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I'm currently unsatisfied with this content and am taking it down for further development and tweaks. Thanks to everyone that's been so helpful.
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Seems like its getting a lot of things for just a race. I think some of those things should be shifted to a separate feat sort of like the deep gnome

That is a fair point. Perhaps the Echo Attack and the Coordinated Assault abilities could be made into a feat. Taking away too much else would alter how they functioned as a race and even make them too easily slain. Their Magic Conduction is their way of compensating for being smacked with something like a Hold Person spell.

I decided that I'm going to remove the following features and put them into a feat.

Coordinated Assault. A Dvati pair can greater coordinate their strikes. A Dvati twin has a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls made against a target that its other half is also threatening in melee.
Artistic Soul. Dvati have Proficiency in the Perform Skill.
Echo Attack. A Dvati pair may both use their actions simultaneously to make a single Perform check to release a disorienting screech at a target that both twins are threatening in melee. The target makes a Constitution Saving Throw at a DC equal to the Dvati's Perform Check. If the target fails this saving throw, it is Deafened for one round and the Dvati gain their choice of one of the following effects until the end of their next turn.

  • +1 to their attack rolls against the creature.
  • +1 to their armor class against attacks made by the creature.

A creature that cannot be Deafened or does not have a sense of hearing is immune to this attack.


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Dvati: Still alive and kicking!

Hey there. I'm Talon, the original creator of the Dvati, and I just wanted to say that it's always nice to see that people still have an interest in my little race. A few years ago, I actually contacted WOtC about buying back, or licensing the rights to the Dvati for use in a Pathfinder book I'm working on, but I was turned down. "That particular race is not available for sale or licensing" I was told. While disappointed, I've held that as a sign that, perhaps, we would see an official 5e Dvati release at some point in the future. We shall see.

In the meantime, I like this workup. I agree that it's a little too much for a 5e race, but I also accept that they're pretty complicated. When I created them for that Dragon Magazine contest back in the day, I had intended them to be played as two separate characters. I recognized that that was a difficult and unorthodox concept, but playing them as a single character just never occurred to me. When Paizo reworked them for their Dragon Magazine Compendium, they added that aspect. While I think it was definitely an inspired stroke of brilliance, I also recognize that it comes with its own set of issues, the biggest being that by dividing their hit-points between two bodies, you're effectively making them individually fragile; character death is nearly a guarantee with them. I always that that this was a mistake; that to be viable as a PC race, each body needs to have a full array of hit-points. Either that or both bodies draw from the same pool, meaning they feel each-other's pain and damaging one equally damages the other.

I also never quite liked the idea that they only get the same amount of actions as a single-bodied character, meaning that, when it comes to combat, one just stands there while the other hits. I understand the reason for that, and accept it in the name of game balance, but still, it never really felt right to me.

Anyway, I'm very pleased to see that this race is still popular enough to be sparking discussion and translation into new editions all these years later. I hope that people continue to enjoy the Dvati, in any system, for years to come. If I can answer any questions about their ecology, please don't hesitate to ask.

Wow, this actually brought a smile to my face. I'm shocked to be hearing from the original designer. I'd love to work out ideas with you. I'll drop you a private message and we can start work as soon as you're willing to do so.


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Sounds good. Keep in mind that I'm fairly new to 5e, though, and I've never done any development for it past basic character creation, but I'll be happy to give you any insight I can.

Voidrunner's Codex

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