Elf Ariel's Tragic Delay

Recently, last night in fact, I have learned of a terrible situation. We all know and love Elf Ariel's player and characters, but she will be unable to really come online for at least a week. Unfortunately, her brother and his girlfriend got into a serious car crash and Ariel has been at the hospital with her brother. It doesn't look good at all for the girlfriend, big chance of not surviving. Anyway, she asked me to tell you and I did, if there are further questions, ask at my email goltemis@yahoo.com or IM me at goltemis@hotmail.com, though I am not promising anything, but I am one of the few who actually had a conversation with her last night/this morning at 3-4:30. Pray that they get better soon and they are alright. *hugs Ariel's player* I am very sorry to have to release this terrible news...right before Christmas and everything, poor girl...


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Where my heart lies in this matter is already known to you John. It is indeed a tragedy that I'm not sure how either of us will be able to help her with. Far too much distance. But we must do what we are able, hopefully it will be enough. My thoughts and prayers have been issued many times this day in hopes of a counter measure for this dire situation. I have not enough words or none at all. I just hope the friendship will be enough.



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She and her family will be in my prayers as well, but as others have stated, I also am at too great a distance to offer more, so I offer prayers, and friendship, and an sympathetic, empathic ear to listen. ~~ KC
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Things come and go, lives come and stray from our grasp. She is gone. I know that, and yet it's so hard to feel, so hard to grasp that I wonder if my tears are for her or for me. Christmas...Christmas, with all the presents, the smiles, the family and friends. It wont ever be the same again. I worry too, if I'll ever be the same again. But they're selfish worries, and I dont have time for them anymore. I'm a family girl, and my brother, my mother and my father need me. Her parents need me. I'm not sure when I'll be back guys. But thankyou. Every moment, every thought, every word makes me cry. But the shame is gone. I loved her, and I love my brother. I cant bare to stare into his eyes, and yet I must if I am to help him. I need every inch of strength and support you wonderful people provide. You may be distant, and think that it matters none, but words written or spoken take on their own meanings in a time like this. You help restore my spirit, my smiles, my love. The things I was once generously endowered with run thin now, drained by days at his bedside, forcing smiles of habit, blinking away the tears. To hear that you're thinking of me, that your cherishing memories of our times, that's indefinately special to me, no matter whether your here or there. The gratitude knows no boundaries; at least I hope that it doesn't. Please pray...please travel safely, and please enjoy your Christmas' a whole lot more than I will. I at least got one Christmas wish. My brother is home today, to share this time with us. I just hope I do not lose him to this too.

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