Dune Director Denis Villeneuve to adapt Rendezvous with Rama!


And here I am, still waiting for the sequel to "John Carter of Mars," which is clearly the best science fiction film of all times. The long-overdue sequel was to be called "John Carter of Venus."

Other science fiction/fantasy franchise installments we haven't gotten include the following:
The 14th Warrior
The Sixth Element
Nosfera-Three (been waiting for this one since 1922)
Huh? What do sequels have to do with anything?

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the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Other science fiction/fantasy franchise installments we haven't gotten include the following:
The 14th Warrior
The Sixth Element
Nosfera-Three (been waiting for this one since 1922)
When Malcolm X came out, I recall joking it was so good I wanted to go back and see the first 9 films.

Also, to really mess with people, tell them that 28 Days Later (the zombie apocalypse movie) is the sequel to 28 Days (the Sandra Bullock rehab film). :devilish:


I crit!
Whoa! Careful. I'm writing this from WITHIN that turd.... ship. And I don't think the crew would take kindly to your foul descriptive text.

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