• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

[ENDED] Contest! Create Your Sci-Fi Character With [WOIN] Future Careers!

Create soldiers, bounty hunters, engineers, doctors, traders, and starship captains in the character creation sourcebook for the What's O.L.D. is N.E.W. roleplaying game system. With over 60 careers, 7 species, and a wide selection of skills, traits, and exploits, this book walks you through the character creation process. Select your character's early careers using the life-path system to create erudite Android medics, reckless Human smugglers, mighty Ogron marines, young Venetian star knights, or ambidextrous Felan burglars. Will your character be a scientific genius, an expert with the laser sword, or a daredevil pilot? A notorious assassin, a wily con artist, or a detective in the far future? Only you can decide!

Create soldiers, bounty hunters, engineers, doctors, traders, and starship captains in the character creation sourcebook for the What's O.L.D. is N.E.W. roleplaying game system. With over 60 careers, 7 species, and a wide selection of skills, traits, and exploits, this book walks you through the character creation process. Select your character's early careers using the life-path system to create erudite Android medics, reckless Human smugglers, mighty Ogron marines, young Venetian star knights, or ambidextrous Felan burglars. Will your character be a scientific genius, an expert with the laser sword, or a daredevil pilot? A notorious assassin, a wily con artist, or a detective in the far future? Only you can decide!

This contest has now ended.

(This is a BETA VERSION of this book. If you download it, you will gain the final PDF version for free in about 3 weeks. You get the 60-page character creation rules for the WOIN roleplaying game system, plus a short two-page equipment list.)

[h=4]The Contest[/h]
There's a caveat, though. It may be free in price, but if you download it, please take the time to create a character and post it! You can post it in this thread, or grab a character sheet. Recreate your favourite sci-fi hero or character, or a new character of your own.

I'll choose my favourite, and the winner will get a free, full-colour, softcover copy of [WOIN] Future Careers. The contest ends on Sunday 25th October, so you have 5 days!




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Here's my test character. Let me know if you spot any mistakes. I will note that my rolls for health were ridiculously unlucky. For my cinematic HP calculations I rolled for 1s!

Jake Lance is a grizzled stoic human ex-spy who has a dark sense of humor.

STR 3 (2d6)
AGI 6 (3d6)
END 2 (1d6)
INT 7 (3d6)
LOG 3 (2d6)
WIL 3 (2d6)
CHA 7 (3d6)
LUC 10 (4d6)
REP 3 (2d6)
PSI 1 (1d6)

Health: 13 (20 if using cinematic mode) - only 1 roll above 2 (it was a 3)
Soak: 4
Melee Defense: 11
Ranged Defense: 11
Mental Defense: 11

Brawling: +3d6; (1d6+2 unarmed damage)
Phaser Pistol: +5d6; (2d6+2 heat damage)

Speed: 5 squares
Jump: 12'/3'
Carry: 50 lbs
Initiative: +3d6

Max Dice Pool: 5d6 (5 Grades)
Homeworld: City
1) Orphan Grade 1 (9 years)
2) Spy Grade 1 (1 year)
3) Spy Grade 2 (2 years)
4) Spy Grade 3 (3 years)
5) Spy Grade 4 (2 years) + 35 years
Age: 52

Astrophysics (1 Rank) (1d6)
Bluffing (3 Ranks) (2d6)
Bureaucracy (1 Rank) (1d6)
Disguise (1 Rank) (1d6)
Engineering (1 Rank) (1d6)
Gambling (1 Rank) (1d6)
Interrogation (1 Rank) (1d6)
Pistols (3 Ranks) (2d6)
Stealth (1 Rank) (1d6)

Explorers: Refresh luck pool when I land on a planet for the first time.
Urchin. You are very familiar with urban backgrounds, and are able to blend in easily. With a one-hour period in a new city, you are able to name local crime figures.
False identify. You are able to create a false identity, complete with background records, in one day. This identity is good enough that people can look you up on various databases, and the details will match.
Off the grid. You know how to disappear without trace, dropping off the grid completely. No location discerning checks or abilities can find you unless you want them to.
Miraculous escape. Once per day you may automatically succeed in one attempt to escape handcuffs or other restraints.
Monologue. Once per day you can make a CHA vs. MENTAL DEFENSE attack against an enemy. If successful, your target explains their plan with a short monologue.
Aim. This is identical to the Feint exploit, but for ranged combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the feinting action. All characters get either the aim or feint exploit for free.
Deadly strike (requires AGI or STR 5+). Y ou inflict an additional 1d6 damage with a successful hit. For a ranged attack, this is likely a headshot. This can only gain you one bonus damage die. By default, any character can trade attack dice to increase damage on a 2:1 basis.
Old. Once per day, when rolling a dice pool, you may declare it to be a careful dice pool. Any 1s that you roll may be rerolled, with the new roll replacing the 1. If you roll a 1 a second time, however, you must keep the 1. Additionally, the bonus gained from your hook increases to +2d6.
Stoic. You are able to hide pain and discomfort. Once per day, when you would normally be reduced to zero HEALTH, you are reduced to 1 HEALTH instead.

Starting Money: 280 credits
Phaser Pistol (150 credits)
Leather Armor (35 credits)

Jake Lance is a war veteran from the Rauran Invasion. He had originally signed up to join the army, however upon finishing the aptitude test he was approached by his government's intelligence agency. By the time the war ended he was a grizzled old man. Lance was offered a position at a training camp, and he considered taking it for all of five minutes. Instead he cashed in his pension and bought a star marshal's license and a one way ticket to Deregistered Space. Lance doesn't know what's waiting for him out there. But he knows with his trusty sidearm there won't be a lot of trouble he won't be able to get himself into.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
That looks great, @JohnLynch! I can't see any obvious errors. You have "??" for the pistol damage - there's a separate sheet of basic weapons/armor/equipment with pistols on it.

I love the backstory, and that you added an extra 35 years! Is that based on an actual campaign, or something you just came up with?


there's a separate sheet of basic weapons/armor/equipment with pistols on it.
I forgot about that PDF. I'll have to add those in.

I love the backstory, and that you added an extra 35 years! Is that based on an actual campaign, or something you just came up with?
It's a character I've had tumbling around in my head for a science fiction setting for a year or two now (originally envisaged for a unique set of rules, then D&D 5th edition and now N.E.W.). I wanted to create him specifically to see how many compromises I had to make (given he was thought up as a rules agnostic character). The idea of the character is an old retired James Bond type character who has a minor touch of psionics lying dormant and is now a private detective/mercenary (I.e. adventurer). I'm surprised to say there were no compromises at all. Although thinking about the character a bit more I probably should have an empathy universal exploit (achievable as PSI is a racial stat for Lance so I can increase it when I in place of a career ability score) to help better represent his dormant psionic abilities. But this is a case of the rules prompting me to do that. I could also wait a career grade as well which help shows it's flexibility.

I really like some of those universal psionic exploits as they could be used in say a Forgotten Realms campaign to recreate "wild talents" (minor magical abilities that some people are born with). Something D&D hasn't really captured in the past (outside of DM fiat).
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Matthew Harris is a brilliant human ex-medical officer who rebuilt his own body.

STR 2 (1d6)
AGI 7 (3d6)
END 4 (2d6)
INT 4 (2d6)
LOG 8 (3d6)
WIL 7 (3d6)
CHA 6 (3d6)
LUC 7 (3d6)
REP 2 (1d6)

Health: 29
Melee Defense: 11
Ranged Defense: 11
Mental Defense: 11

Blaster Pistol: 4d6; (2d6 heat damage; range 10; sidearm)
Slugger Pistol: 4d6; (2d6 ballistic damage; range 10; sidearm)

Speed: 4 squares
Jump: 14'/2'
Carry: 60 lbs
Initiative: 2d6

Homeworld: Asteroid
1) Navy Brat (Age 16)
2) Academy (Age 19)
3) Academy (Age 22)
4) Navy Cadet Cruise (Age 23)
5) Navy Tour (Age 25)
Stranded for slightly over a year on a barren planet living in the wreckage of the starship he'd been a medical officer for.

Biology 1 (1d6)
Computers 2 (1d6)
Engineering 1 (1d6)
Law 1 (1d6)
Medicine 4 (2d6)
Piloting 2 (1d6)
Pistols 2 (1d6)
Xenology 1 (1d6)
Zero-g 1 (1d6)

Petrol Head
Basic Training
Medical Specialization
Ship Rat
Starship Familiarity
Lucky Escape

115 credits
Blaster Pistol
Slugger Pistol
Medical Field Kit
Engineering Toolkit

"Hey! I'm up here! Don't go anywhere, I'll be right down! . . ."

Matthew Harris could hardly believe his eyes, he hadn't seen another living being in over a year; not since the day the ship crashed. He rushed down through the tilted corridors of the crashed ship to the exit, an opening in the side where the ship had been torn apart and which he could climb through and shimmy down a rope to reach the arid landscape below. He ran around the wreckage to find the group of people he'd just seen from where he was living in the ship's old observation deck.

"Oh, praise the heavens . . . Whoa, no, don't shoot, I mean no harm," Matthew said raising his arms in the air as the rugged group that was comprised of at least three different species reacted to his presence. "I need your help, I'm stranded," Matthew pleaded addressing the pair of humans in this ragged group which he took for salvagers. "I can help you out, I know the ship and can help you scrap whatever you need from it if you'll help me get off of this planet. Do you have a ship?"

The man who Matthew knew to be a spartan nodded.

Matthew was relieved and continued, "and I can help if you have any wounded, I patched myself up." He looked down at the left side of his body, which looked awful due to the work that he'd had to do to repair himself after the crash - he had used whatever he could, scraps of metal and plastic and even the corpse of another crew member who had died in the crash - but they didn't need to know that, it hardly caused him pain anymore, it had been done more than a year ago and he was functional, that is what mattered. "I'm quite skilled really, I worked for the Greater-Sol Based Navy. Whoa!" He raised his arms to the air once more as the group of salvagers took aim at him again, "I've got no allegiance to them any longer; they're the ones who abandoned me here. I was nearly dead and they didn't even check. I could hear them after the crash, there was a functional escape craft left on board and they took it and abandoned me here. Life with the navy was all I'd known before that point, but I can't go back- I hate them too much. I need a new life now, I'd be glad to help you out if you can get me away from here."

The group of salvagers gave each other sideways glances before the spartan stepped forward and held out his hand, "I'm Captain Adra-la, and I'm in charge here."

Matthew smiled as he shook the captain's hand, "My name's Matt, reporting for duty sir."


Well, that was fun
Staff member
That's a great character concept, [MENTION=6692469]Jadekind Gaming Adam[/MENTION]. Definitely looks like one that would greatly benefit from the Cybernetics rules when they're released!

Thank you. Yes, cybernetics could certainly expand on the character. I must say, this is the first I've looked at the character creation for your system, and I am really enjoying it. I love the idea of advancing during large amounts of down time, it lends to building a whole different type of story than most systems do - I could have something spread out over many years and only hit the key moments for game play but cover the time between with the advancement system.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Thank you. Yes, cybernetics could certainly expand on the character. I must say, this is the first I've looked at the character creation for your system, and I am really enjoying it. I love the idea of advancing during large amounts of down time, it lends to building a whole different type of story than most systems do - I could have something spread out over many years and only hit the key moments for game play but cover the time between with the advancement system.

Thanks! Yep, that allows for episodic stories where you revisit characters at different stages of their lives/careers.


Here's mine:

Nortron "I prefer then dead" Hunter is a deadeye bounty hunter who hates the marines.

STR 6 (3d6)
AGI 7 (3d6)
END 5 (2d6)
INT 6 (3d6)
LOG 6 (3d6)
WIL 5 (2d6)
CHA 5 (2d6)
LUC 6 (3d6)
REP 3 (2d6)

Health: 25 - (I took average dices)
Melee Defense: 14
Ranged Defense: 14
Mental Defense: 11

Punch 3d6 ( 1d6+3)
Laser Pistol 5d6 (2d6+2 heat, range 12)

Speed: 7 squares
Jump: 14'/6'
Carry: 110 lbs
Initiative: +4d6

Max Dice Pool: 5d6 (5 Grades)
Homeworld: Asteroid
1) Scion Grade 1 (15 years)
2) Academy Grade 1 (18 years)
3) Marine Cadet Assignment Grade 1 (20 years)
4) Marine Tour Grade 1 (23 years)
5) Bounty Hunter Grade 1 (27 years)
Age: 27

Engineering (1 Rank) (1d6)
Running (1 Ranks) (1d6)
Astrophysics (1 Rank) (1d6)
Zero-g (1 Rank) (1d6)
Leadership (1 Rank) (1d6)
Dodge (2 Rank) (1d6)
Pistols (3 Rank) (2d6)
Rifles (2 Ranks) (1d6)
Tactics (1 Rank) (1d6)
Computers (1 Rank) (1d6)
Law (1 Rank) (1d6)
Survival (1 Rank) (1d6)
Percepction (2 Rank) (1d6)

Varied: Human boast more variation within their species than most. Add 1 to any attribute (Agi).
Explorers. Driven by an inquisitive, exploratory nature, Humans reset their LUCK pool every time they stand on a planet new to them.
Privileged. You gain two sets of exceptional quality clothing and 1,000 bonus credits.
Basic training. You gain all of the following skills at 1 rank (1d6); this does not increase an existing skill beyond 1 rank. Tactics (marines); computers; law; survival (marines).
Light sleeper. You gain a Kevlar vest and a rifle. You also gain the ability to sleep lightly, and are not disadvantaged by perception check made while asleep.
Platoon leader. You are able to grant your entire party a +1d6 INITIATIVE bonus as long as they are within 30’ of you.
Datamining. You are able to locate a target’s current location down to a specific planet by accessing credit, criminal, customs, and other records if you have access to a computer link.
Aim. This is identical to the Feint exploit, but for ranged combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the feinting action. All characters get either the aim or feint exploit for free.
Deadly strike (requires AGI or STR 5+). Y ou inflict an additional 1d6 damage with a successful hit. For a ranged attack, this is likely a headshot. This can only gain you one bonus damage die. By default, any character can trade attack dice to increase damage on a 2:1 basis.
Deadeye. Once per day you automatically hit with a ranged shot within two range increments as long as you do not exchange any attack dice for damage dice or combine it with another exploit..

Starting Money: 1360 credits
I didn't buy any equipment.

Nortronius Kalek von Strubarch IV was born into a very rich family of almost immortal oligarchs. They owned large number of companies and habitats in a asteroid belt, and lived in a whole station where everyone there was a servant of then. The boy quickly realized he hated this sheltered live, and after a fight with his grandma, he escaped and enlisted with the space marines. Hi was a model student, showing great deal of skill in both shooting and leading. Soon he was leading his platoon. Nobody knows what happened at the end of his marine tour. The brilliant young officer was discharged without honors, and now deeply hates the institution. He stay in the outer systems, offering his skills as a bounty hunter for some time now. He is specially eager in taking jobs that will anger the marine officers.

I am a backer from the kickstarter, but I was out of the loop for a long time from the playtest document. Some observations about both the rpgnow package, the character sheet and the document:

- Its weird there is no place to mark psi rank or equipments(and psi powers). I know there is other sheets, but the could be all in one document. At least a space for me to mark Psi(0)
- The sheet could have a better way to fill in both rank and dice pool, like, two different squares, for both the traits and the skills.
- There is no place to write other details of th character, like origin world or physical description.
- Neither to write other speeds besides Climb.
- I missed the value-to-dice-pool in the sheet. I remember some old version having it.
- The very first trait has the world TRAIT written in the background. It's ugly when you fill it.
- There is little space to expand the exploit list. A adult character will fill then out in three grades, and a old/young one in two.
- There isn't enough space to the skills. You have only 12 skills slots, and you can start with 14(10 for careers, 3 for race and 1 for origin planet). More if you have the basic training exploit. There is also no room to expand.
- Also the list saying you start with 13 ranks is wrong, since you can start with the origin planet one.
- Just two attacks is kind few, since the basic space rpg kit is melee, side arm, main arm and grenade.
- In the skill chapter, it could be more clear if can use any skill without training. I had to read it twice to reach this conclusion.
- That's just my opinion, but the skill list is to spread out. I would rather have something very loose like the hook mechanics(or the background in 13th age) or very specific, like D&D4e or nWoD. But that is just me. :)
- Just by reading, it seems that the humans are kind weak. Specially with a exploit that will be very rarely triggered. Is luck that powerful?
- In the careers chapter, I liked the old way of careers as a prerequisite. If you lose it, why compact all the interconnected careers like navy and marines in just one, and put prerequisites in the exploits?
- In the Academy careers you have leadership listed twice under skills.
- In the Traits list, there is no description of Nondescript (I see what did here) and quiet.
- I don't know why, but I was expecting meters and kilos instead of inches and pounds...

That was long... :(


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I am a backer from the kickstarter, but I was out of the loop for a long time from the playtest document. Some observations about both the rpgnow package, the character sheet and the document:

- Its weird there is no place to mark psi rank or equipments(and psi powers). I know there is other sheets, but the could be all in one document. At least a space for me to mark Psi(0)
- The sheet could have a better way to fill in both rank and dice pool, like, two different squares, for both the traits and the skills.
- There is no place to write other details of th character, like origin world or physical description.
- Neither to write other speeds besides Climb.
- I missed the value-to-dice-pool in the sheet. I remember some old version having it.
- The very first trait has the world TRAIT written in the background. It's ugly when you fill it.
- There is little space to expand the exploit list. A adult character will fill then out in three grades, and a old/young one in two.
- There isn't enough space to the skills. You have only 12 skills slots, and you can start with 14(10 for careers, 3 for race and 1 for origin planet). More if you have the basic training exploit. There is also no room to expand.

I wouldn't worry too much about the character sheet. It's just one of the pregens from the Starter Kit with the data removed. I added it to the package just in case it was useful. The Starter Kit doesn't include a lot of the stuff in this full version. I'll get a free full sheet done very soon.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
an Ambidextrous Android Assassin that believes it can steal souls

STR 8* (3d6)
AGI 10^ (4d6)
END 4 (2d6)
INT 7 (3d6)
LOG 10* (4d6)
WIL 3 (2d6)
CHA 4 (2d6)
LUC - (-)
REP 0 (0d6)

Health: 14 (Cinematic 32)
Soak: 10
Melee Defense
: 21
Ranged Defense: 21
Mental Defense: -

Unarmed 4d6 (1d6+3)
Knife 5d6 (1d6+5)

Speed: 7
Climb: 4
Jump: 20'/8'
Carry: 120 lbs
Initiative: 5d6

Max Dice Pool: 5d6 (5 Grades)
Homeworld: Volcanic(+1 AGI/-1 STR)
1) Experiment Grade 1
2) Bounty Hunter Grade 1
3) Police Officer Grade 1
4) Spy Grade 1
5) Assassin Grade 1

Engineering (1 Rank) (1d6)
Running (1 Rank) (1d6)
Demolitions (1 Rank) (1d6)
Dodging (3 Ranks) (2d6)
Computers (1 Rank) (1d6)
Tracking (1 Rank) (1d6)
Knife (2 Ranks) (1d6)
Stealth (1 Rank) (1d6)
Perception (1 Rank) (1d6)
Pistols (1 Rank) (1d6)
Disguise (1 Rank) (1d6)

Exploits and Traits:
Mindless: Immune to MENTAL DEFENSE attacks
Deterministic: PSI/LUCK never above 0
Electronic Vulnerability: 1d6 electric vulnerability, 2d6 ion vulnerability
Automaton: Don't eat, sleep, breathe, weigh 150% normal
Programming: +2d6 INITIATIVE
Armor: 5 Soak, 200% weight, -1 SPEED.
Datamining. You are able to locate a target’s current location down to a specific planet by accessing credit, criminal, customs, and other records if you have access to a computer link.
Feint: +1d6 to melee attack during same turn
Anti-surveillance: Move half-speed, effectively invisible to electronic surveillance
Sneak: Move half-speed, effectively invisible to people not actively looking for you
Off the Grid: Can disappear without a trace, only found if want to be
Ambidextrous: Gain extra melee attack with off-hand at -2d6
Always Prepared: Gain extra action taken before combat started

Starting Money: 100 credits
Kevlar Vest = 100

G.O.S.T. #Alpha was the first prototype in a Top Secret military program. Able to disguise itself as a common labor unit, passing through crowds and bypassing cameras, eliminating the target with common or improvised weapons, then disappearing again into the background without a trace. In simulations, early versions did well, but were not intelligent or versatile enough to perform operations of any complexity.

Though some team members suggested against making it too capable and independent, they were overridden. Alpha's neural processors with drastically upgraded with a focus on "fuzzy logic", problem solving, anticipation, and escape-and-evasion.

They overdid it.

The next several simulations went perfectly despite rapidly increased difficulty and complexity and the team was thrilled, calling in the high brass to observe. When they arrived for a grand demonstration on the surface of the otherwise abandoned volcanic world where the research took place, the simulation again went perfectly. The brass promised immanent funding and departed.

As the jubilant team prepared to return to the research facility, they discovered the Alpha had disappeared. After an extensive sweep of the area, they headed to home base, more than a little worried.

Alpha got there first. Design information, notes, additional prototypes, and backups were all destroyed, as well as the secret research base's communications array. The bodies of the chief design team behind the G.O.S.T. program were found soon after. With their communications down, the remainder of the research team were unable to contact the ship that the brass had just departed on to warn them of the likelihood of an extremely dangerous stowaway.

The General Operations Surveillance and Termination program was labelled a "Failure" and terminated, the remaining personnel disbanded and dispersed. The fact of the missing android was covered up while a small team searches for traces of it in secret.

When it killed the design team, the sudden variance between "alive" and "dead" struck Alpha as different from its own "on" and "off" and Alpha has since hired itself out as an assassin via online interactions and blind drops, studying the moment of death in the hopes of somehow capturing the escaping life-stuff from its targets to gain its own soul.
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