D&D 5E Ed Greenwood to write 5E's Forgotten Realms

I'm A Banana

It's cool that Ed's likely on crew.

As for the godlike NPC's, it's kind of part and parcel of the setting. At low levels, Elminster is handling the big evil threats. As you approach his level (which, given how many levels most D&D games cover, you may NEVER do), you also get to handle big evil threats. It's the feeling that the world exists beyond what the PC's do, and in FR, adventuring isn't a one-time, save-the-world kind of thing, but an ongoing process of constant struggle. It's sort of like: what's Moradin doing while you're clearing out a dungeon full of goblins? Presumably, battling Maglubiyet and his exarchs on a stage much greater than a dungeon. If you're not a fan of the fact that the wold has 20th level adventurers doing stuff offstage, that's fine, but you don't HAVE to play in FR. Eberron, forex, is well suited to that! And if you DO play in FR, you can still screw with them as much as you personally choose to do so, if you want.

Don't get me wrong, the only time I ran FR was in 3e when I blew up the setting with Cthulu (in something strongly resembling the Spellplague in effect -- Elminster gone insane and Drizzit on a genocidal rampage) and it was a blast and a half. But I'm under no delusions that this would be fit for mass consumption. People who like FR, part of what a lot of them like, is the idea that their stories can intersect the stories of the heroes they have read about.

I think a lot of the attempts to "fix" FR so that it gains new fans loose sight of the fact that (a) you're not going to win over more fans by changing what FR does, and (b) you're going to alienate existing fans by changing what FR does. Rather than make FR into something it's not, it would be better for it to be the best FR it can be, as it is.

And I think Ed can do that, even if it means jumping back to the original 1e box and re-presenting it. ;)

That said:
Incenjucar said:
That and Elminster's creepy and borderline abusive sexcapades need to stay the bloody heck away from young readers.

FR's weird sexual stuff has always been one of the things that have tuned me off about the setting, but it's also been one of the things that kind of help define the tone. It's always the swinging '60's in Faerun. ;)
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The most "original" version would be the 1st Edition AD&D "Grey Box". But that one is 25 years old and I assume that he actually does like many of the aspects he and other people have come up with since.


First Post
I like FR for the rich setting, and the details it added, and the history. I don't really use all the high-level NPCs.


First Post
FR's weird sexual stuff has always been one of the things that have tuned me off about the setting, but it's also been one of the things that kind of help define the tone. It's always the swinging '60's in Faerun. ;)

What weird sexual stuff? All I remember is that Ed's heroes act like I'd expect adventurers to act: Like soldiers on leave.


I like FR for the rich setting, and the details it added, and the history. I don't really use all the high-level NPCs.

Yeah, I am usually able to work in the niches of the Realms pretty easily when I run games there. The high-level NPCs rarely come to play or are certainly far from focus of the story.


First Post
Yeah, I am usually able to work in the niches of the Realms pretty easily when I run games there. The high-level NPCs rarely come to play or are certainly far from focus of the story.

As long as they don't appear and fight no one can tell what level they are anyway. The actual source book material doesn't really need all those demi-gods, and their reputation could just be overblown by bards.


First Post
Yeah, I'd like some kind of reboot with some new stuff integrated from the start. But with a very classic feel. Back to the roots! Just keep most of the powerful NPCs behind the curtain.

I'm wondering if the new Ed Greenwook Presents Forgotten Realms will be truly Edition neutral or if it get's postponed a bit to come out with the new edition. I'd like that to be honest.

Nothing beats a new D&D edition with a classic feel with a rebooted Forgotten Realms with a very classic feel. :)



First Post
As for sexcapades, I am not for gratuitous, sophomoric prurience, but I think the whole PC, round edges, child-proof/kiddie aspect of D&D could be diminished a bit.

Elf Witch

First Post
I really disliked what 4E did with the Realms so I would hope that they fix that.

I have never understood the compliant about the high powered NPCs. First of all it is your game and you can choose how to use them or take them out completely.

The gaming police are not going to come and fine you for tweaking the Realms. And if you have players who can't deal with any changes to their beloved Realms well that is a player problem not a setting problem.

Yes there are some powerful NPCs but they can't do everything or be every where that is where the PCs come in. There are plenty of areas and troubles that parties of adventurers are needed.

I like to use the Realms when I am in the mood for a high magic high fantasy style game. I think it is what it does best.

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