DT's The Undiscovered Frontier


First Post
Work in progress sheet. Nothing to see here yet.

[sblock=Gnome Attack!]Mellisande Oxenboxentree
Gnome Beguiler 5
Str 11
Dex 18
Con 16
Int 20
Wis 15
Cha 16

AC 15 (10 + 4 dex + 1 size)
HP: 21+4d6
BAB: +2
Fort: +4
Ref: +5
Will: +6

+2 Int, +2 Con, -2 Str
Small size
Base Speed 20
Low Light Vision
+2 saves vs illusions
+1 DC of illusions
+1 attack vs kobolds & goblins
+4 AC vs giants
+2 Listen, +2 Craft (Alchemy)
SLA: Speak with (burrowing) animals 1/day, Dancing Lights 1/day, Ghost sound 1/day, Prestidigitation 1/day

Armored Mage (Light)
Cloaked Casting (+1 DC)
Surprise Casting
Advanced Learning
Silent Spell

1 Spell Focus: Illusion
3 Spell Focus: Enchantment

Skills (88sp)
Bluff +11 (8+3
Concentration +11 (8+3
Diplomacy +11 (8+3
Intimidate +7 (4+3)
Hide +16 (8+4+4
Move Silently +12 (8+4
Knowledge (Arcana) 13 (8+5
Search +13 (8+5
Spot +10 (8+2
Listen 10 (8+2
Sense Motive +6 (4+2
Tumble +8 (4+4
Use Magic Device +7 (4+3

Languages - Common, Gnome, Elvish, Sylvan, Dwarf, Draconic

Spells (Beguiler) - Base DC 15 (17 for illusions, 16 for enchantments)
0 - 5/5, 1 - 4/4

0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Open/Close, Read Magic
1 - Charm Person, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Disguise Self,Expeditious Retreat, Hypnotism, Mage Armor, Obscuring Mist, Rouse, Silent Image, Sleep,Undetectable Alignment, Whelm, Ventriloquism
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GlassEye, the more I look at the party composition the more I think that you should go druid.

I was pretty much thinking the same over the past day. And it's the one I have a stronger feel for. So, it's decided: Earth Mephling Druid (with the shapeshift variant). Now I just have to get everything thrown together and on the Rogues Gallery...


Hah! Not that I'm aware of. And honestly, I'm going for a more 'fey' flavor than an infernal one. Even in 3.5, gnomes have a kind of fey feel to them, I'll just play that up.

You know Shay, i just saw a +1 LA fey race in Frostburn. Ulirya or something like that. Might be worth a looksee.


First Post
Hmm, the Uldra yes...thank you for the tip! They seem a bit too...narrowly focused on cold weather areas though, and their abilities and stats aren't very synergistic with a Beguiler's needs.

Deuce Traveler

So now we have:

-catman archer
-gnome beguiler
-aasimar sorcerer
-frostfolk barbarian/favored soul
-Earth Mephling Druid (with the shapeshift variant)
-Hobgoblin Warlock

The archer and sorcerer are your ranged guys, along with the warlock in a limited sense.

The beguiler is the utility.

Sorcerer and beguiler can handle the arcane casting.

The druid and barbarian/favored soul can work melee and healing. Warlock will also act as a melee fighter.

So it's a well-rounded party for Voda Vosa to fill.
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Voda Vosa

First Post
Sarpot the Big

Alright, I have my character ready: Hobgoblin melee warlock

Name : Sarpot
Race : Hobgoblin
Gender : Male
Size : Medium
Class : Warlock
Level : 5

Languages : Comon ; Gnome

Weight : 150 lb
Height : 3.9 ft
Eyes : Black
Hair : Red
Age : 34
Speed : 30 ft


Strength: 18 (+ 4 )
Dexterity: 18 (+ 4 )
Constitution: 18 (+ 4 )
Intelligence: 14 (+ 2 )
Wisdom: 13 (+ 1 )
Charisma: 17 ( 3 )


BAB (+ 3 )
Eldrich Blast (+ 7 for 3d6 - x2 )
Eldrich Claws (+ 7 for 3d6+1d3+ 4 - x2 )
Gauntlets (+ 7 for 1d3+ 4 - x2 )

Grapple: + 7
Initiative: + 4
HP: 50
AC: 17
Touch: 14
Flat Footed: 19


Fortitude: + 5
Reflex: + 5
Will: + 5

Appraise : ( 0 )= 2
Balance : ( 0 )= 4
Bluff : ( 4 )= 7
Climb : ( 0 )= 4
Concentration : ( 0 )= 1
Craft : ( 0 )= 2
Decipher Script : ( 0 )= 2
Diplomacy : ( 3 )= 6
Disable Device : ( 0 )= 2
Disguise : ( 0 )= 3
Escape Artist : ( 0 )= 4
Forgery : ( 0 )= 2
Gather Inf : ( 0 )= 3
Handle Animal : ( 0 )= 3
Heal : ( 0 )= 1
Hide : ( 4 )= 8
Intimidate : ( 3 )= 6
Jump : ( 0 )= 4
Knowledge (Engeneering) : ( 0 )= 2
Language : ( 0 )= 0
Listen : ( 4 )= 5
Move Silently : ( 4 )= 12
Open Lock : ( 0 )= 4
Perform : ( 0 )= 3
Profession : ( 0 )= 1
Ride : ( 0 )= 4
Search : ( 0 )= 2
Sense Motive : ( 3 )= 4
Sleight of Hand : ( 0 )= 4
Spellcraft : ( 0 )= 2
Spot : ( 3 )= 4
Survival : ( 0 )= 1
Swim : ( 0 )= 4
Tumble : ( 0 )= 4
Use Magic Device : ( 4 )= 7
Use Rope : ( 0 )= 4
[sblock=Feats] Feats
Improved Unarmed Strike ( Feat 1 )

Eldrich Claw ( Feat 3 )
Invocations ( Warlock )
Eldrich Blast ( Warlock )
Detect magic ( Warlock )
Damage reduction ( Warlock )
Deceive item ( Warlock )
[sblock=Race Traits]
Skill bonus : Gain +4 racial bonus on:)Move Silently:)checks.
Darkvision : Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Ability bonus : Dex +2 and Con +2 [/sblock]
Summon Swarm : Summon swarm at will( Swarm :: d20srd.org)
Baleful Utterance : Shater at will( Shatter :: d20srd.org )
Sickening blast : Fortitude (DC: 16) check or becomes sickened



Studded Leather 25 gp ( 8 lb)
Gauntlets 4 gp ( 2 lb)
0 0 gp ( 0 lb)
Belt pouch 1 1 gp ( 1 lb)
Tent 10 gp ( 20 lb)
Shovel 2 gp ( 8 lb)
Crowbar 2 gp ( 5 lb)
Backpack (1) 1 gp ( 2 lb)
Bedroll (1) 1 gp ( 5 lb)
Blanket (1) 1 gp ( 3 lb)
Flint/steel (1) 1 gp ( 0 lb)
Grappling hook (1) 1 gp ( 4 lb)
Oil (1) 1 gp ( 1 lb)
"Pot, iron (1)" 1 gp ( 10 lb)
Rope (50ft) (1) 1 gp ( 5 lb)
Torch (1) 1 gp ( 1 lb)
Waterskin (1) 1 gp ( 4 lb)
Firewood (2) 1 gp ( 40 lb)

74 gp ( 126 lb)

Light Load
Medium Load
Heavy Load
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