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EN World City Project: NPC Contest #2... Final Round Ingredients!!!

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Round 2: Ashon vs. ajanders

Here are the ingredients for Ashon vs. ajanders.

Key Phrase: "There's one law for the rich, and another for the poor"
Ingredients: The last day of a religious festival, Son of a dung shoveler, "The reports of my death have been greatly exagerrated"
Association: The Squats (It's the seediest part of town... and it extends beyond the walls on the south side).

The Association ingredient is new for this round (and all future rounds). If you want to learn more about the squats, I suggest checking the Geography thread. Links to the various threads can be found on the first post of the Contest thread.

The above is the exact same info that Ashon received. To be fair I will not change it for ajanders.

Ashon has already sent me his entry via e-mail. I will post it after this.

Future Association ingredients will have a bit more description. Let me know if any of you have any questions regarding this or anything else. :)



Ashon's Entry for Round 2...

Here is Ashon's Entry for Round 2...

They Say in the Squats that, "There's one law for the rich, and another for the poor." Since my childhood I've been led to believe this. And I swore that I would not live by the law for poor. So, it came to be that one day while I was scampering under the supports for the highbridge, I ran into a couple of Squatters. Rich Squatters at that.

They were considered rich by Squat standards for the fact that they were a group of successful swamp-pickle hunters. Many people in the Squats hunt for swamp-pickles but few of them actually are successful at the feat. Those three boys had just lost one of their friends in the swamp, and needed a fourth. And seeing as I enjoyed the same activities as they did, scampering along the supports of the Highbridge, spending hours in the market, just watching people go by, they asked me to join them.

So over the next couple of weeks, I learned a lot about swamp-pickle hunting. The signs to look for, the signs to watch out for, and how to sell the pickles without getting jipped. I also learned about what happened to thier friend, he was the son of a dung shoveler who swore that one day he would cross the highbridge never to return. I learned that they had found a place in the swamp where it appeared that the pickles were being domesticated, and grown. There, Poiy son of Hran, fell into the swamp, drowning before his friends very eyes. Not an uncommon sight to the residents of the Squats.

It happened on The last day of a religious Fesitval that we were out hunting pickles, only to come upon the pickle-farm, where Poiy had lost his life. When a body rose out of the swamp, a smelly body that appeared to be decaying, when the other boys recognized, the clothes as Poiy's. The surprise on their eyes made the corpse of Poiy say, "The reports of my Death have been greatly exaggerated" and he began chasing us away from the farm.

It seems that a cleric lives in secret on the farm, and after preparing the body of Poiy, cast a spell to bring him back to life (animate). He is there to protect the farm. The spell was cast on the Religious Festival, and was granted extraordinary powers, binding Poiy to the farm. The Cleric will be in town when the PC's arrive. He leaves nothing incriminating in the shack, as he only visits it once a month or so.

Plot Hooks:
1) If the players are looking for Swamp-Pickles in the Squats, they can be told by an easy Gather Information (8) check that Ferrin sells the freshest Swamp-Pickles, and that he always seems to have some on hand.

2) While meandering around the Squats, the PC's see four well dressed boys who look spooked and frightened. They have just returned from meeting Poiy, and are very afraid. Ferrin, is the only intelligible one, and is able to repeat the story of Poiy. Anyone who offers to help them will be offered a reward for putting him to rest.

3) While exploring the swamp, the PC's hear the screams of the four boys, and when they come rushing up they see Poiy pursuing the Ferrin, as the other three boys have been killed by Poiy. If they help rescue him, Ferrin will be a loyal friend to the PC's in the Squats.

4) Rumors persist of a Pickle farm deep within the swamp, if the players follow the hook, the eventually find the farm, with Poiy sitting near it weeping. He is crying because he saw his friends and scared them away, he believes that Ferrin is trying to convince his friends to come back and kill him. But he doesn't want to die. So he asks the PC's to find his friends, and bring them to him without Ferrin. Ferrin resist many attempts to talk him out of going, and will follow the PC's back to Poiy, where he will attack the undead creature.

Ferrin, male human Rgr3: CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 3d10-6; hp 15; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3; AL NG; Str 11, Dex 14, Con 7, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 9.

Languages Spoken: Common.

Skills and feats: Concentration +2, Hide +2, Listen +6, Move silently +2, Profession +9, Spot +2, Swim +5; Point blank shot, Skill focus (profession), Spell penetration, [Track].

Equipment: Leather Armor, 2 Short swords, short bow, quiver w/ 15 arrows, Peasant outfit, bag containing 15 swamp pickles, Gold Pendant hidden underneath clothes, and a purse containg 35gp.


Round 2: DungeonKeeperUK vs. orbitalfreak

Here are the ingredients for DungeonKeeperUK and orbitalfreak...

Key Phrase: "Robbing Peter to pay Paul..."
Ingredients: a bottle of wine, a non-descript copper band, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall."
Association: The Silkers Circle (The Silkers Circle is the guild to which all the Silk Fish harvesters belong. Silk Fish is a type of jelly fish only found in Lake Enoria. The tendrils of the silk fish can be treated and spun into a high-quality silk. The Silkers Circle is a powerful group in Mor's End with a seat on the council.)

To Learn more about the Silkers Circle you can check the Guilds and Organizations thread or the Government Affairs thread.

Good Luck...


First Post
Re: Round 2: DungeonKeeperUK vs. orbitalfreak

Lalato said:
Here are the ingredients for DungeonKeeperUK and orbitalfreak...Association: The Silkers Circle (The Silkers Circle is the guild to which all the Silk Fish harvesters belong.

Silk fish, eh? Where have I seen that before? :D

I'll get started up right away.


First Post
OK heres my entry... are we sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin...

Key Phrase: "Robbing Peter to pay Paul..."
Ingredients: A bottle of wine,
A non-descript copper band,
"The bigger they are, the harder they fall."
Association: The Silkers Circle (The Silkers Circle is the guild to which all the Silk Fish harvesters belong. Silk Fish is a type of jelly fish only found in Lake Enoria. The tendrils of the silk fish can be treated and spun into a high-quality silk. The Silkers Circle is a powerful group in Mor's End with a seat on the council.)

The Hanratty family is well known all across Mors End, but for differing reasons. The old folk of the town remember Keith Hanratty and his darling wife Trisha; Trisha used to clean house for Anton Palmora and his family and Keith worked the Silk Fish traps belonging the Palmora clan. The younger generations of townsfolk have had the family name of Hanratty tainted in their minds by the four siblings of the Hanratty couple.

Petra was the eldest sister, fair of hair and hard-working in class; learning languages seemed to be her forte. Paula was second oldest with an ease of grace she showed only too well in dance and song, her movements were something to behold. Peter and Paul were the youngest and twins, and though they were scamps from an early age they seemed to be harmless, if not a little irritating. Things were to take an ugly turn, however, when Keith and Trisha were killed whilst traveling back form a long overdue honeymoon. Their carriage was attacked and laid to waste by bandits who could only have gleaned a measly 3gp from the couple - a pointless death for a fine couple. This affected the twin boys even more so than the girls; all four were carted off to Mother Caim’s Orphanage and Home for the Weary.

They were here till Petra became old enough to be granted responsibility for the family and the will of Keith and Trisha was read. The house and its furnishings were left to Petra, along with small savings of 7gp in order that she may raise the family. Trisha’s’ small collection of jewelry was left to Paula, Keith’s collection of books was left to Peter and to Paul was left a non-descript copper band, a bracelet that their father had told the boys was magic and could transport anyone to any number of mystical lands, he would wear this as he told the boys their bedtime stories. This was indeed an ordinary copper bracelet, but the boys still believed it was filled with magical opportunities and it angered Peter greatly that it should be left to his brother.

This was some 10 years ago and things have changed vastly for the Hanratty family. The money did not last long and Petra had to find a “less reputable” means of earning money to keep the family together, Paula is now engaged to be married to the leader of one of the many gangs of Mors End. Paul lives in a ramshackle hut on the outskirts of Mors End and Peter leads another gang within the city… however, this is not the end of the tale of the Hanratty family.

Each is greatly in debt; money is short to each of them. Petra lives in squalor in the squats constantly begging money off her often unsympathetic family members. Paula has a lover and is being blackmailed by her own brother Peter over her love affair with Tomas, son of Anton Palmora and the current Patriarch of the Palmora clan. She looks to Paul for help with money she cannot ask of her fiancé. Paul is a common thief, a burglar, thug and cut purse who has found himself with some gambling debts to Paula’s fiancé - debts that seem to have an ever-increasing interest rate. Peter has offered him a tidy sum for the “magical bracelet” left to him by their father but Paul has refused as he is more comfortable relying on his “skills” to get what money he can, utilizing information Paula can give him regards possible movement of goods within the Silkers’ Circle. Paula eases the details out of her fiancé and his dealings with the Silkers, and small monetary donations when information is unavailable. Paul has in fact negotiated a lucrative deal with a few of the gangs within the city and actually does dealings with his brother Peter without Peter being aware of the fact… and rips him off for what he can too… Though Peter is not the only family member Paul rips off. When his sister Petra needs something Paul will always find ways of getting his moneys worth out of his big sister. Peter has earned his gang a great reputation within Mors End with his smuggling operations for some of the Silk Fish Harvester Clans. Unbeknownst to him however, Paula’s lover has contacts in a few of the other Clans and ensures that he gleans a percentage of the takings Peter should be getting. Just enough in fact to cover the amount that Peter is blackmailing Paula for...

So it could be said that Petra is taking from Paula who is giving to Peter who gives occasionally to Petra who in turn is often swindled by Paul who is in turn giving money to Paula who is robbing Peter to pay Paul back and most of them seem to have their hands in the Silkers Circles’ pockets for one reason or another.

It is Peter who is currently “head” of the family, though it is a family that no longer exists as a unit. Peter’s immediate interest is to get the bracelet from Paul. Paul looks to bring down the Clan Palmora, as this would open up even better avenues for his fencing operation. He has plans to do this and though others may think him a fool to take on the largest of the Silk Fish Clans he lives by the saying “The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall” - a comment that had him laid unconscious for the best part of 4 days after pointing this out to a sizeable Half Orc. Paula looks to overthrow Peter’s gang and tries to persuade her fiancé to this path without being too obvious. And finally there is Petra, living in her slum, her body no longer her own, begging for money from the siblings she tried her hardest to raise alone. What has Petra got? Well, Petra has a bottle of wine, and has invited her “beloved” brothers and sister to her squat in order to try and lay to rest their family feud, or so she says. See, Petra has had enough. Petra spent her last few savings on a poison, a poison she wishes to introduce to her spiteful little brothers and sister.

• Paul has started his plans on the downfall of Clan Palmora; he has entered the clan house and “acquired” the Trident of the Lake. The party is called in by Clan Palmora to retrieve said item.
• Petra contacts the PCs asking/pleading that they help her to pull her family back together. She wishes them to contact each of her siblings and bring them to her house… where she plans to kill her siblings with poisoned wine and in turn implicate the PCs in their murder.
• The “ non-descript copper band” turns out to actually be a very powerful magic item, allowing one to walk across the ethereal plane. Peter has discovered this and plans to use a “witless” group of adventurers to retrieve it.
• Paula wishes to leave Mors End with her lover Tomas and she needs a cover… A gang war would be perfect; pitting her fiancé against her brother should start in-fighting within the lesser gangs. All she needs is a match to light the touch paper. Claiming to be from her brother, Peter’s, gang she contacts the PCs pleading that they rescue her from her fiancés gang, making sure to plant enough evidence on the PCs and at both gang hideouts to implicate everyone but herself…

Peter Hanratty : Male Human Ftr 2/Rog 2; CR 4; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 2d10 plus 2d6; hp 25; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13; AL LG; SV Fort 3 Ref 6 Will 2; Str 14; Dex 16; Con 11; Int 15; Wis 14; Cha 16
Atks: +2 Longsword +7 (1d8+4, crit 19-20 x2)
Skills: Climb +9, Jump +5, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +10, Escape Artist +10, Gather Information +12, Innuendo +9, Intimidate +10, Appraise +9, Sense Motive +8;
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Martial Weapon Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Alertness, Dodge, Skill Focus (Gather Information)
Notable Possessions: +2 Longsword, +1 Leather Armor, Ring of Sustenance, Collection of Books

Paul Hanratty : Male Human Rog 3; CR 3; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 3d6; hp 12; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13; AL LG; SV Fort 1 Ref 6 Will 3; Str 14; Dex 16; Con 11; Int 15; Wis 14; Cha 16
Atks: Dagger +6 (1d4, crit 19-2 x2)
Skills: Appraise +8, Disable Device +10, Escape Artist +9, Forgery +8, Gather Information +9, Hide +9, Intimidate +9, Local +5, Geography +5, Listen +4, Open Lock +9, Search +8;
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Medium), Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Martial Weapon Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (Light), Skill Focus (Disable Device), Alertness, Improved Initiative
Notable Possessions: Ring of Protection + 1, Ring of Jumping, Copper Bracelet

Petra Hanratty : Female Human cmr 2; CR 2; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 2d4-2; hp 4; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13; AL LG; SV Fort 1 Ref 3 Will 3; Str 9; Dex 16; Con 9; Int 18; Wis 16; Cha 16
Atks: Dagger +0 (1d4-1, crit 19-20 x2)
Skills: Alchemy +5, Perform +5, Spot +10, Ride +7, Listen +9
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude
Notable Possessions: Bottle of “wine”; Money: 2cp

Paula Hanratty : Female Human cmr 1/xpt 2; CR 3; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 1d4+1 plus 2d6+2; hp 10; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13; AL LG; SV Fort 1 Ref 5 Will 4; Str 11; Dex 16; Con 13; Int 12; Wis 12; Cha 15
Atks: Dagger +1 (1d4+1, crit 19-20 x2)
Skills: Perform +8, Innuendo +7, Spot +4, Weaving +7, Listen +7
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Simple Weapon Proficiency, Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes
Notable Possessions: Family Jewelry (20gp)


First Post
Lalato said:
Nice work DKUK... and in less than 24 hours! ;)


:) Yeah and was out all day with the wife doing that thing... erm.. shopping I think it is, that strange ritual where one follows the female of the species round all the shops before going back to the first one to buy the first thing they picked up...
(This is not meant ot sound sexist ladies, its just what my lovely lady does... ;) )

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