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Eberron: Dark Tides, Cold Steel (OOC)

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The man with the probe
DrZombie said:
I'd like to sign up for another alt position, if you'd have me. I play anything the party needs. i'll just stalk this thread untill there's rom for me :D .
Apparently some of the godforged are whining about a lack of healer ;)

We had someone drop out, so might be room for you now.


First Post
After some thinking, I am going to change up the player selection process. I am going to drop the number of players to four and I am going to choose who gets in from their character description. This is so I can have a balanced and interested party of good players. I hope this doesn't upset anyone too much. :uhoh:

So if you’re interested in playing just give me a brief description of your character, race, class, so forth. I will make my final choices early next week. Anyone not picked will be put on the alternate list to join the game if someone drops.
thanks :D

Isida Kep'Tukari

Nameless - Warforged fighter 3.

Appearance: http://www.brianbaum.com/art/warforged.jpg
Nameless is obviously a front-line soldier, and it shows in his construction. His plating is thick and heavy, a dark, matte gray, bolted with heavy rivets. His face is set is a scowling expression, and his eyes are deep pits that flare with red fire. He carries with him a steel shield as blank and faceless as he once was. At his side he carries a heavy pick and a warhammer, with a large bow across his back, strapped to a slender backpack.

Personality: Nameless is a warforged caught in a crux of its life. It is seeking other interests than war, and is sampling various other professions and types of employment. While he still feels bound to uphold the law, everything else in his life is in flux. He is willing to try many things, though he is often clumsy in asking how.

Background: Nameless was forged to be a front-line fighter, a position he held until the end of the Last War. Though he was born in warfare, he has suddenly found himself in a land obstinately at peace. Confused about his lot in life, he has become a wanderer, selling his skills to those who have need of them. Oftentimes he assists local guards in enforcing the law, and has had stints within the courts in protecting prisoners. However, a drive to find his true purpose has kept him on the go. One of the things that keeps him moving is the desire to find his name. He has recently come to the conclusion that he needs a name, a real name, and is giving it very serious thought. He will not name himself until he has found a new purpose, which could come at any time.


The man with the probe
I'm going to submit 2 ideas (I usually do). Carver, the Warforged Artifacer I origionaly suggesterd, and a Half-Elf Sailor (Not 100% sure on class, debating rogue and/or fighter or ranger for a swashbuckly sailor combo), possibly with the mark of strom. (I'm still writing the background, so will post that later)

Edit: Added the Sailor

Carver, Warforged Artifacer
Carver may look like an average Warforged, but there always seems to be something different about him. He doesn’t carry himself as most Warforged do, but more like a curious child. Carver is small for a Warforged and doesn’t cast a very imposing figure despite his adamantium body. He wears a finely made cloak, and most of his gear has a fine quality to it.

Carver was never really sure how he got to Port Verge. Bimbleburg told Carver that he’d washed up on the shore, but Carver’s first memory was waking up in Bim’s (That what Carver preferred to call him) workshop. Bim tried to ask him questions while he examined Carver, but Carver didn’t know anything before waking up. Once Bim was sure there was no damage to Carver, he told Carver to stay in the workshop while he went to talk to someone. Carver stayed behind, and eventually picked up a small knife and a few blocks of wood and started carving. Bim had returned to find several small wooden blocks carved in various geometric shapes. Bim said “You’re a Carver all right; I think that’s a good name for you for now.” Carver never did get another name.

Bim was a local gnome artificer. He had worked for the nation of Cyre for a time, and had retired here in Port Verge well before the war had ended. Bim was familiar with Warforged, but found it strange that Carver seemed like a blank slate. Bim decided to try to “raise” him almost like a son. He opened the world to Carver, and showed him endless possibilities that he could do with his life, but Carver enjoyed crafting. He took amazingly well to weapons, armor, and alchemy, and would often carve figurines when he had idle time.

Bim told carver about the Warforged, the Last War, and how many were trained to be soldiers. Carver didn’t quite understand, having never seen another one like him, and the concept that he had been created and not born seemed strange. Carver began to study Bim’s notes on the Warforged, and began to look into the creation of magical objects and items with a renewed passion. Seeking to understand himself, he looked inside to find out what made him Carver. Bim trained Carver as an artificer, and as Bim became ill, Carver continued to work and help support Bim. Bim continued to teach Carver all he could beyond being an artificer as well. “You’ve been given a gift that perhaps no other Warforged has Carver,” Bim told him, “You’ve been allowed to be raised instead of trained. Make the most of it son.”

Carver was taken aback by being called son, but he had come to think of Bim as what he learned most of the godforged races (as Bim had described them to Carver) called a father. He felt honored to have this relationship with the gnome. Unfortunately, several days later, Bim died of his illness, or perhaps old age. Carver was not one to understand these things. However, he did find paperwork in Bim’s stuff showing that he had had a friend create a document stating that Carver had sailed to the port to work with him, and another document that stated the shop was Carvers if Bim fell ill. Bim had truly thought of Carver as a son.

Carver spent some time morning Bim’s death. He threw himself into his work, and kept himself busy. Carver never understood the exact operation of a business, so while he continued to craft items for customers, he never seemed to be making much. Carver didn’t care, as long as he was able to maintain the shop. However, this life alone became tedious for Carver, so he eventually sold the shop and went out to explore the world, in hopes of “Making the most of it” for his father.

Zandrick d'Lyrandar, Half-Elf Sailor
Zandrick keeps his long black hair tied back in a ponytail while he works. He is well dressed, but his clothing is functional as well as fashionable. His piercing blue eyes are lit with the fire of life, and his warming smile and wit charm all who meet him.

Zandrick d'Lyrandar was always overlooked. The eldest of two boys and a girl, he never manifested his dragonmark like his younger two siblings did. Brandor, Zandrick’s father, tried not to show favoritism, but the House always looked for the marks as a sign of prestige, and showed favor on the younger two.

With the other two playing house politics and soaking up the favors, Zandrick looked for other ways to make his name. Brandor got him a position with Captain Doran of the Misty Maiden, one of the most skilled and renowned captains in the Lyrandar fleet. Zandrick took well to the seas, and proved his worth several times to the Captain.

Unfortunately, Zandrick was not one for following orders to the letter, nor common sense. He would often perform some bravely foolish stunt that drove the Captain nuts. It didn’t help that he got results, single handedly ending a costly boarding mission by swinging over the crowd and disabling the opposing Captain with a single, lucky, blow. Zandrick ate up the attention as the hero of the battle, despite the Captain chewing him out later for his foolish and dangerous stunt.

Zandrick enjoyed the glory and heroics of the war, though he preferred to find ways to disable his opponents instead of killing them when he could, or at least finding ways to end the conflict with as little bloodshed as possible. Of course, he became apt at telling stories of his exploits as well, impressing the ladies of the port with his dashing tales of heroics, perhaps only slightly embellished.

Shortly after the war ended, Zandrick’s dragonmark manifested. Zandrick decided to keep that quiet from his family, not wanting to be drawn away from his adventures at sea and back into the politics of the house. Zandrick continued to serve for the Captain for almost 2 years, till the Captain, weary of his long days at sea, docked in Port Verge to retire. Zandrick isn’t sure were to go for here, and is taking time in the Port to see if other opportunities pop up for him, or who will take over as captain of the Misty Maiden
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First Post
Shoan Laerrian Monk/rogue

Shoan is a short, muscled, bald man, dressed in loose-fitting dark clothing. He moves with the calm grace of a predator, and is amiable in a well-fed lion kind of way. He likes to talk and joke, and has an easy way with women. He is, however, very attentive to what is going on around him. He knows the seedy bars, the dodgy cardgames and the out-of-the way prizefights in the warehouses, the dealers and shakers. He deals with prostitutes, burglars and petty thiefs without problems. But sometimes some people go too far. Child-abusers, rapists, kidnappers and murderers are his prey.
Shoan is trained as a thief-catcher. He was trained from his childhood at the monastery of laerrian in the arts of combat, deception, and infiltration. He is a loyal subject of house XXXXXX, and works in their pay in the underworlds of Port Verge, looking after their interest ant dealing with the crazies, the cultists and the plain evil as best as he can.

Why should he go on an adventure : in the pay of someone of house XXX, as a bodyguard, ion persuit of an enemy.
House XXX is up to the GM, I'm fine with whatever you choose.


First Post
Asharaak - Hobgoblin Fighter

Asharaak has been a mercenary for hire since he left home. He holds himself to the high martial standards of his people but he holds too a strong sense of honor. He dislikes deception and despises those who break their vows. He joined with a mercenary band during the war and fought willingly for whichever side hired them. His loyalty was to the squad and no other. Once given his oath is his bond and will not be broken. Under his oath he will even do such things as he finds foul or wrong. The war was simple. They were assigned to attack or defend an area and did so and then were given money. They were a successful group and made off with such loot that many of the higher command soon were rich. Gold and fine weapons were handed down to the men.

But like waking from a fine dream the war was over and the group disbanded. Several of the band, including Asharaak drifted into Sharn. They had each gone their seperate ways since then. It was comforting to Asharaak to know they were there should he need them.

It was during this idle time that Asharaak explored the city and spent most of his gains on weapons and armor. He grew familiar with the faces on his streets and friend to many of the families there. He gained steady employment as a bodyguard and spent some of his free time offering basic weapons training to the local youths of his neighborhood - after extracting a solemn promise that they would only use these skills for protection and preservation of life.

Also at this time he discovered within him the strange desire that haunts him. Elven women. He was obsessed with their beauty and charming ways. Despite this he had never truly spoken with an elven woman before. Deepset racial tensions urged him towards caution and fear of his own betrayal of his culture kept him away.

But the great city of Sharn catered to every whim of every race if there was money to be made. In one of the houses of pleasure he met with a Changeling named Jet who offered to appear as an Elf for him. In that moment he broke faith with his people and with himself. He soon became a steady customer of Jet's and the last of his wealth rapidly dwindled.

It was no mere carnal desire for oftentimes they would sit and speak quietly in Elven and pretend as if they were a couple living anywhere in the city together. The hobgoblin warrior had fallen in love with Jet's assumed identity. Asharaak knows that he now lives for a lie and it is slowly eating away at him. He has been forced to carry on this lie to friends and neighbors and it maddens him. Despite his twisted love for her, Asharaak is terrified that someday the Changeling Jet will speak of this to someone and he will be exposed to the mockery of his people.

In hopes of putting the struggle behind him he has launched himself out on a new adventure. He has fled the civilization of the great city for the wild adventure of the isles. Asharaak longs for the simplicity and honesty of the war. In battle there was no confusion or distraction.


The man with the probe
Ok, I posted my other idea (added it into my background posting a few posts up), and I posted the character in the character thread (added it to the other thread).

Hope you like either idea. Think the second one might fit a bit better into the theme.


First Post
Gomez said:
After some thinking, I am going to change up the player selection process. I am going to drop the number of players to four and I am going to choose who gets in from their character description. This is so I can have a balanced and interested party of good players. I hope this doesn't upset anyone too much. :uhoh:

So if you’re interested in playing just give me a brief description of your character, race, class, so forth. I will make my final choices early next week. Anyone not picked will be put on the alternate list to join the game if someone drops.
thanks :D

Developping a bit my character proposal, then:

Stats are still Changeling Hexblade 3
HD: 3d10-3 (18 hp)
Str 8, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 16 (28 points total)
Bluff +11 (6 ranks), Concentration +1 (2 ranks), Diplomacy +11 (6 ranks), Disguise +2* (0 ranks, total +4 when impersonating someone), Intimidate +13 (6 ranks), Knowledge: Arcana +9 (6 ranks), Spellcraft +7 (2 ranks), Speak Language: Common (automatic), Auran, Dwarven, Elven (Bonus), Giant, Gnome (2 ranks).
Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Equipment: MW Rapier, MW Shortsword, MW chain shirt, traveler's outfit.

Describing a changeling like Nil is always difficult. You can't speak about his height or look, as those change from day to day. So you have to speak about other things, like personality. Nil is a charming young lad -- or sometimes lady. He has a way with words and always try to bluff his way out of troubles, with treats or threats. When forced to fight, though, he hexes the obtuse opponents and attack in a flurry or slashes and stings with his two blades.

The only thing he really dislikes about life in the Lhazaar Principalities is all that damn water. He's mildly phobic of the seas and never really at ease on a boat. Nothing beats a good, solid ground you don't sink in!


Gomez: I was in Alabama last week when this was posted and was wondering if the recruiting was finished, or if it is still open. I picked up Races of Eberron while I was waiting for my flight in Pensacola, and after reading it I think I would like to try a Shifter char.

I will work on more details once I find out if there is still room in the group.

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