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Eberron NPC List

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amaril said:
City of Stormreach?

City of Stormreach
CR 10; Cartha; human wererat; rogue 5/assassin 3; NE; City of Stormreach p. 95
CR 6; Bilge Rat Enforcer; human wererat; rogue 3/fighter 1; NE; City of Stormreach p. 96
CR 8; Steppin’ Jaq; chengeling; beguiler; NE; City of Stormreach p. 104
CR 18; Kraa’ark Lors; awakened roc; druid 9; N; City of Stormreach p. 128
CR 12; Mulraargo; troll; rogue 5/ranger 2; CE; City of Stormreach p. 133
CR 7; Drenga Sandspur; drow; ranger 2/fighter 4; LE; City of Stormreach p. 143
CR 12; Korbek Ghedin; dwarf; aristocrat 1/fighter 1/psion (telepath) 10; LE; City of Stormreach p. 149
CR 8; Surrayana; bloodsworn shulassakar; cleric 5; CG; City of Stormreach p. 152
CR 9; Vaedin; elf; soulknife 6/assassin 3; LE; City of Stormreach p. 153
CR 12; K’shegla; malenti of legend; cleric 7; LE; City of Stormreach p. 155
CR 20; Antaegus; cul’sir giant; sorcerer 7; CN; City of Stormreach p. 159

There's a handful of other monster stats in here as well, from an advanced elite girallon and advanced mutated tyrannosaur, to a mutated advanced behir and a half-fiendish twelve-headed elite pyrohydra.

-DM Jeff

P.S. This ends Eberron's 3.5 stat days and we've covered all products. Thanks a ton, I'll be here all week, don't forget to tip your waitress.
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Goobermunch said:
Why are there no good dragons in DoE?

You know, I never noticed that before, you're right. I have no idea. Maybe because they were trying to create interesting adversaries and combat opportunities for PCs and the easiest way to do that is make them evil? We may never know.

-DM Jeff


First Post
Not to be greedy, just an idea... But, it would be cool to have a master list organized by ECL, so that when you're statting up your own NPCs for a campaign, you can glance over the list and see what level various types of character tend to fall at, to stay true to the setting.


GammaPaladin said:
Not to be greedy, just an idea... But, it would be cool to have a master list organized by ECL, so that when you're statting up your own NPCs for a campaign, you can glance over the list and see what level various types of character tend to fall at, to stay true to the setting.

Blargney the Second may pop in here. On this topic's sister thread:


He's grouped all the indexes we've done into a downloadable excel file you can search for and organize any way you want. Mine has his work that includes this Eberron list.

-DM Jeff

GammaPaladin said:
Not to be greedy, just an idea... But, it would be cool to have a master list organized by ECL, so that when you're statting up your own NPCs for a campaign, you can glance over the list and see what level various types of character tend to fall at, to stay true to the setting.
I think CR would be better suited for this rather than ECL. Additionally, class levels are the restriction in Eberron rather than the ECL.

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