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Dungeon 163: Beyond the Mottled Tower


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OK, I wrote this up, decided it was too long to plunk into the thread, but since the thread has died down, I’ll just leave it here for posterity. Yeah, it’s long and rambling.

Having read over the Scales of War recently in preparation for starting a new campaign, I've got some notes I wrote up recently. Fortunately, almost no changes need to be made to any encounters or skill challenges, with the exception of the first adventure (and that more for pacing reasons than plot). Almost all of the changes are to plot points, motives and NPC interactions.

The general idea is to build up the war and conflict in Siege of Bordrin's Watch and use it as a constant background, rather than a brief interlude in that one adventure. I'll also be changing NPC motives to make things more straightforward overall. So if you prefer webs of intrigue, you may not find it to your tastes. My group has already played through Red Hand of Doom, so it seems silly to avoid some of the details of that adventure, as the current path seems to do.

The campaign begins with the call to arms from Overlook, as given in the beginning of Siege. As noted in the back story, the Elsir Vale has been subjected for centuries to repeated invasions and attacks by the humanoids and monsters from the western side of the Stonehome Mountains. Enough of these invasions have resulted in destruction in the past that the vale is riddled with communities of all sorts that have fallen and were never rebuilt. Overlook has taken on an important role more to its ability to survive the intermittent attacks than anything else. All communities in the Vale know that the threat from beyond the mountains is real and could result in disaster if unchecked. The PCs have gathered in the town of Brindol, a mustering point for those traveling to Overlook to aid in the defense of the Vale in response to the latest threatening forces reported.

Brindol was the site of the previous invasion, the Red Hand of Doom. This force was eventually revealed to be supported by the Cult of Tiamat and defeated, but only after making deep inroads into the Vale. Many different cults, warlords and would-be empires have arisen in the so-called Orc Country, the Red Hand being only the latest in a long and varied line. Right up to the Temple Between, the campaign has Overlook and the vale under the threat of war, with minor skirmishes and scouts found on both sides of the mountains.

Rescue at Rivenroar.

Starts with establishing why the PCs are there and perhaps having them interact with some NPCs also mustering in Brindol. The three skill challenges at the start of the adventure will be combined into single, broader skill challenge that leads to the Rivenroar crypts. I think the Rivenroar crypts complex goes on for far too long, so I intend to eliminate encounters in rooms 5+6, 7, 10, 13+14, 22 and 23. This will requires changing the locations and responses of the kidnap victims, but I think it's worth it. The shrine of Bane in the Rivenroar family crypt is changed from Bane to Tiamat. Kartenix's body is moved to the Lords of Rivenroar encounter, where he was given as a tribute to the undead. Sinruth's motivations are unchanged, except that he's a breakaway from the forces across the mountains. He still dreams of renewing the glory of the Red Hand of Doom, although he has no knowledge of the Cult of Tiamat being behind the latest threat. No change in the note found in Sinruth's abode. Sarshan was indeed the Emissary and he is working with the General to simply dishearten and weaken the Vale at a historic site of the last invasion.

When the heroes find the platinum sword, Amyria immediately awakens. Amyria is confused and uncertain. She knows that her current form is not her real one, but that she needs a great source of extraplanar power to allow herself to complete her transformation back. She has a mystical sense of the portals and planar anomalies found in the Vale and can be useful to the party in explaining or guiding them in their interactions with these. She remembers little else of specifics, but is eager to travel with heroic adventurers seeking to defend the Vale. Amyria use the stats of a fifth level magic weapon, replacing one of the treasure parcels. It's assumed that she'll stay with the party until Den of the Destroyer, when she finally senses an extraplanar power capable of transforming her in the Elemental Chaos portal. I'll add six more encounters of levels 1-3, centering on meeting the Freeriders hunting down and orc scouting band (mysteriously found near a shadowy vale, having come from the Shadowfell via ritual), an expansion of the heroes confronting the Lost Ones (harassing the owner of the Mountain Hearth) and a couple of PC specific encounters.

Siege of Bordrin's Watch: No changes, except to add that darn brass key on the body of the Dark One Emissary. However, this attack was also supported by Sarshan, using Modra as a intermediary. During the intiial briefing by the Overlook war council, it is emphasized that enemy is gaining magical support and special weaponry and beasts from an unknown source. It is of high priority to find out who is behind this and to stop them at all costs.

The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge. Modra was working directly for Sarshan. He's been clumsy enough to be tracked down the PCs. Sarshan is curious enough to meet the PCs in disguise in the Happy Beggar. A supremely cynical character, he thinks he needs merely name the right price for anyone. Modra fights to the death in the White Shrine. The portal to the Shadowfell is unstable in the sense that it can only transport a limited number of living beings before breaking up for a time. It is therefore only good for transporting non-living items and the occasional person into the Shadowfell. The PCs can go to the Overlook Council, who suggests strongly the PCs investigate. The portal is such that Overlook can't send more than few at a time, so the PCs are the best choice. The PCs travel through the portal with the mission to discover as much as they can of the weapon smugglers and hinder them, if possible. In the Umbraforge, things proceed as given, except no Modra to plan to destroy the Dark Foundry and the portal from the world is one-way. The PCs have to find a way back. Leena is a shadar-kai witch who is sickened by the things that Sarshan is doing and worried about the elemental forces he's abusing for power. She doesn't necessarily tell the PCs that, though. She tells the PCs of the secret route from the Dark Foundry to the Tower and that the Tower contains a portal under guard from the Shadowfell back into the world. The PCs eventually infiltrate the Dark Foundry and fight with Sharshan's force there. Amyria speaks up, noting the vast, unstable elemental forces dangerously harnessed here. If I know my PCs, they'll snap at this. Mass destruction is much more enjoyable when the PCs cause it, rather than simply passively witness it. The Foundry can be sabotaged to result in a disaster (although one that the PCs think won't destroy the Tower). The PCs enter the Tower and eventually encounter Sarshan. His speech doesn't mention Modra, brushes off any attempt at moral reflection and he makes his offer, figuring to have his githyanki allies eventually make useful mind-slaves of this bunch, after they've agreed to his deal. The Foundry blows up, Sarshan leaves to deal with it and the PCs escape through the portal.

Lost Mines of Karak: Bram Ironfell's story to the PCs is completely true and he's not Sarshan's agent. He was shocked to discover the mention of the Mine of Karak in some of Sarshan's captured documents. He knows something of the curse of the mines and fears what Sarshan's group might do with such power. He warns the PCs and the module proceeds as given, with the main worry being the enemy seizing the potential power of the mines. (In the published path, Sarshan's gone for a few days and bam, Bram is spilling the beans to the PCs that destroyed his bosses' business, all for a mine of questionable value that was lost centuries ago. Sarshan certainly knows how to pick his allies for maximum anonymity. And Bram's not much better for picking allies.)

Den of the Destroyer: Sertanian has recently found a scabbard (or other item) that matches Amyria in style in the Hall. He was planning to find a messenger, but his plans were disrupted when he was kidnapped by the gnolls. The town sends a messenger to the PCs concerning both the scabbard and Sertanian's capture. When the group reaches the Hall, the priestess of Ioun greets them and tells them the sad news. The scabbard restores some of Amyria's mind and powers and she can sense the danger Sertanian is in. The gnolls selected Sertanian, among others, at the behest of their mad visions from Yeenoghu, attempting to eliminate would-be threats (but missing the scabbard for the man). If the PCs can get to Sertanian in time, he can be saved. Otherwise, its another Abyssal Wretch for the fire. Amyria transforms and behaves as published, tapping the power of the portal.

The Temple Between: As the PCs get the chance to interrogate, Sarshan's involvement as the ally who gathered the General's mercenaries isn't a secret (to the bad guys, anyway). On page 16 of the issue, Megan is more subdued than rude and the clan of dwarves at the Divine Knot that don't like the PCs are from the Hammerfist clan, not the Ironfell. (The PCs were working for and rewarded by the Ironfell Clan in the Lost Mines of Karak and they fought the Hammerfist clan, despite the text.)

Beyond the Mottled Tower: Sarshan is seeking revenge on the PCs and the vale. Also a chance to try out a risky new power he's harnessed, the blood chaos. Megan Swiftblade and the Freeriders, eager to show the PCs that they aren't the only heroes of the Vale, have uncovered evidence for this. They also find the location of the place where Sarshan is going to attempt to test his blood chaos next, in Megan's home town! Megan rushes there, while the rest of the Freeriders chase down a lead on Sarshan's location. The PCs are notified once the Council learns of this threat by frantic (and somewhat confusing) messages from the Freeriders. The PCs can't track down the rest of the Freeriders, but they do know that Megan has rushed back to Talar in anticipation of some awful reprisal from Sarshan. When the PCs meet Megan, she is badly wounded, but tells them what she can of the threat of blood chaos.
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I really enjoyed reading your thoughts and will more than likely use them for my campaign as well. Now that the next adventure has been released (congrats Piratecat!) do you have any thoughts on how to integrate it tighter into the overall narrative?


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Thanks, Yergi! I just downloaded the latest installment and it does look like a great installment to the AP. At 83 pages, it's going to take me a while to digest it, though. Spoilers below:

My main worry at first glance is that Beyond the Mottled Tower definitely feels more like a dangling epilogue to the Heroic Tier: "Hey, you know the main villain for the Heroic Tier? Do we have any more plans for him? 'Cause he never got any kind of resolution. Let's have him in some kind of fight to the death with the heroes before next month and the *real* kickoff to the Paragon Tier." I'm thinking that I'll probably want to have Sharshan and the Mottled Tower be more forward looking (even if it's just making it clear that he's no longer in the close favor of the githyanki).


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plot doctoring?

My main gripe about this module is that it has the primary problem of all of the previous SoW adventures to a magnified degree: encounters, areas and challenges that would make perfect sense in a straightforward adventure, but the plot and background has complications and twists that only seem to serve to confuse and weaken adventure, IMO. I... I'll going to have to do significant plot doctoring on this one.
Most of the adventures in the path would be so much better, plot-wise, if the authors didn't seem to feel the need to toss in complications and ulterior motives. Because almost all of the ones they've given don't make much sense.

I agree. For example "Cachlain, an infamous fomorian king of the Feywild", and his advisor "Sovacles", are introduced in The Temple Between, #6. Are these two going to show up again soon? I've seen no sign of them up through #9 the most recent release. If these two are not recurring characters, I'd prefer to cut them out of the story all together.

FourthBear - I'd love to continue to hear how you are doctoring the plot. I love your comments so far. I've been trying to do some of that myself.
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