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Driving a lightning rail (Eberron)


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So, what if there is a good 'ol fashioned train heist where the players are victorious. But to their demise, the train has not stopped and the engineer is missing/dead. How could the players avoid disaster, what would you do?

I'm looking for ideas on how players could take control of the train.

EDIT: According to some official texts, the lightning rail is powered by Air Elementals which are anchored into place using lightning reins. These reins are attuned only to House Orien members and cannot be used by common folk.
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First Post
One would imagine stopping would be easy (hit the brake) unless the baddies sabotaged the controls. Which adds a fun element of danger (and consequence to the adventure).

If that's the case I'd start by breaking the skill challenge into 3 quick, smaller challenges: find the problem, fix the problem, stop the train. BIG complicated skill challenges tend to result in insta-failure with the three-strikes rule while many smaller challenges add-up to the same xp, have less chance of failure, and add variety.

And it segues into a good success/failure mechanic; the PCs have so many rounds/minutes before they hit the platform or reach the end of the track. Failure costs them time, success breaks even, and perfect success (no failures in the skill challenge) gains them time. It also helps stop a single PC from dominating the challenge as that takes multiple rounds, while if every PC rolls on their own it might only take one or two.

Deducing the problem: There'd be Perception checks to notice possible problem areas and broken parts (limit to the number of successes). Maybe an Insight check to figure out how goblins would sabotage the train. Streetwise and Thievery would also let someone think like a saboteur. History could even work ("I remember when the 4:10 to Yumordor was hijacked, they did X").
An Arcana check would be less useful, but could confer a bonus to figuring out the problem (and/or cancel a failure).

Fixing the problem: this could be more Arcana dominated, but you could justify it only aiding or assisting with checks. But there could be a physical component to actually moving objects and re-routing parts/power. So Athletics and Endurance come into play. You could also justify Thievery for it's manipulation of parts and undoing damage. Again, a case for History could be made ("After the crash of '79 they added emergency brakes").

As a side-note and break in the skill challenge flow, fixing the problem might be in a totally different part of the Lightning Rail. The front controls are smashed, so the PCs have to quickly get to the engineering car.
But, oh those baddies locked the doors and now time is of the essence. So the PCs have to move along the TOP of the Rail. And possibly get ambushed by another group of baddies and have a fight on the top of the moving/rocking Rail Car.
But the jumping between cars. Extra-difficult since the rocking would making moving hard (entire top difficult terrain).

Stopping the train would be dominated by Arcana. Since it had less use in the above it's a good time to let it shine. You could allow an Athletics/Endurance component to the brakes, but to differentiate and swap roles, the big physical part could only offer a bonus or cancel a failure. The defenders buy time by yanking on the emergency brake levers while the arcane types works the controls.


Start at the beginning and define the terms of the challenge. What does success look like? I'm assuming they safely get the lightning rail and any remaining passengers or cargo to town.

What about failure? Stranded in the wilderness? Derailed train? Dead passengers? Lost cargo?

Possible skill uses, and the complications that drive them...

Bluff/Intimidate/Diplomacy: Convince the vehicle-bound elemental that it wants to go to town. This may be a 3.5 artifact, and not applicable anymore.
Acrobatics/Athletics: climbing out on the moving train cars to secure something or repair something.
Arcana: Diagnosing any problems with the engine/elemental.
Perception: Diagnosing any mechanical problems.
Arcana/Thievery: Fixing a relevant problem.
Heal: Keep a wounded passenger alive while the train finds it way to town.
Perception/Nature/History: Knowing which route to take if the tracks diverge, or watching the tracks ahead for obstructions.
Diplomacy/Streetwise: Keep the passengers calm (not a real success, but may provide a bonus to the next check thanks to the peace and quiet?)
Endurance: serving as a human circuitbreaker for the lightning to drive the engine.

Hand of Evil

Been a while playing in Eberron...

Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One extraplanar creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell forces an extraplanar creature back to its proper plane if it fails a special Will save (DC = spell’s save DC - creature’s HD + your caster level). If the spell is successful, the creature is instantly whisked away, but there is a 20% chance of actually sending the subject to a plane other than its own.



Poke the Air Elemental until the Lightning Rail gets up to 88 mph, but make sure the Flux Capacitor is on!

(did you know today is the date that Doc picked to go to in the future? Honest, I saw it on the Internet...)


When I ran a scenario in which the PCs had to take the helm of an elemental airship, I required a Charisma check each round in order to impose one's will on the elemental despite not bearing the requisite dragonmark, and required several rounds' control to bring the ship to a standstill.

Arcana would probably be a reasonable skill to use as an alternative, simulating the presence of a mark rather than overbearing the elemental's will directly.

Alternatively, spells capable of influencing an elemental's behaviour could be cast through the lightning reins in order to exert some control, at least for the spell's limited duration.

Maybe the Orien carriages have some form of safety system that will let them drop to the ground safely in the event of a loss of power. If that's the case, the PCs could uncouple the cars from the lead carriage housing the elemental, leaving them safely behind whilst the uncontrolled elemental car rockets wildly on down the track, threatening any rail traffic ahead.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
I deny your hoax link. My statement still stands.



If you don't believe that, check the DVD

Sorry, this will be my last post of thread derailment...

On topic, I agree dismissing the elementals will be the best way to stop it...


On topic, I agree dismissing the elementals will be the best way to stop it...

On that subject, it's worth mentioning that, if I recall correctly, Lightning Rail carriages run at a height of something like forty feet above the electrified slabs that provide their 'rail'. Removing the elemental that's keeping the train on that rail may have consequences that make a conventional derailment look like a minor fender-bender in comparison.

Voidrunner's Codex

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