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D&D 5E EB's KotB: (Group 1) Courage of the Lions


Slipper nods and begins to look at the ground suspiciously, that thing could come from anywhere and he was used to trusting the ground beneath his feet.

More numbers meant more targets, he thought happily to himself.

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Rorik listed to the exchange with the farmers , then thought about the change in plan from finding the bee man to finding the camp. "Finding the camp will probably be easier, and someone there might even be able to give us better directions that "follow the bees".


The group follows the treeline for a half an hour and find an odd site.

It looks like there was a campsite here at one time, it shows all the signs of having been torn down quickly. The group even notices that a few trees have marking on them as if someone had tried to chop them down and then stopped suddenly, never returning to finish the work.

OOC: Investigation checks, plz


"This doesn't look good," Slipper whispered. Assuring himself it was relatively safe for the moment, he scampered about the camp looking for clues as to what had happened.


Lindrel is looking at the ground looking for places where a land shark or other burrowing animal might have popped up. It occurs to her that they think it's a bulette they are following but what if it's a remoraz?

OOC: Investigation [roll0]


Lindrel has little trouble finding the wierdly tilled earth that seems to mark a large burrowing creature near the surface. She finds the "exit hole" now filled in on itself, near two partially cut down trees. The axe marks are only a couple days old.

The grass around the campsite shows the brown square impressions of tents, and the burn marks of two small fires. You find all kinds of lose gear and simple items. A tent peg, some frayed rope, a wash cloth and a leather shoe are just a few of the items strewn across the hastily broken camp.

There are no bodies and no blood to be found anywhere. You can all tell the camp was attacked, but they fled before the creature got the chance to make one of them its meal. Tracks lead in the same direction you were traveling, and are only a few days old.

OOC: I'll let this soak in and advance the thread THU/FRI. And answer any questions till then.


OOC: No questions then, lol....

The group continues on, as the sun rises but an hour before reaching its peak. Ahead they see a thin tendril of smoke from a small fire and this leads them to a campsite of lumberjacks. Lumberjacks who look to be in no hurry to cut down any trees.

Most of the men lounge around the firepit, staring into it forlornly. As some of them notice your approach the stand hurriedly eyes wide. "No! No!" the say in a loud whisper, all talking at once. "Walk slower, and softer or we're all dead."

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