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Eaglesford Campaign: "Strange Lights"


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an Anarchic Tyrannosaurus, of course! What else would it have been?


Torsten says: "Its much bigger than it looks, on the inside."

Tieran says: "Wha'd'ya mean, it's immune to sonic damage?!!!"

Mor'Elandi says: "Read my lips: five foot step!"

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Nail said:
Torsten says: "Its much bigger than it looks, on the inside."

Tieran says: "Wha'd'ya mean, it's immune to sonic damage?!!!"

Mor'Elandi says: "Read my lips: five foot step!"

Rowan says: "Wild empathy? Not a chance! I say we just shoot at it from a long way away until it stops moving!"


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Another successful gaming night! In this next session, the PCs encounter a set of challenges a bit different than they are used to.....and that causes a few problems for them.

In the end, however, the PCs prevailed. Of course! As you might expect -- given Tieran was in the party -- at least one blindly-targeted fireball was involved. :D

I'll post a picture or two after we get the session's notes up.
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Session #42
Real life: evening of October 11th, 2004

From the Journals of the Aldersborn: Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford

The Mystery of Endlessness Part III
August 9th

Torsten is now an orc, at least physically. Inside though, is the same Torsten we have known, only his body is significantly different. I think that because we reincarnated him so soon after his death, he has changed less than he might have otherwise.

He is, however, not one to dwell long on the implications of his change. Very soon after discovering his new form, he suggested that we move forward on our quest. So, we discussed a plan, which direction to go, all the usual things we discuss before going into a test, even knowing full well that our plans generally fall apart very quickly.

In the end, our plan was to find the disc and get it as quickly as possible, trying to leave Torsten free to take it while the rest of us fight whatever is in store for us today.

We moved in, Torsten and I leading, the others spread out behind us. We heard the familiar CRACK and saw a flash of light, orange this time. We moved toward the sound and the light, hoping to get close before whatever had come through got to us.

Mor’Elandi alerted us to a humanoid figure on the ground, directly ahead of us. It was speaking. As we drew closer, we all saw the creature for a second, just before a bank of fog appeared, obscuring it. Mor’Elandi moved back as the rest of us moved toward the fog and the creature.

What we saw was a little surprising. It was a short humanoid creature, with bright red hair and bells on its clothing. It looked like a clown. An anarchic clown, Tieran informed us. Clowns, not so hard to deal with, we figured, though the arcane words we heard from the fog did little to reassure us.

I moved forward, activating my belt of Bull’s strength. As I moved, the arcane mutterings stopped and large yellow tentacles sprouted from the ground, entangling Torsten, Kytum-up, and Mor’Elandi! They would have had me as well if I had not moved forward. Tieran was behind the affected area, staring into the face of the red clown who shot at him with some kind of noise-making device. It did not seem to affect him though.

Torsten and Mor’Elandi tried to break free of the tentacles, but failed. Kytum-up succeeded though, moving out of the area. Tieran tried to dispel the tentacles, but failed.

I moved to try to help Mor’Elandi break free, but as I reached him a swarm of bats appeared, engulfing both of us. From another direction, a bolt of greenish energy came toward me, but missed.

Tieran began casting a spell, but was disrupted by the red clown who cast a magic missile at him. Mor’Elandi was being crushed by the tentacles, but Torsten had managed to break free for a moment, before being re-entangled. Kytum-up, who was free now, shot his crossbow at the red clown, but missed.

I stayed in the bat swarm for a moment, trying to free Mor’Elandi again, but I failed and moved out of the swarm. As I did, I heard the mutterings from the fog bank and a Dire Ape appeared in front of me. Recalling my last encounter with an ape (when that orc-druid killed me), I decided to move back.

Mor’Elandi and Torsten were still entangled in the tentacles, struggling furiously, but making little progress (so much for Torsten’s new orcish strength!). The swarming bats nearly obscured Mor’Elandi.

The red clown seemed to be waiting for Tieran to start casting again, so Tieran decided to just shoot it with his crossbow, but he missed. Torsten finally managed to break free of the tentacles and moved out of the area, coming face to face with the summoned Dire Ape. Mor’Elandi, seemingly encouraged by Torsten’s escape, renewed his efforts to free himself, unfortunately, he was unable to manage his own escape. Kytum-up moved closer and shot at the red clown and missed.

I decided that Torsten could handle the ape and moved toward the red clown. From the fog bank, another spell hit Mor’Elandi, Faerie Fire, I think, blinding him and making him stand out, even in the midst of the swarm. The red clown, seeing that both Kytum-up and I were closing on him, cast a Mirror Image spell. Suddenly, there were four red clowns, where only one had been before!

Mor’Elandi was still unsuccessfully trying to escape the tentacles and dodge the swarming bats. (Writer’s Note: Nail was rolling EXTREMELY well and drspunj was rolling....well, not nearly as well!)

The ape moved toward Tieran, but missed him. Torsten followed the ape, missing as well. Tieran took a step away from the ape then cast one of his signature Thunderballs at the red clown. It did not affect the creature. Damned anarchic clowns.

Kytum-up charged toward the four red clowns, hitting one of the images. Now there were three.

More arcane mutterings alerted us that another spell was coming and another large bank of fog appeared at a right angle to the other, with a small space between them.

Seeing the Kytum-up had the red clown well in hand and that Tieran was in danger of being hurt by the ape, I moved toward it, casting Shillelagh on my quarterstaff. Mor’Elandi’s struggles with the tentacles were growing more feeble and again, he was unable to break out. The bat swarm did, however disperse. The ape attacked Torsten, but missed.

We saw a small blue figure run between the two fog banks, moving from the first one into the recently created one. A blue clown. The red clown took a step back, and with a maniacal laugh, cast a spell at Kytum-up. It had no effect, in fact, Kytum-up just looked at him as if he had told the worst joke ever. The clown looked a bit nonplussed by this.

Torsten attacked the ape. It dropped from his second strike.

Tieran sent a fireball into the bank of fog, shouting out “The fog is an illusion!”.

Mor’Elandi went limp in the grasp of the tentacles, hanging from them like a child’s doll.

Kytum-up moved again to attack the red clown. He hit two images. Only the real clown remained and he was starting to look a little nervous.

From the newer of the two fog banks, came more arcane mutterings. Tieran started, screamed once and crumpled to the ground, dead.

I moved back toward Mor’Elandi, intent upon removing him from the tentacles.

Torsten found himself the lucky recipient of a new swarm of bats. The red clown tried to tell Kytum-up a joke again, but he didn’t get it.

Torsten moved out of the bat swarm and into the fog bank where he saw a blue clown and a green clown. He attacked the green one, because he was closer. Kytum-up missed the red clown as the green clown, having been hit by Torsten, cast a cone of bright colors at him. Torsten was unimpressed by the swirling colors and continued to move purposefully toward the clowns.

I finally got Mor’Elandi out of the tentacles and poured a cure moderate potion down him. He felt much better and we began to move around the tentacles toward the red clown.

Torsten attacked the green clown, hitting him twice more. The clown, not liking this cast magic missiles at Torsten. The swarm reached them then and engulfed both Torsten and the green clown. The blue clown cast a cone of bright, swirling colors, stunning Torsten.

The red clown and Kytum-up continued their standoff each missing the other. The blue clown cast a grease spell at Torsten, or rather, his weapon, but it didn’t work.

I moved toward Kytum-up and the red clown. Kytum-up missed with both of his attacks.

The red clown took his usual step back from Kytum-up and cast another spell. But, like the others, it had no effect.

Mor’Elandi took up his bow and shot three arrows, missing the red clown with all three, but then, he had been nearly dead just a few moments before.

I continued toward the red clown, intent on helping Kytum-up finish him off.

The green clown cast another spell at Torsten, Daze, I think, but it failed as these things often do. The red clown attempted to cast, but failed as well.

Torsten, no longer stunned, attacked the green clown. As his second attack struck, the clown laughed and then shriveled and was gone. Only a greenish gold coin remained where he had stood. The blue clown cast magic missiles at Torsten.

Mor’Elandi again shot thee arrows, missing with all three.

The blue clown, apparently out of spells, began to run away.

I attacked the red clown. I missed! Kytum-up sheathed his sword and just leaped at the clown. He grappled with him, until the clown managed to wriggle free and stood up.

Torsten chased after the blue clown. Mor’Elandi shot the red clown and hit him twice. I stepped back and cast Flame Strike on the red clown. He was not as badly damaged as I had hoped, but he didn’t look at all well afterward either.

Kytum-up began grappling him again and this time, the clown was unable to escape the determined little kobold.

Torsten charged the retreating blue clown and hit him. Mor’Elandi finished him off with three well-placed arrows and the blue clown laughed and shriveled until there was only a blue tinted gold coin on the ground.

I cast poison on the red clown and he also laughed, shriveled up, and became a red-tinted gold coin. We picked up the coins and heard the now-familiar crack and saw an orange flash. Looking at our reduced numbers and wounded state, we grabbed Tieran’s corpse and got out of there with more haste than dignity.

Clowns. Chaotic, Anarchic, Extra-planar, Gnomish clowns. Ugh.

We passed Slithia and told her of the clowns. She seemed sad that Tieran had died, but outraged that such creatures were in the tests.

We went to the library and laid Tieran’s body out in preparation for me reincarnating him the next morning. I took a moment and tried something that I had been working on and managed to contact his spirit. He was a little confused, but much less upset than Thaile had been, but then, Tieran is pretty calm about most things. He said that he was eager to experience rebirth. He also said that what had killed him was a spell called “Phantasmal Killer”.

So, we set watches and went to sleep, wondering what that last orange flash had produced.

August 10th
I looked at Tieran’s body, the face I have known my whole life and wondered what he would look like when this was done. I hoped that we wouldn’t see another orcish body. I began the ritual, the others standing around the body and as I sprinkled herbs and chanted, I saw a new body forming as Tieran’s form melted away.

The new body was much shorter than Tieran had been. As it took shape, the wizened features became clear. Tieran was going to be a gnome.

A gnome.

The irony wasn’t lost on any of us.

He took that first breath and then sat up, as always, not particularly upset by anything that happens. He looked around and then down at himself and commented that his robes weren’t going to fit anymore.

We cut his robes down, showed him the clown-coins and then waited for him to study his spells. He said that each coin would summon one of the clowns once, very strong conjuration magic, he said. He even figured out the command word to summon them, and tucked the coins away for a time when we might really need them.

Then, we went into the Mystery of Endlessness and those damn ethereal mists again. This time, we paused outside the portal to make ourselves, stronger, and to have my call lightning spell ready.

We moved forward, alert, knowing that whatever had been summoned by the flash the day before was waiting, lurking in the mist. Our wait was short, the creatures rushed us as soon as we were all clear of the portal.

They moved forward, strange creatures, almost spiderlike, but huge and with nine legs each. There were two of them and they were moving toward us.

Tieran cast invisibility on himself and moved away as the first of the creatures reached us. Mor’Elandi moved back and shot one arrow which missed its mark. I hit the creature with my first lightning bolt and the creature began to retreat.

A second one ran up from the other direction, but seemed to trip over its own legs and stumbled to a halt near Mor’Elandi who took a step and shot three arrows into it, which killed it. Torsten charged the retreating one and killed it with one well-placed blow.

We felt fairly confident, we had certainly fared better in this battle and we knew what direction we needed to move in. Torsten ran in that direction, the rest of us following a short distance behind.

Torsten reached the disc. As he began to place his hammer into position to pull the first bolt, the humming began and then the loud, booming voice spoke:


The buzzing intensified and then the sixteen hands came out of the disc, ripped a hole in space and with a flash of orange light pulled out the strangest creature yet. It was a humanoid figure, sort of. It had one head and three bodies attached to that one head. All three bodies were covered in arcane symbols.

Kytum-up moved up and shot a bolt from his crossbow and hit quite well. It began casting a spell and then disappeared. Tieran arrived on the scene, gnome legs being significantly shorter than his human ones. I couldn’t see him, but I heard his footsteps as he ran near me.

Torsten got the first bolt out, just as yellow tentacles began to sprout around him. Kytum-up ran up and looked around, trying to determine where the creature had gone. I cast a dispel magic on the tentacles, but it failed to dispel them.

Mor’Elandi moved up as well, casting about for the creature. Tieran tried to dispel the yellow Tentacles as well, but also failed. Torsten found himself grabbed by the tentacles and unable to pull the next pin.

Kytum-up shouted “Spread out!” as he moved away, still looking for the creature.

Mor’Elandi felt suddenly fatigued, soon after we had heard some arcane words spoken. Torsten fought the tentacles, but was unable to free himself. I had heard the words and knew where the creature seemed to be. A lightning bolt of mine did hit it, but did not do as much as I had hoped.

Mor’Elandi hit with one of three arrows immediately afterward. Tieran cast his own tentacles spell on the creature, but it escaped being grabbed and moved out of the area. It moved incredibly fast.

Torsten broke away from the tentacles and managed to pull the second bolt before being grappled again.

Kytum-up shot again, hitting the strange man three times. It cast glitterdust, blinding Tieran. I moved away from the others, trying to figure out where the creature might be.

Mor’Elandi also tried unsuccessfully to locate the creature.

Tieran, on the other hand, simply cast a fireball in the direction he believed the creature to be in.

The still-invisible creature, charred and dead, dropped. Tieran had hit it AND managed not to kill any of us in the process.

The tentacles stayed though and Torsten struggled with them for a few more moments before Tieran dispelled them.

Then, it was a matter of a few more moments while Torsten pulled the rest of the bolts. While he did that, we looked over the body of the dead “Chaos Man” and found three magical tin whistles. Tieran said that they would work like scrolls, each of them covered with arcane symbols. One of them had the Phantasmal Killer spell that had been used on Tieran, he seemed very excited about that.

Torsten pulled the last bolt and with a step we were back at the portal.

This time only one clamp came loose. So, we have removed seven of them. Nine still remain.

We went to the library to pass the night in safety. After we had finished eating our trail rations, Mor’Elandi held his bow up, studying it carefully, nearly talking to himself as if lost in thought.

“Similar to Tieran's improved understanding of Invisibility magic recently, I believe I have discerned a way to make my arrows fly truer and with more force, but it involves bonding and communing with my bow of choice using arcane forces...”He then looked up, again acknowledging the group's presence, “The details are not worth going into, but I would like to put this theory into practice ASAP. I'll likely spend the day here as it is very conducive to such meditation and communion, if the rest of you feel comfortable giving me some privacy.

What say you?

I answered that we can certainly take the time to let you do this. We can use the time to alter Tieran's robes too. One more day in the greater scheme of things will not be so much, especially since we are NOT leaving again until the tests are completed.

Tieran nodded absently, studying his spellbooks and muttering about anarchic forces.

Kytum-up agreed that any advantage we can gain will be worth the time.

Torsten added his own agreement as well “Aye, I agree.. We are down here with no real way out until we complete this. Best to do it with any advantage we may hold.. A day is worth the trade, if it means that you will be more capable in the battles ahead.”

And so, we rested the night, knowing that the next day would be restful for all but Mor’Elandi.

End of Session #42
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The "Chaos Man".....otherwise known as the Final Guardian of the Orange Keystone.

Or something.

Hey, it was a slow day..... :D
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Playing Tonight: Back into the Mystery of Endlessness! (More suprises await the PCs, I promise!)

When, oh when, oh when will it ennnnnndddddddddd..................

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