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dumbest thing a character has survived

What is the dumbest thing your character has done and survived? Me: "I grapple the white dragon :) " DM:"Ok...." Me: "so I can Keep it as a mount :D " rolls
DM:"you get bitten" Me: "what? how dare it!?! :mad: I whack it with my Sword".
Also who else has grappled dragons?

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My 30th-level anthropomorphic tyrannosaur half-dragon monk managed to live through grappling a Great Wyrm White Dragon in a pool of Disjoining water, though that's mostly due to the rest of the party chipping in.

Another time, my tiefling rogue swam to the bottom of a shaft filled with shadows in search of a huge treasure chest. He *barely* made it out, with some extremely good turn checks (1st-level cleric) and help from the party's druid, who was running overwatch on him.



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A single character (a 1e ranger) running down a corridor, with a purple worm hot on his heels. He's the only member of the party who can't fly or teleport or whatnot, so they've managed to get out of the way. He reaches the end of the corridor, which opens onto a huge, deep open shaft. He manages to stop and step off to the right onto the stairs spiralling up the side of the shaft. The pruple worm comes barrelling out, doesn't stop (and wouldn't fit on the stairs), and plummets to it's death...

The ranger then starts climbing. A mile of stairs. He forgets the one key fact, something the party almost elarned the hard way on the way down. The very top step is illusory. He forgets to hop over that last setp, and plummets. Three miles down. Into the first layer of Hell.

Thank goodness for the damage cap on falling. :)


Another one can be explained in a single character quote - "Oh, come on! They coudlnt have rigged all the doorknobs to explode!"


First Post
It was not my character, and actually I was the DM (back in 1e Adnd): while everyone was busy somewhere else, a chaotic PC did read a strange (and, needless to say, evil sounding) word inscibed three times in a row on a wall. Of course, at that epoch as gamers we all knew that saying the name of an evil god or powerful demon three times in a row was a sure way to brings its attention on the one saying it. Of course, the chaotic PC decided to try just to see... and I rolled under 5% (the number required for the evil god to hear and act appropriately). The PC was sumoned in front of the demon queen... Fortunately he fast talked her the best he could, telling her he wanted to become his priest. Since the demon queen had been in slumber for lack of worshippers for centuries, she agreed to let the PC live and sent him back in the room with her name on the wall. I cannot remember what happened thereafter (it was almost 20 years ago!).

A stupid thing I did as a player: There was a manscorpion in a cage. When we first found him (our group) we left him in the cage and went on. But the idea of leaving the manscorpion alive behind us, even if in a cage, did not please me. So my PC (a fighter/ranger of 5th level) came back alone and proceeded to slay the manscorpion at range with a crossbow (that is, through the cages' bars). The DM stated that the manscorpion became enraged, tried to break the cage and succeeded his strength check for doing so. I immediately argued that it couldn't be possible, "otherwise the manscorpion would have already escaped long ago". Of course the DM didn't want to hear any of it, so I had to fight the creature and failed a saving throw against a deadly poison. The manscorpion fled, and just in time before my PC die, another PC came to my help. He had found a potion earlier that day, and had me drink it. The DM pretended that it happened to be a counter-poison potion (which in the context not told here, was realist), but I think he "cheated".


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My dwarven kung-fu knight grappled a juvenile blue dragon at 7th level or so and survived. I kept it still while the other fighter, who actually dealt real damage, mauled it.

My dwarf got mauled himself, but he lived. Two sessions later, he survived the second stupidest thing he's ever done -- forcing a grapple with a mind flayer. Since he passed the save against Mind Blast, he didn't instantly die :D


First Post
A kobold psion in my campaign, at fourth level, inexplicably decided to write a letter to the hundreds-strong pack of cranium rats asking them to not attack him further...

And then inexplicably decided to deliver said letter in person.


The only reason he's still alive is because the CR 24 cranium rats decided he'd be of more use to them alive than dead... and because he ended up agreeing to do vague favors for them at an unspecified future point in time. This WILL, of course, come back and bite him in the tail, but at least I didn't have to kill him off just yet.


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We were raiding a wharehouse on the docks and our fighter stepped on a trapdoor. He then fell into some water and sank 30 feet, after which he was attacked and swallowed by a dire shark. None of our characters knew the dire shark was down there though of course. :)

The mage who was up in the rafters used his next turn to throw his 60ft length of rope down next to the hole in the floor. My ninja's turn came next. Ninja's aren't allowed to fear death so he grabbed one end of the rope and dove into the water, hoping that the dwarf cleric would be fast enough to grab the other end before it went in after him.

Needless to say the shark promptly swalowed me as well. Fourtunately our druid made it in then, and transforming into a giant octupus was able to talk the dire shark into vomiting us up in exchange for being set free from its pen. The rope had made it's save and I was still holding on to it, so the poor swimming fighter was able to grab me and I was able to get us to the surface.

Fun times, I kind of suspect the DM was going easy on us though. :)


First Post
Taneel BrightBlade said:
What is the dumbest thing your character has done and survived? Me: "I grapple the white dragon :) " DM:"Ok...." Me: "so I can Keep it as a mount :D " rolls
DM:"you get bitten" Me: "what? how dare it!?! :mad: I whack it with my Sword".
Also who else has grappled dragons?

I tried the same thing with my Monk before I had really read over the grapple rules. I figured, "Hey, we're about the same size..." Fortunately, I managed to escape with all of my extremities attached. Actually, my motivations were different, however, as it had attacked our party while we were sleeping, and had nearly shredded the Bard to ribbons. I was trying to save his life, at which I succeeded. I later proceeded to make a pair of gauntlets out of its hide. :cool:
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Thank goodness this wasn't me who did this, but I was there helping our intrepid "Iron Chef" Azira (a bard/ranger who could cook... Not well, mind you, but cook) during a search of the woods. At one point we heard something in the brush and I instantly pulled my sword, ready to strike at whatever it might be. Azira told me to put away my sword while he went to go find out what it was. After a few seconds of searching, he stumbled across a very young owlbear crying out. He told me what it was and I was about to grab him to get him out of there. Then, the stupid thing happened.

Azira: I am going to play the owlbear a lulliby.
Me: WHAT?!
Azira: Trust me, I can keep him as a pet...
Me: Come on, let's get out of here...
Azira: No, I am going to play for this owlbear. (to the DM) I roll a 15...
Me: Oh my god...

Yep, you guessed it. Two owlbears come walking out of the brush and attack us. But that isn't the kicker. The kicker was there was an additional giant sized owlbear that turned out to be a golem that shot balista bolts. At this time Azira skittered up the tree like a squirrel and was trying to hit the original owlbears with arrows... Note the word "trying" because he got pinned to the tree with a balista bolt right through the chest, then having the tree FALL OVER with him pinned onto it... Amazingly enough, he survived.

To note: He did ALOT of stupid things... He was a VERY SPECIAL character...

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