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Torm said:
Those dreams are some of the coolest, because it is so neat to live something else for just a little bit, but also some of the saddest - I'm torn between enjoying remembering the ones I've had, and hoping I don't have any more. And I still miss that girl from the old diner, whoever she was....
I feel the same way. One of the two times it was an actress. Now everytime I see her the feelings come back, like seeing an ex-girlfriend. Which is weird, because I never had any feelings for her before the dream, and I can't think of any reason it was her in the dream.

Torm said:
I used to have a recurring dream in which I would be standing in the middle of a wide street in the middle of a city. The sky was very dark and deep blue, and it was windy, like a storm was rolling in. There was no traffic, but there were people running all over the place, like they didn't know what to do with themselves. Sometimes there would be an air raid siren going off, sometimes not. I would walk along the street until I would come to an overpass, where there would always be one of two people: Either a woman with long blonde hair that I didn't know but who felt very familiar who wouldn't say anything, but would approach and hug me closely until I would see the mushroom go up in the distance and the firestorm hit us, or a boy about the same age as me (this was when I was 11 through when I was 16) who would be sitting under the underpass flipping a coin. I would ask him what was going on, and he'd tell me, "the end of the world, I guess." I'd ask him what he meant, but he wouldn't say anything else, until finally I'd get disgusted and snatch the coin out of the air. It was always a Lincoln penny, dated 1997. Then the mushroom would go up, the firestorm would hit, and I'd wake up, occasionally screaming, and always shaking. The last time I had the dream was in '92, and while it still kinda bothers me ('cause it will be a long time before there aren't ANY 1997 pennies around), I was, needless to say, pretty happy to see '97 go on by. ;)

One of the last times I had it was most disturbing. It was not long after I got married, and the dream went along as normal - it was the boy. I woke up suddenly, sitting straight up in bed, and it was early morning, around 6 am. I sat there for a moment, with my wife asking me what was wrong and reassuring me everything was okay. The dog was on the porch, barking at something, and I got up to check on him. I stepped out on the porch, and reached down and petted him a little. Then, off in the distance in front of the house, the mushroom went up, the firestorm hit, and I woke up screaming, louder and more disoriented than any other time I had had the dream.
I've had lots of end of the world dreams. No recurring dreams, just the recurring theme. I've only awoken screaming(sort of) once that I can remember, but that's probably because I don't scream. I don't really react in any way,

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Holy Moly those Mushroom Cloud dreams are quite freaky.

On the dreams in which you fall in love- yeah, I have those. I used to have a dream last year in my senior year of high school that I was in love with a female friend of mine. In the dreams, we'd snuggle, or hold hands, or she'd rescue me while hanging onto the ladder of a helicopter. I'd wake up and think "Wow, am I in love?"

And then I'd go to school, and realize that this female friend of mine was kind of a jerk, and not all that friendly, and it was only the dream-version of her that I loved.

Le sigh... such is life...

EDIT: Another strange set of recurring dreams (although not as strange as the mushroom cloud one):

Before I started shaving (back in 10th grade), I had about 10 or 15 dreams in which I would simply look in the bathroom mirror at my beard. Now in real life I barely had any facial hair at all, but in each dream the beard would be different. One time it was upside down.

So finally I got up the nerve to shave (I had cut myself with a razor by accident when I was young, so I had to get over that fear), and since that first time shaving I've never had another "looking in the bathroom mirror at my beard" dream.

And then I remember one of my earliest dreams, in which my crib (this was when I still slept in a crib) took flight and was floating towards the open, glowing door...

I also remember a dream from around kindergarten in which I stayed up all night bouncing around on my bed. When I woke up in the morning, I thought that I hadn't gotten any sleep at all. However, I didn't want to get in trouble with my mom for playing all night instead of sleeping, so I made up a story of my invisible friend (Mr. Nobody) and I playing at a park.

Also, one of my earliest nightmares was when I was around kindergarten-aged, and I was looking up at the wall over my bed when a huge, hairy red monster broke through. It was storming behind him, and as the rain and wind lashed against his shoulders, he reached in towards me with his lanky, clawed hand, and- the dream stopped their.

But back to "falling in love" dreams, I've had quite a few. There was the one time that I was a prince on a Zepplin Mansion, and I had to pick my bride. Fortunately, I chose right, and we fell in love.

Then there was the time that Natalie Portman was a rock star, and my girlfiend. That was a good dream.

Of course, there was also the time that I was a one-legged kid living in my garage. This was early highschool (although I was even younger in the dream), and my brother owned the house instead of my parents. It was a party twenty-four/seven in the house, so I took refuge by talking on the internet in the garage. One of the ladies I talked to said she was leaving her abusive husband and coming to live with me. I tried to talk her out of it, telling her that I was very young, but she still planned on coming over.

...she has yet to arrive. I wonder if she ever will.

But yes, those are the types of dreams that I absolutely LOVE... when I'm dreaming, and feel sorrowful for when I'm awake.

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First Post
I only have two reoccurring dreams:

One is about HS, where it usually turns out that gradutation is not far away, and not only have I been missing a class, I don't even know where it is. I know this is because of all the problems I had in HS due to the anxiety problem and that I had a hard time with a lot of classes and teachers. Luckily, I don't have this dream much anymore.

The other one is where when I speak, I either have no voice or my voice and hardly be hears and I have to force the words out. That's because I feel that most people do not hear what I say or listen to what I say. I get interupted a lot, and it's feels l;ike no one hears me.

I also have alot of dreams that give me great ideas for stories (which will never be written... I'm no writer) and good ideas for RPGs.


I would suggest 2 books that would provide illumination on this.

John W. Dunne - An Experiment With Time.


JB Priestley - Man and Time (sort of a followup, he was his friend. He was also married to Jacquetta Hawkes, famous anthropologist, and IIRC, the person whose dreams were studied in An Experiment in Time. I think)

Basically, both are based on the same observation you had - that dreams sometimes predict the future.

I myself tend to agree as well.l I wrote down my dreams and it was uncanny how many of them proved to be true, at least partially. Thankfully none of them involving zombies, and unfortunately none of them involving Halle Berry.


First Post
Its called Dream Sequencing. Its a mixture of both lucid dreaming and Pre-Cognitive ability.
Neither of which are unusual.
None of which means your crazy.
All of which is becoming more and more common as humanity advances, not so much to a "higher state of being" but more along the lines of genetic drift + social acceptance.

Basically put, because I'm not going to post the 2 chapters of my book here (no offense, just looking for a publisher a.t.m.) - Time & Space don't exist. They are metaphorical constructs of our mind in order to seperate the perceptions of our senses and allow us to interact with matter/energy. We make them up. (for proof on this read books by S.Hawking, Einstein, Heisenberg, and William James).
Some folks just need less "buffer" around their personal levels of reality, they are more open to change, and are able to allow themselves to catch glimpses of the "future".

Call it whatever you want, it doesn't matter, its out there and more people are experiencing it everday. Most of those in life who are "die-hard skeptics" about such events are folks who have had one (or more) themselves and haven't come to terms with it yet.

1.) Most Important: not every dream that "seems" real is going to be real. Over time you'll learn to know the difference.
2.) Realize the future isn't set in stone - things change because people make various different decisions.
3.) Find a friend you can trust, talk to them when things get too wiggy.
4.) Focus on the good things in life. Laugh. Alot. Especially find something good to focus on after having a bad dream like the one with your friend dying. Grieve if the dream becomes fulfilled and don't blame yourself. Ever. You are Not the only person in the world, so when bad things happen to folks and you dream it, realize that they had choices and those around them had choices that led up to the bad event. You didn't cause it, you simply Saw it.
5.) Trust yourself. Be good to yourself.

edit: If you need to talk to someone you can find me at Randomling's House, when its up.


Bryon_Soulweaver said:
It had a comets tail.

Well, in that case, it was probably a UFO. Plenty of reports suggest slow-moving comet-like alien spacecraft have been overflying the American southwest, particularly in the summer months.

Or a bird. There are three species of South American birds whose tails are long enough to appear to be comets when seen flying high overhead. Two of those species, the Red-tailed Comet (Sappho sparganura) and the Gray-headed Tanager (Eucometis penicillata) have occasionally bee seen in the Southern US due to global warming.

Oh! Or possibly a kite. There was an incident in Missouri, 1979, of a kite blown by the wind which, as it drifted over some city lights, was illuminated just enough to appear comet-like from below. The air force sent up a squadron of F-16s to investigate, but they found nothing. A police cruiser followed the object for 10 miles until it fell to earth and was finally identified.

Um . . . swamp gas was, like, glowing with reflected light from . . . from the moon and, like, Venus and um . . . and the gas, when it was glowing, there was this wind you see, and this . . . like, this glare, and um . . . Dammit, just look at the flashy thingy.


You want to read RangerWickett's fiction and buy E.N. Publishing products. That'll make you happy, and take your mind off these silly dreams you've been having. Because the dreams are definitely not precognitive. Nope. No way.


Bryon_Soulweaver said:
It had a comets tail. No a doctor did not butcher him, and no the news hasnt even heard of this. My friend had enough ties with the government and the police so it wont be coming up. It happened in Mesa, AZ. It was basicly a gang fight, except it wasnt. If you want to know, my friend, everyone called him Jester, was cut open, organs taken out and stuffed into his mouth. His head was cut open with a sirated knife, his brain was taken out as a trophy. I really dont want to go any further than that.

How far do you actually think you can string this along?
Seriously, try writing a short-story instead... like... about zombies taking over a high school or something.


First Post
I dont mean to sound rude or anything, but its up to you to believe me or not. I know what i dreamt and what heppened. I learn from my dreams, others learn through experience or other ways. Maybe someone could help me with these things, but I have trush issues. My friends think of me as a crazy sudistic f**k, and on some levels they know that I say is true and on some levels they dont. I've called many things that've happened, one time I told my bestfriend that his girlfriend was cheating on him. I had no way of knowing because the two of them goto completely different schools, in different cities. but like I said, its up to you to believe me or not.

EDIT: One of my friends can hear things that come true. If that seems bogis, then please tell me what you think.
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