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The man with the probe
[sblock=Flavor stories]
[sblock=Witch]"How was I supposed to know the window was trapped?" Araneau said, holding his shoulder, the wound on it festering and oozing green. "Ouch! Careful there."

Melisande smiled softly as she pushed and prodded the wound, much to Araneau's dismay. "Perhaps you shouldn't have been gawking at the ladies in waiting through it," she said as she spread a salve over the wound. "Here, drink this."

The swashbuckler's nose turned when he saw the vile brown ichor before him, but he tilted his head back and swallowed as best he could. Through sheer force of will, he kept down the rancid brew. "Blah, can't you make something that tastes good?"

"Why of course I can," the witch replied with a smirk, "but I made that especially for you."[/sblock]
[sblock=Liberator]Camilla, serial 235T692, snuck quietly through the halls. Sensing the guards as they passed, she was able to dodge them easily.

Finding the one guard sleeping was a stroke of luck. She quickly knocked him out, and grabbed his keys. She snuck down the hall, and began to open up the cells one by one.

"You're free now, there's nothing to fear," the Pleb called into the chamber. "You need not fight against your will."

Julia called back from within her cell “I will not take freedom from you Pleb.” [/sblock]
[sblock=Anamist]Jarkav stood in the tree, whisker twitching in the wind. There was a pest about, one that toyed with the fey that had settled in his corner of the woods. The Lacerta could smell the scent in his tiger form, it neared, and he prepared to pounce.

Jarkav leaped from the tree as the object of his stalk swung through the trees. As his paws shifted to hands, he grabbed the vine, drawing a dagger and cutting it. The two landed, Jarkev with the grace of a cat, and quickly he pounced on his prey, pinning it down with his feet.

"Ouch, that hurt!" cried Araneau. "What's guy got to do to sneak a peak and the nymphs?"[/sblock]Approved by Rystil long ago.[/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post

The Skald

BAB               Fort    Ref    Will    Special                                 Spells Per Day          Spells Known
+1                +2      +2     +2      Skald's Battlecry, Skaldic Lore            2                       4     
                                         Countercry, Cry of Courage +1
                                         Illiteracy, Rapt Ardour   
+2                +3      +3     +3      Shout of the Master                        3/0                     5/2   
+3                +3      +3     +3      Stoke Passion                              3/1                     6/3     
+4                +4      +4     +4      Ardour 2/day                               3/2/0                   6/3/2    
+5                +4      +4     +4      Invincible Ardour                          3/3/1                   6/4/3   
+6/+1             +5      +5     +5      Elicit Emotion                             3/3/2                   6/4/3     
+7/+2             +5      +5     +5      Cry of Courage +2                          3/3/2/0                 6/4/4/2     
+8/+3             +6      +6     +6      Ardour 3/day                               3/3/3/1                 6/4/4/3   
+9/+4             +6      +6     +6      Call to Greatness                          3/3/3/2                 6/4/4/3    
+10/+5            +7      +7     +7      Hero's Ardour                              3/3/3/2/0               6/4/4/4/2      
+11/+6/+1         +7      +7     +7      Inspire Ardour                             3/3/3/3/1               6/4/4/4/3    
+12/+7/+2         +8      +8     +8      Ardour 4/day                               3/3/3/3/2               6/4/4/4/3   
+13/+8/+3         +8      +8     +8      Insurmountable Ardour                      3/3/3/3/2/0             6/4/4/4/4/2    
+14/+9/+4         +9      +9     +9      Cry of Courage +3                          4/3/3/3/3/1             6/4/4/4/4/3   
+15/+10/+5        +9      +9     +9      Chant of Heroes                            4/4/3/3/3/2             6/4/4/4/4/3     
+16/+11/+6/+1     +10     +10    +10     Ardour 5/day                               4/4/4/3/3/2/0           6/5/4/4/4/4/2   
+17/+12/+7/+2     +10     +10    +10     Incite Emotional Surge, Tireless Ardour    4/4/4/4/3/3/1           6/5/5/4/4/4/3     
+18/+13/+8/+3     +11     +11    +11     Inspire Ardour, Mass                       4/4/4/4/4/3/2           6/5/5/5/4/4/3     
+19/+14/+9/+4     +11     +11    +11     Stoke Courage +4,                          4/4/4/4/4/4/3           6/5/5/5/5/4/4    
+20/+15/+10/+5    +12     +12    +12     Empyreal Ardour, Ardour 6/day              4/4/4/4/4/4/4           6/5/5/5/5/5/4     
Hit Dice: d10

Skills: 6+Int modifier, use the Bard skill list + Handle Animal, Intimidate,
Ride, Survival, and Swim.

Weapons/Armour: All martial weapons, light and medium armour.

Spells: As Bard, including the ability to ignore ASF in light armour

Rapt Ardour (Ex): A Skald can enter a state of Ardour. In a fit of Ardour, a skald 
temporarily gains a +4 to Strength and Charisma and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, 
but she takes a -2 penalty to AC. At the end of the Ardour, she becomes fatigued.
It is impossible to stoke up one's Ardour while in a fit of Euphoria, though Ardour
and Rage can mix. 
Skald's Battlecry: As Bardic Music except for that the Skald is not able to extend 
the effect through concentration and so always has a 5 round (or 10 with Lingering 
Cry) duration.  Cries with similar names to Bard songs are the same as those songs.

Countercry: As Countersong

Cry of Courage: As Inspire Courage

Skaldic Lore: As Bardic Lore

Illiteracy: As the Barbarian ability

Shout of the Master: As Inspire Competence

Stoke Passion: As a standard action, a Skald in Ardour can expend a use of Skald's
Battlecry to stoke the passions of her allies to new heights, or ignite the fiery 
emotions stirring within her breast to create something truly spectacular.  Even if 
a single target has multiple effects and/or multiple Skald allies, only one use of 
Stoke Passion can effect the same target at any one time.  
Choose one of the following effects--

*If the target is under the effect of a Warcry, increase all morale bonuses granted 
by +1

*If the target is under the effect of Rage, Euphoria, Ardour, or any similar effect,
choose one of those effects.  All bonuses granted increase by +1, except stat bonuses,
which increase by +2.

*If you are using this ability on yourself and you are currently affected by both a
Skald's Battlecry and Ardour at the same time, end both effects and expend another
daily use of Ardour to gain a unique effect.  If you have access to a higher Ardour, 
you may choose to gain a lower effect by using a different Warcry.  While under the
effects of these Ardours, you count as being under the effect of both a Warcry and
Ardour, so you cannot use either on yourself.

-Rapt Ardour (or higher) + Cry of Courage = Kyrivale's Ardour
+4 Dex, +4 Cha, Gain One Extra Attack on Full Attack,
Grow wings that grant Fly Speed of double base land speed

-Hero's Ardour (or higher) + Call to Greatness = Jotun's Ardour
+8 Strength, +4 Con, -2 Dex, +4 enhancement bonus to Natural Armour, 
DR 10/Nivshaln, Grow to Size Large or Huge (your choice)

-Empyreal Ardour + Chant of Heroes = Ragnarok's Ardour  
+6 to all stats, no death from HP damage until end of Ardour,
DR 20/Epic, SR 10+class level, Divine Bonus equal to your Cha bonus to AC 

Invincible Ardour: While in Ardour, a Skald can shrug off some of her wounds as if 
they were nothing.  Every time she is struck while in Ardour, the Skald ignores an
amount of damage equal to her Charisma bonus for a number of rounds equal to her 
Skald level divided by 4 (rounded down).  At the end of this time, the damage applies
as normal.

Elicit Emotion: The Skald is a master of emotions and can provoke any emotion she 
chooses in others.  With a use of her Skald's Battlecry (though it need not be done
with a Battlecry), a Skald can infuse any one target who witnesses her perform with any 
emotion of her choice against a target of her choice.  This ability doesn't work when
the target is distracted, perhaps due to combat.  The target receives a saving throw
(DC 10 + 1/2 Skald level + Cha bonus) to resist this effect.  Otherwise, the effect 
lasts 1 hour per Skald level

Call to Greatness: As Inspire Greatness

Hero's Ardour: The bonuses from Ardour increase to +6 and +3, respectively.

Inspire Ardour: The Skald can spend a Skald's Battlecry to inspire a fit of Ardour
in a single ally.  This is the basic Rapt Ardour with none of the other benefits.

Insurmountable Ardour: The Skald's Ardour is ingrained so deeply in her psyche and
her soul that there is room for nothing else.  While in Ardour, the Skald is immune 
to all other emotional, charm, and morale effects unless she chooses to embrace the

Chant of Heroes: As Inspire Heroics

Incite Emotional Surge: As Elicit Emotion, except that the Skald can target one
creature per Skald level per Battlecry use spent (multiple uses can be spent on a
single attempt to affect many targets) OR the Skald can target a single creature
and increase the duration to one day per Skald level per Battlecry use spent (again,
multiple uses can be spent to gain a longer duration).

Inspire Ardour, Mass: As Inspire Ardour, except it can affect up to one target per
3 Skald levels

Empyreal Ardour: The bonuses from Ardour increase to +8 and +4, respectively.

Voidrunner's Codex

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