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Enemy Among Us (DM: Stringbean2142, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


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Oi, Atlas. greets Veruzak at the statue like mans approach. The wizard indicates the husk at his feet, Think they'll get their minds back? If so we'd best to hurry for Lt. Rayn, as the bondage he's been place in is torturous to a sane individual. Veruzak remembers the water balloons on the walls, Atlas, do be a hero and pop one of those water balloons hanging from the wall. It's either spiders, or eggs, or well... you get the picture, something nasty is in there, and it's rather important we find out what.

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CaBaNa said:
Oi, Atlas. greets Veruzak at the statue like mans approach. The wizard indicates the husk at his feet, Think they'll get their minds back? If so we'd best to hurry for Lt. Rayn, as the bondage he's been place in is torturous to a sane individual.
Atlas bends over the husk and begins his examination " I will let you know in a moment. Yes, I can imagine the Lt. Ryan isn't too happy about his current situation "

CaBaNa said:
Veruzak remembers the water balloons on the walls, Atlas, do be a hero and pop one of those water balloons hanging from the wall. It's either spiders, or eggs, or well... you get the picture, something nasty is in there, and it's rather important we find out what.
The statue glances back to the wizard with his left eyebrow raised " I suggest you get someone else to do it, since it will take time to make my assessment on the condition of the victims but do not worry, when I am done examining these poor individuals, I will be burning this whole place down. Perhaps Kendrick is a better choice to check what is in those water balloons, since he of all of us is knows most about nature " he takes a look around to find the ranger. " Kendrick, could you be kind to check what those things are and dispose of anything that might be a threat?" and he points at the pods.


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Veruzak shrugs, So long as it isn't me, I don't care who checks... I'm far to important to die by slime, my skin absorbs things you know. Imagine how much more difficult it is trying to prevent being a homicide victim, when poison could be administered with something so innocent as a handshake. Much less popping a water balloon, full of Abyss-knows-what. the eladrin flippantly gestures toward the balloons and calls out, Kendrick, nature calls. before leaving the husk in Atlas' capable hands to explore the cave.

First the wizard positioned himself toward the center of the room, and cast out the arcane tendrils from his body that the group had become accustomed too.

After confirming or denying arcane presence still lingering, Veruzak pulls an appendage off the Hiveguard, and begins using it to poke the walls, as he walks the cave. After the light begins dimming when he turns the corner, he recasts the light spell, this time onto the ghastly tool.

As he walked the shadar-kai-raised Veruzak was thinking, *Bell doesn't believe me, how can I prove what she is though? Empirically, without a doubt. Take her to the shadow lands/no that wouldn't work, she'd say she looks like half-elves and eladrin too. !!HA!! Take her to the feywild! She's been stomping in the Shadow, thinking it the Fey. People don't just know the difference, they have to learn it, like anything else. I forget I'm a genius by training, and not natural talent. * The faces he made reflected the emotions of his thought, contemplation, elation, focus, and finally a new fervor too.


Oh Procrastination, how you draw me to the boards...

cast light on hiveguard appendage

18 arcana detect magic
15 perception to find loot and secret doors

Veruzak won't touch anyone or anything with the slime on it, now that he has prestidigitated himself clean.

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Bell happily moves from place to place, watching people work, sketching the carnage, and writing brief descriptions. She smiles when Atlas comes by and tells her to note that she is a hero too, but then furrows her brow at the thought.

I don't think a proper writer would write that. That sounds egotistical. Heroes should not be so, but I suppose they sometimes are. Villains, are, or filled with self loathing. Veruzak is egotistical, and I need to infiltrate his trust so maybe I should be too. Then my notes would be tainted. I must think on this more.

Bell quickly jots down, 'I may or may not be a really awesome hero.'

When the back and forth about popping the bug bubble comes up Bell raises her dagger to throw, without giving it much thought, but then stops herself when Atlas mentions Kendrick.

Oh yeah, that's a better idea, Study first, then open, then study more. That make's more sense.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Calming a little, Martelai addresses everyone.

"Good teamwork! Stars have shown us the way.

Thanks for the healing at opportune time Atlas, you risked much by lending it when we were dazed. And Bell, superb use of your shadow jaunt, it might just as well saved us, as it allowed Kendrick to drop down that guard. Otherwise, who knows how much more hurt could that mage drop on us.

Kendrick, it seems broodlord targeted you exclusively, would you mind if I take another look at that amulet? Maybe it somehow attracted it's attention?

Veruzak, maybe it's not a good idea to go alone when some crazed animal or abberation may be lurking behind the slime?"

OOC: spend 4 healing surges leaving me at exact 0/9, spent less if our good leaders lend a word.
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"My what?"

Bell asked perplexed in the midst of the praise. Her confusion brought her back to the thick of things and she realized the party was battered, tired and trying to work things out. Only one sensible thing to do.

She sat on the ground, dug out her flute, and began to play.

[sblock=actions]Song of rest. +3 hp for each surge used.[/sblock]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Martelai stops looking over broodlord and looks up in confusion.

"Your what what?" thinking it quickly over he repeats "Shadow jaunt? Isn't that how shadar-kai call their step to Shadowfell?"

He looks her over, raising from his crouch, frowning
Insight (1d20+2=15)

OOC: when Bell used her ability first time, Martelai observed and stringbean allowed arcana check to recognize it for what it is instead of fey step...he is otherwise NOT privy to either Veruzak's upbringing (execpt for being aware that he's not typical fey) nor Bell's misconception

OOC: Martelai spends 3 surges thanks to song of rest (extra 9hp) - thanks


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I am not a Shadar-Kai! What is with these people. Oh yes well the warlock is part of Veruzak's evil wizards circle, they must have plotted this before hand.

Bell merely furrows her brow at Martelai, not wanting to interrupt her song.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Martelai keeps standing by her, noticing her frown, but keeping quiet, using arcane energies supplied to mend his rattled faculties.

He uses time to analyze her reaction and notice lack of usual tattoos and piercings so common in 'common' shadar-kai.

After she finishes:
"That was beautiful song, Bell. I'm interested now that you seem confused by reference to your heritage. You are knowledgeable of arcane powers. I don't believe you failed to notice the difference between your and Veruzak's fey step. He is unusual for fey, but eladrin nonetheless. What do YOU think he is?"

OOC: he he, even not agreed upon course of action creates two 'sides' in this party...

OOC2: THB, if insight 15 isn't enough, I'll tone down this analysis. Still Martelai is high Int character (16) and he witnessed her jaunt three times now along with insubstantiality that comes with it

EDIT: I'm off for the day, next post about 16 hours from now
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"Song of Triumph, by Cloud Stride."

Bell listens intently to Martelai's words then take's her time choosing her owns. I must not tip them off to our plan.

"Oh I certainly believe that Mr. Veruzak is in fact Eladrin. Obviously, he has been influenced by Shadar-kai culture greatly. In the same vein I am certainly at least part fey, but culturally have been influenced primarily by humans. I don't, however, see sufficient evidence that I am Shadar-kai in race. There are many kinds of fey and many who manage thee ability to teleport."

[sblock=ooc]I have no problem with Martelai's observations. One of the Joy's of Bell is high Intelligence, low experience and wisdom. Also, due to her age and idealism, she lies to herself a wee bit.[/sblock]

[sblock=actions]Spend my last healing surge, gain 9 hp.[/sblock]

Bell Jabson: Shadar-Kai Bard 1 ()
Initiative: +2; Speed: 6; Passive Perception: 14; Passive Insight: 10
AC: 18; FRW:13/17/15
HP: 24/25; Surges: 0/8; Surge Value: 6; AP: 0
Languages: Common (Allarian), Imperia
Skills: Arcana +9, Streetwise +8, Perception +4, History +9, Bluff +8, Thievery +6
Str:10 Dex:15 Wis:9 Con:13 Int:18 Cha:16

Misdirecting Mark, Cutting Word
Focused Sound, Shadow Jaunt, Words of Friendship, Second Wind, Majestic Word 2/2, Sneak Attack
Malevolent Mischief

Full Sheet[/sblock]

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