EN World City Project: NPC Contest #2... Final Round Ingredients!!!


DKUK... That is correct. 8PM EST Tomorrow night. (which is the same as 1AM GMT)

Good Luck!!!

p.s. What do you guys think of the Key Phrase?

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Lalato said:
DKUK... That is correct. 8PM EST Tomorrow night. (which is the same as 1AM GMT)

Good Luck!!!

p.s. What do you guys think of the Key Phrase?

Ohhh that means I get more time than the US... ;)

Key Phrase is a doozy aint it, gonna sleep on it and hope my flu subsides a bit.. good luck Ajanders
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Got it...had more fun with the gem than I expected

Key Phrase: "How sharper than a serpents tooth it is to have a thankless child"
Ingredients: a lock of hair, an uncut gem, "Cut off your nose to spite your face"
Association: Kul Moren (Kul Moren is a dwarven mining community in the mountains northwest of Mor's End. The dwarves are allied with Mor's End, and in fact, there is a large dwarven community on the northside of Mor's End. Kul Moren mines produce iron and very small amounts of other metals. The dwarven community in Mor's End has its own small military unit that is on loan from Kul Moren. The commander of that military unit is an adviser to the city council and Lady Kelvin).

Korvir "TightClasp" Kulsen: Dwarf Exp10 (ECL 5), hp 54; Init -1, Spd 20 ft, AC 11/11/11, ATK +5/+0 melee,d 1-3-2 (Fist) or +6/+1 missile, d1-6 (MW repeating crossbow, MW bolts), SA None. AL LN, SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +10; Str 6, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Char 6. SQ Dwarf Qualities. Skills: Appraise +17, Craft: Gemcutting +21, Craft:Weaponsmith+17, Craft:Armorsmith+17, Craft:Blacksmith+19, Craft:Stonework+19, Craft:Locksmith+17, Craft:Trapsmith+17, Profession: Miner+21, Knowledge:Engineering/Architecture+11, Intimidate +2. Feats: Iron Will, Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Repeating crossbow), Skill Focus (Craft: Gemcutting), Skill Focus (Craft: Miner)
Possessions: Masterwork Repeating Crossbow, lots of masterwork bolts, large house with multiple workshops and large trapped vault, The Crimson Heart of the Mountain.

"TightClasp" Kulsen is the 300 year old dwarf who defines fine craftsmanship in the mines of Kul Moren. The simplest products of his skill are prized by the world for their utility and beauty and venerated as archetypical specimens by the dwarves of Kul Moren.
It's a pity he's such a jerk.
Or perhaps he isn't. The gods lay their blessings and burdens where they will, say the dwarves of Kul Moren: if he has been blessed as a craftsdwarf, he has been sadly disappointed in his family life. The great rambling tunnels of his home must echo in the absence of his children, and even the warmth of the forge is not as soothing to old bones as the warmth of the family hearth.
Have a little sympathy for a brilliant old dwarf with hundreds of students, but no sons.
As always, the truth lies between the ends of the spectrum. The gods do indeed lay their blessings and burdens where they will. Sometimes they lay both at once. This is certainly the case at what would become Kul Moren, where a god gently laid an uncut ruby of surpassing color and clarity fully three feet in diameter in the very center of a great mountain and left it for whomever found it.
The ruby sat in darkness for aeons, until one day the fifty year-old Korvir Kulsen found it while digging out his new house. Immediately he recognized the magnitude of his treasure. This was no common stone. This was not even the once-in-a lifetime find dwarves dream about in their beds or the once in a generation find dwarf bards chant for years to come. This was unique in all the world. This stone would be the defining work not just of Korvir Kulsen or Kol Moren, but of the entire dwarven race. It was a treasure for the world.
Kulsen went a little mad that day. All dwarves are a little prone to monomania about precious gems and fine craftsmanship, but Kulsen was strained like no other dwarf had ever been, so it's no wonder he bent a little further than most do. He carefully concealed the stone and continued to dig as he thought.
It was his: a special charge by some vagrant god to cut perfectly as an act of prayer and reverence towards the earth. It would be difficult. He would have to know the stone intimately, then plan his cuts on a grander scale than had ever been done before and execute them with supernal precision. He would have to have the best tools available. He would have to be the best gemcutter in the world.
This was going to be a long project, he suspected. When he realized the perfect gem could only be cut from the perfect stone with perfect tools handled by the perfect dwarf, he knew it was something he would be doing for the rest of his life. He set to work.
First he shaved his head and beard and swore himself a mighty oath that he would wear no hair save that in a craftsman's lock, a little pigtail in the beard wrapped in leather and hung with a medallion indicating the craft. Warriors generally wear their beards loose and flowing.
Two years later he wore a mastersmith's lock and then continued on to gain another mastercrafter's lock for each of his craft or profession skills: eight in all, four more than any craftsman had ever had before. He was widely admired for his astonishing devotion and skill. He continued on, lengthening his beard locks every year as he performed more and more wonders of gemcutting, locksmithing, trapcrafting and all the other knowledges that epitomized dwarfdom.
But as he furthered his obsession, he became distant from his family. His wife waited patiently outside his workshop for a week one year, then left him and took his sons with her. It took him two weeks after that to notice she was gone. They have not returned since, and he curses them sometimes for their treachery. His wife he could manage without: he has food and clean laundry delivered every two weeks or so, and that's really all he needs. But his sons could help him position the gem so he could see it better. His eyes are starting to go now, you see. For a while he thought the fog on the gem was caused by condensation from his breathing on it. He tried wearing a mask, but his nose was too long.
Well, he'd never really liked his nose anyway. He had good sharp knives and a first aid kit in his shop. It was really very easy, all things considered, and didn't hurt a bit.
And the gem is so close to being ready to start...

Tightclasp Kulsen is a 300 year old dwarf dressed in fine clothes he changes when he remembers to, which is about every other week. His beard is braided into eight craftsman's locks that hang down to his ankles, his head is bald.
He is missing the front half of his nose, which gives most people a shock when they look at him.
He is a brilliant craftsman and a great repository of knowledge, but he's also an obsessive-compulsive and a perfectionist. Given a choice, most people send him written specs for their requests rather than see him in person.
He will not speak of the uncut ruby, which he calls the Crimson Heart of the Mountain, unless magically persuaded or convinced that he is speaking to someone as committed to the gem as he is....usually master rank or better gemcutters who have impressed him with their work (and he is very difficult to impress).

Adventure hooks
1. Kulsen is the premier craftsman to see for any sort of detailed metalwork or jewelry: a party might be used as couriers for his wares. High level characters might even commission him to produce the mundane components for magic items, masterwork weapons, or wedding rings, for the socially inclined.
2. Gods leave these treasures to the world to be shared, not locked away in a workshop. A priest might get a divine vision requesting they help Kulsen cut the gem by blessing his tools and workshop. Or, if you prefer, the gods think Kulsen has wasted enough time with the gem, and may want him to give it up. Good luck explaining that to a crazed dwarf.
3. Korvir Kulsen is dead and gone to a better place. His family needs to get into his vaults to deliver some of his finished goods to customers and generally settle his estate. Unfortunately, Kulsen didn't leave any directions how to disarm his traps. This is a problem, because his extensive vaults have been trapped as only an insanely paranoid master trapbuilder can. The family needs a collection of thieves to disarm his traps and clear out his vaults. Yes, they have an inventory sheet, and they will be checking to make sure you hand them everything on the inventory sheet.
But Kulsen never told anyone about the Crimson Heart of the Mountain. Are your players lawful enough to give up a ruby three feet in diameter? If they aren't, are they clever enough to sneak it out the door?


First Post
OK Guys here we go....

Key Phrase: "How sharper than a serpents tooth it is to have a thankless child"
Ingredients: a lock of hair
An uncut gem
"Cut off your nose to spite your face"
Association: Kul Moren (Kul Moren is a dwarven mining community in the mountains northwest of Mor's End. The dwarves are allied with Mor's End, and in fact, there is a large dwarven community on the northside of Mor's End. Kul Moren mines produce iron and very small amounts of other metals. The dwarven community in Mor's End has its own small military unit that is on loan from Kul Moren. The commander of that military unit is an adviser to the city council and Lady Kelvin).

Heather Townsend had few friends. In fact she very rarely left the house at all right up till her 18th birthday, though this was not of her own will.

Heather had a happy childhood, with her mother Sheron, a weaver, and her father Jake, a miner. Happy even though her father was often away for weeks at a time, the only mines he could work being over a day’s travel away, what with the dwarves working the only real prime mining area around their home of Kul Moran, a fact that turned his stomach every time he saw or heard tell of a dwarf. It must have seemed a cruel joke by the gods then that as young Heather grew older she did not grow any taller. Her size and stature remained at about 4 feet tall, and though Jake loved his daughter still the sight of her seemed a constant reminder of those foul dwarves in their mountain mines.

Fate seemed not to smile on the Townsend family. Heather’s mother died at an early age, of a disease that left her coughing and vomiting for the last few days of her life. Jake made it back from the mines too late and missed a last chance to say goodbye to his wife. All that was left for him was a lock of hair plaited and tied with a blue bow, the color of his departed wife’s eyes.
Jake had to leave his mining work to look after Heather, but their roles soon became reversed. Her father slipped into a deep depression, sitting all day plaiting and un-plaiting the lock of his wife’s hair.

Heather did what she could for him over the next few years, even through his constant abuse. “Fetch me whisky, Dwarf”, he would spit. “Get a job, earn us some money half-growth” he would snarl. The coffers became more and more empty and her father more and more abusive till she could take no more. While readying her father’s clothes for the weekly wash she found an uncut gem secreted in the bottom of his clothes chest. Why had her father not mentioned this? This would solve all their problems. She ran downstairs and confronted her father, presenting the gem and arguing the case to sell it and sort their money woes out, but her answer was violence. He hit her hard across the face with his tankard knocking her to the floor… "How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child, have I not given you a roof over your head, did I not leave my work to look after you, do I not raise you well DWARF!” he yelled in his drunken rage. “Get out of my sight, DWARF”.

Heather picked herself up and ran from her family home, the gem still clutched in her hand, her father’s yells following her down the dimly lit streets. She ran blindly through the streets as the sun set, eventually stopping when her short legs could no longer carry her and looked about the place. By some strange twist of fate she had run to the Dwarven district. Scared and alone she sat down next to a fountain, drinking from its cool waters and was startled when a hand shook her from her distractions. “Are you alright, my dear?” the dwarven lady enquired gently. Heather broke down and sobbed as the dwarf held her softly, the smell of her hair reminding her of her mother. Deleth, as her comforter was called, led her to her home where she fed her warm soup and made her a makeshift bed by the fireplace. Here Heather slept well for the first time in years.

In the morning Heather told all to Deleth, the death of her mother, her father’s continual abuse, him throwing her from the family home, everything.

“He seems a very bitter, if not confused, man my dear, cutting off his nose to spite his face, if you like, by banishing you, the one who has cared for him. He seems delusional. You are free now my dear, you need never return to him should you wish not too.”

Heather was confused; she still loved her father inside but feared him more so. His anger could be so quick and hot and her appearance was constant spark to his kindling. She could not stay here in Mors End, but where else to go??? And then Deleth made her an offer, Why not go with her to the mines at Kul Moren and work in the kitchens there, not as a slave that she had been but as an employee, a free person with rights and wages. Her stature would suit the mines and her fellow dwarves would be sure to welcome even though she was human in race.

So it is that in the mines of Kul Moren, after 18 years of abuse that Heather at last feels comfortable, amongst those of a differing race, but surrounded by people who accept her for who she is. Her thoughts still go back to her father, and from time to time she has ventured back to Mors End and very nearly knocked on the door where once she lived, but memories make her turn and walk away.

Plot Hooks
• Heather’s father, Jake, wants the gem back. He had kept it safe for his “retirement” for over 12 years and is furious with his daughter for stealing it. He has taken to getting drunk and wandering the dwarven district looking for Heather and, it seems, any trouble he can find. If the party has any dwarves in he will instantly pick on them, accusing them of kidnapping his daughter and even going so far as to call the city watch to have them arrested.
• Heather returned to her father, to try and patch things up. Her pleas fell on deaf ears as he grabbed her and bundled her bound and gagged into the cellar. Deleth fears for her safety since she has been missing, and the city guards seem not to be interested in her demands to have Heather found. Maybe a trusty band of adventurers could help her out…
• The gem has started glowing. Over the past few days a dim glow has been radiating form the gem, Heather has kept it covered but it worries her. And so it should, the gem was “given” to her father from a strange creature he met in the mine and since that day his mind has not been his own, which could explain his behavior since Heather’s childhood. The gem is in fact a homing device and the creature Jake met is now heading towards the gem to extract some information he stored in Jake’s head for safe keeping. But Jake no longer has the gem…
• The dwarven miners have found another gem, identical to the one Heather possesses, and when brought together a portal has appeared between them. Several of the dwarves present, including Heather, were sucked through the portal as it opened but the dwarves are wary of sending a search party. Deleth has approached the party and asked them to investigate.

Stat Block
Heather Townsend : Female Human Rog 1/cmr 3; CR 4; Sz Small-size humanoid (human); HD 3d4 plus 1d6; hp 14; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11; AL LG; SV Fort 1 Ref 4 Will 3; Str 10; Dex 12; Con 10; Int 12; Wis 15; Cha 16
Atks: Large Spoon +1 (1d4, crit 20/x2)
Skills: Disguise +9, Sense Motive +6, Cook +9, Brewer +9, Spot +9, Listen +9;
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Endurance, Alertness, Blind-Fight
Possessions: Uncut Gem (15gp)

Heather, though a human, stands but 4 feet tall. Her innocent and caring soul shines out through her mother’s blue eyes. Even though she was kept at home and rarely let out this did not seem to hamper her education as her mother’s collection of books continued to teach her after her mother passed away. Though the years of abuse from her father do not seem to affect her now, she still thinks of her father and wonders how he is, how he is coping, but the memories of the fear he held her under usually make her back away from visiting. Now among the dwarves of Kul Moren she has found a home at last, but how will she feel as she grows old among the seemingly ageless dwarves. Will she one day venture back to her father and try to patch things up???

There we go then guys..... :)


First Post
Re: Entry

ajanders said:
Korvir "TightClasp" Kulsen: Dwarf Exp10 (ECL 5)
Hm. I thought this contest was for CR 3-4?

On a practical level, it may be hard to fit in yet another 10th level expert into Mor's End hierarchy. Good thing this guy is located in Kul Moren...

Nice entry otherwise though!


Tough judging...

These two competitors are truly evenly matched. The judging is indeed very tough this round since both entries are excellent.

Stay tuned for the final results. They will be posted today. :)



sorry about the delay...

Sorry for the delay folks... The contestants are so evenly matched that the judges are going to have to confer again before deciding the winner.


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