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D&D 5E Easedropping on Sending spells


It is often a trope in fantasy settings that kingdoms and dynasties employ court wizards / sorcerers. In our world we assume that a high wizard is likely 5th level. It is also often a trope where the heroes have to deliver a secret message. Since the spell sending seemed far too convenient in breaking these tropes. We developed a new spell to give us a reason why these court high wizards aren’t employed to deliver secret messages.
We also place additional home-brew restrictions on Teleportation and Plane shift at higher levels to make it more inconvenient. (To keep assassins from teleport in with wizards akin to using special forces like guerrilla tactics.)
I thought that sharing the spell Eavesdropping may inspire folks.

3rd-level divination
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Unlimited
Components: V, S, M (a dead or alive insect)
Duration: 1 round
Choose a target creature you are familiar with. You hear the messages received and sent, within last 3 days, by way of the spell sending and cantrip message, to and from the target. Roll 1d6, each time the result is 4,5, or 6 extend the time period you hear messages by an additional 3 days and roll again until you roll less than 4.
The spell enables you to understand the meaning of the message regardless of the languages used in the message. If the target creature is on a different plane than you there is a 5 percent chance that this spell fails.

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First Post
Seems like an interesting spell and a unique solution; however, I think the 5% of failure on another realm is pretty low. In fact, I would recomend that there be a 5% chance of failure in general and 50% between different planes. Overall great work!


Elder Thing
I agree that the spell is a pretty good one. I like your setup and the solution you present.

Instead of giving the spell a % chance to fail if the target is on another plane, you might change the range to "your current plane if existence" and either make a new spell or build in more specific mechanics for targeting a creature on another plane.

The % failure chance as such isn't a very common mechanic in 5e.

Perhaps if targeting a creature on a different plane you need to roll a 6 or it ends? That's seems like a much more 5e approach.

Also, if the spell fails, does the caster iniw why? That is, does the caster understand that they've "rolled less than 4?" Is there a way to block the spell? Many divination spells have ways of being blocked, like walls of a certain thickness, lead lining, etc.

Edit: never mind about the 5% chance. That's straight out of the sending spell. And it looks like the blocking is only on the 1st level detect whatever spells. So carry on.
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It is often a trope in fantasy settings that kingdoms and dynasties employ court wizards / sorcerers. In our world we assume that a high wizard is likely 5th level. It is also often a trope where the heroes have to deliver a secret message. Since the spell sending seemed far too convenient in breaking these tropes. We developed a new spell to give us a reason why these court high wizards aren’t employed to deliver secret messages.
We also place additional home-brew restrictions on Teleportation and Plane shift at higher levels to make it more inconvenient. (To keep assassins from teleport in with wizards akin to using special forces like guerrilla tactics.)
I thought that sharing the spell Eavesdropping may inspire folks.

3rd-level divination
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Unlimited
Components: V, S, M (a dead or alive insect)
Duration: 1 round
Choose a target creature you are familiar with. You hear the messages received and sent, within last 3 days, by way of the spell sending and cantrip message, to and from the target. Roll 1d6, each time the result is 4,5, or 6 extend the time period you hear messages by an additional 3 days and roll again until you roll less than 4.
The spell enables you to understand the meaning of the message regardless of the languages used in the message. If the target creature is on a different plane than you there is a 5 percent chance that this spell fails.

Interesting idea! I'd suggest this is the perfect sort of spell to include casting at higher level options? E.g. if you cast with a 4th level spell slot you hear messages back an additional X amount of time (e.g. 3 days, a week, whatever). Prevent it from working cross-planes. Then if caster is willing to expend a 6th or 7th level or higher spell slot, they gain ability to cast it across planes.


Overall, I like the basic idea quite a lot. Magical espionage sounds like great fun! Not a fan of the execution, though. As Ath-Kenin notes, the 5% chance of failure is like Sending, so I do like that part of it. However, the retroactive effect (3 days in the past) and the ongoing chance of continuation (50% on 1d6) I strongly dislike.

My preference would be to make it a 24 hour duration spell with concentration that can be resisted by the target on a Wisdom save. On a failure, the target doesn't realize he's being observed, and subsequent castings made before the duration ends automatically succeed. On a success, the target notices he's been tapped and the spell fails. The point is to make it require some upkeep like a person conducting a real surveillance job, not something you can cast and forget til it pings. If that doesn't fit your campaign and the intent of the spell, by all means keep it as is.

Also, love the choice of material component! You've "bugged" the target! :D


Steeliest of the dragons
Wouldn't the 2nd level Detect Thoughts allow to determine this from a captive being interrogated...or just anyone asked directly.

The spell assumes you are aware of a Sending being sent/used. You would have to have interactions with the person receiving (and answering) a Sending.

If you're interacting with said person, just use Detect Thoughts.


I would probably make this spell higher level, have it a concentration spell for up to 8 hours, and then give it a special "reaction" casting time if you witness the casting or reception of a sending, or perhaps even if you're within a certain radius (no line of sight needed) of a sending spell that is sent or received.

I'd also probably make a (significantly) higher level spell that lets you intercept a sending, and then a higher level one still that lets you alter one.

Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
I was really nervous to look into this thread when I read "easedropping" expecting to see something about gently raining excrement. :-S


I'd allow it to 'eavesdrop' spells of its level or lower that convey a message to the recipient, and then allow it to hear messages delivered farther in the past based upon the level of the spell: 10 minutes at 3rd level, an hour at 4th, a day at 5th, a week at 6th, a month at 7th, a year at 8th or unlimited at 9th. I'd make it concentration based, have an unlimited duration, but require the caster to wait through all such messages (which could be a lot) to get to older ones.

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