Eneko (Eberron's mongrel ogres)


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Here's a quick conversion for Sarlona's mongrel ogres. Let me know what you think!


Average Height: 5’6”-7’0”
Average Weight: 180-300 lb.

Abilities: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light

Languages: Common, Giant
Skills: +2 Endurance, +2 Stealth
Eneko Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the longbow.
Endure Elements: You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage.
Level Headed: You gain a +1 bonus to your Will defence.
Mongrel Vigour: You can use mongrel vigour as an encounter power.

Mongrel Vigour Eneko Racial Power
You fear no pain, for your blood is thick with potential.
Minor Action Personal
You gain resistance to all damage equal to 5 plus half your level until the end of your next turn.

Racial Feats

Cautious Nomad
Tier: Heroic
Prerequisite: Eneko
Benefit: For the purposes of hourly or daily travel rates, add 1 to your overland speed and the speed of all allies in your travelling group.
Add 5 to the DC required to find or follow your tracks. If travelling with allies, you can share this benefit with up to five other characters.
You gain a +1 feat bonus to Endurance and Stealth checks.

Powerful Build
Tier: Heroic
Prerequisite: Eneko
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls with weapon powers.

Thick Skin
Tier: Paragon
Prerequisite: Eneko, mongrel vigour racial power
Benefit: When you use your mongrel vigour racial power, you also gain a +2 bonus to all defences until the end of your next turn.

I'll probably write up a paragon path to add in some oni abilities, but for now, how does that look?

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Here's a paragon path to expand on an eneko's oni blood:

Night Haunter
“Need more souls…”

Prerequisite: Eneko

Your oni blood manifests as a result of your growing power, awakening abilities you never thought possible. This boon comes with a price, however, as your hunger for souls consumes you.

Night Haunter Features
Haunting Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you may add the Fear keyword to any power you use during that action, and the target of that power takes a -2 penalty to defences until the end of its next turn.
Deceptive Veil (11th level): You gain a +10 bonus on Bluff checks made to disguise yourself.
Insatiable Hunger (16th level): You gain a bonus to damage rolls against bloodied creatures equal to your highest mental ability score modifier.

Hypnotic Breath Night Haunter Attack 11
You exhale a cloud of shimmering gas, which lulls your enemies to sleep.
Encounter * Charm, Sleep
Standard Action Close
blast 3
Target: Enemies in blast
Attack: Intelligence +4 vs. Will, Wisdom +4 vs. Will, or Charisma +4 vs. Will. Increase to +6 bonus at 21st level.
Hit: The target is dazed (save ends). First failed save: the target falls unconscious (save ends).
Special: When you take the night haunter paragon path, choose Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma as the ability score you use when making attack rolls with this power.

Gaseous Form Night Haunter Utility 12
Your form melts to nothing more than a wisp of smoke.
Daily * Polymorph
Minor Action Personal
You become insubstantial and gain a fly speed of 8 (hover) until the end of your next turn. You can enter and move through porous obstacles that would otherwise prevent movement (such as doors or cracked windows).
Sustain Minor: The effect lasts until the end of your next turn.

Devour Soul Night Haunter Attack 20
You tear the soul from a sleeping victim.
Daily * Healing, Psychic
Standard Action Melee
Target: One unconscious creature
Attack: Intelligence +6 vs. Will, Wisdom +6 vs. Will, or Charisma +6 vs. Will
Hit: 4d10 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and you regain hit points equal to your healing surge value. This attack does not wake the target.
Special: When you take this power, choose Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma as the ability score you use when making attack rolls with this power.

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