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Kickstarter Endless Realms: Tome of Spirits Kickstarter




Lunar Games has completed 90% of the Tome of Spirits, with our writers slated to finish the current content around the time this Kickstarter ends. We want to deliver the best supplement we possibly can and part of that is letting you, our wonderful backers, have a say. For our stretch goals, you wanted more content, deeper lore, and (of course) more original artwork!

Once we know which stretch goals we’ve hit, we’ll get right to work. Then it’s off to editing and design before we release it to our incredible playtesters. Playtesting will last for 2 months so we can work out the kinks, then off to the printers it shall go!

So, with all that being said, there’s still time to make it better! Our first few stretch goals focus on making the Tome of Spirits bigger and better. We originally estimated the book would be around 210-230 pages, but we hope to make this a massive supplement of over 300 pages just like our Core Books!
Why Kickstarter? The funding will go toward editing the Tome of Spirits, interior book layout, as well as manufacturing costs. This campaign isn’t just for the Tome of Spirits. We know our backers want more adventures and campaigns to run in the Endless Realms universe, so we hope to produce a number of adventures from this Kickstarter that will be revealed as stretch goals along the way.

Endless Realms Kickstarter:


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