Dwarven Monk Build Idea


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I've been playing with a Dwarven Monk idea as of late. My goal is to make a Tumbler that excels at flanking and the use if his Stunning Fist ability. I would maximize his Tumble skill and take at least 30 ranks in it by 20th level. The Fiery Fist and Ki Blast feats will also make use of the Stunning Fist ability. He will be taking the PHB II Decisive Strike ability in place of Flurry of Blows. He may hit less often but it will hurt when he does.
Questions. The Decisive Strike ability is Ex. Can that be enhanced with Feats? Like maximize or Ability Focus?

Here is the build: Any suggestions?

Name: Flint

Race: Dwarf Gender: Male Class: Monk Level: 1st Alignment: LG

Str: 10 (2 points)
Dex: 14 (6 points) +2
Con: 16 (6 points, +2 Racial Bonus) +3
Int: 10 (2 points)
Wis: 16 (10 points) +3
Cha: 8 (2 points, -2 Racial Penalty) -1
28 Point Buy

Base Speed: 20
Languages: Common and Dwarven.

HP: 11 (d8, +3 CN Bonus)
Initiative: +2 (+2 DX Bonus)
BAB: +0
BAB Melee: +0
BAB Missile: +0 (+2 DX Bonus, -2 Shaky Flaw)
Saves: Fort +5 (+3 CN Bonus), Ref +4 (+2 DX Bonus) and Will +5 (+3 WS Bonus)
Armour Class: 15 (+2 DX Bonus, +3 WS Bonus)

Skills: 1st level points: 4 x 4 = 16
Each following level: 4

Class Skills:

Balance (DX) +2 (+2 DX Bonus)
Climb (ST)
Concentration (CN) +3 (+3 CN Bonus)
Craft (IN)
Diplomacy (CH) –1 (-1 CH Penalty)
Escape Artist (DX) +2 (+2 DX Bonus)
Hide (DX) +2 (+2 DX Bonus)
Jump (ST) +8 (4 Ranks, +2 DX Bonus, +2 Acrobatic Feat)
Knowledge (Arcana) (IN) +1 (1 Rank)
Knowledge (Religion) (IN) +1 (1 Rank)
Listen (WS) +5 (2 Ranks, +3 WS Bonus)
Move Silently (DX) +2 (+2 DX Bonus)
Perform (CH) –1 (-1 CH Penalty)
Profession (WS)
Sense Motive (WS) +5 (2 Ranks, +3 WS Bonus)
Spot (WS) +5 (2 Ranks, +3 WS Bonus)
Swim (ST)
Tumble (DX) +8 (4 Ranks, +2 DX Bonus, +2 Acrobatic Feat)

Cross-class Skills:

Bluff (CH) –1 (-1 CH Penalty)
Disguise (CH) –1 (-1 CH Penalty)
Gather Information (CH) –1 (-1 CH Penalty)
Heal (WS) +3 (+3 WS Bonus)
Intimidate (CH) –1 (-1 CH Penalty)
Ride (DX) +2 (+2 DX Bonus)
Survival (WS) +3 (+3 WS Bonus)
Use Rope (DX) +2 (+2 DX Bonus)

Class Abilities:

Stunning Fist (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Wis modifier): DC 15
(+2 DC for Ability Focus, +3 WS Bonus)
Unarmed Strike: 1d6 Damage (1st Level)

Feats: 1st level
Ability Focus: Stunning Fist (+2 DC Save)
Acrobatic (+2 Jump and Tumble)

Flaws: Poor Aim (Shaky): -2 on ranged attacks.


Bed Roll
Mess Kit
Wool Cap
Wool pants and shirt
Flint & Steel
Rations (week)
Handaxe (1d6 ×3, Slashing)
Kama (1d6 ×2, Slashing, Trip ability)
Sling (1d4 ×2, RI 50 ft., Bludgeoning)
10 Sling Bullets
Belt Pouch (5 gp)


Personal History:


Build Plan:

1st Level: Feats (Ability Focus: Stunning Fist, Acrobatic), Stunning Fist (Bonus Feat), Decisive Strike (replaces Flurry of Blows)

2nd Level: Fiery Fists (Bonus Feat)

3rd Level: Feat (Weapon Finesse)

4th Level: +1 DX

5th Level: Decisive Strike (Improvement)

6th Level: Feat (Improved Natural Attack: Unarmed Strike), Ki Blast (Bonus Feat)

7th Level:

8th Level: +1 DX

9th Level: Feat (Versatile Unarmed Strike)

10th Level:

11th Level: Decisive Strike (Improvement)

12th Level: Feat (Acrobatic Strike), +1 DX

13th Level:

14th Level:

15th Level: Feat (Extra Stunning)

16th Level: +1 DX

17th Level:

18th Level: Feat (Combat Reflexes)

19th Level:

20th Level: +1 DX

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