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Editions of D&D you have played the most in your life


Like a few others here, my biggest chunk of time sink would be 2e by far. Mostly because that was late high school/university time for me and I just had that many hours to sink into something. I mean, we used to fairly routinely play entire weekends of gaming.

Now, I'm rather happy to get my 3 hours/week in on Fantasy Grounds.

But, if I had to rank it it would look like this:

2e - again, by far. Probably more hours than every other edition combined. To the point where I was a pretty late adopter to 3e.

1e - probably. Although it might be a combination of 1e and Moldvay Basic/Expert and, frankly the games we were playing were probably more our own than what was actually in the books.

3e/3.5 - For quite a while there I was playing twice a week, so, the hours racked up. But, still, only 3 hour sessions.

4e - routinely played weekly 3 hour sessions for the run of the edition. So, yeah, racked up quite a few hours.

5e - Will likely very soon eclipse 4e and 3e as well a year or two from now. Pretty long haul before it passes 1e or 2e though. Simply because of life.

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
I probably have played 1e for the longest time (my groups informally back-converted 2e to 1e).

I have played the most sessions of 4e (LFR at Conventions, finally had time and money to spare).

I only played 3.x a little bit, due to the claims of IRL upon what should have been my gaming time.

I was in the 5e playtest and have been working with it ever since. Unless 6e comes out too soon (and breaks the progression) I expect 5e to become the version I will be playing the longest.

I've played Basic some, both as player and DM. I recommend it for one-shots and mini-campaigns to introduce new players to the game.


I started with 4e in my D&D experience (played other stuff for a while before that); odd, I know. I then got to try B/X, 2e, 3.5, PF, and liked different things about them. 5e has most likely seen the most use, though.

Tony Vargas

In terms of years:

1e/2e AD&D '80-95
4e 2008-present
3.x 2000-08
5e/Next 2012-present
Basic '80.

Of course, that ignores:

Champions! '84-2008
Gamma World '80,85-87,94,2002-5,2010-14
Storyteller '93-2002
Star Frontiers '83-86
Traveler '81,85-87
GURPS '86-88
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Hour and hours of BECMI and 1E, halcyon days of boarding school - nothing comes close. Probably 5E now, didn't get much time for gaming 2,3 and 4 E


1. 5th Edition - have played it the most consistently of all editions I've played since it was released.

2. BECMI - mostly just the Red Box Basic, really. This was my introduction to D&D in the early 80s, and my most played before 5th edition.

3. 2nd Edition - only actually played a couple of times in college, but I did have (still have, actually) the 2E PHB and read through it a number of times.


Jedi Master
1. 5th - came to me at the perfect time in my life. Have played probably 4-5 times as many sessions as the next closest. The rules are both casual enough and interesting enough to keep us all engaged despite our busy schedules.

2. 2nd - My first edition, played for three years in the late 80s and early 90s, but had to share time with TMNT, Rifts, Robotech, Marvel and 1e

3. 3e - had two campaigns get started in 2004-2005 but both fell apart due to real life

4. 1e - One of my 2e buddies preferred 1e, and he would run games with it occasionally

5. 4e - never played, but listened to Critical Hit podcast enough to feel like I did! Got my friends hooked and without it, may have never gotten back into D&D. The Next playtest was just starting when I found Critical Hit, so we all jumped on that.


1. 2nd edition - I DM'd two campaigns, one that fell apart in about a year, another that went 6 years. I also played in a boatload of campaigns that ran the spectrum from 1 session to several years.

2. 3rd edition - I DM'd a campaign for this edition, oddly enough this one also ran 6 years. I guess that's my sweet spot in keeping a coherent storyline and a table of interested players. Sadly I never got to participate in a single game of 3e as a player.

3. Basic/Master/Advanced/1e - in my earliest days I played several years of.... some kind of D&D that was a mashup of whatever rulebooks my oldest brother happened to own. He was the DM and he put all the adventures together. I'm guessing he was winging it at least half of the time, making up rules on the fly :)

4. 5th edition - I own a Player's Handbook and have read about 80% of it. After several years away from the game (but I'm always thinking about it), a friend of mine has mentioned getting some of the old band back together with him DMing. He first broached this idea when 5e launched, so we all went out and bought PHBs. I'm still waiting...


First Post
3.x, a long campaign and a few other bits. Sadly have not really played since.
BECMI, well, B E a bit of C and some very munchkin homebrew. We were like 10 and 12.
ADnD, bits here and there but actually in this era I played other games more, like Warhammer and Palladium.
I have read 4e...
I haven't even read 5e, though from what I read about it here it doesn't sound as bad as 4. But I don't think it sounds as much to my taste as 3e, and with d20 products still live commercially and with my own d20 variants I want to test out someday, I don't think I need to leave that ecosystem.
ODnD, BX before my time.

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