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E-Bay rant

Random Axe

I just needed a space to rant about this loser of an EBay transaction that finally concluded today.

Back on Valentines day, Feb 14, I bought a Midnight Syndicate CD soundtrack to D&D. You may have heard of it. Two weeks later I get an email from the seller, apologizing for a delay, and saying he will ship it out that weekend. So far, no problem, I can live with it.

Then two weeks after THAT, I get ANOTHER apology from this guy, saying he will NOW ship it out "today". Apparently he mis-filed my order again, and put it on the unpaid pile instead of the paid pile. And to make up for the misunderstanding or whatever, he promises to include a "free gift" with the order. Frankly starting to sound like a Kids In The Hall sketch by now...

But finally I get the order in the mail today. And what is this "free gift"? It's a second copy of the same bloody CD. Two Midnight Syndicate soundtracks! Not even part 1 and part 2! Like that's useful or of value? Like I'm supposed to go through the bother of trying to re-sell it MYSELF to make up for HIS snafu?

Well, obviously this guy was a shmuck and I wish there were some way to flag his ID with "Loser" or something... I won't publish his id here (but let me know if you want to know it...)

End rant. Thank you.

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At least you got something extra out of it. I imagine a lot of people in the same position would have gotten nothing but what they ordered. Give the extra copy to one of your gaming buddies as a gift or something.

Olaf the Stout

Relique du Madde

Ugh.. that was stupid and lame and cheesy all wrapped in one nutty little package. At least you got a free coaster out of if (assuming that you aren't able to give it away to anyone in your group).

Random Axe

Starman said:
Did you try giving him negative feedback? Lots of shoppers on Ebay pay attention to those.
I will be, believe me. I just wish it was MORE significant a fallout than that. He has the nerve to say "In case something happens to the first one you have a backup."



First Post
Explaining the whole of it to the people at eBay might be enough. Doing it in a neutral tone and explaining your position will seem better then just saying the guy was a schmuck or loser for what he did, also makes you look like less of a disgruntled eBay-er.


Of course, the trouble with ebay, is if you leave negative feedback to a seller, they leave negative feedback for you in return. (Most sellers wait until they get feeback to give feedback)

So unless you get completely ripped off (like no item at all), it's often best not to do that.


trancejeremy said:
Of course, the trouble with ebay, is if you leave negative feedback to a seller, they leave negative feedback for you in return. (Most sellers wait until they get feeback to give feedback)
I was under the impression that buyers no longer can get negative feedback.

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