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Dungeon and dragon WOTC forums

What should WOTC make sure is working 100% before the release date?

  • Dragon PDF

    Votes: 53 26.2%
  • Dungeon PDF

    Votes: 50 24.8%
  • D&D Insider

    Votes: 79 39.1%
  • Gleemax

    Votes: 30 14.9%
  • Core books

    Votes: 137 67.8%
  • I'm sure none will be 100% before relase date

    Votes: 70 34.7%

  • Poll closed .


First Post
So, I was readign the forums at WOTC about the PDF issues of Dragon and Dungeon magazine. Wow, there are some really peeved peeps waiting on the issues to come out.

It seems like WOTC is ignoring a large core of D&D players. They have not responed to any of the complaints or "feedback" on their own boards!

Anyone out here got any info on why the PDFs are taking so long to put together and if WOTC is moderating their message boards?

I am or was very up on the 4th edition coming out but if WOTC can't keep up with simple pdf productions what will become of a full out on-line D&D table top program and all these new books to follow?

I'm not bashing WOTC. I am a D&D player of old school and will play 3.5 forever if 4.0 flops but they really need to address players (game buyers) concerns.



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Bog97th said:
They have not responed to any of the complaints or "feedback" on their own boards!

They have actual work to do.

If they took a moment to listen to the yowls of every whiny grognard they'd want to quit within a month.


First Post
Incenjucar said:
They have actual work to do.

If they took a moment to listen to the yowls of every whiny grognard they'd want to quit within a month.

Very true.

I mean its not like they actually committed to any kind of schedule or content ... right? And we certainly don't want them to actually waste the time responding to useless questions. I'm sure glad they have that magic crystal ball that separates the complaints of the whiny grognards from the complaints of the 4E supporters.


There are gamers on both sides of the 4E debate who have become concerned about the perceived lack of content and the continuing difficulty that WotC is showing to meet the dates that they themselves have set. You may not think it a problem, and that's fine. But to other gamers its an issue that they would like some feedback on from WotC. Feedback (of any kind) that is not being provided.
Last edited:


I wouldn't mind Dragon mag failing so they'd return to the print version. I think they expect we read the articles on the Insider as they come out rather than wait for the compilations. Not true as I've already began to selectively ignore most of the articles.


First Post
Core books and core books only. Everything else can go hang.

That said, I don't expect anything to be 100%. Companies don't even pretend to try for that standard anymore.


Mortellan said:
I wouldn't mind Dragon mag failing so they'd return to the print version.
It's an illusion.

If the online mags fail they aren't going to suddenly decide to restart them. The costs wouldn't be worth it. Keeping the magazines going are one thing. Restarting them is just a hair breadth easier than starting a new one. Ask Erik Mona his feelings about starting a magazine today. Ask him if he'd try to restart the magazines if WotC gave them the license again.

Sorry, that ship has sailed (as much as I wish it hadn't).


First Post
Incenjucar said:
They have actual work to do.

If they took a moment to listen to the yowls of every whiny grognard they'd want to quit within a month.

I'm not saying that they have to respond to everyone but there are "0" replies to anyone....... It just seems like a company that big would have just one person able to read the messages and some things up every few weeks at least..........


First Post
Ideally, all of them, but I only really care about the core rulebooks. I'm hoping they will be in a finished state, but something tells me there'll be a whole lot of errata on release day or soon after.



First Post
Bog97th said:
I'm not bashing WOTC. I am a D&D player of old school and will play 3.5 forever if 4.0 flops but they really need to address players (game buyers) concerns.
This sort of attitude is exactly the reason why they rarely post anything on the forums any more.

No matter how concerned you are, there's someone who's unconcerned and will buy the product, no questions asked. Sure, losing your business may seem like the beginning down a slippery slope, but it's merely one dip in a series of peaks and valleys.

They create the game and the rules, but they don't obligate you to buy it. They'll answer questions if they want to, provide extended content if they want and if they don't, they won't.

So many people groan about the loss of Dungeon and Dragon, but let's face facts: those two "fine publications" were merely outlets for material so ridiculously unbalanced or irredeemable that it would never make it into any actual sourcebook. Because of WotC sponsorship of the two products, people argued that their contents were "official" material, and this allowed them to import some of the worst-implemented and poorly-balanced options in 3.0 and 3.5. Essentially a Munchkin's wet dream.

As far as publication dates...those come and go, particularly with a product that's still in the development cycle. What has and hasn't gone to the printers at this point is up for debate, but all of the content certainly hasn't been sent forth.

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