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EN World City Project: Geography


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I've been browsing some more medieval maps, in my ongoing campaign against "water walls". ;)

Here's some links to individual maps that I think are relevant to this discussion. I won't post the whole map here, because that is bound to get a little big. All of these are from the two resources I've mentioned before:

Historic Cities: Maps & Documents (The 1550 Cosmographiae Universalis by Munster seem to be the earliest high-quality aerial views)

Dutch City maps from Blaeu's Toonneel der Steden

I've seen lots of covered bridges, lots of reinforced bridges inside the city, lots of walls along the river banks, but so far no actual water wall of the scale Knightfall is suggesting for Mor's End.

1) Map of Florence, 1550: The squiggly line across the river in the foreground may be a chain, or may just indicate the city border, but it is definitely *not* a fixed reinforcements. Note the towers on either side of the river, and walls along the river banks.

2) Map of Basel, 1550: Note the tower jutting out into the river lower right; walls along part of the river banks; city walls on opposite sides of the iver don't need to line up.

3) Paris, 1550 and Paris, 1572: Good model for Mor's End, with the river crossing across the island (although not entirely to scale, I assume). Towers and some walls along the river banks.

4) Dockum, 1652: At the top of the map, there is one of those bridges that open up in the middle. Not reinforced, and a much smaller span that what we are facing. At the bottom there does seem to be a small water gate, but clearly too small to let ships pass through, that's why they need the tilt-bridge in the North. (Sorry for the scale, but the details are kinda hard to make out on the smaller version...)

5) Maastricht, 1652: Some defensive towers and walls along the banks.

6) Middelburg, 1652: Note the walls sticking out into the river at the entrance to the city.

7) Zwolle, 1652: Earthenworks overlooking the river and some bridges, but no actual water walls.

Do I need to go on? I could probably dig up another ten or so... :p

How about this for a compromise:

- We keep the water wall on the Western branch. It's the shortest span, and the ships mainly come through the Southern branch anyway. Even better: remove the outher water wall, but keep the reinforced Wallbridge and the walls from the ringwall to the bridge. That's a veritable deathtrap if invaders get stuck in that little piece of water with walls on three sides...

- We add some towers jutting out into the river at the Southern and Eastern river branch to form a bottleneck for anyone trying to invade the city from that direction.

- We post some lookout towers lakewards of the southern branch. We should easily be able to get some advance warning from those.

- We reinforce the river banks with walls on the southern end of Port Jollita and the docks.

- We span a chain that can be raised at night across the southern branch

All of those have real-world precedents, and combined they should provide significantly more security than putting a huge arch across the river...

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I find myself agreeing with Conaill more and more. I think I may have slipped over to the Dark Side... :D ;)

Seriously, though, I vote for lighter defenses... much much lighter defenses.

Conaill... one thing about those maps... They're from the 16th and 17th centuries... I think that's far beyond the technological level I assumed for Mor's End. Are there any maps of 12th century cities? Or at least something that was built pre-cannon. Just wondering...


The Grey Dwarf

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Re: Re: Re: A question?

Knightfall1972 said:
Plsu, call me stupid but what's the difference between a 'watch' tower and a 'garrison' tower, besides the obvious. Are garrison towers specific to gates?
Here's a watch tower like most of those included in outer walls:


  • tower001.jpg
    211.7 KB · Views: 189


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lalato said:
Are there any maps of 12th century cities? Or at least something that was built pre-cannon. Just wondering...
I haven't yet found any good ones. Seems like the aerial view only came into vogue in the 1500's or so.

Keep in mind that magic could easily substitute for gunpowder though! A fireball might do more damage to a ship than a cannonball. And if we create a bottleneck of 200 ft or less, a Flaming Sphere will torch a ship in a matter of seconds.

We should probably have a look at the Stronghold Builders Handbook for other tips on low-level defenses too...


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Nice image, TGD! That's a very sizeable watchtower though. We might want to consider reducing the dimensions a little for Mor's End. (then again, we do have plenty of dwarven masons...)

The Grey Dwarf

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lalato said:
Regarding defenses and walls... I would prefer that city have some soft openings here and there... Perhaps the city shouldn't be completely walled... or at least not all of the walls are stone... or too thick...
I want to give the goblinoids a fighting chance if they attack. If the city is too well protected, it means they had plenty of time to build up their defenses.
The idea is that this area is dangerous. They're under threat of attack and raids all the time. They're probably working on building the walls, but they're not completed... The only part of town with decent walls is the dwarven section... and perhaps the "posh" and old town areas...

TGD@Work said:
Something about walls: the first idea was a palissade aroud quite a young and still vulnerable city.
With these walls we're way further along the timeline. All this doesn't happen overnight. I don't know if we're still talking about a 300 years old city but if it's the case, I don't think so many walls are possible. It is still a trade city and not a fortified garnison city.
The other thing is that it was supposed to be a chaotic city but it looks more like a paladin' stronghold as it is now. Putting up walls in a chaotic city is even slower than elsewhere. The more you fortify the city, the less plot hooks you get too.


World of Kulan DM
Mor's End Revised

Ok, I can't really call this version 6 or whatever since I had to do all the walls and towers over from scratch in order to get them the right size. I've also scaled up the city and the main road (the Traders' Way) is going to be the only road that is 30 feet wide. The rest will be around 15 feet or less. Still working out the road specifics. You'll note there is now WAY more room and soon I'll be adding samller side roads (7 to 5 feet roughly).

Als note that the inner wall details around the Dwarven Quarter are hard to see on this view. I'll wait for reaction before going any further with internal curtain walls around the Old Quarter.



p.s. I'll post a closeup of the Dwarven Quarter as well but then that's it for me today. Just bought Airship and Streets of Silver. Dying to browse both of 'em.

p.s.2. I'm going to take this moment to pimp my new D20 Blackmoor Yahoo Group. (Pimping ain't easy!) :D


  • mors_end.jpg
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Just went to check the "Protecting the City" thread... Mor's End only has a total of 60 City Guards manning the walls (which is even a little high given its size). Add up to 50 more flunkies that have passed the initial training phase of their compulsory military service, but probably shouldn't be trusted with too much responsibility (some of those will have duties elsewhere).

Two watches of 30 Guards. Let's put at least two dedicated Guards on each gate, that leaves 20 Guards. Put 3 Guards to patrol the SW wall, 6 on the SE wall and 11 on the whole Northern section.

Given that number, I think the towers you posted are probably a little too grandiose! The "watch tower" picture is probably large enough to act as garrison tower for us, and the actual watch towers may only be 2-story structures with a similar (but smaller) semi-circular floorplan.

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