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DUUD: New Moon 1


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Hassan packs his (small amount) of stuff, and the sticks close to the Cleric, keeping an eye out.
Hmmf.. assasins, what next? Oh well, guess it's just another enemy to kill.
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Peter looks in two directions seemingly at once as he tries to decide where to go. Knowing that he could die if he left on his own he head with the group.

Winter returns after her immediate return and reports finding nothing. The wraith is not content to have her scout the immediate area and send her back out. She(winter) reports to the Wraith after about twenty minutes. There is a carcass about 500 feet ahead. Also she spotted a lone rider in the distance. The rider seems to be in a hurry to intercept your path. He will reach you in 4 hours if he keeps up this pace.

A fetid stench starts to taint the air you breath. The trees tall as they are seem to have a slight pinkish tint to them. The Wraith is starting to become a bit panicky. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that something was murdered here. And more importantly the killer wasn't content to just end the victims life. For one instant there is no twilight. Since it is a new moon out tonight, it becomes pitchblack. The stars wink back into existance as soon as they winked out, but it was Enough to startle all of the NPC's.

Peter starts to play on his guitar, it seems oddly distorted, but more energetic. He is forcing magic into his guitar to get this distorted sound, but it seems only to make the music better, at the very least it is louder. (Peter inspires Greatness)

A shout pierces the night from behind, and almost immediatly after one from ahead.


Hassan draws his Everburning Torch, tucking it into his belt so he can see, and then draws his flamberge, ready to charge anything dangerous or threatening (Or anything he doesn't like) with a "HASSAN CHOP"

OOC: Hassan chop, my signature move: Charges towards enemies, hits them, moves away without provoking an AoO. Using Spring attack, power charge, power attack[-4 attack +4 damage]. Can move up to 80' total, all in 1 direction (Straight past opponent).
TO HIT : +23. Damage : 4d6+40 (Crit 15-20/X2)

Thomas Hobbes

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Lorrin's Flail springs into his hand, and he steps closer to Khael and scans the darkness, ready to spring into action should anything present itself.

game stuff: declare Kaz as charge for this combat, draw weapon, ready attack on anything that come close enough for me to hit.


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Tar silently hides in a nearby shadow and draws his daggers. The grey elf scans the horizon. (Hide, Spot, Move Silent) Senses alert he begins to exist alternately here and on the ethereal plane (blink)

Hostegym moves closer to the wagon. Using it as a cover, he starts casting protective spells on himself (extended mage armor, extended protection from arrows). He starts scanning the darkness (listen, spot), and as soon he notices any movement in the darkness he casts the final spell (shield).

OOC: Hostegym usually has extended mage armor always active. He casts it now, since I forgot to edit it to his stats.


Tutsan scans the area around the party from on high (about 40' up on his broom) with his magically enhanced vision (permanent See Invisibility).

If the party is attacked, he'll cast Mass Haste. If he spots anything invisible and dangerous looking, he'll cast Quickened True Strike followed by Disintegrate.
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Kaz/Khael chuckles a bit to himself, waving a hand towards his spellcasting companions, "Don't waste all your tricks too early, who knows what's up ahead."

With that, the cleric motions over to the bard, "Peter, there's nothing to fear, stick close to me and my blessings will keep you protected, but if that should fail I give you a gift." Kaz then bestows upon Peter the ability to cast Sanctuary on himself.

He then moves on to Kraog Dun, whom he, without another word casts Shield of Faith upon. After finishing his spell he whispers, "May Kelemvor be proud for the glory you will bring to his name today."

The cleric nods his head towards Scy, and if the druid wishes, he will cast Magic Vestment on his armor. (+4 bonus)

He then motions over to the rogue, "Alexander, may the divine who so confuse you today infuse you with greater health." He then casts Endurance upon him.

And finally to both of the silent fighters, he takes a small, silver rod out of his belt and with it helping him, he casts an Extended Greater Magic Weapon on each of their swords. (+4 bonus, 24 hr. duration)

(Kaz will do these actions as time permits, he will skip casting a divine spell on the druid/rogue/fighters if they have company ahead of time. He is/has been attempting to gain the trust and friendship of the Peter, Kraog, and Alexander mostly, but also the respect of the rest of the group.)

The Wraith King recovers from his fears, a cold hatred issuing from his very core for displaying such an emotion. He then continues to retreat underneath the ground to lie in ambush for any attackers-leaving his familiar reporting whatever goes on above ground for him.

(The Wraith King casts Mage Armor upon himself underground for the first round, Winter is still hiding up there and using her blindsight/spot/listen checks to the best of her ability, relaying info to the Wraith King so he can relay it back to Kaz.)

Notes-Any opponents within 30 ft. of Kaz, unless immune to mind-influencing effects, must make a will save DC 15 or be affected as though by Fear. Attackers upon Kaz must make a Will Save DC 16 or be Charmed, they get a +4 bonus to this roll if they successfully hit him. He also has a constant Protection From Evil spell on himself from his PrC)
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As Kaz moves around with his bolstering spells, He notes that Alexander is already gone to do his job. The rogue apparently left quickly as soon as Scy got a hold of him.

If the party has found no reason to stop...

A body desicated and hanging by its own entrails suddenly pulls into the loom. Kraog the wonderful person that he is moves in and cuts the body down. He notes, "It seems that something was eating at Dennis."

A cold rush passes through the grouping. Kaz, Hostegym, and Tutsan should note that they can feel their magic ability being drained from their bodies. As all magic abilities fade from weapons and items Peter Panics and runs.

The entire group witnesses Peter run about 50 ft and then bolt or arrow passes through his throat. He turns sideways as he falls to the ground dead.

Scy upturns everthing and makes an attempt to call his Companion, it does not answer. He digs in ready for some sort of ambush. He motions for everyone to group together. Those that come close discover his plan. "I do not intend to die tonight I have two tanglefoot bags a thunderstone and five alchy fires. I am asking for support from our fighters. I mean to dig in and make my stand here. Perhaps we will fare better when we get into the open and are in the daylight." The fighters of Cyric agree to defend this place. They begin aranging everything that has been upturned into a wall of sorts. Scy makes a motion to Duan. In his haste he is too loud, "That idiot tripped the trap in the body. Now whatever is coming for us has the advantage. I do not intend for him to survive the night."

Duan nods and heads back to making defenses.

(laymans terms: Kraog tripped a trap in the body of Dennis, it set an antimagic field. When Peter tried to run out of the field he was successfully sneak and/or death attacked. In either case Scy has made it clear that leaving the area is probably death, and he does not want to move in the night anymore. So in response he has fortified the position. He has also made it apparent that he wants Kaogg dead for setting of the trap.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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