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[Eberron] Beneath the Ice!


Quentin is pleased to see his friend Balthazar, and even more pleased to find that both he and Rigel share his interest in the diminutive blue fairy. "Oh, yes! She certainly can speak--Sylvan, it seems, though you have already noticed that, hmm, Ms. Rigel? Balthazar, you should meet my new friend Rigel--she's quite the scholar, this one. Yes, yes, indeed. She has quite impressed me with her quick mind and firm grasp of reason. So much so, in fact, that I've decided to add her to our exploratory party!"

Quentin turns back to face Floe. "Of course, one may ask, 'where will our explorers go next?' Perhaps this little one, um, may help us." He begins speaking to Floe in [Sylvan] -
"My friend--for I hope that I can call you friend--would you be so kind as to consider being our guide in these frozen lands? My friends would dearly love to meet more of your people, or even--dare I say--the legendary Glacier Dwarves, should you know where to find them. Will you help us? I will happily give you any reward I have to give!

Meanwhile, Captain Gravan sneers at Rigel and mutters something under his breath. When he notices Norderil and Barandurr drinking, he moves to join them. "Will you spare a bit of that for me, eh?"

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"Vat brings you here? Have we attracted your people's attentions?"

"My friend--for I hope that I can call you friend--would you be so kind as to consider being our guide in these frozen lands? My friends would dearly love to meet more of your people, or even--dare I say--the legendary Glacier Dwarves, should you know where to find them. Will you help us? I will happily give you any reward I have to give!"

"Oooo... they're intelligent!" Floe shouts happily in Sylvan. She continues "You have attracted much attention here, the winds that sweep over the ice knew you were coming." At the mention of the glacier dwarves she falls quiet, avoiding eye contact for a moment, she collects herself, "they have already seen three of them, although... although..." she breaks off, looking at the now drinking dwarf.


First Post
"Fascinating. Sounds a little like Elven, you say you can understand her Rigel?" In his obvious excitement Balthazar starts to pull the scented kerchief away from his nose, but then assaulted by the stench he quickly returns it.

"Oh, by the way, Quentin, my dear fellow, I have a couple of minor errands to complete. First, is there a Karthak d'Lyrandar aboard? I have a gift for him from his family. Second, well old chap, I would dearly like to join your expedition. Things have been positively stagnant since you left, and your quest sounds so fascinating. Certainly not likely to run into to many insects or swamps around here, what?"


First Post
Barandurr stops in the middle of a drink from his flagon, he stares down at his mug looking as though something is inside it. He stares up thoughtfully, looking across at Norderil ," I consider ye as a brother me small friend. Join me in a song eh? Would that we help the fallen to find Onatar's halls. " Without waiting to see if Norderil decides to join in, Barandurr pours a bit out of his drink to toast his falled comrades, and begins to sing a dwarven funeral dirge. Realizing he has no idea how he knows the song he sings, he immediately loses the words. Then he takes a quick drink, and thoughtlessly begins again.


The snow is light, and the wind is sharp, but your little group ignores the discomforts of the land's eternal twilight, either from excitment or intoxication. Barandurr, Norderil, and Gravan share sips of Barandurr's celestial-infused ale, occasionally singing pieces of a song none of them has any way of knowing while nearby--but at the same time, very far away--three quiet ghosts watch their wake invisibly.

The rest of the group are gathered together near the sled, where Voddlegrok is still very, very excited about his 'discovery'. "Um...the Dwarves have already seen us? Oh my!" He turns quickly to look at the rest of the group, his eyes lingering for a second on the drinking trio, noting the sense of melancholy in the air. "Um...perhaps I have been a bit hasty. Overly, um, excited with your--I mean my, er, our--discovery. W-what has happened while you were away?"

Quickly, your group gives Voddlegrok the whole story. He turns more serious as he learns about the deaths of the three Glacier Dwarves. "Oh...this is horrible! We must make contact with the remaining Dwarves as soon as possible. I'm sure that we bear a responsibility to let them know about their comrades." He turns to Floe [Sylvan] -
"My noble friend of the ice--will you aid us in finding the home of the Dwarves?"

Meanwhile, a very tall half-elf draws Balthazar's attention away from Floe and Rigel. "I am Karthak," the half-elf says, seeming somewhat distracted. "I am not surprised to find my family connected to your appearance--for they are forever involved in all that I do, it seems. What is it that they have sent?"


First Post
"Ah yes, Karthak, good to meet you, old chap." Balthazar starts to hold out his hand, realizes its holding the kerchief, switchs the kerchief to the other hand, and finally holds out his right hand to shake. "Jenkins, please bring Lord Karthak that package."

Norderil drinks, aye, but prudently keeps from straying to deeply into his cups. He himself is curious as to Karthak's delivery, but doesn't interest himself as... overtly as Mong. He raises himself from the wake party, claps both Barrandur and Graven on the shoulder heartily, and approaches Quentin. "Quentin, might I ask something? How much do you know of the indiginous populace? Do you hane any ideas on how to get in contact with the dwarves? And incidently, despite my extensive repertoir of linguistic knowledge, I am seemingly incapable of communicating (through mundane means, mind you) with our native frind here. I don't suppose you'd consider accompanying us?" He asks this with hope in his voice, but his face belies his confidence Quentin will agree.


nonamazing said:
He turns to Floe [Sylvan] -
"My noble friend of the ice--will you aid us in finding the home of the Dwarves?"

"The dwarves dwell with me people, I can bring you there," she nods half to herself, half to Voddlegrok. "There is much danger in the Fell, if you wish me as a guide, you do as I say when I say."

Mark Causey

"She vishes to lead us," Rigel declares loudly, standing up, trying to gain everyone's attention.
"Ven can we be ready to go? I am, of course, already ready. Or is zere a ... meeting of ze minds zat must occur first?"

Rigel places her hands on her kidneys and stretches and arches her back, limbering up for what may be to come.

Voidrunner's Codex

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