Dues for the Dead

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First Post
5 out of 5 rating for Dues for the Dead

When taken as a straight combat module, this is just average. However, when Dues for the Dead is run as an exploration with some combats, this module really shines. There are encounters with other explorers (that are trapped), other explorers (finishing up their tomb raiding), and some things that eat explorers. There are some chances to work in lore from Tyranny, Phlan, and Pool of Radiance. And a sidekick that actually advances the plot without railroading it. 5 stars.
The Good:Excellent exploration that emphasizes area history and other power groups in the area. Combats are well-themed and players all report them as "balanced". Excellent job of letting players enter the story of the AL season.
The Bad:Lacks development of a "big scene" that players remember. (For example, Shadows Over The Moonsea has the ship popping out of the water.)

Weird Dave

4 out of 5 rating for Dues for the Dead

Dues for the Dead has a simple setup and a straightforward premise. Nothing is wrong with that in and of itself, and thankfully there are some intriguing and cool areas in the dungeon crawl to distract the players from the fact that there is a single path throughout the whole thing. Interesting NPCs show up with consequences for the PCs depending on their actions and a lot of cool historic lore about Phlan that can be discovered or doled out by a tag-along NPC. Showdown can be a bit tough, especially if the PCs blunder straight through the whole thing, but ultimately the scenario is strong and fun to run.


First Post
5 out of 5 rating for Dues for the Dead

Maybe it's just my style of play, but a live when a dungeon crawl is done right. I really like how this one is put together. The NPCs are very good, Cassyt most of all. The story is well thought out and there is a reason for everything that happens. I wasn't crazy about the side entrance to the Necropolis that allowed players to skip most of the content, so I adjusted because of the format we were running that needed a 4 hour adventure, but it could have been left in. The Necropolis section offered plenty of open area for DM to improvise and insert their own encounters and situations. Very creative adventure. A+


4 out of 5 rating for Dues for the Dead

I loved the setting of this adventure, a dark catacomb filled with all kinds of mystery. It had an old-school feel but without the chaos that would normally be implied. It's a nicely scripted adventure with some cool locations.


First Post
4 out of 5 rating for Dues for the Dead

I ran this for a group of six, and overall we had a great time! This adventure features a pretty neat setting to explore and interesting fights that ran pretty quickly. The "tag-along" NPC was fun for our group, and although her likeability depends somewhat on the DM the players have the option not to bring her along.

There is one section of the adventure which is very inadequately described but beckons exploration; it's easy to see the PCs getting bogged down here without any real rewards to be found. As a DM I would recommend planning in advance to handle this section - either prepare extra material if you have the time or prepare a distraction for the PCs if you don't. Overall, though, this adventure is pretty basic but well done - a worthy use of your four hours.
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