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D&D 5E Dwimmermount [IC]


“Good call Shara,” Hunter exclaims as he moves to the other side of the bear.

“Lucious, I'm with you.” Hunter says as he braces his courage for whatever was about to come through the woods towards them.

Takes dodge action

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First Post
By the time Shara reaches the bear it has pass on and beyond her gifts to heal it. The two clubs half growl half whine at the appearance of young cleric. With Hunter and Lucious move past to provide some protection. The clubs both hiss angrily at the pair and another roar is issued by the approaching creature.

Maybe twenty feet back in the tree a moderate size tree is knocked over when finally the monster makes its appearance - as a huge owlbear breaks through the last bit of brush. It is walking all fours, seemingly in no hurry, sniffy the ground as it comes. At the sight of the corpse on the ground and the pair of heroes nearby its eyes narrow and it starts sniffing the area. It then lets out a hiss deep from its throat and suddenly stands on its hind legs. It must be 15 feet tall and weigh in excess of a thousand pounds!!! It's feather glisten in the afternoon light, as if they were metal!!! It then issues forth a challenging roar that makes you all swear that causes the ground to shake!

[sblock=Image]Owlbear but its beak is larger and long with a large hook on the upper part
GM: Anyone can make a Intelligence (Nature) and Intelligence (Arcana) checks...
[sblock=Intelligence (Nature) check 15+]This owlbear is bigger then any you have heard of but they are rumored they can. Owlbears are very aggressive and fight to the death once they have started, but will allow non-prey to flee if it does before attacking. But any attacks it will chase until it drops or its foe is dead. Something is very wrong with this one though as the 'feathers' are wrong somehow[/sblock]
[sblock=Intelligence (Arcana) check 15+]This creature has been changed somehow with magic, transforming its feathers and claws and beak have been morphed to some form of living metal[/sblock]
Initiative check and Actions?

Charwoman Gene



First Post
Shara looks at the cubs sadly when she realizes it's too late for their mother, but she doesn't get long to dwell. As the giant owlbear approaches, Shara cautiously stands and moves slowly toward Lucious and Hunter.

Since the creature hasn't outright attacked them, she readies to attack only if a fight breaks out.

OOC: Failed the Nature check. Init:

Initiative: 1D20+1 = [13]+1 = 14

If we end up fighting:

Move: Toward Lucious & Hunter
Action: Sacred Flame. DC 13 dex save or take 7 damage. No damage on success.
Reaction: Warding Flare (imposes disadvantage on attack)

Sacred Flame: 1D8 = [7] = 7

[sblock=Mini stats]HP: 33/33
AC: 17

Spell slots: 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 1/2

Spells prepared: Burning Hands, Faerie Fire, Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray, Bless, Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Inflict Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Warding Bond

Channel Divinity: 1/1
Warding Flare: 3/3

Inspiration: 3

HD: 3/3 (d8)[/sblock]


Magen Brigward, Fighter 3

Magen looks at the dying bear and wonders briefly what could have caused that. The crashing in the undergrowth nearby doesn't give him time to worry about such things. He follows Lucious to protect Shara as she attends to the creature, arriving just in time to see the huge owlbear.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with Lucious and Hunter brings him some comfort - not quite the comfort of fighting in a proper battle line though. He holds his shield up and readies his sword. "Hold the line!" He shouts from habit as much as anything, not quite remembering he isn't commanding this group.

"That is a huge owlbear," Magen says, "Bigger than any I have even heard of. Something isn't right about it. As Corwin sends a bolt of icy magic streaking towards it Magen adds, "Well, we're committed now, it won't stop attacking until we're dead or it is."

[SBLOCK=Actions and Rolls]
Too many If, Then, Else statements to write a sensible turn atm, I'll post again later as needed.
Nature then Arcana check: 1D20 = [16] = 16
1D20 = [9] = 9

Initiative: 1D20 = [11] = 11


[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Magen Brigward
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 17 (19 with shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 36/36 (HD: 3/3d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
H. Crossbow: +2 150/600 1d10P Heavy, Two handed, Loading
Shield Bash: Bonus action +5 contested roll vs athletic or acrobatics
Manoeuvre Save DC: 13

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1
Superiority Dice(d8): 4/4
Inspiration: 2
Healing Potion: 1
Bolts: 36[/SBLOCK]


Hunter almost steps back as the owlbear burst into sight, it was immense. "We’ve got this Lucious", Hunter says to his companion before turning to the owlbear and whispering a discordant melody Hunter braced for an attack.


As a bonus action Hunter gives Lucious a bardic inspiration die.

[sblock=bardic inspiration]Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Bardic Inspiration die, but must decide before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.[/sblock]

Hunter will use shield as a reaction if needed

Hunter cast Dissonant Whispers as a 1st level spell Bard Spell DC 13

[sblock=Dissonant Whispers]You whisper a discordant melody that only one creature of your choice within range can hear, wracking it with terrible pain. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and must immediately use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows away from you. The creature doesn’t move into obviously dangerous ground, such as a fire or a pit. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and doesn’t have to move away. A deafened creature automatically succeeds on the save.[/sblock]

[sblock=Rolls]Nature check: 1d20+2 7
Arcana: 1d20+2 3
Initiative: 1d20 14[/sblock]

[sblock=Resources Used]

AC 15 studded leather

HP 28/28

Bardic Inspiration 1 of 3

1st level spells 1 of 4
2nd level spells 0 of 2 [/sblock]



"A fight to the death? Wouldn't have it any other way!" Lucious says, as he tightens the grip on his halberd. His armor then begins to freeze, growing a thin layer of ice.

[sblock=OOC] Action: Casting Armor of Agathys
0 Level: Greenflame Blade, Eldritch Blast
1st Level 1/2: Command, Hex, Armor Agathys
Last edited:


First Post
GM: [sblock=Owlbear]Owlbear
Huge monstrosity, unaligned
Armor Class 17 (unnatural hide)
Hit Points 130 (10d10+ 50)
Saves Str +10, Con +9
Speed 40 ft. ft.
STR 23 (+6), DEX 12 (+1), CON 20 (+5), INT 3 (-4), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 7 (-2)
Skills Perception +5
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 20 (sight or smell), 15 (hearing)
Keen Sight and Smell. The owlbear has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.
Multiattack. The owlbear makes three attacks: one with its beak and two with its claws.
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 2d8+6 piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 2d10+6 slashing damage.[/sblock]
Owlbear Initiative: 1D20+1 = [2]+1 = 3, Heroes go first!!
Some of you have posted actions I just want to make sure evenone who is 'attacking and rolling' has done so

Voidrunner's Codex

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