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Dream Settings (Publishers Take NOTE!)


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Neo said:

GW have a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay game, and nothing new has been released for it for years and years, no doubt when they discovered they could make more money off the miniatures based wargames. and although their were vague rumours and hearsay that GW had considered a 40k RPG many years ago, nothign appeared, nothing was ever officially mentioned.and nothing came of it... a real shame, but GW just doesn;t seem to have any interest in RPG's anymore.

Actually, Games Workshop sold the rights to the fantasy rpg some years ago to a company called Hogshead Publishing, who releases products and supports the game still.

As far as a Warhammer 40K rpg and multi-species groups; the original version of WH40K (Rogue Trader) actually was very close to an rpg and it was possible for some species to work together, and there were even miniatures made to support this (such as eldar and orks in space marine armour).

I run a chaos warbands version of 40K using d20 rules, based on the chaos warbands campaign in the back of the original Realms of Chaos books, and the group has a blast.


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Kamikaze Midget said:
Especially when I'm already solving all your problems as we speak? :)

FF6 is bound to have some of the most unique stuff from FFd20...there's some really cool ideas in that world. :)

But the site does need an overhaul, soon...very soon.....:)


I shall scour your sight for overhauled goodness :)


hellbender said:

Actually, Games Workshop sold the rights to the fantasy rpg some years ago to a company called Hogshead Publishing, who releases products and supports the game still.

As far as a Warhammer 40K rpg and multi-species groups; the original version of WH40K (Rogue Trader) actually was very close to an rpg and it was possible for some species to work together, and there were even miniatures made to support this (such as eldar and orks in space marine armour).

I run a chaos warbands version of 40K using d20 rules, based on the chaos warbands campaign in the back of the original Realms of Chaos books, and the group has a blast.


Really? cool, do Hogshead have a website?

I remember the original Rogue Trader i believe i even have it in a box somewhere, i also recall their being a conversion in the WHFRP which could have been used to convert 40k stats into WHFRP % type, but it didn;t help with career paths or the sheer vastness and versatility of the 40k universe. A proper D20 conversion would be nice.


Oo a thought just occured to me, it would be quite interesting to see Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern presented as a campaign world too i think... give DL a run for it's money in the Dragons stakes <g>


First Post
In response to various posts in this thread:

1) I wish the d20 Middle-earth and Star Trek fan conversion teams the best, but I don't think d20 gamers should fret over the 'loss' of two great settings to Decipher's upcoming Coda system. Lemme share a secret: Coda is essentially 'Icon d20'. It uses 2d6 instead of a d20.

2) As far as d20 Chinese fantasy/wuxia goes (Crouching Tiger was mentioned)...Pramas said in an interview that he hopes to get the license for Green Ronin to do d20 Dragon Fist eventually. Plus, looks like Atlas might be testing the waters for d20 Feng Shui with its 'Burning Shaolin' dual-stat Coriolis adventure.

3) In regards to d20 Aliens, not only has the Predator universe been linked to Aliens, but also the Terminator universe (in the 'Aliens vs. Predator vs. Terminator' comic). It'd be more interesting and substantive to have a single rpg combining all three licenses than any of them by themselves.

Lastly, here's some of my faves (I am occasionally known to allow nostalgia to cloud my judgement :eek: ):

d20 City of Lost Children
d20 Blackmoor (Blackmoor was the world-hopping Freeport of its day...heck, any setting that exists in *three* old-school worlds [Greyhawk, Mystara, and the JG's City-State] deserves the full 3e treatment)
d20 Mystara/Known World/Hollow World/Red Steel/Savage Coast (I suggest licensing it to John Nephew's Atlas Games, since he did good work on the original setting)
d20 Frank Mentzer's Urt (pre-Gazetteer Mystara, using the 'wrong' world map from the 'black box' Master set)
d20 Frank Mentzer's Aquaria
d20 Ærth (at least we'll have Necropolis 3e, and Bastion Press' Dangerous Journeys ESDs in the meantime. While Gygax is at it, he might as well send up Yarth and Uerth too)
d20 Hyrule (Get that whole PnP-CRPG synergy thang goin')
d20 Marvel and DC (*using the same rules*)
d20 Dragonball (the Fuzion 'adventure game' is fluff)
d20 Transformers (I suppose Mongoose or somebody would then go for the Go-bots license :rolleyes: )
d20 Masters of the Universe (throw in the Princess of Power license too ;) )
d20 Gauntlet (Like Diablo, Gauntlet is the essence of dungeoncrawling. By the way, am I the only one who thinks d20 Diablo got the short shrift on EN World's website?)
d20 Smurfs (I want to play a purple tail-biting smurf :mad: )
d20 Doctor Snuggles! :D

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Arthur Tealeaf

First Post
The world of Bob the builder!!!! It's got talking machines....

no, seriously, the ONE setting I would like to see above anyone else, is a



It would be so INSANELT cool!


ShaneHenry said:
In response to various posts in this thread:
d20 Transformers (I suppose Mongoose or somebody would then go for the Go-bots license :rolleyes: )
d20 Smurfs (I want to play a purple tail-biting smurf :mad: )
d20 Doctor Snuggles! :D


Whoa these are taking me back <g>... thanks to this post i now have the Doctor snuggles theme tune playing over in my head :)

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