Pathfinder 1E Elements of magic, Mythic Earth and Pathfinder.

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First Post
I really like the books, and want to buy a hardcover printed version, but can't seem to find any place that sells it. I'm not even sure if they've ever been available in hardcover. Does anyone know where I could find it?


First Post
Having played Pathfinder for some time now, and having used EOM in both 3.5 and Pathfinder, I think the spell lists themselves do not require any changing. One thing that could be changed would be the classes included as part of the EOM and Lyceian Arcana books. With the inclusion of Sorcerer bloodlines and Wizard schools, the EOM classes feel slightly underpowered.

I will admit that the traditions help, but some additional re-balancing would be nice.


First Post
I'd also say that some work to create some of the more unusual classes-- magus, and summoner come to mind. I'm not certain if they should have their traditional mechanics with the Mythic Earth spellcasting system or something else. I do think that ME is a bit superior to EOM, mainly because it's a bit simpler-- the drive seems to be more towards systems that are not complex to implement.

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