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Eaglesford Campaign: "Strange Lights"


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Nail said:
X-mas vacation is over, but now snow-delays threaten our little gaming group.

<desperate voice> When will we game????

Tomorrow I hope!!

*hopes that Auril frostmaiden cooperates, CE though she is*..


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Aack! The ice genie has carried out his vengence upon us! Cedar Rapids is buried in snow and ice!

.....and our gaming session is canceled. Rats! :(


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For our fans...both of 'em.... :)

We've hit a bit of a dry spell, and have missed the last three meetings. Ugg. Currently my withdrawl symptoms are only minor - curling up in a fetal position, drooling uncontrolably, etc - and I am patiently waiting (by pulling out my fingernails, with a plumbers wrench) for our next meeting on Feb 2nd.

Hopefully sometime before that Gina and I will be able to get a bit more of the story up. Random "bumps" from both our fans might speed the process. :)


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A Bump?

Good grief, look....we have a bump! Quick, ye story-gnomes, out with the pens and paper! What? You say that Tieran's player still hasn't made it to a meeting (63 days and counting), and thus the Great Secret(tm) cannot yet be revealed? That's awful; have Tieran's player flogged by a Prismatic Roper immediately.

......What's that? You say you can find neither hide nor hair of the maleficent wizard, as he's off to some medical conference or another?? Aaaarrrrrrggggg! Will he make it to tomorrows meeting, even?

Only the ice genie knows........


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Finally: A Regular session or two!

Note: Tieran's player missed this session, so his Pc was played by Mor'Elandi's player. You may note a difference in our fine wizard's style....

Session #46: “Clouds of Uncertainty”
Real life: evening of December 8th, 2004

The adventurers from Eaglesford walked away from the ice genie, his increasingly less-dignified pleas still audible behind them.

"Please free me! Please! Hey, come on: Please!!! I'll give you anything! Seriously: Anything! I'll grant whatever wish you'd like! Please free me!....."

They hesitated for a moment, then continued on.

The narrow corridor, it's floor carved took look like an ornate carpet, went on for some time. Occasionally it would take a sharp bend or turn, but it would always return to its straight course. The PCs grew bored of the monotony.

Then the sharp-eared among them (that would be the elf ranger, obviously) heard a low sound in front of them, a long way off. It was stationary; it only got louder as they approached. As they got nearer they could tell is was the sound of fast, loud wind. Finally they could see an archway at the end of the corridor, and then beyond only dark, roaring emptiness.

Teiran inspected the archway. "A planar portal", he mumbled. His friends strained to hear him over the wind. He looked out into it, beyond the archway. "Probably to some portion of the elemental plane of air."

The path, the intricate stone floor, continued out into the wind. The party's light showed the path going straight for a time, then leaving the ground and spiraling upward. Once it left the ground, the narrow path was unsupported, only 3 feet wide and an inch thick. And, Tieran noted ruefully, there were no railings to help steady a climber in the wind.

"Oh great," Mor'Elandi voicing what the rest were thinking, "that doesn't look difficult to walk on at all......."

from the Journals of Rowan, Aldersborn
A moment of discussion led us to a familiar plan. We tied ourselves together with rope. If one of us fell, the others should be able to help him up. We made the knots so that we could get free if need be, quickly. I wildshaped into a mountain lion, preferring the stability of a four footed form in the wind and on the narrow stone path. Torsten went first, followed by Mor’Elandi, Tieran, Kytum-up, and then me, as an anchor of sorts.

We walked up the spiral, winds buffeting us as we did so. A big gust came and knocked Torsten off one side of the twisting ring; Tieran fell off the other side. Mor’Elandi was caught between the two: luckily for him, they each fell to a different side or he might have gone with them. A bit of tugging and pulling later and the two were up and walking again. After a short time Torsten fell again....this was becoming dangerous!

Of course, things got worse.

Torsten spotted something on the path above us. It looked like some sort of oozing semi-liquid mass. It dripped down...and then took flight! It was a multicolored cloud of something, -- flowing and undulating as it flew through the wind.

Mor’Elandi shouted “Rainbow Cloud” and “Be careful, they’re deadly”. (Just about usual, I would say, as if the other things we’ve faced in recent days haven’t been deadly.) We kept moving up, a little more slowly, waiting for the thing to attack, hoping that it might just let us get to the upper portal. Besides, what could a cloud do to us? We really didn’t want to find out.

Mor’Elandi knelt down and shot an arrow at the colored cloud as it drifted toward us, moving independent of the winds. He hit it, but then it moved over him and Kytum-up, hiding them from our view for a moment. Tieran, always cool under pressure; moved—behind me. Mor’Elandi moved out of the cloud and shot three arrows into it. Two hit the cloud, unfortunately, one hit Kytum-up, as evidenced by the thud and the Kobold grunt from within the cloud. Kytum-up, still held within the cloud, did something, though we weren’t able to see what it was. (He probably healed himself, since that arrow had hit him hard!).

The cloud let Kytum-up go then, dropping him on the path and moved toward Torsten and Mor’Elandi. It engulfed Torsten, lifting him off the path; Mor’Elandi was able to avoid being engulfed again.

Torsten hit the cloud from his position inside it. I cast Freedom of Movement on myself, since it looked as though I might just need it. There was another one coming.

Tieran stepped back further and cast Greater Invisibility on himself. Mor’Elandi moved away from the cloud while Kytum-up stood, babbling incoherently in Draconic...I guess the cloud must have affected his in some way. The first cloud began to constrict Torsten while the second engulfed me. Torsten, still within the first cloud struck it once. For my part, I used my mountain lion form and bit and clawed the cloud, even managing to rake my claws into its surprisingly solid mass.

Tieran cast Magic Missile at the first cloud and it dissipated, leaving nothing behind except Torsten. Mor’Elandi shot three arrows at the second cloud, hitting it once and me, still within the cloud twice. (What a shock! Mor’Elandi injured me accidentally yet again! I am beginning to wonder if I have an ethereal target painted on me!)

Kytum-up untied himself from the rope and began running, fleeing upward. The second cloud moved away from me toward Torsten just as a third arrived and moved over me, magically confusing me. A fourth cloud was coming, but could not reach us yet. Torsten hit the one approaching him while I felt magically compelled to flee down the spiraling path. Tieran cast a thunderball, catching two of the clouds within it. Mor’Elandi followed up with three arrows on the one that had not reached us yet and it collapsed. Kytum-up continued his flight upward, while the cloud he was fighting engulfed Torsten. The other one moved right up to Mor’Elandi but was unable to engulf him.

From inside the cloud, Torsten struck but didn’t manage to do any damage to his cloud. As I ran, it came into my mind to attack someone. So, I struck at Tieran, invisible or not, I scented him in my path. I missed him and he teleported away from my teeth and claws.

Kytum-up seemed to come to his senses and began to run back down toward the rest of us. Torsten moved out of the cloud and hit it. The one by Mor’Elandi tried to engulf him but failed. I stood still as Mor’Elandi took a step back, and with three well-placed arrows disintegrated his cloud. Ktyum-up reached Torsten and the cloud he was battling and hit it.

The cloud attempted to engulf Ktyum-up as it constricted Torsten, but it failed. Torsten, still inside the cloud attacked it ...and destroyed it! All these strange clouds were finally gone. A few moments later, I regained my senses. Tieran, ever helpful, explained to me that these things that had attacked us were called “Living Spells”, and are the product of warped magic. Great....I was just happy Tieran didn’t blame me for trying to bite him!

End of this entry in the Journal of Rowan, Aldersborn

More of Session #46 to come!
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Some stuff happened.. poor Torsten is feeling like a ping-pong ball.. but I won't spoil the surprise.. it's a long way (mentally) from the farm where he grew up though, let me tell you.. :)

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