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Druid of the Eldest Circle - I Am Dragon And So Can You!

Tia Nadiezja

First Post
Why did I design this? It's not specifically for my Mystara campaign - it's for general use. It's because dragons are totally sweet. It's because the Moon Druid drives me insane (Wild Shape isn't as good as Polymorph, the class as a whole just doesn't work very well, and the first draft of the last playtest made me happy with its versatile forms whose stats were a function of the PC's original stats while the final version of the Moon Druid makes me sad because it's sad). I was working on rebuilding the last playtest's moon druid to make it compatible with the class's current chassis, then decided, "If I'm going to do a whole Druid subclass that's kind of complicated, why not go full-out awesome and let people turn into dragons?"

So here we are!

With each beat of their wings, they bring the wrath of the storm; with tooth and claw, they show the truth of nature. Their breath is the elements unleashed. What truer form for those who venerate that which is older than humanity to take?

The Druids of the First Circle seek to emulate that which they see as the most primal form of nature - the dragon. Through extensive study of draconic lore, they learn to take on the forms of these awesome beasts.

Dragon Devotion. When you choose this circle at second level, choose a type of dragon. Your draconic form and element are determined by your choice. Use the Draconic Bloodline Ancestry chart for this.
This just sets variables for the rest of the subclass.

Dragon Shape. When you choose this circle at second level, instead of gaining the Wild Shape ability, you gain the ability to transform into a dragon. In Dragon form, you have the following modifications to your abilities:
Medium Dragon
Armor Class: 12+Dexterity Modifier
Speed: 30 feet
Str and Dex: +2, to a maximum of 22
Special Senses: Darkvision 60
Resists your draconic element
Claws: Str or Dex+your proficiency modifier to hit, 1d8+your Strength or Dexterity modifier slashing damage.
Are the damage numbers here right? Are the stats up to par?

While in dragon shape, you cannot cast spells. You can remain in dragon shape for a total of one hour per point of Wisdom modifier you have. This time can be divided as you see fit. When you take a long rest, you regain all use of dragon shape. Changing into a dragon, or back into your natural form, requires a bonus action.
Allowing the druid to divide their use of Dragon Shape by time spent was important to me, because it's the essential class feature of the subclass. This lets them use it as they wish, while limiting its use by cutting off spellcasting while in dragon form.

Dragon Breath. At fourth level, your dragon form gains a breath weapon. When you gain the breath weapon, choose either a cone 30’ wide at the base or a 60’ long wine five feet wide. The breath weapon deals 6d8 damage of your draconic element, with half damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. Once you have used your dragon breath, you must wait 10 minutes before using it again.
I'm not sure I like the recharge mechanic on this one - 10 minutes is a bit weird. I do want it to be useful basically every encounter, since it's the dragon form's big replacement for combat spellcasting.

Multiattack. At sixth level, you gain the Multiattack action. Your Multiattack makes two Claw attacks.
Gotta have Multiattack for a melee monster, or the damage numbers just don't work. Dragon gets it a level after Fighter.

Dragon Wings. At level 8, your dragon form gains the power of flight. You gain a Fly speed of 60 feet.
Level 8 feels a bit late for a dragon to learn to fly, but it keeps it in line with when other druids get that with their Wild Shapes.

Large Dragon. At level 10, you can choose when you become a dragon to transform into a Large dragon. If you do, your Claw damage increases to 2d8+your Strength or Dexterity modifier, and your dragon shape grants +4 to those ability scores, to a maximum of 24. While a Large dragon, you are considered proficient with Intimidate, and gain Advantage on any Charisma (Intimidate) checks made against creatures smaller than you.
This one's just fun. I do worry a bit about its damage scaling around low-magic campaigns - I have to admit that I was aiming to keep it competitive with a fighter swinging a bonus-die weapon like Flame Tongue about. 2d8 damage is slightly more than a nonmagical greatsword would do, and if the dragon manages to break 20 with its primary attack stat (the class has MAD - its primary spellcasting stat is separated from its primary attack stat) that's a pile of damage. Opinions?

Bite. At level 14, your dragon form gains a Bite attack, which you can use in place of one of your Claw attacks when you multiattack. The Bite does 1d10+Strength or Dexterity modifier piercing damage, and adds an additional 1d10 if you are Large.
To match the Fighter's third attack or the Paladin's continued smites. The dragon form is focused on melee pretty hard.

Huge Dragon. At level 14, you can become a Huge dragon. While Huge, you gain double your proficiency bonus on Charisma (Intimidate) checks, and have Advantage on any such checks against creatures smaller than you.
I didn't add to damage here, because that would have been ridiculous. The double proficiency to Intimidate is basically intended as the poor man's Frightful Presence.

Dragon Spells. At level 18, you can cast spells while in dragon form. You require no material components for your spells, as long as those components have no cost.
You're level 18 now. Standard ideas about what's balanced and what's not are set aside.

The Truth of the Matter. At level 20, your draconic form becomes your true form. You can change between dragon form and what was once your natural form at will without taking an action, and if anything forces you to revert to your natural form you take on your Huge dragon form.
Always be dragon.

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Wild Shape is massively superior, given it recharges on a short rest too.
That said, I like the concept.
Personally I think you should work with Wild Shape, rather than creating a clone replacement of it.

EDIT: Something like this (very rough draft):
Circle of the Dragon:
Heart of the Dragon: When you choose this circle at second level, you can choose to assume the form of a Dragon when you Wild Shape (listed below). Starting at 6th level, when you assume the form of a Dragon you gain a Fly speed of 60ft.
Medium Dragon
AC: 12 + Dexterity modifier
Speed: 30 ft.
STR: Your normal form's Strength + 2
DEX: Your normal form's Dexterity + 2
CON: Your normal form's Constitution + 2
INT: As your normal form's
WIS: As your normal form's
CHA: As your normal form's
Special Senses: Darkvision 60ft
Resistance to associated element (see Draconic Bloodline Ancestry)
Claw: Strength or Dexterity modifier + your normal form's Proficiency modifier. Hit: 1d8 + Strength or Dexterity modifier slashing damage.

Soul of the Dragon: Your deep connection with dragons alters your physical self. You can speak, read and understand Draconic. Additionally when you are not wearing armor your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
Strength of the Dragon: Starting at 6th level, you can make one extra attack when you take the Attack action in Dragon form. Additionally, you gain the Dragon Breath as if you were a Half-Dragon (see Dungeon Masters Guide) while in Dragon form.
Size of the Dragon: At 10th level, if you assume the form of a Dragon, you can instead choose to be a Large Dragon. When a Large Dragon, your weapon attacks do 1d8 extra damage, and your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution increase by 2, to a maximum of 22.
Jaw of the Dragon: By 14th level, you've learnt to fully adapt to your Dragon form. When in the form of a Dragon, you can make a Bite attack with your Attack action, which does 2d8 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier piercing damage. You can use your Strength or Dexterity modifier for your Bite attack rolls.
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Guest 6801328

I love the concept, but I think Yunru has good points and good suggestions.

I'm not crazy about "Dragon becomes your true form". That just doesn't make sense to me. "You can now change between forms at will, without limit, for as long as you want" is fine.

First, I just want to say that your post was an awesome help to me. Accidentally, through the creation of an interesting background to explain a ghostwise halfling stats and racials without the looks and normal life and mannerisms. An idea formed for a dragon influenced druid shifter build. I searched and found 2 cool builds on d&dwiki, picked one and was going to go with it, but it felt very random and overpowered in a lot of ways and underpowered in weird ways. I started searching more and almost gave up until i found your post.
It is alot more like what i wanted and I took the liberty of messing with it a bit. Here is what me and my DM agreed upon for our game (though the bold notes are still up in the air and just ideas, curious to see your thoughts and hope this helps you too :) )

Draconian Circle

With each beat of their wings, they bring the wrath of the storm; with tooth and claw, they show the truth of nature. Their breath is the elements unleashed. What truer form for those who venerate that which is older than humanity to take?

Dragon Atunement
. When you choose this circle at second level, choose a type of dragon. Your draconic form and element are determined by your choice. Use the Draconic Bloodline Ancestry chart for this.
This just sets variables for the rest of the subclass.

Mind of the Dragon: Your deep connection with dragons alters your physical self. You can speak telepathically with any kobald, or dragon (or dragon-kin or relative) within 60ft and they can speak back. (much like the whisper spell but w/o pointing) If the creature is related to a dragon and can't speak a language you know or understand any language that your know (or at all) it acts like the Speak with animals spell for the duration of the conversation.

Dragon Shape. When you choose this circle at second level,along with the basic wildshape abilities you gain the ability to turn into a dragon of or medium size. Your dragon shape doesn't use the same two wildshape abilities from the basic druid skill tree, but can be used at will but only for a total of hours equal to your WIS modifier, but broken up however you like. This time is refreshed every long rest. This form is separate from the basic wildshape as it feels less like a new shape, and more like your own.
Like the wildshape ability, this form will have it's own HP pool (equal to your max hp) and although you're not limited to 2 shapes per day, your dragons hp will stay static if you switch in and out of it in one encounter, if you lose all hp in dragon form you will be dropped back to your druid form and take any additional damage over the hp of your dragon form.
After the end of that encounter your dragon “heals from it's damage after a period of 10 minutes.

Medium Dragon 
Armor Class
: 12+Dexterity modifier

Speed: 30 feet

Str and Dex: +2, to a maximum of 22

Special Senses: Darkvision 60

Resists your draconic element

Claws: Str or Dex+your proficiency modifier to hit, 1d8+your Strength or Dexterity modifier slashing damage.

While in dragon shape, you cannot cast spells (until you gain the ability at a higher level). You can remain in dragon shape for a total of one hour per point of Wisdom modifier you have. This time can be divided as you see fit. When you take a long rest, you regain all use of dragon shape. Changing into a dragon, or back into your natural form, requires a bonus action.

Dragon Breath.
At fourth level, your dragon form gains a breath weapon. When you gain the breath weapon, choose either a cone 30’ wide at the base or a 60’ long by five feet wide. The breath weapon deals 6d8 damage of your draconic element, with half damage on a successful Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. Once you have used your dragon breath, you must wait 10 minutes (Or roll a 6 on a d6?) before using it again.

Multiattack. At sixth level, you gain the Multiattack action. Your Multiattack makes two Claw attacks.

Dragon Wings. At level 8, your dragon form gains the power of flight. You gain a Fly speed of 60 feet.
You also have the ability to use one of your natural wildshape actions to sprout wings in your human form if armor allows ( or it will break the armor or clothing if it does not.) When you sprout the wings scales become visible on your body and you get 10 Temporary HP (could I do X+proficency mod where X is whatever I need to add to the level 8 proficency mod to equal 10? then it would scale a little as you level). Once the temporary HP is depleted the scales fall off and fade away into magical energy along with your wings. You take any extra damage not needed to destroy your winged form

Large Dragon. At level 10, you can choose when you become a dragon to transform into a Large dragon. If you do, your Claw damage increases to 2d8+your Strength or Dexterity modifier, and your dragon shape grants +4 to those ability scores, to a maximum of 24. While a Large dragon, you are considered proficient with Intimidate, and gain Advantage on any Charisma (Intimidate) checks made against creatures smaller than you.

Bite. At level 14, your dragon form gains a Bite attack, which you can use in place of one of your Claw attacks when you multiattack. The Bite does 1d10+Strength or Dexterity modifier piercing damage, and adds an additional 1d10 if you are Large.

Huge Dragon. At level 14, you can become a Huge dragon. While Huge, you gain double your proficiency bonus on Charisma (Intimidate) checks, and have Advantage on any such checks against creatures smaller than you.

Dragon Spells.
At level 18, you can cast spells while in dragon form. You require no material components for your spells, as long as those components have no cost.
You're level 18 now. 

The Truth of the Matter. At level 20, your draconic form becomes your true form. You can change between dragon form and what was once your natural form at will without taking an action, and if anything forces you to revert to your natural form you take on your Huge dragon form.
Always be dragon. =D
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