essentially evaporated. In an act of retaliatory rage, the slyblade launched a whirling assault at the cleric, opening multiple bleeding gashes across her arms and torso. At that moment, refreshed from his double dose of healing, Bakbuk stepped in and slammed the slyblade in the side of the neck with a wicked Reaping Strike from his massive maul. The creature was still standing, but obviously getting shaky on its feet.


Confused and disoriented from all the excitement, his various wounds, and brief brush with death, Paget grabbed his dagger and launched himself quite aimlessly towards the slyblade, but his weak attack was easily knocked aside. Just then, the halfling felt a rush of healing power surge through him as Phoebe's Beacon of Hope once again took effect. The enraged cleric nudged the rogue aside as she lunged at the slyblade with a powerful Healing Strike. While the creature was badly wounded, the divine backlash revived Paget even further. Hurt and confused, the slyblade swung wildly at Phoebe, but was unable to connect. Bakbuk lashed out at the kobold with another Reaping Strike, but the floundering reptile ducked beneath the blow, and Bakbuk only managed to shatter the rear wheel of the wagon, spilling more boxes and crates onto the road. Paget, a sly grin on his face, was fully back in the action as he flipped his daggers around in his hands and, with a powerful reversed Deft Strike, plunged them into both sides of the slyblade's neck, extinguishing its life.

Up on the ledge, the goblin sharpshooter stood up from its hiding place and fired a bolt into Raxil's chest, hurting him severely. Gildras scrambled up the crumbling slope and jabbed his longsword downward behind the barrels. Steel found flesh, and the goblin bellowed in fear and pain. Fighting past the agony of his wound, Raxil lobbed a Ray of Frost at the goblin, freezing and cracking its flesh. The greenskin dropped its bow on the ground, drew its short sword and lashed out at Gildras, who easily ducked out of the way, and frowned at the creature with a look of amused contempt. Realizing all hope was lost, the goblin turned and fled down the hill. Gildras snapped his longsword out towards the fleeing creature's hind side, but missed.
DM Note: Allowing the goblin to run away was a minor failure on my part. One of the effects of X's Ray of Frost is to Slow the target on a successful hit. The goblin should not have been able to move more than 2 squares. Oh well. It turned out okay, as you are about to see.
Undaunted, the tiefling jumped over the barrels and gave chase. With a maniacal screech, and sword upraised, Gildras came bearing down on the poor, lone goblin. Faced with certain death, the creature flipped over on its back, began kicking its legs in the air, and begged piteously for its life. With much restraint, the furious warlord sheathed his sword, and punted the goblin all the way back to the road.

The exhausted and injured companions surrounded the unfortunate creature and interrogated it. While Gildras and Raxil resorted to brute force and intimidation, Phoebe attempted to reason with the goblin through the use of kind words and diplomacy. Out of fear for the men, and an attempt to earn the favor of the lady, the greenskin revealed that a goblin named Irontooth had hired him and the kobolds to harass passing travelers on the road. Irontooth resided in a cave behind a waterfall, in the location indicated by Lord Padraig on Raxil's map. The camp was well protected by Irontooth's cronies. The goblin also sputtered an apology about an archaeologist, who was apparently kidnapped from the wagon caravan by an unknown third party. While the goblin claimed not to know anything about the prisoner, or the reason why he was taken, he did share that the man was taken to the site of a "big dig," west of the party's present location. When it was apparent that the goblin wouldn't be useful in producing any more information, Gildras provided him with a merciful death.
4E Meta: This was our first use of a Skill Challenge. I made the interrogation a simple challenge, requiring 4 successes before 3 failures. A success could be earned with an Intimidate DC 12, or Diplomacy DC 15. It was an interesting role-play opportunity that we failed to take total advantage of. As it was a brand new mechanic to us, we focused more on the rolls and the final outcome. In the future, I'll see to it that skill challenges are played out in more depth and detail.
The party took a moment to rest, briefly, and discussed their options. It was decided that, even though there was a possibility of a living hostage, the friends would have a better chance to rescue him without the added threat of the kobolds from Irontooth's camp constantly threatening trouble. Besides, they weren't one hundred percent certain that they could trust the goblin's story. After scavenging a few measly gold pieces from their kobold attackers, the party headed south towards the waterfall.
DM Note: The "kidnapped archaeologist" is part of an alternate adventure hook, provided in the module. I tossed that little nugget the party's way to provide an extra encounter's worth of XP before they get to the Keep. I thought they might need it, with the near-death experiences they had on the first two combat encounters!

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First Post
Sunday, 26th Anyas, 528 NR, Early Afternoon

After a brief rest, the friends gathered their wits and continued south along the wagon trail, intent on finding the lair of this "Irontooth," and putting an end to the trouble he was causing for the people of Winterhaven. Eventually, they came to a spot where small glades of trees led up to a cliffside waterfall, where a stream tumbled from the top of a rocky overhang. The water descended the side of the hill and flowed away to the southwest. Gildras called for a halt, and carefully peered through the wooded area. Several kobolds were visible through the trees, and the sound of many voices were just audible over the din of the waterfall.

Quietly, Gildras crept forward, due south, careful to avoid detection. Soon, Paget followed, with Raxil close behind him. The three tiptoed across the grass, silent as three mice. Not wanting to be left behind, Bakbuk shrugged and jogged along to catch up with his companions. His armor and weapons clanged loudly against one another, and the noise echoed across the forest. The kobolds were instantly on alert. Paget sighed and drew his daggers, ready for another fight.

The halfling rogue cried out to his friends to work their way upstream, towards the waterfall, and to be careful not to get surrounded. Quick as a fox, Paget rushed a lone kobold who was standing guard in a shallow eddy and dispatched it with a blindingly swift stroke. Two kobolds, previously unseen, ran through the trees and threw their javelins at Paget. The expertly thrown weapons eluded leaf, branch and trunk and found their mark, embedding themselves painfully in the rogue's flesh. Another reptile waded into the river and launched its weapon, which also hit home. Halfling and kobold blood mingled, and flowed together swiftly downstream.

A fifth minion, following the cacophony of Bakbuk's approach, caught sight of Gildras among the trees and launched its javelin. The pointed tip struck a bough just inches shy of the tiefling's head. Raxil pushed past the warlord, and spied a Dragonshield standing in the middle of a glowing, rune-covered stone circle. It was surrounded by a growing crowd of minions. Having learned from past mistakes, the young wizard made sure his friends and allies were well clear of the detonation zone before he launched a Scorching Burst into the circle. One of the minions managed to elude the flames by ducking behind a tree, but its counterpart disintegrated into a pile of ash. The dragonshield, wounded by the burst, snarled in pain and anger. Before it had a chance to react, Bakbuk came charging out from the treeline, maul raised high. The armored lizardman deftly stepped aside, and dodged the mighty dwarf's blow. With his efforts focused on the dragonshield, Bakbuk never saw the flaming clay pot that struck him from behind. From more than thirty feet away, the kobold slinger cackled with delight as it watched the flames spread across the dwarf's shoulder and sides. The creature's laughter was cut short when Gildras drew his crossbow and fired a bolt which buried itself deep into the kobold's thigh. The dragonshield tried to stop the shot with a quick thrust of its short sword, but missed. However, two more minions leaped to the protection of their master, and assaulted Gildras with a painful flurry of javelin jabs which left him bleeding and angered. Still short of melee range, Phoebe tried to take out the slinger with a Lance of Faith, but her radiant attack dissipated among the trees, and vanished before reaching its target. Meanwhile, a lumbering, sword-wielding goblin ambled around the northern corner of the cliff with three protective minions in tow.

Seeing that his friends failed to heed his warning, and were quickly becoming surrounded near the center of the secret, sacred circle, Paget recklessly pushed past several kobolds in an attempt to reach their side and aid in their plight. His heroic deed cost him dearly, as three more kobold javelins struck home.
4E Meta: I made a combat error, here. But, looking at the roll results, it wouldn't have made a difference. Paget has the Artful Dodger feat, which grants him a +3 bonus to AC against Opportunity Attacks. As a halfling, he also has Nimble Reaction, which grants an additional +2 bonus to AC against OA's. I completely forgot about that bonus when the three kobold's made their OA's against his advance. However, they rolled a 21, 25, and 21 respectively... all enough to overcome Paget's enhanced AC of 16 + 5. That poor halfling gets no respect!
As Bakbuk waved his arms in a furious motion, attempting to douse the flames that were quickly heating up his chain armor, the minion that survived Raxil's fiery assault caught him in the ribs with its tiny spear. By now, four minions had joined the dragonshield in the circle, and all seemed to be drawing some kind of energy from the glowing runes. Recognizing the threat, the young wizard took careful aim and sent forth another well-placed Scorching Burst. When the flames faded, the dragonshield and one minion stood alone in the midst of three smoldering corpses, slightly singed, but otherwise no worse for the wear.
DM Note: Okay, wizards are awesome!
Grunting in pain as flames licked the tip of his beard, Bakbuk swung his maul around in a mighty arc and crushed life out of the remaining minion against the dragonshield's armored body, knocking the wind out of the creature and rendering it bloodied. Gildras helped the dwarf douse the flames as another flaming pot burst on the ground, several feet shy of the pair. Not eager to find himself aflame, the tiefling dropped his crossbow, drew his longsword and charged the slinger before it could load another pot. With a lightning fast Viper's Thrust, Gildras pierced the creature's torso, causing it to emit a shriek of agony and rage. Meanwhile, bereft of its companions, the desperate dragonshield attacked Bakbuk with a fierce volley of sword blows, and managed to bloody the dwarf. Finally clearing the trees, Phoebe saw another minion coming across the river towards Paget. Calling out a quick Healing Word to her halfling friend, the half-elf called upon Bahamut to consume the unfortunate minion with a glowing Sacred Flame. By this time, the goblin blackblade had entered the clearing and lunged at Gildras with a sloppy sword thrust, which the tiefling easily dodged. Additionally, two more minions crossed the river and rushed into the sacred circle to aid the dragonshield, and one of them managed to wound Bakbuk with a cunning jab.
Encounter Meta: Sacred Circle - Old magic runes still glow on the ground in this location. Any creature standing on the runes or in the center of the circle receives a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
The bodies of dead minions littered the forest floor, and Paget added one more to the pile with an upward dagger slash as he jogged into the sacred circle. Seeing no reason to change his tactics, Raxil fired another carefully placed Scorching Burst into the midst of the fray. A minion managed to dart out of the way, and the dragonshield took the brunt of the explosion. Weak and wounded, the creature blindly thrashed about with its sword and shield. Bakbuk tried to seize the opportunity to dispatch the kobold, but a lucky sweep of its shield blocked the killing blow. Several yards to the east of the main melee, the wounded kobold slinger stepped away from Gildras, out of the reach of his sword, and flung another pot at the tiefling's feet. This pot was not on fire, but rather full of a sticky, viscous fluid that effectively immobilized the warlord.
4E Meta: Immobilized characters can pretty much do anything, except move out of their square.
Muttering an Inspiring Word to close some of his wounds, Gildras lashed out at the goblin, who was still within his reach. His clumsy thrust failed to connect, but the maneuver helped him to break free of the sticky glue that had him bound in place. The goblin's pitiful counterattack likewise missed its mark. The enraged dragonshield and one of his minions slashed out at Bakbuk, and the fighter knocked aside both attacks. Phoebe stepped into the circle, blessed the dwarf with a heal, and toasted one of the two remaining minions with a Lance of Faith.

Paget was badly wounded, and out of range of any immediate threats, so he took pause to gather his wits and catch a Second Wind. Raxil took control of the situation and, with a final Scorching Burst, fried both the dragonshield and its one remaining minion. The battle in the sacred circle was over, but the goblin blackblade and the slinger remained. The cowardly and clumsy goblin shoved the kobold towards the companions, and growled "Hold them off! Irontooth must be warned!" Bakbuk, without missing a step, met the slinger head on with a monstrous overhead Brute Strike from his maul, splattering the poor creature to the four winds.
4E Meta: (Bakbuk:
GM: [DAMAGE (M)] Brute Strike[6d6+3 = 24]) ... pwnd!
GM: Covered in kobold blood, the goblin turned and fled towards the waterfall. All five companions knew that if the greenskin made it inside, the element of surprise would be lost, and the fight against Irontooth would be that much harder. Everyone surged forward in a desperate attempt to stop the creature from passing through the rushing water. Gildras managed to nick the goblin with a light stab, which only seemed to hasten its retreat. However, to reach the safety of the cave behind the waterfall, the goblin would have to pass straight by the readied weapons of warlord, cleric and grunting dwarven fighter. The creature managed to knock Phoebe's mace aside, but the tiefling's blade bit deep, and Bakbuk's maul cracked ribs, and would have knocked the goblin off its feet if the raging current hadn't held it up.

The goblin reached the waterfall and was beginning to disappear from site. In desperation, Raxil fired off a pair of magic missiles, which sizzled into the torrent and fizzled out. Paget whipped a dagger at the greenskin's back, only to have it knocked out of the air by the rush of water. In a last ditch heroic attempt to stop the goblin, Bakbuk charged into the waterfall with his maul in the air. His four friends watched and held their breath as the dwarf disappeared into the mists. After just a few seconds, which felt like an eternity, a bloody green body bobbed to the surface and floated downstream. Bakbuk plodded out from beneath the rushing water, wrung out his beard, and grunted with a grim smile.

DM Note: Z is out of town for a few days, so the adventure into Irontooth's cave will have to wait until at least next weekend.

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First Post
Between Sessions Observations and Musings

Z's back in town, and I'm hoping we'll play again tomorrow night. To prepare myself, and get myself back into the story, I just re-read the blog to date. While using the FG II chat log as a reference when writing definitely intensifies the blow-by-blow action, I think a lot of the personality of the players--and therefore the characters--is lost in the translation. I know that last weekend there were some great quotes, and several moments when we all either cheered out loud over a particular action, collectively groaned, or when things degenerated into fits of giggles. But, because these instances weren't recorded, I can't for the life of me recall the specifics. :(

Starting with our next session, I need to remember to document those golden moments. Since I'll have FGII open right in front of me, it'll be easy enough to do it right there in the chat log. That way, when I'm typing up the Story Hour at a later date and time, I'll have the notes available, and recorded during the right moment in the action.

Another thing I noticed is that everyone... myself included... still seems to be testing the waters with our 4E powers. We're all MMO-trained. We all understand role-based tactics. But, we're not using them. In every combat, each character has very much done his or her own thing. Well, to be fair, I shouldn't say "her," because Phoebe has definitely been doing her healing duties!

Since this is still a new campaign, still in the level 1 adventure, with new players at the table, and a rule set that's brand new to all of us, I feel like I can take a few liberties when it comes to letting my players behind the DM screen. At the top of our next session, I think I need to give a little bit of a prelude of what's to come, and offer a bit of training.

I'd like to see more active Skill checks. Specifically, Monster Knowledge can provide golden information when it comes to figuring out how to defeat a particularly pesky foe! Z already seized an opportunity to Intimidate a Bloodied enemy into submission. Kudos to him! Most of all, I'd like to encourage group combat tactics, not 5 solo fighters. This next encounter definitely has the potential for a TPK, if proper caution isn't exercised. The way the dice have been treating Paget, I don't want to see him end up as fish food due to lack of party support. He only has a finite amount of Healing Surges for Phoebe to take advantage of!
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First Post
Sunday, 26th Anyas, 528 NR, Mid-afternoon, Part One

After an exciting, and very successful fight against Irontooth's outer defenses, the five friends were eager to forge ahead and complete their quest. Raxil led a brief discussion regarding which approach to take--the north entrance, south entrance, or plunge straight through the waterfall. Gildras felt that entering through one of the side entrances might be safer, but he was out-voted. The rest of the group wanted a frontal assault, through the waterfall. Phoebe's logic was that the raging waters would help to mask their entrance, since it seemed to have effectively drowned out the sound of their recent skirmish, and hid their presence from whomever... or whatever... was inside. Gildras insisted that, at the very least, Paget should sneak inside first to scope out the interior, and report back on his findings.

The eager young halfling was all too happy to comply, and he disappeared into the mists. As soon as he peaked his head through the other side of the torrent, Paget saw more than a dozen kobolds scurrying in and out of sight throughout the cave. Screams, shouts, and cries of alarm reverberated throughout the torchlit hollow the moment he came into view. "So much for stealth," the rogue muttered to himself as he dashed back outside to where his friends were waiting. Paget, dripping wet and shaking with nervous energy drew both daggers, and yelled "Yep, they're in there, and they're ready for us!" With that, he plunged back through the waterfall, straight towards the nearest waiting minion, and slashed the creature's throat with a quick slice of his blade. The reptile's cohorts reacted immediately, and before the first of Paget's companions had a chance to enter the cave, the halfling was already wincing in pain, with a kobold javelin protruding from his shoulder.
FGII Meta: This encounter, as written, occurs in two phases. For the first three rounds, the PCs faced ten minions and three skirmishers. After three rounds, Irontooth himself joined in, along with a pair of wyrmpriests, and a pair of dragonshields. I had already loaded all of the combatants into the Combat Tracker in Fantasy Grounds II, prior to beginning the encounter. So, as I was scrolling through the initiative order, my players could see the names of the phase 2 attackers, even though they were out of sight, and weren't taking any actions yet. In the future, for a multi-phase encounter, I think I'll load them up as separate encounters in FGII. At the appropriate moment, I'll drag incoming reinforcements onto the Combat Tracker. That way, the PCs won't get a sneak peak of what's to come!
Raxil came splashing enthusiastically through the waterfall, quickly assessed the situation, and launched a Scorching Burst at the nearest group of kobolds. The cocky young wizard wiggled his fingers towards his enemy, in an appropriately theatrical and "arcane" manner, and made explosion noises with his lips as the ignition spark flew into their midst. Raxil's ego was only slightly deflated with the blast completely missed all but one hapless minion, who disintegrated into a smoldering pile of ash. The surviving lizardmen launched spears and javelins at the cloth-wearing mage, and Raxil grunted in pain one of them managed to hit home. Kobold javelins were flying in every direction across the cavernous chamber when Phoebe and Gildras entered the fray. Most bounced harmlessly off of walls, or disappeared into the thundering waterfall, but at least one managed to cut Raxil deeply. The cleric fired off a Lance of Faith, and the warlord invoked his Wolf Pack Tactics on the minions closest to them, but both failed in their efforts. Just then, a breathless, wet, and angry Bakbuk came charging into view. Grunting and panting, he swung his maul at a spear-wielding skirmisher, as a kobold's javelin bounced harmlessly off of the dwarf's armored back. The fighter's heavy weapon missed its mark and sunk into the damp dirt floor with a dull, wet "thud," and Bakbuk growled with frustration.

These are the tokens I used for Kobold Minions
& Kobold Skirmishers, in FG II.

DM Note: Oops! The only reason that Bakbuk acted dead last is because, it seems, I forgot to roll initiative for him! I didn't notice the mistake until I reviewed the combat log to start typing this Story Hour.
Paget cut down another minion with a Deft Strike, as javelins continued to fly throughout the chamber. Several minions bunched up near their superiors, the skirmishers, in order to gain the advantage of mob tactics. A fatal mistake in the company of a war wizard! With childlike mirth painted all over his face, Raxil stretched out his arms and issued forth a wicked blast of Burning Hands. The searing flames washed over six kobolds in all--three minions, and three skirmishers. When the fire vanished, only the angry skirmishers remained. There was no sign that the minions had ever existed, apart from a few wisps of smoke. Raxil clapped and cheered at his success, and his friends were uplifted by his good fortune until two well-aimed javelins clipped Gildras and the wizard, and brought their moods crashing back down to the reality of the very real danger that they were facing.

Phoebe, hoping to finish what Raxil started, lit a Divine Glow at the feet of one of the skirmishers. It flared up into burning brilliance, but when the light faded, all three kobolds remained on their feet. Only one seemed to have been affected by the holy light. Bakbuk and Gildras began herding the remaining minions into a cluster, and both of them took javelin jabs to the ribs for their efforts, and Raxil also got caught in the crossfire. Phoebe blessed the warlord with a Healing Word as he deftly swapped positions with a nimble kobold, just in time for Bakbuk's maul to splatter the unfortunate creature into oblivion.

The halfling rogue plunged back into the fracas before the skirmishers' eyes had time to readjust to the gloom, after Phoebe's divine assault, and bloodied one of them with a vicious Sly Flourish sneak attack. The creature reversed its spear and plunged it into Paget's gut, in response, spilling more of the halfling's blood in the dirt. The other two skirmishers turned on the rogue as well, but Phoebe intervened with a hastily tossed Lance of Faith, while brushing aside a sloppy thrust from a minion javelin. Her attack went wide and missed its mark, but she managed to divert the kobolds' attention from their prey, and Paget was spared the worst of their assault. With a nod of thanks towards the cleric, the rogue shrugged through his pain and quipped, "I'm not trying to get myself killed. Really, I swear!"

In the confusion, nobody noticed the ignition spark of another one of Raxil's Scorching Bursts floating amongst them, and everyone was surprised when it went off. Perhaps it was the dampness of the cave, or the wizard's aim and timing may have been slightly off, but though the flames enveloped three kobolds, only one skirmisher ended up slightly singed. The injured reptile knocked aside a blow from Gildras' longsword, only to meet its doom at the end of Bakbuk's heavy maul, which crushed the creature with such fury that its adjacent minion also succumbed to the blunt force impact. A collective cheer went up among the friends, as the enemy ranks were thinning out rapidly. A quick victory seemed to be at hand.

At that moment, a harsh, bleating horn heralded the appearance of a burly, battle-scarred goblin. Around him, kobolds scurried as if afraid to get too close. A great tattoo depicting a skeletal ram’s head marked the goblin’s face. He wore a wolf fur cloak and a chain shirt, and he held a battle-axe in each hand.

The companions all turned to face this new threat, and their shoulders slumped. "Well that can't be good," Raxil observed, as the kobolds resumed their advance with renewed determination. Irontooth himself had joined the battle!

DM Note: This was a long battle (3+ hour session). I'll break it into two posts, so the reading (and the writing) doesn't get too be too much. More to come!

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First Post
Sunday, 26th Anyas, 528 NR, Mid-afternoon, Part Two

The heroes recognized that this new threat might be more than they could handle, if they didn't act quickly to thin the ranks of the kobolds. Immediately, like a well-oiled machine, they combined their efforts to take down one of the powerful skirmishers. Paget fired off a Magic Missile towards the spear-wielding lizardman that was closest to him, but the nimble creature dodged aside and the energy dart sliced harmlessly into the western cavern wall. The defensive maneuver caused the kobold to whirl around just in time to meet Paget's twin daggers, which tore into its gut with a precision Positioning Strike, driving it towards Phoebe and Gildras. They were waiting with readied attacks! Phoebe's Healing Strike missed the skirmisher, but invigorated her dwarf companion who quickly positioned himself for a killing blow. Gildras lunged at the kobold with his longsword, and cut it deeply as he invoked his Wolfpack Tactics to drive the creature towards Bakbuk's readied maul. The fighter's hammer came down, and the unlucky skirmisher was no more.

Without warning, a burning Energy Orb exploded across Bakbuk's shoulders, bloodying the dwarf and nearly driving him to his knees. The companions turned just in time to see a robed wyrmpriest slinking back into the shadows at the southern end of the waterfall chamber. The distraction caught Gildras off guard, and he was wounded by powerfully thrown spear from one of the remaining skirmishers. The true danger faced by the companions became apparent when Irontooth himself came charging out of the northeast corner of the cavern complex, twin battleaxes blazing, and tore into poor Paget, who was left bruised and bloodied by the assault. The agile halfling moved with the force of Irontooth's attack, and used his momentum to land a brutal Trick Strike on the goblin chieftain, causing the creature to stagger back. The wounded rogue saw his chance, and fled towards the relative safety of his friends.

Kobold Dragonshield, Wyrmpriest & Irontooth Tokens

Phoebe shoved the injured and stumbling halfling behind Bakbuk, turned, and launched a perfectly aimed Lance of Faith towards the Goblin. Irontooth bellowed with rage as the radiant projectile tore through his shoulder blade. The cleric raised an arm in defiant cheer, but then was almost knocked into the dirt by another explosive Energy Orb, which was lobbed haphazardly in her direction by a second, stealthy wyrmpriest who was hiding in the southeast corner. Raxil stepped forward and, drawing his arms back as if pulling on an invisible bowstring, he fired a magical Acid Arrow deep into Irontooth's chest. The creature screamed as the acid began to eat away at his armor, and his flesh. In response, a dragonshield kobold emerged from the eastern end of the cavern and ran straight at Raxil with an outstretched shortsword, but missed its mark. Likewise, one of the skirmishers broke away from the melee with a sloppy slash towards Gildras and attempted to charge at the wizard with its spear, but it only managed to receive a deep gash across its back as Gildras swung his sword wildly at the retreating lizardman. While the companions were mostly preoccupied with protecting the robed wizard, Irontooth waded into the fracas with a devastating assault against Phoebe with his dual axes, rendering the cleric bloodied before the goblin, himself, doubled over in pain as Raxil's Acid Arrow continued to eat its way through his chest. Gildras spoke an Inspiring Word to Phoebe, healing some of her wounds, before moving her out of harm's way with his Wolfpack Tactics, and plunging his longsword into Irontooth's hip, bloodying him. A second dragonshield appeared from seemingly nowhere and nicked Phoebe with its shortsword, and at the same time managed to duck under Bakbuk's wild Cleave, which only barely clipped Irontooth's arm. The goblin turned and snarled with unfettered hatred in Bakbuk's face, giving the dwarf a close-up view of his demon skull tattoo (and a close-up whiff of his rancid breath).

FG II Meta: During this particular round, there was a need to mix and match a lot of different, semi-complicated modifiers and effects. It felt a little bit clunky, and there was more rules-lawyering than I generally care to see during an encounter. I like it when we can focus on the action and role-play, not on the meta details. Some of the 4E effects that we tried to implement in Fantasy Grounds II didn't operate as planned, and expired at the wrong times. So, this past week I spent a considerable amount of time learning about situational powers (FGII's answer to handling things like class features, racial traits, certain feats, and other non-standard effects). Now, many of the often forgotten or incorrectly handled little buffs and debuffs that come along during the course of an encounter should be largely automated! This is what the Combat Tracker looks like to the players (the GM version has a lot more data). Notice all the cool effects that are applied to each of the PC's!

In the next post, the exciting conclusion of the party's epic battle against Irontooth!

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