• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Dwimmermount [IC]


Magen Brigward, Fighter 3

Magen went through his morning routine, washing, shaving and overseeing Edgar's and Warian's care of his equipment. Lucious brought up the question of what to do, "I must admit I'm concerned about whatever that large creature is, Hookbeak or otherwise. It seems to mostly be leaving us alone, but for how long. I don't want to provoke it though. Other than that, just keep searching I guess?"

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Magen Brigward
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 17 (19 with shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 36/36 (HD: 3/3d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
H. Crossbow: +2 150/600 1d10P Heavy, Two handed, Loading
Shield Bash: Bonus action +5 contested roll vs athletic or acrobatics
Manoeuvre Save DC: 13

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1
Superiority Dice(d8): 4/4
Inspiration: 2
Healing Potion: 1
Bolts: 36[/SBLOCK]

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Taking a deep breath the Halfling looks up at Shara and says "Toby Blackberry at yer service my lady. I was a scout and ranger for the Halfling adventuring band called the 'Silent Troop. Alas they are all dead now. We had been hired out of Adamas to search for the meteor or meteor fragments in the Starfall Marshes. Wizards and such would pay a fine coin for it although their rumors these fragments might also be cursed so we took the precaution of bringing a couple of iron lined chest on our donkey. Alas we were ambushed by the swamps new deranged masters, a tribe of foul bullywugs! They did kill most of my mates and sold the rest of us to some foul forest devils. I never knew what these creatures were called but they were like evil elves with ram like horns growing from their heads. They sacrificed the last of my mates to some dark gods. I feared I would share the same fate, and had I known what was coming I might have welcomed it. Instead they sold me to the hag where you found me. She told me she was going to eat me and kept me in that cage for almost a week with no food and little water. She wanted me to witness her eating habits as she said fear made the meat tender. Foul hag creature..."

The tale seems to take a lot out of Toby as his voice becomes weaker through his telling of his story.


First Post
"I'm so sorry for all you've been through, Toby," Shara says to the halfling. "But the hag is dead, and you're safe now. I'm Shara, and that's Corwin, Magen, Lucious, and Hunter," she says, pointing to each of them. "We're the Fellowship of Tome and Steel, and we're out here looking for ruins on a job of our own. You're welcome to stay with us as long as you like. It's safe here at camp, and Magen's men are here while we're out, so you wouldn't be alone. We'd be happy to see you home when we're finished here, but if you really want to go, please stay at least a few days to eat and rest first."

She didn't want to be unkind, but a bath and clothes other than dirty rags would probably help him feel better, too. She pulls her traveling clothes out of her pack and hands them to Toby, along with her dagger. "I'm sorry we don't have anything that would fit you better, but with some dagger work these shouldn't be too bad. You can get cleaned up at the well when you're feeling up to it."


First Post
Toby smiles and shrugs happily "A poor lost soul such as myself cannot be a choosy when he has nothing to begin with. I may need a few days of rest to recover from my ordeal before I would be of much aid to anyone, including myself."


Hunter Brightwood

Hunter woke up and stretched feeling like new again, he ran his hand over his face feeling the stubble, the thought about shaving and then thought better of it.

He nodded when Shara said his name and pointed at him and offered a wave to the little halfing. As he stretched Hunter caught a whiff of his scent and decided a wash would be in order. "And you are getting a bath too," he said to his weasel familiar.



First Post
"Rest up, then, and we'll see you tonight," Shara says to Toby. "I'd better go get ready, since it sounds like we're off for more exploring soon." She heads back to the cabin to don her armor.


First Post
The heroes make ready for the day and within a hour or so start making their way back into the forest. The going is slower today as there are still sickened members who just don't seem to have as much energy as they normally would. At around noon the group stops in a meadow for a midday meal. Corwin notices a standing stone monolith, buried until thick plants and moss on one side of the clearing... With a quick glance it appears to be around ten feet tall (although it is leaning slightly to the side) and maybe for feet wide. Its hard to make out any other features being obscured by the plant life.


First Post
Corwin cuts back the plant life partially concealing the stone to reveal a number of faded but still somewhat readable arcane like symbols covering the stone. The arcane trickster is fairly sure the stone must be part of a relay of stone by some of the markings. With some time he should be able to figure out in what direction another such stone should be located...

GM: With your first Intelligence (Investigation) roll you get the idea that the stone is part of a system of stones and that some of the symbols tell where other stones in the system should be. Anyone can make a second Investigation check to figure that out (base DC 15). Also anyone can make a Intelligence (Arcana) check to get idea of what the symbols or the stone are suppose to be

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