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Eilistraee - Working the Dark Dancer into Out of the Abyss


So I am running OotA and we are through three (4-1/2 hour) sessions, currently 1 session into Chapter 2. The players all seem to be excited with the campaign so far and appear to be pleasantly surprised with developments as they unfold. All claimed beforehand they never played and were not familiar at all with the adventure's content though all knew of it's existence as well as the general theme. Additionally, I have planned a few side adventures not in the book but that will tie back into the story.

I have always been fascinated with the Drow goddess, Eilistraee and would really like to work her presence into this campaign. Being the daughter of Lolth who stands for the complete opposite of her mother, as well as the other Dark Seldarine seems like it should have a lot of potential for dramatic twists in this campaign. That 2 of the PCs are Drow on the run from Menzoberranzan, and further have no idea of the existence of The Dark Dancer makes that idea all the more appealing.

There is also a human Hexblade Warlock PC who was kicked out of Hillsfar and was based in Elventree. He was running a mission for the Harpers when he was captured by the Drow along with his Barbarian side-kick. This is also very interesting since there is a shrine to Eilistraee in Elventree. His mission was to deliver a silver chain with a pendant attached to a contact in Silverymoon. The pendant is a depiction of Eilistraee dancing naked with her sword to a full moon in the background.

This is about as far as I have gotten with the Eilistraee plot thread so far. If anyone has any ideas on how I could a chaotic good Drow goddess into OotA, I would very much like to read your thoughts.
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I would have some "the end is here" type Drow going about in Menzoberranzan (correctly) blaming Lolth for what is happening, and suggesting that the only hope is worshipping Eilistraee. That could lead to some interesting side quest for the PC's....


A very immediate, but also very fitting way, would be having Eilistraee and her followers help all who are endangered by Lolth's plan that unleashed the Demon Princes in the Underdark, and Demogorgon in Menzoberranzan itself.

A first step could be organizing expeditions to grab people who are in immediate danger and have little choice but to accept help that will save them. The followers of Eilistraee wouldn't be free to act openly (they are hunted by the clergy of Lolth--that's why groups of them, like the Silverhair Knights, have to secretly infiltrate in drow cities to help and free as amny as possible), but in such a situation they would have the chance to act more boldly, and not only to help their kind, but also use the opportunity to show them the freedom and joy of life that Lolth denies them, and the surface itself. Not to mention that the Eilistraeens would prove to the drow the strength (and advantages) that comes from caring for each other, and having a community that is united against odds and suffering, rather than being forced into constant, weakening infighting. In short, it would be a perfect situation to save drow and bring them far from Lolth--once there, it's very unlikely for them to look back to the miserable life that the vast majority experiences under the Spider Queen (and of course, there's also the fact that Lolth caused the crisis and endangered the drow, so that's another point showing that she just doesn't care).

The refugees could be housed both in the surface communities, or in the Promenade (which was confirmed by Ed Greenwood to have been recently retaken). The Eilistraeens have a routine of food gathering, preparation of cures and places to offer hospitality to those who need it, so it would be perfectly in line with what they normally do (of course, it would stretch their resources, but they'd still work towards it).

The followers of Eilistraee could also very well help in the fight against the demons themselves (the Dark Maiden herself could provide her blessing), especially if their threats grow in such a large scale that whole drow cities--or even the surface--were threatened. Lending their help to protect people is also in their MO, and part of what they do to build friendships with the surfacers (in fact, in the AL module Assault on Maerimydra, Sword Dancers of Eilistraee get involved in the fight to help defeat Grazz't, retake Maerimydra, save people, and then use the opportunity to form relationships between the drow of the Moonsea and the surfacers of that region). Honestly, it would have only made sense for WotC to include them in the main book, as their involvment is very likely.

More info and inspiration can be found in these articles--they include much more info than MToF, as they gather all lore from all the editions (including all the developments in 5e) and put it in one place (don't mind the past tense, it's a policy of the Wiki):
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I would have some "the end is here" type Drow going about in Menzoberranzan (correctly) blaming Lolth for what is happening, and suggesting that the only hope is worshipping Eilistraee. That could lead to some interesting side quest for the PC's....

They wouldn't last long. Even only speaking Eilistraee's name in Menzo is grounds for being exiled or killed. The idea is cool--it *is* Lolth's fault--but it would need to be some secret, underground thing, more than a doomsayer (also because doomsaying is not very fitting for this goddess).

They wouldn't last long. Even only speaking Eilistraee's name in Menzo is grounds for being exiled or killed. The idea is cool--it *is* Lolth's fault--but it would need to be some secret, underground thing, more than a doomsayer (also because doomsaying is not very fitting for this goddess).

I am working on a couple of assumptions:

1) That with a bunch of demon lords running around, the clergy is too busy trying to keep from being eaten (except for the ones being brainwashed into the hedonistic cults of Grazz't) to worry about relatively minor issues like the worshippers of Eilistraee.

2) Demon lords+madness=chaos, and chaos means at least a few people (or elves) will do new and unexpected things.

Of course, you can homebrew that Demogorgon playing Godzilla isn't a big thing to the Drow, but I am pretty sure the intent of the AP is that it is a big thing.


I am working on a couple of assumptions:

1) That with a bunch of demon lords running around, the clergy is too busy trying to keep from being eaten (except for the ones being brainwashed into the hedonistic cults of Grazz't) to worry about relatively minor issues like the worshippers of Eilistraee.

2) Demon lords+madness=chaos, and chaos means at least a few people (or elves) will do new and unexpected things.

Of course, you can homebrew that Demogorgon playing Godzilla isn't a big thing to the Drow, but I am pretty sure the intent of the AP is that it is a big thing.

It is, but they (especially the Menzoberranyr) are always described as such religious fanatics that someone worshipping Eilistraee in the open would always be shut down and target of major persecution (and it takes nothing to just stab a doomsayer). Like, there was an episode when a secret follower of Eilistraee was found out within a noble house, and the whole house was marked for extermination and a major war ensued (which led to the formation of a new house whose only goal is make life hell for followers of Eilistraee and Vhaeraun)--all that for just 1 girl. That's not to mention all the Drizzt crusades.

The drow are also known to keep being what they are even during times of crisis (like backstabbing and infighting happening during a war), so, unless you want to go for a less... well, nonsensical version of the drow, someone committing heresy in the open will never last long in Menzo.


From reading what is available on her, I am under the impression that the average Drow is likely to not even know of the existence of Eilistraee. Drow Priestesses have written records of her existence but they are kept hidden and secret. For who knows what effect on Drow society as they know it should the existence of Eilistraee become common knowledge?

Ellistraens are not only persecuted by their own race, but often from many surface dwellers. Especially those who only know Drow as the chaotic evil, slave-driving back-stabbers that they typically are. They simply cannot wrap their head around a Drow that does good deeds. Except for their pilgrimages (mostly on the surface world) where they openly help others by providing food, shelter, etc., Eillistraens must do most things in secret.


From reading what is available on her, I am under the impression that the average Drow is likely to not even know of the existence of Eilistraee. Drow Priestesses have written records of her existence but they are kept hidden and secret. For who knows what effect on Drow society as they know it should the existence of Eilistraee become common knowledge?

Ellistraens are not only persecuted by their own race, but often from many surface dwellers. Especially those who only know Drow as the chaotic evil, slave-driving back-stabbers that they typically are. They simply cannot wrap their head around a Drow that does good deeds. Except for their pilgrimages (mostly on the surface world) where they openly help others by providing food, shelter, etc., Eillistraens must do most things in secret.

That sounds like the info from MToF. Keep in mind that the book omits a lot of info about Eilistraee (that has been created over multiple editions)--then again, it's Mordenkainen's PoV and his knowledge of how things are in Toril may not be that precise. For example, it's true that Eilistraee is not a very well known deity, but all drow end up feeling her at some point. So while they may not know her by name, they know that it's her, that she's there, and while many don't understand or are troubled by her, many also long for what she offers. MToF also says that Eilistraee can't guarantee safety and acceptance--that's true, but it omits to say that she does her best to provide those things to the drow, and even personally helps them in practical ways, provides comfort and warmth, and there have been cases in which she provided high level magic to help.

Also, yes, Eilistraeens often work in secrecy, but they have tried multiple times (and in some case succeeded) to gain a place within other races' settlements (the most evident case is Eilistraee's recently appearing just under the walls of Waterdeep, as a sort of signal that led her followers there, and they are now founding a new community within Waterdeep with the support of the Harpers). MToF makes it sound like her followers are just a bunch of exiles without structure, but Eilistraee has a detailed culture and a structured church (even though hierarchy is very loose) which is very active both in reaching to the drow and trying to create friendships with the surface races.

If you want more about her, the articles that I linked in my other post include info from mutliple books, such as Demihuman Deities or The Drow of the Underdark, or Ed Greenwood's own lore (he created Eilistraee for his own setting), etc... The information is both about the goddess herself, and her followers (in fact, it specifies their modus operandi, their goals, traditions, which may be useful to work her into your campaign).


That sounds like the info from MToF. Keep in mind that the book omits a lot of info about Eilistraee (that has been created over multiple editions)--then again, it's Mordenkainen's PoV and his knowledge of how things are in Toril may not be that precise. For example, it's true that Eilistraee is not a very well known deity, but all drow end up feeling her at some point. So while they may not know her by name, they know that it's her, that she's there, and while many don't understand or are troubled by her, many also long for what she offers. MToF also says that Eilistraee can't guarantee safety and acceptance--that's true, but it omits to say that she does her best to provide those things to the drow, and even personally helps them in practical ways, provides comfort and warmth, and there have been cases in which she provided high level magic to help.

Yes part of my limited knowledge is from MToF and some from the Forgotten Realms Wiki you linked above. However I did not get the impression that all drow feel her presence though I agree most would not acknowledge it if they did. Still that could certainly be within the realm of possibility since we can make it work in our individual campaigns the way we see fit. The other aspects regarding her attempts at providing safety and acceptance, even in some cases providing magic, are also very much acknowledged and would be worked into the narrative.

Also, yes, Eilistraeens often work in secrecy, but they have tried multiple times (and in some case succeeded) to gain a place within other races' settlements (the most evident case is Eilistraee's recently appearing just under the walls of Waterdeep, as a sort of signal that led her followers there, and they are now founding a new community within Waterdeep with the support of the Harpers). MToF makes it sound like her followers are just a bunch of exiles without structure, but Eilistraee has a detailed culture and a structured church (even though hierarchy is very loose) which is very active both in reaching to the drow and trying to create friendships with the surface races.
Indeed, as I stated in the OP, one of the party is aware of the Dancing Stone shrine to Eilistraee just outside the village of Elventree implying that her followers are accepted by it's denizens as stated in State of Hillsfar Adventurer's League Supplement from the DMs Guild. I am also aware of their presence in Waterdeep along with Promenade existing below in Undermountain which I may also work into the campaign.

If you want more about her, the articles that I linked in my other post include info from mutliple books, such as Demihuman Deities or The Drow of the Underdark, or Ed Greenwood's own lore (he created Eilistraee for his own setting), etc... The information is both about the goddess herself, and her followers (in fact, it specifies their modus operandi, their goals, traditions, which may be useful to work her into your campaign).
Yes, the links I had already thoroughly ready but I will check out the books you mention. Thank, you.


Yes part of my limited knowledge is from MToF and some from the Forgotten Realms Wiki you linked above. However I did not get the impression that all drow feel her presence though I agree most would not acknowledge it if they did. Still that could certainly be within the realm of possibility since we can make it work in our individual campaigns the way we see fit.

There's this passage, which paraphrases what Ed Greenwood said about her

Eilistraee sang her call to all dark elves—from the highest matron mother to the lowest male slave—sending them dreams or visions, showing them a different, better life, and the beauty of the world (especially when they were close to the surface).[11] Lolth was powerless to stop these visions, as too much interference from two goddesses could easily bring a mortal's mind to insanity. The drow definitely came to know about and "felt" the Dark Dancer at some point in their lives, but many of them either would not understand said dreams or emotions or chose to ignore, disbelieve, or reject them. Even then, many also secretly yearned for the goddess and all that she wished for them. In fact, it was not unusual for them—if they thought they could get away with it, without the knowledge of a priestess of Lolth—to choose to spare the life of a worshiper of Eilistraee, decline to tell other drow what they'd seen of their activities, or linger to watch one of their dances rather than breaking it up. That said, despite those feelings, not many drow could find the strength and resources to make the final step and leave their past behind to cleave to Eilistraee on their own.[26][11]

That said, of course, in your campaign you have complete freedom to do what you wish.

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