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Eberron Pbp - Open Casting Call [STILL ACCEPTING!!]


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I'm gonna have to bow out of this one. I've been talked into running a game, and can't devote my time effectively to running a game and playing in four. Best of luck to all

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The man with the probe
Goddess FallenAngel said:
I'm interested in trying this out... Are you still recruiting? If so, I'll post a character background.

I was thinking a Dragonmarked member of House Phiarlan....

Haven't started nor heard anything from him since his last post in this thread, though he's been on since then. Go ahead, it can't hurt.

These are just character sketches, and I will expand upon them if requested... :)

Okay, here are my character ideas (in no particular order). I have two possible ways to go with Knya - see alternate notes below.

Knya d’Phiarlan: Elven Rogue

Kyna is a beautiful and talented daughter of House Phiarlan. She had a bright and charming personality, and was always able to see the best in every situation. An unrelenting optimist, Kyna lived a seemingly blessed life; neither of her parents, although nobles of the House, carried Dragonmarks, so it was not expected that Kyna would. It was against all expectations that the young Kyna developed the Lesser Mark of Shadow before her 85th birthday. The Last War hardly touched her, as she was still in training.

Like most Dragonmarked heirs, she was engaged to be married to another Dragonmarked heir – unlike most arranged marriages, however, this was a love match. Kyna had met Donovan while entertaining at a private party. The two discovered that they worked very well together indeed, and had become fast friends by the time the night was out. They worked together often in the next few years, and it was with a heavy heart that Kyna heard her parents’ announcement that they had chosen a husband for her. She was overjoyed to hear that her betrothed was her very own beloved Donovan, and rushed to share the news with him. The next year before the wedding seemed to drag, and the date seemed far too far off for the impatient Kyna.

However, two weeks before the wedding, House Phiarlan declared Donovon d’Phiarlan excoriate.

Donovan was expelled from the House, his family name, holdings, and belongings stripped from him. All members of the House were forbidden to speak with him, or associate with him in any way.

Alternate: However, two weeks before the wedding came the falling out between House Phiarlan and what became House Thuranni. Donovan d’Phiarlan became Donovan d’Thuranni.

The betrothal, of course, was canceled. Knya was forbidden to speak with him or associate with him in any way.

Kyna was devastated. She fell into a deep depression, and withdrew from society for several months. When she finally pulled herself out of her depression, the happy go lucky Kyna of but six months before was gone.

Kyna now is quiet and reserved in her off-stage moments; although she still acts her same self while performing, the personality is no more than a garment she puts on for the crowd. She is sober and thoughtful, and quite a different person. She still loves Donovan, and one of her driving motivations is to discover why Donovan was declared excoriate – Kyna believes that he was wrongly accused of wrongdoing, and if she could but discover the reason, she could clear his name.

Alternate: She still loves Donovan, though House Thuranni is a major competitor of House Phiarlan; she hopes he is still alive, although she has not seen or heard of him since before the end of the Last War. Now an adult in her own right, she is very carefully and slowly seeking information on him, knowing that her House would not approve. She has heard that he was in Cyre for a good portion of the War - but he has been seen since the War's end, so she believes he was not caught in Cyre when everything went up in flames.

Game tie-ins: Knya is still searching for information on him, and such a thing would be perfect to tie her into the game. For instance, if she heard he had traveled to the wilds of The Demon Wastes, she would follow to attempt to meet up with him somewhere far from the prying eyes of House Phiarlan.


Arcadia Deneith: Human Fighter

This idea would work best if paired with an NPC or PC as their bodyguard.

Arcadia grew up with high expectations, as both her parents carried Dragonmarks – and her father carried a Greater Mark of the Sentinel. In fact, her immediate family line – on both maternal and paternal sides of her family – had a high concentration of Dragonmarked individuals. However, as she grew older, her Dragonmark failed to surface. She underwent the Test of Siberys when she was 20, and even the test failed to result in a Dragonmark.

Now it is 3 years after her Test, and she has finally accepted what all others in her House had several years ago – she will never have a Dragonmark. As such, she will also never gain the high rank in the House that she believes she should have had.

Even so, she takes her duty – and the low rank she has – very seriously. She is a member of the Defender’s Guild, and has focused her efforts on bodyguarding to the exclusion of almost all else. She is intensely loyal to House Deneith, and is quick to defend them to anyone who will listen. However… that’s when she’s on-duty.

She is a capable bodyguard and talented swordswoman, and is solemn and serious while on-duty; however, she has developed a reputation for a hellraiser while off-duty. She has received several warnings from the House for her behavior, but thus far none have seemed to have effect. Arcardia is an adventurous sort, and loves traveling.

Arcadia participated in the Last War, as did most of House Deneith, naturally. She had actually been stationed in Cyre, and had been transferred back to Sharn, where she grew up, shortly before Cyre became the Mournlands. She considers the lucky escape a blessing, having since heard wild tales of the Mournland; but she still grieves for her companions who had been left behind. She often wonders if they might be alive yet, in the Mournland....

Game Tie-ins: Arcadia would, of course, go wherever her House ordered her to. But also, she wonders about the companions and House members left behind in the Mournland, and if off-duty would be more than willing to search out and adventure to discover what became of them.
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Valenar Elf

First Post
Sorry about not replying much recently. Life happens. :)

Anyhoo, I'm closing the casting call for now, as I need the weekend to review what everyone's posted so far. From snippets I've read, very nice stuff!!

I will post the list of players I've chosen by 5pm EST Monday, and link to a thread in the Rogues Gallery for stats.

My decision will be mostly based on the background, but I will try to achieve a balance of classes and abilities. The main thing is to have fun with this, and I'll try to pick characters that I really would like to see in action. On that note, I'll post questions here to individuals to help clarify any questions I might have about certain characters.

Otherwise, thank you to all who posted, and I appreciate your patience. I'll be able to post more often now that the semester is done! [For sheer reference, I'm 37 and going back to school for a drastic career change. Call it an early midlife crisis.]

Valenar Elf

First Post
Re-opening Casting Call

I'm going to re-open the Casting Call, just to see if we can get a few more entries.

Just clarify, when I mentioned sources including the ECSB, that does allow psionics, so they are allowed in this game. I also must add the Expanded Psionics Handbook to the list, as well as the Complete series. I only have Complete Warrior for now, but I might ask a few questions here and there about items from the other books in the series.

I will post more definite sources and rules once I have the five players. I've been impressed with what I've seen so far, so this will not be an easy choice.

So, please, send in some more ideas!


First Post
Aeryn Salar, Elf Paladin

Aeryn Salar was born in Thrane in 698 YK to a prominent family of Thaliost craftsmen. Raised a devout follower of the Silver Flame, Aeryn was still a little shocked when she first heard the voice of the Flame whispering to her heart on dark, lonely nights. The tug of her calling compelled her toward Flamekeep, but responsibilities in the family business kept her tied to her home well into her 13th decade.

A momentous event changed Aeryn's life forever. In 830 YK, a horrific spree of killings occurred in Thaliost, gripping the city in terror for an entire winter. The local Archbishop called an inquisition to root out who or what was responsible, but months stretched on and no one was captured.

One night, Aeryn returned home to find the door to her father's smithy slightly open. The sound of struggle came from within. As she pushed the door open, she saw a hulking shape bash a great, hairy paw into the side of her father's skull, sending him crumpling to the floor. Her father had obviously done the beast great harm; a silver-coated longsword was gripped in her hand, covered in blood that looked black against the crimson reflection of forge-fire. The beast had a hideous face with a pronounced snout and sharp, glistening teeth; after a moment, a single word filled Aeryn's mind: werewolf.

With single-minded fury, Aeryn pulled a blade from the table beside the door and lifted it into the light. The silver that had made her father rich glistened on the blade, and a glimmer of recognition shone in the beast's eyes. It pulled itself up to its full height, but the blood streaming down its sides belied its attempt at intimidation. With a bound, it jumped over Aeryn and bounded off into the night. The young woman gave chase immediately.

Through the streets, cloaked in shadow, Aeryn chased the beast. It wasn't until she was half-way down the blind alley that she realized her mistake. One thing lycanthropes possess that sets them above mere animals is a vicious cunning. This one had set its trap well, landing easily behind Aeryn as she spun around, sword raised high.

The fight was a confusing blur of blade, claw, and a mysterious silver fire that enveloped Aeryn's blade as she slashed blindly at the beast. In the end, Aeryn barely stood, silver blade thrust into the churned up dirt of the alley. The body on the ground was shrinking, resuming the form of a nobleman whose name the elf-maid could not immediately bring to mind. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Aeryn worried about the city watch finding her over a nobles body. A voice, warm and motherly, whispered softly to her: "Be not afraid, child. Your life is not meant for so mean an end."

The next day, Aeryn presented her near-crippled body to the Cathedral of the Silver Flame. She had already given the Flame her soul; what more was a little flesh?

Aeryn Salar is a stately elven woman past the middle of her years. Her hair is thick, straight, and silver, shining just slightly with a hint of the gold of her youth. Lines around her grey eyes show her age, but her vision is clear and her muscles still have strength left in them.

Despite having served the Flame for nearly 170 years, through the Lycanthrope Purge and the Last War, Aeryn still feels as if there is something she has yet to complete. She is cautious and meticulous, never rushing into the kind of situations that should have left her dead decades ago.

Prof Yeti

First Post
Valenar Elf said:
I'm going to re-open the Casting Call, just to see if we can get a few more entries.

Just clarify, when I mentioned sources including the ECSB, that does allow psionics, so they are allowed in this game. I also must add the Expanded Psionics Handbook to the list, as well as the Complete series. I only have Complete Warrior for now, but I might ask a few questions here and there about items from the other books in the series.

I will post more definite sources and rules once I have the five players. I've been impressed with what I've seen so far, so this will not be an easy choice.

So, please, send in some more ideas!

I would definately be interested. I have been looking to join a game and just haven't seemed able to find one.

I am new to pbp games but if that isn't a deal breaker I have write-ups for a Human
Dragonmarked Wizard, a Half-elven Rogue, and a Dwarven Ranger/Fighter.

#1 Choice (but I am very flexible)
His name is Brodin Stoneheart and he is a scion of Clan Kardurun from the northern reaches of the Mror Holds. His size is average for the people of that region (4’4” and 164 lbs.). But his bright red hair and dark green eyes are both rare and proof he carries the blood of the southern clans. He wears his hair long, kept in a warrior’s braid, while keeping his beard short. But the most distinctive feature of the young dwarf is the determined and steady air that seems to permeate his very soul.

His parents met over sixty-three years ago, in the city of Korunda’s Gate, in the northern Mror Holds. Brodin’ fathers was Rurik Stoneheart, his mother’ Vala Loderr, a distant and unmarked member of House Kundarak. They met at time when both were just beginning their apprenticeships, but they each knew the other was the one for them. And so their love flourished over the next 10 years and shortly after finishing their training the two were married. An Artificer of some skill Vala worked in the enclave of House Kundarak creating and fixing whatever was needed, while Rurik took a position as a trainer of the Guard. And so there lives seemed to settle, becoming all that much brighter when Vala discovered she was with child. Even more amazing was when the Healer confirmed that she would have twins.
And so the children’, Brodin (Male) and Diesa (Female), birth became an event celebrated by the whole of both the Clan and House. Many saw them as an omen for a brighter future. And it was firmly within the love and encouragement of both family and community that the two grew into fine examples of all that is great about Dwarves. As if to cap this happy time young Diesa developed a Dragonmark shortly before beginning her apprenticeship, as an Artificer, securing her place within the Holds. But Brodin would take a much longer and lonelier, though no less important, road for his training. Because while growing up it was discovered that Brodin possessed a personality and knack for certain skills that were invaluable to the Dwarven homeland. He had heard tales of the Sentinels or Deep-Walkers, the dwarves that patrolled the far ranges and entrances to the Holds, but had thought them just myth and story. When offered training by them there was little hesitation, and shortly he began his study as a Sentinel (Ranger).
So he passed the next decade learning about weapons and dungeoneering. But more importantly he learned to hone his senses, his first line of defense, against encroaching enemy. And it would be those very skills that would save both his and his trainers lives, early in his training. While helping patrol one of the older mines Brodin felt a chill race up his spine. With barely enough time to find cover he watched as pair of Carrion Crawlers traveled past in search of food. Moving as quiet and stealthily as possible he followed them as they moved towards his teachers last location. When he arrived he say the creature feast on something, though he couldn’t make out what it was for sure. No sooner had he decided to attack then he spotted his mentor hiding and watching the horrendous creatures for his own attack. As if watching in slow motion Brodin’ mentor sprung from hiding nearly cleaving one of the creatures in two. But the creature and its mate still had some life to them and attacked in return. Most of the strikes were easily avoided or deflected, but one got thru and froze the older Sentinel in his tracks. And it was at that very moment that Brodin used their distraction to launch his own attack. While not as experienced as his teacher he managed to land a blow that would make a giant proud. Because with that one blow he was able to fell the un-injured Crawler and reduce the threat to his mentor. The injured Crawler gave him its full attention but was unable to pierce his defenses. With the time Brodin was able to give his mentor he quickly regained his mobility. Between the two warrior’ the creature stood little chance and was quickly slain. And while he learned much over the years both in the caves and out, the battle with the Carrion Crawlers was his proudest moment. He saddest moment though was the day his teacher informed him he had completed his training. So gone was the freedom and adventure replaced by thoughts of the uncertainty that faced him. For it was a future in the wake of the Day of Mourning.
Because you see as is apt to happen when least expected, misfortune would strike a well-placed blow. If not for the War that shaped all of Khorvaire for a century many would have stayed settled and focused on there crafts and their children and this story would be done. But in the midst of war seldom did such happy endings occur. These particular dark days had begun when Rurik and Vala, along with much of Clan Kardurun, were assigned to a delegation sent to Cyre. They saw nothing amiss since they would return in plenty of time to see their children return from their training. Unfortunately it was only a year after their arrival that the Day of Mourning would occur. In one swift blow, Clan Kardurun was almost completely obliterated from the face of the planet. And so Brodin found his training complete but with no family left in the Holds to defend.
And so he steps out into the world in search of a purpose.
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