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Dungeon Tiles DT1

Jack the Red

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I live in Sao Paulo, but i'm not brazilian, so, if i write in portugues it'll be with several errors! I have found that Livraria Cultura have this maps from Paizo.

Ops, sorry.
Thanks, that library has a lot of randomic stuff.

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Would you consider a Tile product from another company that was compatible with DT1, even if the cardstock were a "little" bit thinner?

No, never!

*looks at huge pile of tiles from various games & companies*

Ok, maybe.


Though, I really like the thick cardstock of the DT series. :D



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I started DM'ing the Red Hand of Doom after seeing some pics of other people's Stone Gorge Bridge models and got inspired to try going 3D instead of just using a battlemat. I had a few dungeon tiles (from the Basic Set) but thought they were kind of limited in flexibility. After some research, I stumbled across WorldWorks Games. They sell sets of .pdf's for printing out your own terrain. They have something like the Dungeon tiles called DungeonLinx 2.5D which allows you to print out onto cardstock (a heavy kind of paper) all sorts of dungeon tiles.

Impressive! Looks like it is a lot of work, though. :)



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Impressive! Looks like it is a lot of work, though. :)


The DungeonLinx is very little work. The vast majority of it simply consists of printing the stuff out, then using a ruler and an x-acto knife or utility knife to cut it out. Last, you glue it down to some kind of backing (foamcore/matboard/etc.) and let it dry. You could do up a dungeon room/tile in 5 min (not including drying time). The first couple times you cut, it goes a bit slower, but the learning curve is a very short one.

To do the 3D stuff does take more time since you've got more than 4 cuts to make, and a building will be made of 4 individual walls. My first couple buildings took probably 45 min to an hour (not including glue drying time), but I've gotten faster since, and can put together a lot of terrain quickly, maybe 35-30 min for a 6"x6" building. I put together a 30"x40" cave complex with a large central chamber, 4 side rooms and lots of corridors in an hour or so every night over the course of a week.

I did figure out that you can make things go a lot faster if you "assembly-line" it. Print out a bunch of stuff and cut out 3 or 4 walls/etc, fold them and glue those pieces. While they dry, start cutting out some other stuff. The next night, I'd glue together the completed walls from the night before, cutting while waiting for glue to dry, etc, or "edging" (using a black or other color marker on the folded edges to cover up the white of the paper). The other thing I've found is that once I've got a bunch of stuff made up, I don't have to do much more unless I need something unusual. I know one guy who just printed out a ton of stuff before a game session, then had his players spend an hour cutting, folding, and gluing. In an hour, he got a ton of stuff made.

I saw one guy on the WorldWorks Game forums who in one weekend made the following dungeon (sorry about the size, but it's what he posted)



First Post
That's what I meant with lots of work. ;)

It surely is a reasonable amount of work for the result, though. :)


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