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Drow Immunities help


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Hello everybody! I'm currently playing a Drow Summoner in a campaign and I'm in need of help. Our group is only Lv7/Lv8 and, do to fighter logic, has found themselves standing face to face with 4 mindflayers and two umber hulks. The situation is not nearly as bad as it seems for you see we have them cut of (kinda) from there enthralled Minotaur army... anyway. First round of combat they blast all of us with one of there mind abilities. In the Elf Racial Traits the elves have an ability that reads as follows.

Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Now in the pathfinder bestiary the drow player opitions has a similar ability

Drow Immunities: Drow are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial bonus to saves against enchantment spells.

My question is this. Does the lack of the "and effects" at the end of my drow immunities exlude the abilities of a mindflayer? Does it in turn give regular elves the bonus to there mind effecting abilities? Could someone find out please and let me know?

Thanks alot :D
The surly doomed, by Minotaur shananagins, Drow

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Assuming that you're using an older edition of rules, Drow under 3.5 get the same wording of the ability as standard Elves, i.e. spells and effects.
Pathfinder version is different.

My suggestion would be to ask at rule forum on Paizo boards.



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Mate - it's whichever you and your DM prefer.

I'd guess that since Drows have bigger chance of crossing Mindflayers (what with the Underdark and everything), then they wouldn't shed the effects part. On the other hand, it might be precisely the case, that Mindflayers themselves tampered with Drows - you don't want your prey to get strange ideas.

Talk to the GM, tell him what's what, and that you feel Drows should have this line the same way elves do. You don't need designers blessing to interpret the rules to your liking.


It should be effects. It's not like this is the first example of poor editing/proofreading of the Pathfinder books.

(You can buy a mule, but good luck finding stats for it; the multitude of ways the Monk was not well thought out; etc...)


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Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) Spell-like abilities are magical and work just like spells (though they are not spells and so have no verbal, somatic, focus, or material components). They go away in an antimagic field and are subject to spell resistance if the spell the ability is based on would be subject to spell resistance.

My question is this. Does the lack of the "and effects" at the end of my drow immunities exlude the abilities of a mindflayer? Does it in turn give regular elves the bonus to their mind effecting abilities? Could someone find out please and let me know?
The resistance to enchantment school spells should still carry over to Spell like abilities of the same spells depending on how one reads "work just like spells". Unfortunately, unless mind blast states it is enchantment school, your save bonus won't be of help there. IIRC it goes through the trouble of mentioning it is the equivalent of a 4th level spell [ :hmm:supposedly ], but I don't remember if any school gets mentioned.

Tactics and Tips: Winning Tactics against Mind Flayers


First Post
thanks for the help!

Thank you all for your help! my DM has looked over this thread (and done some reserch himself) and agrees that my drow immunities would work on there spell like abilities as well! So the battle continues on sunday only a little brighter :cool:

Thanks again
The now not so doomed but still not out of the woods yet,

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