• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Droid101's Story Hour, "Of Gods and Devils" Updated 10/12!


First Post
the Jester said:
Cool start!

I like the way you get things moving. Cool stuff- seems like a pretty high-level hackfest ensues quite a bit! :)
Yes... my players are really more of "hack first, figure it out later" sorta people. A lot of times there is tons of mystery and intrigue right under their noses, and they don't even realize it. They're "blissfully ignorant," I'd say.

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First Post
The party gets up in the morning and starts traveling southeast toward this “Forest of Insects” that they’ve been told about. “The Glow” is supposed to be there, and it’s supposed to make “paradise come true” when they collect all three.

“So what do you think will happen?” Damaré asks Ogrim.

“I’m hopin’ it brings Moradin back…” Ogrim’s connection to his deity was still cut off.

The Heroes travel quickly. Sparse trees are dotted along the mostly open and rolling hills of the grasslands. A large form emerges from behind one of the trees and charges at them. Eltharion notices it coming from behind them, and alerts the others. The Necromancer casts chill touch, and Eltharion, Damaré and Ogrim get ready to surround the creature when it gets close.

It stops about 20 feet away and spits at them. It looks a lot like the tyrannosaurus rex that they fought the previous day, but only about ten feet tall, and its head it long and tube-like. The spit hits Ogrim, who watches part of his armor and skin bubble and burn. The party charges. The Necromancer curses, and charges in as well, touching the digester, and filling it with cold necromantic energies. It squalks in pain.

The rest of the party makes short work of it. Less than ten seconds later, it is dead; a multitude of cuts, scrapes, stabs and slashes bring it down fast. The party continues on.

After a day of travel, they camp near a few trees. Eltharion runs to the top of the highest nearby hill and sees the forest that they are going to.

“We’re on the right track. We should be there by mid-day tomorrow,” Eltharion explains.

The next day, Ogrim prays in the morning, but again gets no response. This is very disconcerting.

The Heroes travel for about two hours, when Eltharion spots a group of creatures heading toward the forest as well, but coming from further east. Their paths will cross if they keep going.

“Everyone, get down,” Eltharion says, and the others comply. While on the ground, The Necromancer casts invisibility and vanishes. Ogrim and Damaré try to see what Eltharion sees. Eltharion lifts his head up a little to see if they have been spotted. It looks like the creatures have turned their course and are coming at the Heroes. Eltharion casts barkskin and gets up, sylvan and flaming scimitars drawn. Damaré and Ogrim likewise get up, spreading out to avoid getting surrounded. The Necromancer is nowhere to be seen.

As the shapes get closer, they see three large snakes with arms. They are about seven feet tall, walking (slithering) upright, carrying great iron scimitars. The final shape is huge. A triceratops with a human riding it, but the human has a snake-like tail, flexible torso, and a longbow at the ready. He fires, striking Ogrim’s shield. The Heroes charge.

Eltharion closes in on one of the snake-men abominations. He slices into it with his flaming scimitar, drawing a streak of blood and burn. Damaré attacks another abomination, twisting his spiked chain around its blade, pulling it free and flinging it away. Ogrim, jaw set, charges the triceratops. As he does, the dinosaur spikes him with its horn, which slices into his flank. He grits his teeth and slams the side of its head with his Orc-Killer axe. The last abomination’s skin starts to rot, blister, burn and peel. The Necromancer appears right next to it, his finger discharging evil and necromantic energies into the thing. It hisses in pain, slicing its great scimitar down; it passes right through the Necromancer, his cloak of displacement working successfully.

The abomination fighting Eltharion slashes hard with its great scimitar, cutting into Eltharion’s leg. The one on Damaré closes in to try to claw him, but Damaré quickly spins his chain and tries to trip the thing, but it grabs the chain and pulls Damaré down instead. It jumps on top of him and claws into his bare back. The yuan-ti snake man on the back of the triceratops fires another two arrows down at Ogrim, but he deflects them both easily with his shield. He then stamps his feet down, entering the ancient dwarven defensive stance. Locked in place, he chops into the triceratops’ head twice, landing two powerful blows. The triceratops flails its head wildly, the spike on its nose slashing Ogrim across the chest, drawing a painful grunt.

The Necromancer casts vampiric touch and drains all the life away from the abomination he is engaging, killing it. Its skin shrivels and blackens, and its energy invigorates The Necromancer, who then moves over to Eltharion and casts haste on him. Eltharion uses this to great effect, slicing and cutting through the abomination near him. Damaré hops to his feet, spinning his chain around and slicing the abomination on him twice. Ogrim knocks aside two more arrows and a horn slash from the trike, slamming back into it with his axe twice; hearing the bone crack underneath the tough hide.

The Necromancer knocks into the abomination with his skull-topped staff. Eltharion, after another five scimitar strikes, takes the thing down. Damaré has a back-and-forth with the other one, but Eltharion and The Necromancer get there and help finish it off. They then surround the triceratops.

The archer on top takes aim and fires at Damaré, but he quickly dives out of the way, swinging his chain and striking the rider, enwrapping its leg, and dragging him off the hulking triceratops. He hits the ground with a thud, where Damaré rakes his chain across him. Ogrim takes the brunt of the triceratops swinging head, blocking it with his shield. Damaré finishes the rider, and he and the other Heroes lay into the trike. With minimal damage, they are able to down it. It falls in a heap after a final blow from Ogrim’s mighty axe. They clean their weapons and examine the bodies.

“These must be those snake-people the Dizgurd tribe was talking about,” Eltharion reasoned.

“Hey, found something,” Damaré stated, lifting a pie-slice shaped green glowing object. It looked like a large crystal.

“I think we just found our first part of ‘The Glow’,” The Necromancer says, examining the crystal. “Maybe the snake people were coming here to get the other piece. Maybe they were going to try to activate whatever is on the top of ‘the Peak of the Sky’.”

“Good thing we stopped ‘em,” Ogrim nods.

“Hey… Necromancer. Can I ask you a question?” Eltharion asks as they start walking toward the forest.

“Go ahead,” The Necromancer seems a little confused.

“What kind of creature is that skull on your staff?” Eltharion asks, “It’s not quite big enough to be human, I’m guessing. It’s not an… elf… is it?”

“Ha, actually, it is an elf. But don’t be alarmed, it’s actually a dark elf skull,” The Necromancer muses.

“Really! Oh wow, that’s awesome. I think you may be my new best friend,” Eltharion is almost giddy.

The party continues southward, the forest quickly coming into view. After another hour, the trees have grown far more dense, as have the insects in the air.

Repel insects… why didn’t I think of that,” Eltharion shakes his head slowly, slapping away a few mosquitoes.

“So… where should we look?” The Necromancer asks.

“Good question. They didn’t really give us any information, did they?” Damaré answers.

They continue to walk south; the forest isn’t that dense, but the insects are. Ants are covering several trees, and many large anthill-type earthen structures are seen.

“Eck, I just stepped on a scorpion,” Damaré looks at his foot.

“Hey, there sure are a lot of scorpions all of a sudden…” Eltharion looks around, seeing little scorpions all around them, scuttling around. Some loud thumping can be heard. Trees can be seen toppling over. A gargantuan scorpion plows through toward the party. Two smaller (but still bigger than the Heroes) scorpions flank it, joining the fray.

The main one is over 40 feet long, almost 6 foot long pincers. The two on either side of it are about eight feet long each. The Heroes take up defensive positions.

How much damage can three little (gigantic) scorpions do? Are the Heroes in serious trouble? Are Eltharion and The Necromancer friends forever? This and much more, next update!


First Post
Something is embedded in the largest scorpion’s chitin, just above its eyes. A red-glowing crystal. Much like the one they have…

“Kill it! The crystal is in its head!” The Necromancer exclaims, before casting haste and then an extended improved invisibility and vanishes from sight.

“You two, the small ones. I’ve got the big one…” Ogrim steps up, setting himself into the dwarven defensive stance, using his staff of defense, he invokes a shield of law, which surrounds him with a myriad of perfectly geometric force-shapes.

Damaré and Eltharion follow their orders fast, each one charging toward and engaging one of the eight foot scorpions. Each one stings at them as they approach, but they both are too fleet of foot, and dodge easily. Eltharion slices into the things pincers, cracking chitin and exoskeleton, sylvan and flaming scimitars tasting bug-flesh. Damaré rakes the thing with his spiked chain.

The gargantuan scorpion approaches Ogrim. Its stinger moves with unearthly speed, slamming down into him hard, his practiced defensive stance the only thing keeping him standing. The stinger itself is like a perfectly sharpened adamantium blade. It slices through his armor easily, delivering its poison liberally. And what a poison! Ogrim, usually stalwart against poison, disease, or sickness of any kind, can feel it instantly. His muscles burn, and he can feel them growing weak. So difficult to hold up his weapon and shield. He does so, however, and strikes the thing in the face. The weakened axe hit barely pierces the thing’s defenses.

Eltharion and Damaré make short work of the smaller scorpions, and approach the big one. Eltharion dashes over to Ogrim in an attempt to slow the poison, but gets a stinger in the side for his efforts. Never the most stout of elves to begin with, the poison fills his body and he finds it difficult to stand. He slows the poison in Ogrim, and brings his weapons to bear. Damaré closes in from the opposite side, hoping to flank the thing. He rakes it with his chain, doing considerable damage.

On top of the scorpion, a flash of dark bluish energy flashes and the thing shudders. Then, the scorpion acts. It snaps a huge pincer at both Eltharion and Ogrim, cutting through armor, skin, sinew, and bone. The insect was strong, too strong. Both could feel the life pouring from them, their blood trickling over the tiny little scorpions on the ground beneath their feet. The stinger strikes Damaré, his muscles going weak from the poison, and the stab wound sends him to his knees. He staggers back to his feet, barely able to swing his chain at all.

Eltharion stabs the thing with his scimitars, but with little effect. He’s far too weak to penetrate the vermin’s extra-tough exoskeleton. Ogrim hacks into it as well, drawing a small wound. Eltharion feels something touch his shoulder.

“You’re invisible; let’s kill this damn thing!” The Necromancer yells from behind him.

The scorpion ripped into Ogrim this time, both claws tearing into his body, nearly ripping him in half. His ancient dwarven defensive training keeps him alive. Damaré gets another stinger; the wound not too bad, but the poison sears his insides.

“This chain is so… heavy… ugh…” and Damaré collapses under his own weight, unable to support himself with his muscles burning so.

Ogrim then feels a touch on his shoulder as well.

“Tear this thing apart,” The Necromancer says.

Now that everyone is invisible, dispatching the creature becomes rather easy. With chill touches and vampiric touches from The Necromancer, expert cuts from Eltharion, and weakened, but still effective, axe hits with Orc-Killer, the party manages to down the gargantuan scorpion. Eltharion climbs on top and hacks out the red glowing crystal.

“Looks like we’ve got two pieces of ‘The Glow’ now,” The Necromancer states. “One to go.”

“Ogrim, don’t move,” Eltharion heals Ogrim with the rest of his spells, and helps him to sit. “I can feel that poison isn’t done with us yet. Let me tend to us, so it doesn’t spread.”

Eltharion breaks out his herbal kit and applies bandages, salves, herbs, and other concoctions to both his, Ogrim, and Damaré’s limp form. It does no good. All three of them feel the burn continue, and are soon too weak to move. The Necromancer clears a space around them from insects, and tries to let them rest.

“If you can still hear me, and I think you can, I’m going to try to set up camp here or something,” The Necromancer states, as he prepares a couple of spells from his books. Using a few cantrips he’s able to keep the area free of bugs and relatively quiet. They wait…

The next morning, everyone awakes. Eltharion, Damaré and Ogrim can hardly move. Barely able to lift his arms, Eltharion prepares his spells for the day. He is able to make them all a little bit stronger with the use of a few lesser restorations, but they are far from perfect. They take their newly acquired crystal and leave the forest of insects. They head toward the “Peak of the Sky” where the giants are said to be.

Travel is pretty tough, as most of them are still weakened considerably from the scorpion’s poison. They manage, however, and the next day, Eltharion is able to heal them all some more. One more half-day’s travel, and they should reach the small mountain, and they should be back at full strength.

The following day, around noon, they approach the steep hill that leads to the mountain. They see a large building where the hill becomes more cliff-like. Several forms are seen atop it, and a huge boulder lands next to them with a thud, bouncing down the hill. They see a couple more boulders flying toward them. The Heroes bolt toward the building.

The Necromancer casts haste and invisibility on himself and is gone. Ogrim, Eltharion, and Damaré charge up the hill, dodging (or not) rocks that are being hurled at them from the now visible walled encampment. Eltharion gets grazed by a boulder, as does Ogrim, but both grit their teeth and continue to charge. Eltharion reaches the wall and continues to run; up it, with aid from his slippers of spider climbing. Ogrim and Damaré reach the large wooden doorway and begin to hack into it, trying to break it down.

Eltharion gets to the top of the wall and hears an arcane incantation from above him, in The Necromancer’s voice. He sees two giants atop the wall with piles of rocks, getting ready to drop them on Damaré and Ogrim. However, a wave of evil and terrifying energies rolls past Eltharion and over the giants, who drop their rocks and run. One of them climbs down a ladder to get off the wall, but the other just jumps, too scared to wait. The Necromancer appears above Eltharion.

“Run away, timid ones… run away…” The Necromancer grins in evil glee.

One final chop, and Ogrim breaks a large enough hole in the large door, and squeezes in. He gets a huge rock in the head for his trouble. Inside, three giants stand, waiting to pound whatever came through the door. They all hold large sticks with rocks tied to the ends. One of them is a bit broader than the others, and wears a strange skin headdress.

“Damn giants, hope yer ready for Moradin’s wrath!” Ogrim chops into the large one’s ankle, drawing blood and a loud yell from the giant. Damaré slinks in as well, taking a rock-stick-hit to the shoulder, dislocating it. He groans in pain, but manages to swing his chain and cut into one of the giants.

Eltharion comes flying in from the other side, having climbed down the ladder, and slams into the chief giant as well, on the other side of Ogrim. He cuts small lines of blood into the things calves and quads. The giant swings his rock-stick, but Ogrim’s dwarven heritage trained him to avoid such lackluster attacks, and he simply ducks underneath. The other two giants swing at Damaré and Eltharion respectively, each connecting. Eltharion staggers from the hit, and Damaré falls to a knee, but gets back up quickly.

The Necromancer can be seen casting improved invisibility on himself from above. He vanishes, and then one of the smaller giants screams in pain, the top of his head blisters and peels; evil necromantic energies flow into him, and his life-force flows out. Damaré takes that as his queue and rakes into the things legs with his chain. The giant drops his stick and falls to his knees, then onto his face, motionless.

“You handle the big one, Ogrim!” Eltharion exclaims, as he rushes to the other giant, surrounding it with Damaré. Ogrim ducks under the giant’s legs and cuts into its knee tendons. The perfect hit severs them, and send the leader to his hands and knees. Ogrim doesn’t waste time; he takes a few quick steps and chops across the thing’s now-exposed neck, spilling gallons of blood, and it collapses.

Eltharion and Damaré work in perfect unison, distracting, harrying, and injuring the final giant. Ogrim comes in from the side and smashes the giant on the foot with his axe. The giant drops his stick and hops on one foot. Damaré wraps his chain around the hopping leg, and while Eltharion stabs into its heel, Damaré pulls, bringing the giant down.

“Nice teamwork,” Eltharion slaps Damaré on the back, and Damaré does likewise. The Necromancer appears, flying above them. He lands.

“Good job. But for some reason, I don’t think that these are the giants who are building that huge bridge to the mainland. These guys are using sticks with rocks tied to them. I doubt they could build anything…” The Necromancer explains.

“True enough, but let’s find the last stone and head to the top of the mountain. I want to see what this is all about,” Ogrim states, searching the pouch of the chief giant.

He finds the last glowing crystal, this one is blue.

“I hope these bring back Moradin, wherever he is…” Ogrim takes the stones and places them in a sack.

The Heroes don’t waste time looking for the two runaway giants. They head to the cliffs and start ascending. Not by conventional means, of course. The Necromancer casts fly on everyone, and they head up the face of the mountain. After a short (less than an hour) flight, they reach the top of the small mountain. They land on a small flattened space. Several standing stones are around, and in the center there is a rock with three indentations. The indentations are exactly the same shape as the three stones they carry. Eltharion notices a small viper slithering nearby, along with a goat hopping from stone to stone, below.

“I guess this is it. Let’s put the stones in,” Ogrim states, producing the stones.

“I’m going to try to use the ring again…” Damaré concentrates for a moment. He hears nothing. “I wonder why the rings aren’t working.” This draws a shrug from the party.

“I kinda like the name ‘Tribe that Shines,’ should be call ourselves that?” Eltharion asks.

“No.” The party answers in unison, and Ogrim places the stones in. The earth seems to reverberate, and a bright white light begins to pour from the sky, enveloping all of them. The viper slithers up to Eltharion’s foot before the light becomes too bright to see. In a bright flash, everything is black.

What happened!?! Why would I stop writing right now, just to annoy you? Is that snake as bad as you all (including the Heroes) think it is? These and other important questions shall be addressed next time.


First Post
The flash is gone, and darkness surrounds them. Must be night-time. Rock and rubble is beneath their feet. That snake slithers a few feet away from them, and slowly transforms…

“Grab it!” Eltharion, Damaré, Ogrim and The Necromancer all dash at the changing creature. They grab onto it, holding it tight. It changes into a…

…girl? Maybe in her twenties. Short, black hair. Something in her eyes, however…

“Let me go!” she exclaims.

“You followed us through… whatever that was. Who are you?” Eltharion asks.

“I am… Misani,” her speech is a little off, but fairly easy to understand.

“And why did you follow us?” The Necromancer says.

“Let me go so I can explain, I’m not going to hurt you…” she says, almost defeated.

“Fine, but we’re watching you,” Eltharion says, slowly backing away, letting her free.

“I grew up in the Dizgurd tribe. You know it?” Misani says.

“Yes, we stopped by there, they told us we were the Tribe that Shines!” Eltharion says excitedly; the rest of the party rolls their eyes.

“Well, the snake people, yuan-tis, kidnapped me. They performed all sorts of strange rituals and magics on me. Soon after I was… different. I could change. I was, tainted…” she pauses, shaking her head.

“That’s terrible…” Eltharion says.

“Anyway, the leader of the snake people got word that their glowing stone was stolen, so they sent me to the peak to see what happens, and be there when the stones were placed. The only reason I complied was to get away from them. I never want to see those snake things again,” Misani explains.

“Well, this looks nothing like where we were, so maybe you won’t ever see them again,” The Necromancer looks around, cautiously.

“We’ll let you tag along with us for the time being, but the minute you become a nuisance, you’re gone,” Eltharion says.

“I’ll stay out of your way…” she says, slowly.

During their interrogation, a few dwarves (!) approached, having come out of an excavation tunnel nearby.

“Hey! Dwarfkind! Why do you travel with those evilbloods?” one of the dwarves asks, presumably to Ogrim.

“They are friends. Where are we?” Ogrim responds curtly.

“Hm… I suppose so… what clan are you in?” the dwarf asks.

“Oakenshield,” Ogrim responds.

“Oakenshield?? I know all six of them, and you aint one.” The dwarf responds harshly.

“Six? What’d ye say?” Ogrim asks, a furrowed brow.

“Yeah, Jendu, Greynar, Helvist, Thevin, Jorna, and Kilean,” the dwarf lists.

Ogrim pauses a moment. His stoic look betrays his inner shock.

“Greynar… was the first Oakenshield…” Ogrim starts, “over 5000 years ago was the clan conceived…”

“Whuh…” Eltharion and Damaré are dumb-struck. The Necromancer ponders the situation.

“So, in other words, we’re 5000 years… back in time? Where the heck were we before?” The Necromancer’s face grows alarmed.

“My kin, can ye tell me of Moradin?” Ogrim asks the dwarves.

“Aye, he came about 200 years ago, along with the other deity-beings. That’s when the elves, dwarves, and others were born as well. Our historian-scribe says that the ‘Glowing Clan’ set the pieces and created the Gods. The process leveled the mountain the pieces were place atop. We’re walking on the rubble of that very mountain right now. Must’ve been dwarves; who else could be credited with such a deed?” the dwarf explains.

Eltharion looks star-struck. His eyes glaze over with pride beaming.

“I created the Gods!” Eltharion states.

“Shut up,” Damaré slaps him on the arm.

“So we just traveled 200 years in the future, after placing the stones,” The Necromancer fumbles.

“Ye… ye did what? Yer comin’ to see the high priest!” the dwarf states, and motions for them to follow. The Heroes don’t even pause. They need answers, and badly.

Are the Heroes trapped in time, forever? Where are Grog, Jezda, Trek-Donal, Senman, and Bink? In another time? Another place? How can they possibly get home!? Find all the answers, next time!


First Post
The Heroes are taken down some tunnels. Dark rock and simple excavation techniques were used; hardly the work of Dardenkidin, where Ogrim hails from. They follow the two dwarves for a few minutes and are led into a small cavern with an altar and statue of Moradin. A robed dwarf approaches.

“These evilbloods, and this dwarf, say that they placed the stones to awaken the Gods!” the dwarf says.

“Hm, is what he says true?” the priest asks.

“I believe so. We placed three stones into a pedestal, and after a great flash of light, we were here. The people there had a prophecy about a ‘Tribe that Shines’ doing exactly that,” The Necromancer explains.

“Yes, our legend tells of a ‘Glowing Clan,’ perhaps they speak of the same thing?” the priest responds.

“Either way, we’re really far from home, and we’d like to know if you have any way to help us get back,” Eltharion interjects. “We come from like, 5000 years in the future, at least I think. We gotta find a way back.”

This draws a curious look from the priest, who strokes his beard. He takes a few paces, then stops.

“I think I may know something that could help you. When the great cataclysm created the Gods and the races, several holy or magical temples appeared, strewn across the land. One of them, our records say, is strongly linked to time. Perhaps if you travel there, you can figure out something that can help you. That’s all I can think of, I’m afraid,” the priest states.

“Hm…” Ogrim is thoughtful.

“But, if you are going there, there are some things you should know. The supposed creator of time had several special items linked to his existence. You should at least know the names of these items, in case that information becomes necessary. The items are the Armor of Karanthius, the Sword of Jekaintinar, and the Sword of the Maimed Lord. Use this knowledge well.”

“It’s our only option. Let’s get going,” Damaré puts. The Heroes are allowed to rest in an empty cave for the night, and start traveling in the morning, following instructions given to them by the priest. They travel for a few days in the direction given, across rocky ground and low plains. The sky is cloudy and dark every day.

“This is definitely a time of trials. No sun at all…” Ogrim states. The group presses on.

“Getting a read on Moradin?” Eltharion asks.

“Yes, I feel a connection,” Ogrim responds.

“Looks like there weren’t any Gods where we were before, they just hadn’t been created yet,” The Necromancer reasons. Nobody disagrees.

After almost a week of dead-looking rocky flatlands, they reach a huge rocky outcropping that matches the description given by the priest. As they approach they see a small cavernous entrance. They go inside without hesitation.

“Be on yer guard,” Ogrim states, readying his Orc-Killer axe and shield. Everyone else gets out their weapons as well.

The tunnel is about ten feet high and ten feet wide, and they proceed with caution. After about fifty feet, the light from the outside is all but gone, and they reach a large iron door, blocking the entire passage. With some effort they break it loose and push it open slowly. Inside the door, they find that the walls are finely carved and shaped. They go into and out of what seem like ‘rooms,’ but they’re all completely bare stone. After a little searching of dead end tunnels, they find a staircase leading down. They proceed.

At the bottom of the stairs, there is a passage left and right. They go right, and turn right again, and it turns into a large room, dimly lit by a glowing pedestal. Before the pedestal, however, is a bunch of stepping stones with letters on them. The pedestal has a glowing sword on it. The letters are arranged as follows (the characters are at the top, pedestal would be at the bottom):


“What in the world…” The Necromancer looks perplexed.

“We could go back, there was another way…” Damaré starts, but is cut off.

“Here, I’ll try this,” Ogrim summons a celestial dog. It hops onto the first “A” square, and seems unharmed. Ogrim motions for it to move over to the “E” square. It does so, and a huge rectangular-cubed shaped block falls from the ceiling, and at the same time, the block below the dog falls down into darkness. The block from the ceiling replaces the “E” block, so it seems as though nothing occurred.

“So, we can only step on certain blocks and remain safe…” Ogrim surmises. “The dog stepped on the “A” and was fine. We just need to spell out ‘Armor of Jekaintinar.’ It’s so simple,” Ogrim walks out onto the “A,” then the “R.” The blocks maintain position.

“See?” Ogrim follows right to the O, up to R, then right to O…

…and falls. The block from above perfectly replaces the block below. Damaré’s eyes widen.

“I’m going after him!” Damaré yells, and he jumps onto the same O, and falls in exactly the same way. The Necromancer and Misani follow after. Eltharion looks frantically for a another solution.


Crashing stone, thundering cracks, and intense pain. Ogrim is partially buried under rocky rubble. He throws the rocks off and finally gets to his feet. He hears hissing, like snakes, from behind him. He turns to see what it is…


Eltharion finally gives up. “Here goes…” He jumps onto the “G” and falls in the same way. After a crash and possibly a broken arm, he stumbles to his feet. He hears hissing, and through the dim light of his flaming scimitar, he sees a statue of Ogrim standing right next to him. He instantly closes his eyes.

“Wonderful…” Eltharion says under his breath, making his way toward the hissing noise, swinging his scimitar as he does so. He feels his scimitar strike something, and a slight groan is heard… a woman’s voice.

The woman’s voice continues, however, some kind of arcane chanting.


Eltharion opens his eyes; the sun is bright. He looks around, seeing two men and two women, all very tall, with blue auras surrounding them. To his left, one of the women is touching the statue of Ogrim, returning him to flesh. She moves on to Damaré, The Necromancer, and Misani, returning them all to flesh.

“Was I stone, too?” Eltharion asks.

“Yes, you all were. My name is Jerik. These are my friends, Mansin, Lani and Jane,” the brown haired human says.

“Eltharion. This is Ogrim, Damaré, Nekky, and Misani,” Eltharion points to each one.

“Don’t call me Nekky…” The Necromancer mumbles.

The humans’ clothing is very odd. They have strange looking metal things on their hips. Like small crossbows or something.

“Why… what’s going on?” Eltharion asks.

“Let me explain. We read an ancient prophecy. In that prophecy, it said, basically, that we had to come to this ancient ‘Temple of Time’ and free the ‘Frozen Ones.’ Once we did that, war in our world was supposed to end. Once you completed your task, of course,” Jerik explains. “We’re dying to know what your task is, and of course see if we can help you with it.”

“Ancient temple of time? I don’t suppose you mean that it is older than 200 years, do you?” The Necromancer asks.

“200 years? No, it must be thousands of years old. At least 8000 years. Maybe more. Not exactly sure…” Jerik responds.

“Uh oh…” the Heroes look around, confused.

“Can you come into this cave with us?” Damaré asks.

“Actually, we already searched the cave. At the very bottom level, there is a strange device, that is supposed to allow the user to travel through time. You need a specific kind of item, however, to let it happen. You need a psionically charged crystal. A rare kind, to boot,,” Jerik says.

“Time travel device, that’s just what we need,” The Necromancer states. “Our task is to get that crystal and travel through time. Can you help us recover it?”

“Wow, I suppose we can help you. We’ll take you back to the library in our city. We can look up the item and it’s past owners, possibly,” Jerik thinks, nodding to the rest of his friends. “Follow us.”

The Heroes follow them for a minute as they go behind a large copse of trees. One of the humans takes out a small metal device and presses it, and a large metal bird appears in front of them. Stairs lead up inside of it.

“This is our transport, we call it the ‘Raven.’ Hope you like it,” Lani explains to them. Inside are all kinds of glowing buttons, contraptions, and all sorts of other things the Heroes don’t even bother to fathom a guess at their function.

Raven picks up off the ground, as the Heroes can see out of the windows. It rises up high into the air, and in a flash, instead of being over a lightly forested area, all kinds of strange looking tall buildings are below, with lights everywhere. Moving metal vehicles fly by in every direction. The Raven lands and the group proceeds into one of the gargantuan buildings. Books are everywhere.

“How tall is the tallest building?” Eltharion asks.

“Over 200 stories,” Lani answers.

“Are you saying, 2000 feet?” Eltharion replies.

“Probably closer to 3000, but yes, that tall,” Lani says. Eltharion is dumb-struck.

The Heroes, helped out by the strange humans, pour over books on ancient artifacts and relics. Eventually they find the one their looking for. They look down the listing of the past owners of the item, and the current owner is a man named Kendri Starseal.

“Oh no...” Jerik says.

“What now…” the party groans.

“Kendri Starseal is one of the most powerful businessmen in the world. It may be difficult to access him…” Jerik looks defeated.

“We’ll think of something…” The Necromancer says, not drawing a whole lot of enthusiasm from the rest of the party.

Can the Heroes find Kendri? Can they talk to him? Can they even get his autograph, let alone his relic of power? This and more, next update!


First Post
“This is crazy. We’ll never pull it off,” Damaré says, looking at his group-mates. Ogrim, Eltharion and The Necromancer were dressed up in the strange futuristic clothing.

“Listen, Kendri deals with businessmen from other countries all the time. And the only people who live in other countries are the other races. So, it stands, that if this elf and this dwarf say they are coming to discuss a business deal, they can sneak into his skyscraper and maybe get past security,” Jerik explains.

“So why is The Necromancer going?” Damaré asks.

“He’s the tallest, he looks like a bodyguard,” Jerik reasons.

“Fine, Misani and I will stay here on board your flying machine,” Damaré is defeated.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be back as soon as possible, and with the crystal,” Eltharion says, adjusting his suit.

“Here, take these, it’ll make you look more like a bodyguard,” Jerik gives The Necromancer some black sunglasses, two little crossbow looking things, and a longer metal stick.

“Is this a walking stick?” The Necromancer places it on the ground.

“No! That’s a laser rifle, and those smaller ones are laser pistols. Like this, see?” Jerik demonstrates how to handle and fire them. The Necromancer nods.

“So this will shoot out unlimited energy?” The Necromancer asks.

“No, shots are limited. The little ones have more than the big one. There are even more powerful ones that have even less shots. Don’t be wasteful; hopefully you won’t have to use it at all, it’s just for show,” Jerik explains. The Necromancer gives Eltharion and Ogrim each a smaller laser pistol, since they won’t have any of their weapons on them.

The Raven flies them almost instantaneously to a section of the city with even taller buildings, reaching up high into the sky. Ogrim, Eltharion and The Necromancer exit the ship and head toward a building that says “Starseal Corp.” on the outside. The doors open automatically.

“Magic…” Ogrim grunts.

“Worse, technology,” The Necromancer says, walking in front of them, acting tough and bodyguardish.

“We’re here to meet with Kendri Starseal about a business proposition from the country of the dwarves,” Ogrim states to the security guard behind the desk.

“I don’t see anybody on my list. I’m going to have to call up and see about this. Hold on a moment. What’s your name?” the guard says.

“Ogrim. Tell him that this proposal is a once in a lifetime offer,” Ogrim bluffs. The guard picks up a thing and talks into it.

“Ogrim is here from the dwarven nation. Yes. No. No. Okay.” The guard puts the thing down and looks to the party. “He’s busy. Go on up to floor 111. His secretary will take your proposal down and see if it merits his time.” The guard points to a doorway behind him that opens up to a small, 5x5 room. They walk in.

There are all kinds of buttons on the wall, each with a number and some with strange symbols.

“I think it’s a teleportation chamber. If we hit the 111, then we go to Kendri’s secretary?” Eltharion reasons. They agree and hit the button with the 111 on it. They feel their stomachs drop.

“That’s a strange feeling,” The Necromancer states. The doors open and they see a desk, and about 20 feet behind it, a door that says “Kendri Starseal” on it. Behind the desk is a woman.

“Okay, please give me the details of your proposal, Ogrim, is it?” the woman asks. She holds a piece of stark white parchment and a feather quill without the feather.

“Sure, we just…” Ogrim starts, but doesn’t finish. The Necromancer casts sleep and the woman falls into a deep slumber. Ogrim and Eltharion produce their laser pistols. The Necromancer brandishes his rifle. They approach the office of Kendri Starseal. Eltharion kicks in the door, and they enter.

The room is decorated with strange objects and furniture. Before they have time to check anything more, a middle aged man stands up from behind a desk inside the room.

“What is the meaning of this!” Kendri asks, his voice charismatic and demanding. They see a chain with a small crystal dangling from it about his neck.

“That’s the guy,” Eltharion says.

Kendri pulls out a laser pistol of his own, firing it. A flash of bright white energy flies from it and strikes Ogrim in the chest. It burns furiously. Eltharion, Ogrim, and The Necromancer fire back. Kendri dives behind his desk, shielding him from the blasts.

Eltharion approaches the desk, but as he does so, a grumbling is heard. Not heard, but felt, in their minds. A flash of psychic energy and a terrible psionic scream sends the Heroes to their knees, clutching their heads. Eltharion fights through the pain and charges around the table. He sees the man crouched and concentrating. Eltharion grabs him, grasping the crystal and pulling it loose. Another psionic scream flashes over the party, and Eltharion has had enough. He bull rushes Kendri, pushing him back, back, and into the window (the outer walls of the office are all windowed), sending him flying out falling 111 stories down.

“Time to go…” Eltharion says, looking around the room for anything interesting to grab before he leaves. A strange thing that looks like the laser pistols they have, but larger and with a strange barrel hangs on a wall. Eltharion grabs it as they run out, back toward the elevator. They hit the 1 button and are sped to the first floor.

“Don’t move!” the guard behind the desk, along with three other guards are all pointing laser pistols at them. Ogrim casts obscuring mist and they all flee out the front door during the commotion it causes. They reach the Raven, climb aboard, and within seconds, the ship has already carried them back to the Time-Cavern.

“Thanks for all your help. I hope that our task being completed bring an end to war in your times,” Eltharion says. He and Ogrim don their armor and weapons.

“Not a problem. I hope so too. And I hope you are able to make it back to your own time. You can keep the lasers if you wish,” Jerik says.

“Hey, I got this one from Kendri’s place. What does it do?” Eltharion asks.

“Ah, that’s a phase disruptor. Changes the phase of whoever gets caught in the blast,” Jerik responds.

“Hm, okay, thanks again,” Eltharion says, not really understanding, but taking the answer anyway. The Heroes exit the ship, which speeds off after they do so.

“If we can control this time thing, do you want us to return you to your time, Misani?” Eltharion asks.

“No… I don’t want to go back to those yuan-ti. And the people of the Dizgurd tribe would never accept me now that I’m changed…” Misani responds.

“You can come with us. We like company,” Eltharion says. They enter the cavern.

It looks exactly the same as it did the first time they went in, just a lot more dilapidated. Cobwebs everywhere, the iron door rusting off its hinges. They get to the chamber with the letter-stones, and most of them are collapsed, creating large gaps in the floor. The sword is gone off the pedestal. The Necromancer casts fly on everyone, and they fly down the gap to the bottom, all of them on guard for whatever it is that turned them all to stone.

“It’s probably long dead…” Ogrim reasons, and is right. They find no traces of anything down there, other than large broken statues and stones piled very high. There is a path that leads out of the room, into a small chamber. Eltharion’s flaming scimitar lights up the room enough to see a large stone contraption, with a small opening.

“I suppose this is where we put the crystal. I wonder where it’s going to send us,” Eltharion says, producing the crystal.

“Who knows… let’s just get out of this time, shall we?” The Necromancer says. Nobody disagrees. Eltharion puts in the crystal.

A flash of white light.

What time are they in now? Do they have any control? When do they get home? Tune in tomorrow.
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First Post
And the light fades. They’re in the same room. Not so dusty. The crystal is gone. The room behind them doesn’t have so many broken stones. A couple of holes above them let them fly back up into the letter-stone filled room. They navigate out of the Time-Cave.

Outside, the sun is bright. There are five statues outside, one of each of them, in an embarrassing position. Eltharion’s eyes are closed and he is swinging his scimitar wildly. Ogrim is looking over his shoulder. Damaré and Misani are both laying on the ground, in different stages of getting up. The Necromancer is wincing, holding his hands out.

“Nice pose, Nekky,” Eltharion says.

“Don’t call me that. What should we do about these statues? Obviously, we are in some time between when we were turned to stone and when we were freed. Shouldn’t we, I don’t know, cast some protection spells on these statues so that they stay secure until we’re freed in the future?” The Necromancer explains.

“Why won’t we free them now, then there will be ten of us! Unstoppable!” Eltharion thinks about the possibilities.

“No, if we do that, then our future selves will cease to exist. We’d vanish from existence. And you wouldn’t get to keep that cool laser gun thing,” The Necromancer reasons.

“Fair enough. We’ll come back and set something up,” Eltharion says, and they start walking.

“Maybe I should try the ring again. If we’re in the same time period when Drez the gnome is still alive, then maybe he can help us,” Damaré says, and he concentrates on his ring.

Teleport us home, we have much news.

And after a short delay.

Teleporting you back here. Bink and Trek still missing. Everyone else home.

“We’re in business!” Damaré says, a blue light surrounding him. Shortly after, a blue light surrounds each other person individually, teleporting them back.

They arrive in the same laboratory chamber in Castle Brunswick. Drez and Zenziez the deep gnomes are working the machine furiously. Grog, Senman and Jezda are also in the room, and they greet the rest of the Heroes emphatically.

“It’s been so long! We were worried about you guys,” Senman says, giving his friends each a powerful hug.

“Long? It’s only been like, two weeks,” Eltharion thinks about the dinosaurs, the darklands, and the future.

“Two weeks? No, it’s been almost three months since we teleported you,” Drez says.

“Three months! What!” The Necromancer seems outraged.

“What happened to you?” Grog asks.

The party explains what happened; the past, creating the Gods, the time travel machine, Misani, the future, and getting home.

“Wow… travel through time, what an interesting result…” Drez thinks, looking over to the silent Zenziez. “You see, what happened is, we thought we were trained well enough with the machine to teleport all nine of you at the same time. However, that much power going through the machine caused it to malfunction. Grog, Jezda and Senman were all sent off to a faraway land. You four were sent back in time. I don’t know yet where Bink and Trek-Donal were sent to.”

“Why didn’t you use your ring?” Damaré asks Senman.

“Actually, they tried, but when this teleportation device is used, depending on how many people are teleported, and how far they are teleported, it creates a varying size and duration antimagic field, nulling all magical effects therein. The ring wouldn’t work, as the field was huge,” Drez explains.

“Once we get a read on where Bink and Trek are, we’ll get to teleporting you to the giants, so we can take care of this problem. We haven’t seen any progress on the bridge they are building, but we know that they will be getting to it very soon,” Drez explains, “and Adlai would like to have a word with you all.”

The Heroes go downstairs to the gathering hall, and sit around the table. Adlai, the half-elf knight of the king enters.

“Good to see you all. Hopefully Bink and Trek will be able to get back soon, as well. Much activity has happened since you were all lost to us. The dark elves strikes on the dwarven stronghold have become more and more precise. If they keep up, the dwarves will be forced out. Hopefully it won’t come to that. But it is very necessary that you all stop the giants before they get out of control,” Adlai says, his voice a little shaky.

“What’s wrong, Adlai?” Eltharion asks.

“Well, the king and the rest of the knights have gone south to the Tormyr forest. A powerful undead wizard, Velkvir, has allied with an ancient green dragon, Drelhornsdrathdin. The knights all went down there to try to deal with them before they get out of control,” Adlai explains. “I’ve been left in control here at the castle. I’m basically, the king, while the king is gone. Quite a burden, I assure you.”

“Congratulations,” The Necromancer offers. Adlai isn’t moved.

“So get some rest. Hopefully Bink and Trek will find us soon,” Adlai says, and he goes back to his business. The Heroes mill over what has happened to them.

“Well, we were in a strange land, full of exotic and terrible monsters. It was very foggy everywhere we went. Luckily, after only a couple of weeks, the ring finally worked and we were able to get back,” Senman explained.

“Sounds awful,” Eltharion says.

“Yeah. We lived, so all’s well. So what about her?” Senman looks at Misani. “She’s pretty hot,” he whispers.

“I don’t know. Misani, what say you? Do you want to help us defeat some evil giants?” Eltharion asks.

“I don’t really have anywhere else to go here… so I might as well,” Misani responds, her accent strange and primitive.

“All right good. So we wait for Bink,” The Necromancer says. The Heroes relax for the next couple of days. Finally, Bink and Trek are heard through their rings, which triggers Drez to teleporting them home.

“Bink, it’s been so long!” Eltharion gives him a hug. Bink pats Grog on the head, who was tugging at his robe. Trek and the other Generals greet each other.

“So what happened to you?” The Necromancer asks.

“Well, we were teleported to a strange chaotic place. The plane of Limbo. After a short while of getting tossed around like rag dolls, we learned how to control the plane and shift to our needs. After about a week of random wandering and battles with strange alien creatures, some githyanki found us,” Bink explains.

“What are those?” Eltharion asks.

“The ones we met were very noble. They are extraplanar humanoids. They took us to their monastery where Trek was taken under as a pupil, and I was allowed respite until we could find a way to get home. After a few months of training and searching, we finally found a portal and got back here. Used the ring, and the rest is history,” Bink says.

The rest of them share stories so everyone is caught up. The party of ten takes rest for another two days to prepare for the siege on the giants. And what a siege it will be!

Will they finally get to the island of the giants? Can the ten of them, with their combined power, possibly be stopped? This and more, next update.


First Post
“Xyxtactil,” Jezda says.

“Za-who, what?” Eltharion asks.

“Xyxtactil. That was the leader of the Grendle, up north. The one who controlled my mind to make me join. He had a squid for a head…” Jezda says, looking around cautiously.

“Don’t worry, he’s not here, you have nothing to worry about,” Eltharion reassures him. They were eating breakfast.

“I’m scared he might come after me. I can’t forget that smell, the burning metal, the smell of someone prying into my head,” Jezda says, a look of fear in his big, goofy orcish eyes.

“We’ll protect you. That’s what being friends means,” Eltharion says. A look of relief washes over Jezda.



They Heroes are gathered together in the teleportation chamber. Drez and Zenziez, the deep gnomes who control the machine are standing at the ready.

“All right, we’re going to teleport you in two groups of four, and one final group of two. That way, we can control the flow of the machine better. No more mishaps! I promise!” Drez states, stepping up to the machine.

“Better not be…” The Necromancer mumbles.

The two gnomes begin to manipulate the teleportation machine, the blue crystal mounted in the center begins to glow, and a similar blue glow surrounds The Necromancer, Grog, Jezda and Trek-Donal. They vanish from view.

“Okay, next team, you’re up,” Drez states, looking to Ogrim, Eltharion, Bink and Damaré. The gnomes begin to manipulate the machine again…

…but don’t have the chance to finish. Two daggers come flying in from different angles. One looks mundane, and it pierces the neck of Drez, the tip can be seen on the other side. The other dagger is pure glowing blue energy. It stabs deep into the back of Zenziez. Both of their legs’ buckle, and they collapse to the ground.

“NO!” Eltharion yells, running around one of the cabinets where a dagger came from. A figure, cloaked all in black, with a black goatee, and wide-brimmed hat. “Dendybar…”

In a flash blades are dancing. Dendybar draws a longsword and a dagger, and spins toward Eltharion. Eltharion likewise draws his flaming and sylvan scimitars (which isn’t flaming, due to the anti-magic from the teleportation device), and closes for melee. Blades meet blades, as they strike and parry at each other. Ogrim runs around the other side to get behind Dendybar, putting him in a tight spot.

Damaré and Misani run around the other shelf unit and see a dark skinned elf. His hair is spiked out in every different direction, and he holds a blade in his hand made of pure blue energy. He throws it at Damaré as he rounds the corner, who takes the sharp thing to his shoulder. He winces at the pain and reaches to pull the blade out. But it has already vanished. The dark elf is holding another one, and is charging toward Misani.

Misani draws her punching dagger and concentrates. The weapon fuses to her arm, becoming a part of her body, allowing her greater fluidity and control over it. The dark elf stabs at her, slicing her arm as she tries to dodge.

Bink readies his falchion, and stays at the ready. Dendybar takes a grazing axe hit from Ogrim at the same time. Several cuts from Eltharion sneak through, as well. Senman turns the corner and throws three throwing knives at Dendybar, who takes all three in the forearm.

”Argh… Kev’Zen, retreat!” Dendybar rolls and tumbles past Ogrim and out of the door leading away from the teleportation device.

“I’ll finish you later,” the dark elf says as he concentrates. Psionic energy surrounds him, and he vanishes from view. Misani stabs at where he used to be, but feels nothing. She ends her power and her dagger comes free from her arm.

Bink, Eltharion and Ogrim charge out of the room after Dendybar. They see him reach the end of the corridor and turn. An arcane utterance is heard from around the corner, and when they get there, he is gone.

“Dimension door…” Bink grumbles. “How did he know that the teleportation device made an area of anti-magic around it after it is used? Why didn’t he just try to teleport away while in the room? How could he have known?”

“But that dark elf teleported away fine. And he even had those magical daggers. And wait, Misani fused that dagger to her arm fine too. What gives?” Damaré asks, as his dagger-wound is healed by Eltharion.

“That’s psionics… slightly different from magic. I guess anti-magic doesn’t affect psionics the same way it affects magic,” Bink responds. “What worries me, is that not only is Dendybar here in Brunswick, but he’s gotten in the castle, and he has an ally.”

They check the bodies of Drez and Zenziez. Both are fully dead.

“I think I’m going to be sick…” Senman says, not really in reaction to the grisly scene, but more at the fact that they are separated from their friends again.

“You think they got to the giants okay? I wonder if they’ll wait for us before going in,” Eltharion asks.

“I don’t know… they may expect an error with the machine again, and just go in by themselves,” Bink replies. “We should check the castle and make sure those guys are gone…”

They split up and take a look around, telling any guard they see of what just happened. Bink, Eltharion and Ogrim happen upon Adlai.

“Adlai, something terrible just happened…” Bink starts.

“Yeah… I know. Don’t go into the king’s chamber…” Adlai says, dejected, he walks away, down toward the main hall.

“Huh?” Eltharion peers into the room, turning his head away as soon as he does so.

“What is it?” Bink asks. Bink and Ogrim look, and likewise look away.

“Dendybar is going to die for this…” Eltharion states, drawing a nod from the others.

The king’s magnificent bed is covered in blood. On the wall, spelled out in blood, it says “You will SUFFER.” On the bed lays the corpse of the beautiful queen; her wrists and neck cut savagely.

Everyone gathers in the main hall. Adlai sits upon the throne.

“These are difficult times that we live in…” Adlai starts, the Heroes nod.

“…and we must pull together if we hope to…” he is interrupted.

The magnificent double doors that lead to the outside courtyard burst open. King Wallace Brunswick enters. Much cheering can be heard from outside, from the populace.

“Well met, everyone. How have you all been?” the king asks, his raven hair blowing and his armor glistening.

“Been better,” almost in unison.

“Where are the others? Did the other knights fall?” Adlai asks.

“Oh, no, they are staying down there, dealing with the problem. I felt I needed to return home to take care of my people,” Wallace says.

“You couldn’t have come at a worse time…” Adlai says, and he explains everything that just happened to the Wallace. The king stands very still, and very quiet for a minute.

“I’ll be going to my study. Please get my bedroom cleaned,” a stern faced Wallace heads upstairs to his private study at the top of the castle’s tower.

“I guess we shouldn’t worry about the giants now. I don’t think we should leave until everything here has settled down,” Eltharion says.

“I would appreciate it if you all stayed until we figured out what Dendybar and his lackey are up to,” Adlai responds. A messenger comes down the stairs, and hands a note to Adlai. He reads it, then looks at the party.

“By Wallace’s word, you all have to leave…” Adlai reads.

“What? But we’re…” Eltharion starts.

“Don’t worry, he’s decreed that everyone who isn’t a guard or a servant should leave the castle, for their own safety. I’ll set you all up at a nearby inn. I’ll make sure to send a messenger to you if we need anything here,” Adlai explains.

“All right,” Bink says, as he, Ogrim, Eltharion, Senman, Damaré and Misani walk out of the castle.

“Something’s fishy,” Eltharion says.

“Yeah, something doesn’t seem right. Hopefully we’ll get more clues later…” Bink says. They reach the inn and rest for the night.


Dendybar is crouched behind a case full of vials, beakers, and other such alchemical items. Their plan was to allow as many of those idiots to get teleported away as possible, leaving that damned elf, dwarf, and sorcerer behind, so that they can be dealt with accordingly.

They insulted me, Dendybar thought, they’ll die, more painfully than the king’s wife did. The first group was teleported. The second included Eltharion, Ogrim, and Bink. Looks like they’d have to act now.

Dendybar trusted Kev’Zen to react quickly, so he lined up his shot and took it. With a precise throw at the gnome the game was on. He severed his spinal cord through his neck. Kev’Zen did the same, but in the back of the other gnome.

“NO!” a the voice of the elf, that damned elf! A smile crossed his lips as the elf came around the case, and they drew their weapons simultaneously. Steel met steel and they fought. The dwarf came in behind him, however.

Damn, he thought, I can’t handle them both at the same time. Time for a tactical retreat.

“Argh… Kev’Zen, retreat!” he yelled, rolling and tumbling past the dwarf and out of the room. Gotta get far enough away from that machine before I can teleport, that’s what Xyxtactil said. So he ran around the corner, and cast dimension door. He was back at his inn room. Kev’Zen showed up moments later.

“Okay, I’ve got to get ready. Is my horse waiting?” Dendybar asked.

“Yes, everything is set. Just get outside. Xyxtactil and I are ready when you give us the call,” the dark elf replies.

“Good,” Dendybar applied his disguise. After a combination of makeup, rubber masking, and the alter self spell, Dendybar was the splitting image of king Wallace Brunswick.

“Very convincing, though, I’ve never seen this king,” Kev’Zen said.

“Just teleport me out of the city, so that I can come riding in, all heroic like,” Dendybar said, “They won’t know what hit them…”

Are the Heroes in serious trouble? Do they know who is their enemy and who is their friend? Isn’t Xyxtactil the name of the leader of the Grendle? What the heck is going on here!? This and more, next time.

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