dxContent.com - New Map Making Tool

Check out the new Map Making tools (beta) that I've made available! I'm looking for feedback on what works for you and what doesn't.

No need to register (but if you have the time, please create an account). No gimmicks and it's free like all the tools on dxContent.com!

Map Editing Tools (beta)!

I haven't written any help yet. So here is a primer to get you started:

1) Once the page loads, click new (you're presented with grid size options)
2) Click OK to get started with the default 10x10 grid.
3) Click on the Basics tab.
4) Click on the H-Path tool (it will turn red), then click on the map to lay down horizontal hallways, repeat with V-Path and corners. When hallways collide, the tool will automatically insert T and intersection tiles.
5) Click on the Stairs tab.
6) Clock on any of the stairway icons and then click on a black square to place it on the map.
7) Click on the Doors tab.
8) Select Doors (or Doorways), click on any red target area to place doors (if rooms are needed, rooms will be placed).
9) The Inters'ct/Edges tab works similer (pick a tool, click on the map to get the effect)


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The basic concept looks good for making a simple dungeon map. It's not AutoRealm or similar tools and can't do much of what they can. However, for a simple map, it also could be much easier to learn and use.

A few comments:

First, save and load need to be implemented for it to be a usable tool.

I'm not sure how to use crossers. (This may just be that it needs better documentation.)

When I tried to create a 100x100 map, it seemed to hang for a while. Eventually it showed me about 1% of the map. Zoom in and zoom out would be useful.

Eventually, you'll also want ways to put icons for things like traps and altars on the map.

Udalrich - thanks for taking the time to check out Map Runner! Enabeling the save and load features are next on my list.

Crossers, yep i definately need to provide better doco on how to make them work - basically you first need to lay down several adjacent low areas, then select the crosser tool, then click one of the low areas - a bridge will then appear. Difficult to explain, easy to do once you see it once.

100x100 - yeah I can see where that might take extra time for the computer to set up. I'll need to look for code improvements in the set up process. And I'll keep the zoom tool in mind.

Dungeon dressings: I agree such things are needed and I do plan on adding such things at some point.

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