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Earthsea on Sci-Fi Channel

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Wow. I just can't see this being good. The books are so "internal" I can't imagine how that could translate to a television movie. And since it's on the Sci-Fi channel (whose every mini-series has bored me to tears--Dune, Children of Dune, Taken, etc.), I'm not holding my breath.


Just saw the trailer for it on Scifi, but it was completely overshadowed, in my mind, by the Farscape Peacekeeper War trailer after it.


First Post
It looks as if they are covering more than one book with the miniseries, which IMO isn't such a great idea.

Wizard of Earthsea alone would work, but adding Tombs of Atuan (and The Farthest Shore?) is going to force them to leave out far too much to keep it coherent.

Danny Glover as Ogion could be very cool however.
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First Post
I think it is going to be a two part miniseries with each part being 2 hours. Like they did with Battlestar Galatica. It does include the first two books.

I believe their was another thread about it on here when it was first announced.


First Post
I love this series of books (even those beyond the original three).

OTOH, I hold out little hope for it being done well. As has already been said, this is a very quiet group of books, more thoughtful than action based. I'm just not sure how well it would translate to the screen.

Guess I'll have to wait until it hits dvd ;)

I haven't read the books, but my girlfriend has, and upon hearing about the casting said that everyone in the book was black. She's a little perturbed that they're getting a bunch of white people. Is this true?


First Post
Most of the folks in Earthsea are described as having bronze/copper skin, with some whites in one area and blacks in another; I always got the impression that the Earthsea-ers were meant to be Native American -- which would fit with Ms. LeGuin's parents interests.

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