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Elements of Magic - Mythic Earth (post-release proofread complete!)


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Ok - this is a rules question...

What's Sleep? Or, better stated, what are Elves immune to? Or do they simply have a +2 bonus resisting Charm spells, and the Sleep thing is ignored?

Or did I miss sleep in the book again?

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Sleep is basically 'Helpless' from Charm. I imagine if you wanted a long-term, "fall asleep and stay asleep until someone shakes you" spell (as opposed to a "fall down and look like you're sleeping for a few rounds while I coup you" spell), you could maybe raise the level by 1, so that after the duration ends, if they still haven't succeeded a save, they stay asleep until awakened normally.

As for what Elves are immune to, sure, they can keep immunity to sleep, which would apply to spells like the one above that specifically describe themselves as being sleep-based. It would still be a pretty rare event.


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Back to ME questions...

I noticed that the Create skill is greatly reduced from what it was in EoMR. The glaring missing items are Weather and Time spells. Was this a deliberate exclusion for design reasons?


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I believe, that is only an omission to reduce the rules bloat for beginners. It should be possible to convert the rules from EoM-R to ME. BTW, I've discovered, that without the effect of Create Life there is a big problem. Consider the use of Permanent Spell on created food. Now feed this to a person. If enough of it is ingested, use Dispel Magic on this person. Instant Death...


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You can't dispel the food once it's gone - and what's your spell target? Something inside someone, that, because it's been consumed, no longer exists?


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I've been tinkering with what needs to be added back from EoMR to ME to run Fantasy d20, and would like some comments. However, it's bigger than a page...

What's the posting rules? I don't want to cause problems or get banned...


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donm61873 said:
You can't dispel the food once it's gone - and what's your spell target? Something inside someone, that, because it's been consumed, no longer exists?

We are actually talking about the equivalent of atoms in a fantasy world. Whatever the equivalents may be, it became part of your person, once you've ingested the fake food. And you only to target this person to dispel magical effects.


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donm61873 said:
I've been tinkering with what needs to be added back from EoMR to ME to run Fantasy d20, and would like some comments. However, it's bigger than a page...

What's the posting rules? I don't want to cause problems or get banned...

I don't know of any posting rules, which limit the post length, and I've posted sometimes very long posts without any repurcussions. So go ahead!


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Don's changes to ME magical skill enhancements

OK, let's see if this big posting works :)

I'm looking for comments, like the levels are off, or that enhancement should be under a different skill.

Rename Enhanced Damage to Increased Damage.
Under Affliction, add Dazzle (+2). You dazzle affected creatures for the spell's duration.
Enhanced Attack (+1). Place this spell on a creature or item. Unarmed and natural attacks made by that creature or weapon attacks made with that item have a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls. You may choose this enhancement up to 5 times.
Enhanced Damage (+1). Place this spell on a creature or item. Unarmed and natural attacks made by that creature or weapon attacks made with that item have a +1 enhancement bonus to damage rolls. You may choose this enhancement up to 5 times.
Temporary Hit Points (+1). Affected creatures gain 3 temporary hit points. You may choose this enhancement multiple times.
Weapon Enhancement (+3). Place this spell on a weapon. The caster may choose any +1 bonus weapon special ability in the Core rules. You may choose this enhancement up to 5 times, raising the level of bonus special ability that may be chosen.
Personal note: this is temporary, until I decide how to build the various weapon enhancements individually.

Enhance Charisma (Varies). Affected creatures gain an enhancement bonus to Charisma. Consult the table below to determine by how much the ability score is enhanced.
Level Bonus
+3 +2
+5 +4
+7 +6
+10 +8
+13 +10
+16 +12
+20 +14

Create Air (varies). When you create air, you can choose its temperature, between extremes of -40 and 150 degrees farhenheit (-40 and 65 degrees Celsius). Severe heat and cold cannot be used offensively unless you have a way to keep someone from moving out of the area of effect, since it takes at least a few minutes to die of exposure.
Fresh Air (+4). You create enough fresh air for each creature in the area of effect to breathe for the spell’s duration. If the spell is cast outdoors, the air will disperse naturally. Alternately, if you target creatures directly (or if you target an object that needs air, like a fire), the spell will provide fresh air for them.
Moderate Wind (+1). You create wind of up to 20 miles per hour. See the DMG for information on wind forces. You can direct the wind in whatever direction you desire, with updrafts, downdrafts, whirlwinds, or simply in a straight line.
Fog Cloud (+1). Mist obscures vision beyond 5 ft. A creature within 5 ft. has concealment (20% miss chance). Fog and mist can be dispersed by a moderate wind (11+ mph) in 4 rounds, or by a strong wind (21+ mph) in 1 round.
Strong Wind (+2). Winds of up to 30 miles per hour.
Severe Wind (+3). Winds of up to 50 miles per hour.
Windstorm (+4). Winds of up to 70 miles per hour.
Hurricane (+6). Winds of up to 150 miles per hour.
Tornado (+9). Winds of up to 300 miles per hour.​
Create Light (varies). Creates an object which casts light in an area. Light effects cancel shadow effects of equal level, and vice versa.
Illumination (+1). The created object sheds bright light in a 20-ft. radius (and dim light for another 20 ft.).
Daylight (+4). The created object sheds bright light in a 60-ft. radius (and dim light for another 60 ft.).
Luminesence (+4). The entire area of effect is filled completely with light, so that no shadows are cast.​
Create Pocket Dimension (+6). You create a pocket dimension, with an entrance big enough for you to walk through (though you may choose to make it smaller). You create the entrance anywhere within range. If you are inside, you can close or reopen the entrance as a full-round action.
The area of effect you choose is the size of the pocket dimension. Anything in the area of effect is effectively removed from the rest of the world. The interior of the dimension is bare and ends without any apparent solid walls. Temperature and air within are the same as those without when the dimension is created. If the spell’s duration ends, anything in the area of effect is expelled.
Create Shadow (varies). Creates an object which casts shadows and darkness in an area. Shadow effects cancel light effects of equal level, or vice versa.
Gloom (+1). The created object radiates shadows in a 20-ft. radius. Creatures with darkvision can see through this area normally, and the darkness is the equivalent to a moonless night.
Darkness (+2). The created object radiates shadows in a 20-ft. radius. This magical darkness obstructs the vision of even creatures with darkvision.
Pure Darkness (+4). The created object radiates pure darkness in a 60-ft. radius, so dark that nothing can see through it.​
Create Time (varies). The Quicken Spell feat is a prerequisite for time effects.
Dilated Time (+4). All creatures, objects, and spell effects in the area age one round. Their effects still occur, so an ongoing Attack spell deals damage for the round, a fire burns one round worth of fuel, and poison runs its course one round faster. Likewise, a Charm spell will end one round sooner. For spells that grant a save to resist on a round by round basis, use the result of the last-made save to determine effects. Things within the area of effect cannot influence those outside, so if a spellcaster sets off a spell in the area, the effects will be limited to the area of effect. Unwilling creatures in the area of effect receive a Will save to resist.
Dilated Time, Short (+7). As above, except 5 rounds elapse instead of 1.
Dilated Time, Medium (+11). As above, except 5 minutes elapse instead of 1 round.
Dilated Time, Long (+16). As above, except half a day elapses instead of 1 round.
Create Time Pocket (+16): The area of effect and everything inside it gain extra time, equal to the spell’s duration. The outside world stands still while the area of effect speeds along. Anything leaving the area of effect loses the effect of this extra time, and returns to the normal flow of time just slightly outside the area.
Spell effects created during this time pocket do not continue after this spell ends, so it is useful for resting and healing, but not for actual offense or defense. Unwilling creatures in the area of effect receive a Will save to resist this spell’s effect. If successful, they are shunted to outside the area of effect.​
Weather (+3). You can create a type of weather normal to the local terrain and season. The weather takes about ten minutes to develop, and once the spell ends, the weather fades normally. If the spell lasts less than ten minutes, the effects will not be full, and the new weather will fade quickly. For every additional 2 spell levels, you can alter the severity of the weather from normal.
For example, if it starts as a nice spring day, you could cause it to rain for 3 spell levels (as rain is certainly normal to the terrain and season. However, if you desire it to snow, first it would be colder, and then turn to snow, a total of 7 spell levels (two shifts from a nice spring day).
Giant Area (+5). You can only pick this enhancement if you are only creating pocket dimensions, winds, or weather. The spell covers an area of effect with a half mile radius. For every additional 1 spell level, increase the radius by an additional half-mile.

Preserve (+1). The spell prevents 5 lbs. of food, body organs, plants and similar objects from decaying or rotting for 24 hours. For +5 levels, the duration extends to one week. For an additional +5 levels, the duration increases to one month. Each additional +1 level doubles the weight preserved.

Armor Enhancement (+3). Place this spell on armor or shields. The caster may choose any +1 bonus armor or shield special ability in the Core rules. You may choose this enhancement up to 5 times, raising the level of bonus special ability that may be chosen.

Personal note: this is temporary, until I decide how to build the various armor enhancements individually.

Hedging (+2): Creatures must succeed a Will save to enter the area of effect or use Charm spells on creatures within the area. It can also attempt to use its Spell Resistance to bypass the barrier. Every minute it can make one attempt at each; if the creature fails, it is stuck outside for at least the next minute. The hedging effect prevents the creature from making melee attacks into the area, but it can still use ranged attacks and non-Compel spells. For an additional 1 level, the hedging effect prevents all of the hedged creature’s attacks, spells, or abilities from entering the area of effect.

Enhance Ability Score (Varies). Choose Intelligence or Wisdom. Affected creatures gain an enhancement bonus to that ability score. Consult the table below to determine by how much the ability score is enhanced. Unwilling creatures receive a Will save to negate.
Level Bonus
+3 +2
+5 +4
+7 +6
+10 +8
+13 +10
+16 +12
+20 +14
Enhanced Skill (+1). Choose any single skill. Affected creatures gain a +1 enhancement bonus to checks with that skill. You may choose this enhancement multiple times. This bonus does not apply to spellcasting checks using Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft, or magical skills (Attack, etc).
Special Senses (varies). Most of the following powers have options to increase the range of various senses. If you combine multiple types of vision, such as darkvision with omnivision, you need only increase the range once for both types, but use the highest level change.
Low Light Vision (+3). Affected creatures gain low light vision.
Darkvision (+5). Affected creatures gain darkvision 30. Every extra 1 additional level increases the range by another 30 ft.
Blindsense (+7). Affected creatures gain blindsense, with a range of 30 ft., effectively letting them see invisible creature. Every extra 2 additional levels increases the range by another 30 ft.
Blindsight (+6). Affected creatures gain blindsight, with a range of 30 ft. Every 3 additional levels increases the range by another 30 ft.
Omnivision (+5). Affected creatures can see through solid objects, with a range of 30 ft. Darkness still provides concealment, but objects, fog, etc. do not. The creature can choose not to see certain objects, such as if it wants to be able to shield itself from a medusa hiding behind a rock. Every 2 additional levels increases the range by another 30 ft.
Tremorsense (+6). Affected creatures gain tremorsense, with a range of 30 ft. Every 3 additional levels increases the range by another 30 ft.​
Translate (+3). Choose one language you know. Affected creatures gain the ability to speak, read, and write that language. For an additional 2 spell levels, affected creatures gain the ability to speak, read, and write all languages you know.

The Translate enhancement is a personal change. I've always believed that if you want a scroll that lets you read Pargunese, you need to get it from someone who already does. And old languages no one knows needs a translator or Decipher Script, not a automatic spell.

The Hex magical skill weakens defenses. Unwilling creatures can resist with a Will save.

Hex Enhancements
Armor Class (+2). Affected creatures gain a –1 penalty to armor class. This penalty can be improved by –1 for each extra spell level, to a maximum of –5 at 6th level.
Binding (+5). Creatures must succeed a Will save to leave the area of effect, either physically or by traveling dimensionally. It can also attempt to use its spell resistance to bypass the barrier. Each minute it may make one attempt at each, and if the creature fails, it is stuck inside for at least another minute. The binding effect prevents the creature from making melee attacks out of the area, but it can still use ranged attacks and spells. A bound creature cannot use any Compel effects on creatures outside the area of effect. If the creature is not entirely inside the area of effect when the spell takes effect, it is not bound. If a creature attacks or otherwise deals damage to the bound creature, it is free to retaliate, but is still bound spatially. If you attack the bound creature, it is freed entirely from the binding. For an additional 2 spell levels, none of the bound creature’s attacks, spells, or abilities can cross the area of effect.
Damage Reduction (+2). Affected creatures have their DR reduced. The type of material required to bypass the DR does not change. Each 1 additional level reduces the DR by –1. For 2 additional levels, creatures affected by that reduction also can have their DR penetrated by a weaker effect. Reduce the material one step, from epic, to special material, to magic. The DR can now be bypassed by both the original and the weaker material, so a lycanthrope affected by this could be harmed either by magic or by silver.
Drain Ability Score (Varies). Choose an ability score. Affected creatures gain a penalty to that ability score. Consult the table below to determine by how much the ability score is penalized. Unwilling creatures receive a Will save to negate.
Level Penalty
+3 –2
+5 –4
+7 –6
+10 –8
+13 –10
+16 –12
+20 –14
Drain Skill (+1). Choose a single specific skill. Affected creatures gain a –1 penalty to checks with that skill. You may choose this enhancement multiple times.
Energy Buffer (+1). Choose an energy type — acid, cold, death, electricity, fire, mental, or sonic. Reduces the level of protection provided by an energy buffer by 5 points of damage of that energy type dealt to each affected creature. This does not effect energy resistance. This enhancement can be chosen any number of times, applying to the same or different energy types.
Energy Resistance (+2). Affected creatures have their energy resistance of a chosen energy type — acid, cold, death, electricity, fire, mental, or sonic — reduced by 5 points of damage of that energy type each round. This enhancement can be chosen up to four times for each energy type.
Saving Throws (+1). Affected creatures gain a –1 penalty to one saving throw — Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. This enhancement may be chosen up to 5 times. For an additional 1 level, this bonus applies to all three saving throws (so giving –3 to three saves requires 4 levels).
Spell Resistance (+4). Affected creatures lose SR 10. Each 1 additional level decreases the SR by 1.
Weaken Attack (+1). Place this spell on a creature or item. Unarmed and natural attacks made by that creature or weapon attacks made with that item have a –1 penalty to attack rolls. You may choose this enhancement up to 5 times.
Weaken Damage (+1). Place this spell on a creature or item. Unarmed and natural attacks made by that creature or weapon attacks made with that item have a –1 penalty to damage rolls. You may choose this enhancement up to 5 times.

Freedom of Movement (+7). Freedom of movement allows creatures to move and attack normally, even under the effect of magical and mundane factors that usually impede movement. This includes paralysis poison, or paralytic Charm effects, and even Move slow spells. The subject automatically succeeds on any grapple check made to resist a grapple attempt, as well as on grapple checks or Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin. The spell also allows the subject to move and attack normally underwater, but not to breathe water.
Spiderclimb (+4). Spiderclimb allows an affected creature to cling to solid surfaces with hands and feet, gaining a climb speed equal to her base speed. Furthermore, she need not make Climb checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside down). She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against her. She cannot, however, use the run action while climbing.
Waterwalk (+3). Waterwalk allows an affected creature to stride over water, moving as freely across the surface as it could on normal, solid ground.
Swim (+3). The Swim effect gives the creature a Swim speed equal to its base speed; it gains a +8 bonus to Swim checks and can take 10 on Swim checks. For an additional 2 spell levels, the affected creature gains the ability to breathe, speak, and otherwise respirate normally in any sort of non-toxic liquid.
Slow, Speed (+1). Affected creatures gain a –10 ft. penalty to the movement mode of your choice — land, climb, burrow, swim, or fly. You cannot penalize a movement mode the creature does not have a speed rating for. You may choose this enhancement multiple times.
Slow, Movement (+7). Each round, affected creatures can only take one move or standard action.

Personal Note: To cast the slow spells, you must take the Movement Specialization feat and choose slow as a movement type. I might change that - I haven't made up my mind.

Grow Plant (+1). Nonmonstrous plants in the area of effect age one day. You can purchase this enhancement multiple times. This effect is natural growth, and is not undone when the spell’s duration ends. Indeed, the spell’s duration doesn’t matter for this effect.
Size Changes (varies). With this enhancement, you can change a creature’s size, but not its exterior shape. The cost of this enhancement depends on how much the creature’s size changes. Each size shift costs 2 spell levels. Thus for a Medium creature to become Fine costs 8 spell levels (2 to become Small, 2 for Tiny, 2 for Diminutive, and 2 for Fine).
Changing a creature’s size modifies its reach and speed and grants the appropriate size bonuses or penalties to attack rolls, AC, and Hide checks, but otherwise does not change a creature’s ability scores or natural armor. Determine the creature’s new face by comparing it to similarly shaped creatures of the same size.
A creature’s Strength score cannot be reduced below 1 this way, and its reach and speed obviously cannot be reduced below 0.
Remember, a human becoming Fine gains a +8 size bonus to attack rolls and AC, and a +16 bonus to Hide checks. For a mage, it is an excellent defence, worth 8 spell levels, and when used against a warrior it is an easy way to render your foes relatively harmless.

Increasing Size
From To Reach Speed
Fine Diminutive — —
Diminutive Tiny — +5
Tiny Small — +10
Small Medium — +10
Medium Large +5 ft. +10
Large Huge +5 ft. +10
Huge Gargantuan +10 ft. –
Gargantuan Colossal +15 ft. –

Reducing Size
From To Reach Speed
Diminutive Fine — —
Tiny Diminutive — –5
Small Tiny — –10
Medium Small — –10
Large Medium –5 ft. –10
Huge Large –5 ft. –10
Gargantuan Huge –10 ft. —
Colossal Gargantuan –15 ft. —
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First Post
*walks in a few days late, picks up the gauntlet*

donm61873 said:
Temporary Hit Points (+1). Affected creatures gain 3 temporary hit points. You may choose this enhancement multiple times.

This should probably be under Cure.

Preserve (+1). The spell prevents 5 lbs. of food, body organs, plants and similar objects from decaying or rotting for 24 hours. For +5 levels, the duration extends to one week. For an additional +5 levels, the duration increases to one month. Each additional +1 level doubles the weight preserved.

Personally, I would put this under Transform, but I'm not sure which colleges the core spell(s) this is based on are under. Also, I view the verb in question as being Preserve which seems to me more a function of Transform but that's a question of personal taste, not general rules.

Enhance Ability Score (Varies). Choose Intelligence or Wisdom.[/QUOTE]

Maybe you could rename this as Enhance Intelligence or Wisdom for clarity's sake.

The Hex magical skill weakens defenses. Unwilling creatures can resist with a Will save.

Nice skill, great way to solve the problem of what to do with things like this.

Illumination (+1). The created object sheds bright light in a 20-ft. radius (and dim light for another 20 ft.).
Daylight (+4). The created object sheds bright light in a 60-ft. radius (and dim light for another 60 ft.).
Luminesence (+4). The entire area of effect is filled completely with light, so that no shadows are cast.
Gloom (+1). The created object radiates shadows in a 20-ft. radius. Creatures with darkvision can see through this area normally, and the darkness is the equivalent to a moonless night.
Darkness (+2). The created object radiates shadows in a 20-ft. radius. This magical darkness obstructs the vision of even creatures with darkvision.
Pure Darkness (+4). The created object radiates pure darkness in a 60-ft. radius, so dark that nothing can see through it.

Not sure this is the right place to put these but I can't think of any better choice, either. Anyone else got any ideas?

Overall, this is a very nice set of additions to ME's spellcasting options.


Does anyone have a compilation of the various tradition feats that have been created in this thread? If not, would anyone be interested in one? I probably can't make it immediately, since finals are right around the corner, but maybe in a couple of weeks.
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