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Eaglesford Campaign: "Strange Lights"


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Flik said:
WHO WANTS MY BODY/STUFF?!!?!?!?! There are so many questions.... all I want are answers :) IS that so much to ask?!?!!?

You know, I want to know that too....I also suspect that at least one of us should have rolled better as we were leaving Three Oaks...

Interesting that it was Thaile and her stuff personally they wanted. I am thinking someone from one of the temples! But that's just me.

Filk, at least you know that Thaile is following us and will see all that happens!

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Gina said:
You know, I want to know that too....I also suspect that at least one of us should have rolled better as we were leaving Three Oaks...

Ah well...Sense Motive checks can be a real bear.......



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Flik said:
So does anyone have ANY guess as to who Tamon Erbroth is??

Maybe the true name of one of the Great Church Bigwigs?

I don't know, but we are definitely gonna try to find out eventually!

Heck, Thaile will need to come back to mete our her revenge!


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....my heart skipped a beat, reading those last two posts..... I need to read more carefully on my first run-through before I assume I know what they wrote.
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while Gina is busy typing up the notes......

To: All employees of Big Bad Monsters, Inc.
From: Aereckea'Raith-Morden, President & BBEG of Big Bad Monsters, Inc.
Date: 9/17/2004

Re:Tieran’s magic capabilities

It has come to our attention that the tasty human wizard in the party from Eaglesford has learned a new spell. While not normally a concern to us, due to our tremendous size, invincible armor class, and hefty elemental resistances, this new magic must cause us to re-evaluate our overall combat synergies and strategies.

Apparently this puny human (see recipe, p. 23a, How to Cook Adventurers) has learned how to make himself or his tasty comrades invisible, even as they try to poke us with their pathetic farm implements. This could be troublesome, as normally this invisibilty doesn't last after they try to poke us once. This new spell that we will be "seeing" (for lack of a better term) might even last over a minute - long enough for them to cause trouble. I believe the wyvern mother said it best: "More trouble than a gang of pixies with a roll of scotch tape!"

We propose that we draft a statement demanding that this new "Greater Invisibility" spell is unfair, and send this to the DM (Lord of Plots). Surely he will realize that such magic cannot be allowed. It makes these human pip-squeeks too powerful....and decidedly more difficult to crunch.

Therefore, please begin the draft process. Those without opposable thumbs should write by dictation (not to be confused with disection). Initial drafts will be expected by monday next. In the interim, please brush up on the skill "sniffing out weasel-ly humaniods you can't see".
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First Post
the beginning of the middle.....

Session #40: "Back to the Tests of the Gods"

RL evening of Sept. 1st, 2004

At last! --> back to a regular meeting schedule of every other week. Summers can play havoc with gaming. :)

Last session ended with a PC death: Thaile, one of the last of the original party. (FYI: Only Tieran remains from that original group. 3 deaths, 2 character changes) The surviving adventurers decided not to reincarnate her; her spirit seemed too troubled to accept the offer. Perhaps later.

Now the party had entered the ancient ruins of Alderslook, and had burrowed down to the “Test of the Gods”. Muluka-kip had first called it that, almost 3 months ago, when he had asked the adventurers to return the dragon idol to the once-homeland of the kobolds. Now Kytum-up, holy warrior of the strange kobold god Kikkit, carried the idol, accompanied by the Eaglesford adventurers.

The adventurers had been here before. Some weeks ago they had passed through the “tests” first stages: the Mysteries of Purpose, Purity, and Patience. They had left only for a “quick supply run” – and ended up spending over a month fighting orcs and other villians. Two of their number, Thaile and Rowan, had been killed, and one had left (Kefk) while another joined (Torsten).

It was a different group that walked down the broad stairs towards the Mystery of Infinity. Sythia, the ghostly naga guide of Alderslook, waited for them.

“I am happy that you have returned, initiate. It shows strength of spirit to return after so long a time.” Slythia’s voice sounded warm, despite its ghostly ring.

“What is that!” muttered Torsten, looking at the large ghostly snake (with an attractive humanoid female head!) that blocked their path. His hands tensed on the adamantine hooked hammer he carried.

“Oh. Right. Sorry about that, Torsten!” Rowan stepped between the two. “Torsten, this is Slythia, the Guide of Initiates here in....err...the Test of the Gods. Uhmm,...we didn’t tell you about the tests either, did we?” Rowan smiled meekly.

“You did,” replied Torsten, his grip relaxing slightly.

Rowan nodded, then her face brightened. “Why don’t you ask Slythia the question you’ve been asking each of us? Maybe she’ll have a new answer for you.”

“Sure,” said Torsten, as Mor’Elandi audibly sighed and sat down noisily on the stairs behind them. “My question is kinda complicated...its something I’ve been thinking about for awhile....and I’ve asked all sort of holy people what they’ve thought about it.....okay, here it is: ‘Is it right to save a child of a monster race if the parents have been slain by humans?’” Torsten looked up at the naga’s humanoid face expectantly.

“What a strange question,” mused Sylthia, laughing lightly. “There are no monster races. Why ask such a question?”

“Uhm..” Torsten’s face creased with a thoughtful frown. “No monster races, you say? You see, monster races are those that are not of the Tree. You know, the Tree of Life.”

Slythia looked confused, “I don’t know what tree you might be talking about. You and your kind did not come from a tree, nor did any of the others I see here....”

Rowan broke in, and explained that the Tree of Life’s name was Eliwyn, and that the five mortal races came from the fruits of the tree: humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings. All other races were not the blessed of the Gods.

Slythia’s laughter tinkled like wind-chimes as she heard this. “This is a good story that you tell. But as I’m sure you must know, it is not the truth. This place in which you live was built by the creator. It is he that made all things...these gods that you speak of certainly did not. The creator is the reason we are all here, and it because of him that these mysteries you now explore exist.” Slythia shook her ghostly tresses in confusion, “I do not understand how such strange stories can exist.”

A moment of silence passed, and Rowan could be seen nodding her head with a half smile across her face.

Rowan said:
From the Journals of Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford
August 7th

We’ve finally got a chance to talk with Slythia again, and now I’m as convinced as ever that the Gods are not to be trusted.

After Slythia answered Torsten’s question, lots of other ones came to me. Is this Creator the Kobolds’ Kikkut? Is the Creator the Nameless One, the god from whom all the others are supposed to have come? Perhaps so, since this is the place of beginnings. That would mean that the “Old Ones” might even be the gods we ourselves worship, since they came before even the Div. But then, what do I know of religion. How I wish we had Thaile here to help us unravel this mess.

Eventually Torsten asked Slythia how priests who do evil keep their powers.

Again, the naga seemed confused, and declared that she doesn’t like this church that we speak of. Humans seem to have made a mess of things since the last initiate passed through, according to her. She worries about the humans.

After a while of talking with her, I remembered that I needed something and excused myself. I ran back up the stairs to the maze section from the Mystery of Purpose. I knew we had left Riva’s body in our little hidey hole. He smells much worse in death than he did in life. I cut off a chunk of his beard and tucked it into a belt pouch and got out of there as soon as I could. I think that I can still reincarnate him.....maybe I’ll give it a try, sometime.

We talked to Sylthia for a little while longer, then we moved on toward the Mystery of Endlessness. As usual, Slithia was shocked to see the rubble choking the entrance to the test. She, of course, demanded that we remove it, because it “should not be there”. I don’t like this “not noticing” thing of hers too much. She didn’t notice the entrance was collapsed before we got here? Hello?

I went into bear form and Mor’Elandi and Tieran attached the rope harness to me and we began moving rocks. It took a long time.

After a short stretch, we found a doorway of sorts. It was a stone door-frame fitted right into the corridor; the corridor continued beyond, filled with rubble. Tieran called it a “threshold”. Okay.... We took care not to go through it until after someone examined it. Then we figured Torsten should go first, he is, after all, the warrior.

Tieran, Mor’Elandi, and I looked together at the runes on the doorway, determining that it has something to do with planar travel. Tieran did a detect magic on it and decided that was a really bad idea. Very powerful magic. He had quite a headache after that. I was less than helpful until I turned back into myself, seems that they still don’t get what I am trying to tell them when I’m in animal form.

Torsten stepped through the doorway and we could still see him on the other side. He stepped back and we figured it was fairly safe for the rest of us. So, we moved to the other side of the doorway and cleared the rest of the rubble. It was all pretty small stuff and went quickly.

As we moved the last big one out of the way and stood for a moment to catch our breath, suddenly something leaped out from behind the last of the rubble! It was a strange looking thing, definitely unique. It was babbling and shrieking and then it bit me, twice before anyone could react!

Mor’Elandi readied an arrow, but was unable to get a shot off with the narrow corridor and so many people between him and the creature. Tieran used a magic missile, to avoid all that “people in the way” nonsense. His missiles slammed into it, but it still attacked me. Torsten stood behind me and was unable to do anything until I moved out of his way, but Kytum-up took a shot with his crossbow and the creature crumpled.

We dragged the corpse out to show Slythia and asked her if it belongs here.

Slythia helpfully told us that the creature is called a “Chaoskin” and is made of chaos. Oh, and it, like the rock, the steam wenches, and many other things, should not be here. She was pretty indignant about the whole thing, but then, she seems pretty particular about what is allowed down here and what is not.

The thing looked like it was made out of parts left over from several creatures, a clawed paw on one hand, a pincer on the other, weird furry patches. Very strange and very unnatural.

We went back into the hallway of the Mystery of Endlessness, through the magical threshold, along another short hall section we had cleared of rubble, and out into some kind of large chamber, filled with mist. Tieran kept muttering something about “ethereal mist”. I guess this must be part of the ethereal plane. We moved along the wall to the left finding that it curved, but when we should have been behind the hallway we just came through, given the curve of the wall, we weren’t. Space seems different here.

We backtracked to the door and found it easily enough. We also noticed something we had not seen before. At the end of the hallway was an arch, which we had unwittingly passed through to get out here in the mist. On the defaced arch were metal clamps. Sixteen metal clamps each embossed with the symbol of one of the gods. The clamps were also of various metals, copper, brass, cold iron. They seem to have been put on the archway after it was built, they are clearly much newer. We tried, but were unable to pry any of them off, so we left them be and moved on into this “room”.

We attached ourselves together with rope as we had in the maze during the Mystery of Purpose. We attached the end of the rope to a smaller rock, with a light spell cast upon it, sort of an anchor behind us. We moved into the mist, looking, listening, trying to figure out what the test might be when we heard a cracking sound, as if someone had broken a large and very dry stick. It was accompanied by a flash of blue-white light.

Torsten had not noticed the sound and light because he, at the front of the line, was looking at the floor. Where most of us were still standing on worked stone, he found that the ground ahead (and under him) had changed to a more spongy ground. We turned 90 degrees to face the direction the sound and light had come from, after noting the difference in the ground.

As we turned and stretched ourselves out, we heard babbling and shouting. Two Chaoskin moved in on us, attacking Torsten while another moved up to attack me. They each got in a bite before we could react. As they attacked, we heard noise from behind, three more were closing, moving toward Kytum-up, Mor’Elandi, and Tieran. Mor’Elandi downed one before it could reach any of us.

Tieran cast a spell, but it fizzled when it struck the creatures. Meanwhile Torsten, Kytum-up, and Mor’Elandi seemed stunned by the babbling and just stood, dropping their weapons, allowing the creatures to attack them. Oh, and we were all tied together, making it much more difficult to fight. I took some time to untie myself. A Chaoskin took hold of the rope, trying to unbalance me. It failed. I saw an opening to attack it and it went down with a blow from my quarterstaff.

Asmathias bit one, Tieran, Torsten, and Mor’Elandi were bitten by the creatures attacking them. As the creatures attacked, Torsten, Kytum-up, and Mor’Elandi seemed to come out of their dazed condition and picked up their weapons to defend themselves. Torsten whacked one right away and Kytum-up shot one that was menacing Tieran with his crossbow.

Tieran used his flaming sphere spell -- and found that fire doesn’t seem to affect them as much as it does most creatures. Mor’Elandi fired arrows with his usual speed and precision, taking several down from afar. I managed to hit one really well, pretty much squishing it. It was most satisfying, since that very creature had just bitten me. About the same time, Torsten whacked one so hard that it turned into a rather gory paste.

The one Chaoskin left was dispatched quickly and we prepared to move on, in the direction of the noise and flash.

Tieran had other ideas however, asking if we could stop here for fifteen minutes while he changed some spells around. We agreed, but were not surprised when a few minutes into this little break we heard the crack and saw the flash, followed soon by six more of the creatures. This time we also noticed a whispering sound, just before the crack.

We moved into position and prepared for the arrival of the latest batch of these things.

Mor’Elandi took out the first one we saw. Kytum-up missed with his crossbow bolt as one ran toward him while I cast a spell (Brambles) to make my quarterstaff a little more effective. The other Chaoskin ran forward and attacked. Luckily, this batch seemed a little less effective, missing each of us.

Torsten was stunned by the babbling, dropping his weapon. I moved to flank one of them, but missed anyway. Kytum-up hit one, Tieran burned one with his flaming sphere, and Mor’Elandi peppered another one with arrows.

Torsten came out of his stupor and retrieved his weapon, and whacked one of them after two of them had clawed and bit him. Asmathias hit one, I missed another, while again, Mor’Elandi used his arrows to great effect.

Torsten, feeling better by this time, took two of them down and hurt a third with his gnomish hammer. There were two left and we finished them off quickly, preparing to move again in the direction the noise and flash had come from, hoping to reach the source before the next attack.

We moved quickly and soon saw a metal disc bolted to the floor. It seemed to be made of bronze, held to the ground by six silver bolts. It looked very like Kerchik’s disc, two feet in diameter. Tieran told us that Bronze is a good “planar” material. Mor’Elandi told us that if anymore attack, we should keep at least one alive, since they don’t seem to come until all the previous ones are dead.

As we drew close we heard a loud voice.

“Leave or the Lords of all spirits will destroy you—there will be no more initiates!”

We didn’t leave. Instead, Torsten moved forward, his gnomish hammer ready to pry the bolts up. Before he could get close enough, 16 disembodied hands reach upward from the disc, ripping open....well, space. Six more Chaoskin dropped out.

The voice spoke again too.

“Followers of the True Faith; Followers of the Gods—LEAVE!”

Each of the hands bore a symbol of one of the gods on its back. They disappeared as the creatures tumbled out onto the floor.

The voice again spoke to us: “Followers of the Spirits—Come! We will show you what your spirits are made of!”

Mor’Elandi let fly with arrows, and wounded one of the creatures. Tieran, noting that the creatures were nicely grouped for his convenience let fly one of his famous thunderballs. One of the creatures fell, all but one looked to be injured by it.

Torsten charged one of them, hitting it. Kytum-up brandished his sword and wounded one. The creatures attacked then, two of them biting and clawing Torsten. Another one missed Tieran.

Asmathias bit one of the creatures as I moved forward to try to grab the disc. It was bolted down securely and I was unable to budge it.

Tieran used an acid splash on one of them, hitting it. Torsten stood....stunned again by the creatures’ babbling! He took claws and bites from two of them again. Both Tieran and I were bitten by creatures. Mor’Elandi was missed, and Asmathias sunk his teeth into a another one, his poison weakening it.

Mor’Elandi stepped back, then killed the one in front of him with arrows. Tieran withdrew, badly wounded. Torsten came out of his stupor and hurt one of them a little.

Kytum-up hit one, then Asmathias got a bite in on another as it moved to follow Tieran. When it reached Tieran it bit and clawed him.

The two attacking Torsten both hit him, Asmathias moved to attack one of the creatures attacking Torsten was I moved the body that had fallen on the disc and cast bull’s strength on myself to try to get the disc up before more of the things appeared. Torsten tumbled out of danger, pulling out a healing potion as he did so.

Kytum-up took one of the remaining two down, whacking the other, which took another swing at Torsten.

I tried again to move the disc and failed. It was really bolted down securely! Mor’Elandi moved to aid me, but even together we were unable to move it.

Tieran threw his staff, hoping to knock out the last creature. He missed, but Torsten managed a swing that took it down.

Torsten moved up and used his hammer to pop each of the bolts holding the disc down. As he pulled the last one, we heard the whispering sound and realized that it was about to activate again, even though the last creature was still alive.

The last bolt popped and we were able to grab the disc and head for the door. Actually, we each took one step and found ourselves at the door. Very strange, we had gone much farther.

We took another look at the clamps and found that two of them were loose. The clamps, Tieran told us, radiate a strong aura of abjuration and conjuration. The disc has a lingering aura of the same. As Mor’Elandi and Torsten worked on prying the clamps off, Tieran and I went to see Slythia, disc in hand.

Slythia did not like the disc or the idea of the clamps. Neither was supposed to be there. She explained that removing the disc was not part of the test, we were supposed to see the “outside”. So, we realized that the test was not over, actually, we had not even begun it.

When we returned to the others, two clamps had been pried off. None of the others would budge.

We saw a flash and heard a crack from a different direction. This flash was green, where the other had been blue. We also heard hissing from the mist.

Now what?

End of Session #40!
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Only one session behind!

In the next session: Literally Tons of fun! The lastest paleontolgical evidence points to about 6.5 tons, actually. Of course, with the planes being what they are, the feathers might add a bit extra. Let's round it off to 7 tons. Sound good?


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an anarchic what?

Session #41: "The Mystery of Infinity, part 2"

RL evening of Sept. 15th, 2004

Last session, the players got their first taste of the Mystery of Infinity (or “Endlessness”; Slythia, their ghostly naga guide, has used both turns of phrase). Magical disks, apparently put there by the defilers of Alderslook, were hidden around a misty, other-worldly plain. While active, the disks would summon extra-planar creatures to attack the party....and presumably could do so for as long as the heroes were there. The only way to deactivate these disks (once found, of course!), was to use a magical weapon to hammer out the spikes that held the bronze disk to the ethereal floor. ...All the while being attacked by summoned monsters. Sounds fun, no?

.....somebody must think so, at any rate, as the characters stick around after another of the gates has activated.

<silliness= movie quote> Incoming! </silliness>

Rowan said:
From the Journals of Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford
August 7th

We heard hissing from the mist. There had been a green flash and the familiar cracking sound from straight ahead. Tieran made Torsten invisible. As he did so, a creature charged out of the mist, straight at Kytum-up!

It was a large, a lizard-like thing (later I realized it was type of dinosaur: a Deinonychus), however, it also had some fur and feathers on it. Very strange.

Torsten attacked it, becoming visible as he did so. I cast Barkskin on myself, while Mor’Elandi activated his bracelet of Cat’s Grace. Kytum-up, faced with a creature many times his size, whacked it.

Tieran cast a ray of frost, hitting the creature and damaging it a little bit. The creature must have decided that I looked more tasty than Kytum-up because it turned toward me, lashing out with its foreclaws and hitting me hard!

A second one appeared out of the mist and attacked Torsten, hitting him with a foreclaw and then giving him a slap with its tail. A third one moved into view as Torsten stepped out of the way of the first creature.

I cast produce flame and threw a bit of fire at the one attacking me. It didn’t do nearly the damage I had hoped, in fact, I don’t think it did anything. Check. Fire doesn’t really work well on these things, but it does work.

Mor’Elandi moved back a bit and shot his bow. The three arrows struck home and damaged the first creature. Kytum-up hit the first one as well, hitting twice!

Tieran threw a fireball, which caught all three dinosaurs. Sadly, it didn’t do the damage it normally would, all three still stood. They all looked hungry too.

Torsten took a mighty swing at the dinosaur he was in combat with. It went down under his attacks. Two left.

The one that had been attacking me decided that Torsten looked like a better target and turned to him, hitting him with claws and tail. Kytum-up hit it once, and I threw another ball of flame at the third one that arrived. Mor’Elandi dropped the one fighting Torsten with three well-placed arrows. Good thing too, since Torsten nearly dropped his hammer and missed his attack badly!

Kytum-up faced the third dinosaur and looking resolute, hit it hard. Tieran followed up with a ray of frost and the creature fell.

We got out of there as quickly as we could, not wanting to meet any more at that moment.

A check back a few minutes later revealed that the creatures were rotting away very quickly. They would be gone before long.

We settled for the night in the first chamber of the library from the Mystery of Patience. Healing, some food, and the beginning of a plan made us all feel a lot better.

Mor’Elandi was dejected that only two of the clamps came off. By his reckoning that meant that if two clamps came off with each disc, we needed to retrieve seven more to get all sixteen clamps and then begin the test. Given our performance in previous tests, well, it might take a while.

Tieran, who was studying his spellbooks, suddenly looked up, a familiar and manic gleam in his eye. “You know”, he said, “I have been steadfastly trying to improve my invisibility spell. This morning as I was pouring over my book I saw a hidden relationship between the elements of illusion and force. I was not able to memorize the improved version of the spell tonight, but tomorrow, I should be able to cast an improved invisibility. In the midst of battle, Thip will be able to carry a spell to you which will allow you to continue to fight while invisible. Unfortunately, the effects are not long lasting, perhaps the amount of time it would take me to fire 8 bolts from my cross bow. Of course be mindful that we wont be able to see where you are either, least you be the unwitting recipient of a thunderball.”

"Right", muttered Mor'Elandi, "like being visible to you really had any relationship to our chances of being caught in the blast in the first place." Then he shook his head and went back to making another arrow.

I shall certainly keep this in mind though, it would be useful to be invisible to step out of battle and heal myself before moving back in to hit them unseen.

Our plan evolved after Tieran’s announcement though. We decided that our best bet was for Torsten to be invisible and move with all speed toward the disc, hopefully prying it up while we were dealing with the first wave of whatever had been hissing in the mist. The invisibility would give him some protection from anything else that might come.

It seemed like a good plan. Of course, even our best plans sometimes do not go as well as we might wish them to.

August 8th

We moved back through the doorway, noting that the mist seemed a little lighter now. Torsten was still visible for the moment.

The expected green flash came, accompanied by the cracking sound.

We heard hissing. Tieran turned Torsten invisible and he moved away, presumably toward the next disc.

We held our positions and waited for whatever was making the hissing sounds to reach us. Thip flew above, looking for our attackers. Tieran told us that there were two and they were coming, fast.

It didn’t take long for them to reach us, this time we faced Megaraptors. Much larger than the ones before. They closed and attacked. One missed me (thankfully) while Kytum-up moved around to flank it.

Tieran cast a Thunderball and looked crestfallen when it did no damage to the creatures! I cast Shillelagh on my staff. Mor’Elandi hit the creature Kytum-up and I were flanking with three arrows.

The creature attacked me, but left itself open so that I could get a swipe in at it. I missed.

The second creature hit me, doing a lot of damage. I needed to step back. Tieran waited, figuring out what to do as I cast Flame Strike, catching both of them in it.

Asmathias bit one of them as Tieran made his decision and sent a Fireball to the raptors. They both caught it and were damaged farther.

Mor’Elandi’s arrows flew straight, two hit the first raptor, taking it down, the third hit the second raptor. Kytum-up healed me a bit as I hit the remaining raptor with my quarterstaff. It was a good hit and it made me feel better, injured as I was.

Mor’Elandi’s arrows again bit into the raptor’s flesh, dropping it. Then, he moved in the direction of the flash. Torsten was there somewhere, hopefully, with the disc. We heard some roaring from that direction though. Whatever it was sounded really, really, big.

Kytum-up and Tieran followed Mor’Elandi while I held back a moment to quaff a cure moderate potion, figuring that I was of no use to anyone if I dropped dead.

Torsten reached the disc, happy to be invisible, feeling confident that he would be able to reach his magical hammer below the disc and pop the bolts well before the others finished the battle. He could hear the sounds of battle, maybe he would be able to help them out, once he got the disc.

He slid his hammer neatly beneath the ground, came up under the disc and popped the first bolt.

A buzzing sound had begun. The disc was activating. Damn.

The sixteen hands came up and opened a hole in reality. Out came a HUGE creature. A dinosaur Rowan had called it. This one was much, much larger than the others. It also seemed to sense where he was, even invisible. It bit him, grabbed him and before he knew what was happening, he found himself moving headfirst down the creatures throat.

Torsten had been swallowed whole.

He moved and found that he could get a little bit of movement and hit it as it swallowed him, but it wasn’t enough to make the monster let him go. He moved down its throat, he felt the acid of its stomach upon his flesh, felt his clothing dissolving as it began to digest him. There was something large and hard in here with him, felt like a shield maybe.

He cut his way out as the creature roared. He tumbled out of the hole he had made, rolling to his feet, acutely aware that his invisibility was seriously compromised by the amount of blood and, ugh, other stuff on him.

The creature looked over at him.

Torsten tried to scramble out of the way, but he wasn’t quite fast enough. He was grabbed and bitten again.

He was dying, he felt his tie to his body fading even as the creature moved his limp form to its mouth, biting and swallowing again.

He was among the spirits. He could see what was happening and he could hear a voice...

Rowan said:
From the Journals of Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford
August 8th

It wasn’t pretty, but we got to see a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex chew and swallow the last few pieces of Torsten’s corpse.

Mor’Elandi pulled himself together first, and shot three arrows, hitting it with each.

Tieran skidded to a stop as he saw the enormous dinosaur. “An Anarchic Tyrannosaurus”, he muttered as he began to cast Evard’s Black Tentacles to slow it down, at very least. Kytum-up stepped up beside him, looked at the creature and then charged toward it.

I moved up behind them, having been delayed by the potion but arrived just in time to see Mor’Elandi’s arrows and Tieran’s spell. I began to cast call Lightning.

Kytum-up was moving toward the creature. It looked like it was in pretty bad shape, even as it turned toward Kytum-up, to meet his charge. It closed with him, but wasn’t able to attack.

Kytum-up bashed it. Tieran followed with some magic missiles, Mor’Elandi with three arrows. I finished my casting and blasted it with a lightning bolt. Not my best effort ever, but every little bit helps.

Tieran’s flaming sphere was easily avoided by the monster, but it did miss Kytum-up when it tried to bite him. Mor’Elandi’s arrows, coupled with another strike from Kytum-up took the creature down.

Mor’Elandi cut the creature’s belly open the rest of the way and the remains of Torsten’s body tumbled out. I cut a piece of hair from his head and tucked it into a pouch. (I hope I don't mix Torsten's with Riva's!) Then I grabbed Torsten's hammer and moved to the disc. Kytum-up followed me as Tieran and Mor’Elandi stayed to examine the corpses.

I got to the disc and slid the hammer underneath to hammer out the silver spikes. I couldn’t get the leverage. So, I cast Bull’s Strength to give me that extra push. One bolt popped, then another. The third took a few tries. Kytum-up was telling me that he could try, but I kept on.

We heard the humming, buzzing sound....the disc was preparing to activate again.

I popped two more bolts. The last one was in tight, it took several tries as the buzzing increased. Finally it let loose and we grabbed the disc and bolts, moving toward the exit.

Suddenly, a simple step and we were there, back at the gateway. Four clamps were loose now. We pried them off and moved out of the room. We carried Torsten’s body with us.

Slithia looked sad as we moved out. She spoke of us losing one of our number and said that we could use the library to bring him back. He, she said, was ready to return, the others (I assume she meant Thaile and Riva) were not ready yet.

We laid Torsten’s broken body in the library and I prepared my herbs for the ritual. As I prepared, I listened to the others talk about what had been in the dinosaur’s stomach. There were four diamonds. Tieran took them to be used for the Stoneskin spell. A large adamantine shield had been inside as well, undamaged.

Finally, I was ready, so we stood in a circle around Torsten’s body and I began to chant.

The ritual took about ten minutes, during which Torsten’s old body faded into the ground, replaced by a new one. I’m not sure how it happened, but the new body was not human.

Torsten took his first re-born breath, then reached up and felt his new face.

“I feel different” he said, “My face feels different....I was dead, right?”

We stood, staring at the orc Torsten had become.

End of Session #41!
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