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Druid vs Wizard Lich


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Hi! I apologize in advance for typo and mistakes, english is not my language.
My question is: how can I prepare at best my druid character, to fight in duel a wizard lich? The lich is not a npc but a pc, a party member.
My pc is a human, Druid 13.
Feats: Combat casting, improved initiative, Spell Focus (conjuration), Agument Summoning, Ashbound (Eberron Campaign Setting), natural spell
Notable magic items: Wild armor, Bead of Karma, Boots +5 ST, club summon nature ally V as standard action 1/day.
The lich (my friend’s pc): elf lich, Wizard 11. The template he used is the one from Libris Mortis, the non-evil lich, so he has +5 level adjustment. Feats I remember: he’s trying to become archmage so he has some spell focus, skill focus (spellcraft), weapon focus (ray), precise shot and point blank shot, etc…
We use core 3.5 rules, but we can introduce new feats or spells, etc… And we can retrain feats.
As players, we would not fight, but our pc hate each other so much… We are not in the party together at the moment, but we’ll meet again around 15th level. I don’t know what will happen, but I want be prepared. I have allies in my party, so maybe I will not fight alone, but I want be prepared even for a duel.
I know, druid is not so fitted for duels, but he will have 5 caster level less than me. I need defense from his spells and I need a quick way to “kill him”. I don’t have save or die spells, summons are slow (I’ll take rapid spell feat) and grapple him is useless (teleport). So…?
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Wait until you've just fought a powerful enemy and he's low on spells and/or health. Then let him have it.


Normally druids fail hard against wizards. They lack so much of the Abjuration spells that are crucial to shutting down a spellcaster. If you do end up not fighting until 15th level, grab the Gate Keeper initiate feat, it gives a lot of abjurations to your druid, and at reduced levels. Most notably, Dimension Anchor / Dimensional Lock to keep him from teleporting. Once his teleporting is shut down, unless he has a ring of freedom of movement...which IS very possible at level 15... you can use grappling spells and grappling summons to crush him to re-death.

For the here and now...you do have 5 levels on him, so this should be possible. People normally scoff at blasting, but druids are decent at it, and he'll only have 10d12 HD with no con bonus. Your best bet may be nuking him with damage spells. Just avoid cold and electricity. Druids don't get much in the way of acid or sonic, so you're basically left with fire and force and hoping he doesn't just put up resist energy (fire). Flame Strike and Firestorm in core are decent. If you can acquire a Metamagic Rod of Energy Substitution (Acid), it would help tremendously. In Spell Compendium, Spirit Jaws is some force damage each round, though it works best if it can keep him grappled. Bombardment is a decent option if he's been hit with dimensional anchor already.

The other option other than just sheer damage is finding a strong fort save spell that works on objects. Not sure druids get much of those, though.

Finally, you may want to be in Dire Tortoise wild shape form; they always get a surprise round.
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hmm item of Anti-magic to reduce BOTH spellcasters to their mundane selves at which point the Druid let his animal companion prove its more than sufficient to defeat an unarmored elf wielding a dagger or perhaps a staff?

The truly difficult part will be KEEPING him defeated after the initial battle; just like any other lich. More so since as a former partner/comrade, knows YOUR secrets/weaknesses as well.


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Normally druids fail hard against wizards. They lack so much of the Abjuration spells that are crucial to shutting down a spellcaster. If you do end up not fighting until 15th level, grab the Gate Keeper initiate feat, it gives a lot of abjurations to your druid, and at reduced levels. Most notably, Dimension Anchor / Dimensional Lock to keep him from teleporting. Once his teleporting is shut down, unless he has a ring of freedom of movement...which IS very possible at level 15... you can use grappling spells and grappling summons to crush him to re-death.

For the here and now...you do have 5 levels on him, so this should be possible. People normally scoff at blasting, but druids are decent at it, and he'll only have 10d12 HD with no con bonus. Your best bet may be nuking him with damage spells. Just avoid cold and electricity. Druids don't get much in the way of acid or sonic, so you're basically left with fire and force and hoping he doesn't just put up resist energy (fire). Flame Strike and Firestorm in core are decent. If you can acquire a Metamagic Rod of Energy Substitution (Acid), it would help tremendously. In Spell Compendium, Spirit Jaws is some force damage each round, though it works best if it can keep him grappled. Bombardment is a decent option if he's been hit with dimensional anchor already.

The other option other than just sheer damage is finding a strong fort save spell that works on objects. Not sure druids get much of those, though.

Finally, you may want to be in Dire Tortoise wild shape form; they always get a surprise round.
No mention of Venomfire? For shame.


First Post
i suggest you act nice and stay far away, if he paralyzes you it's over.

I would buy a crap ton of grenade-like weapons and a quick way to use them en masse.

personally my favorite method was using a holy water sprinkler filled with alchemist's fire.


Yeah, I don't consider the paralysis a threat unless you roll a 1. Good base fort save + creature form with massive con tends to mean crazy high fort saves.


First Post
Fire Seeds could be a good spell here if the lich forgets to get fire resistance. Cast resist energy: fire on yourself, and one casting of fire seeds gets you a whole bunch of explosive seeds you keep on yourself. Then you try to get close, and say the command word as a free action to explode in a (small) ball of fire that will either take him out or do nothing. Then you have to track down his phylactery, good luck with that.

Remember you may need Air Walk or a flying form of some kind; he'll probably be flying.

One trick I've found useful against spellcasters is to have some way to cast Silence (a friendly cleric, for example). Cast it on a coin, and put it in the mouth of an intelligent ally. If that ally opens his mouth as a free action, any casters nearby can't cast spells and have any spellcasting interrupted. The ally can just as easily close his mouth later. This could be an effective way to shut down that Teleport.

Make sure you psych him out before the fight (if this is a formal duel) so he'll prepare the wrong spells. You can say "I'm gonna summon stuff every round! You won't be able to keep up!" etc. to mislead him about your strategy. It probably won't work, but it's worth a shot. Fights between PCs are about grabbing every advantage you can get.
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