Enemy Among Us (DM: Stringbean2142, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


formerly roadtoad
" These men may be touched by madness, but think twice before you decide to end their life's " and he encourages the group not to kill these men, if possible.

ah yeah, it's totally within Catein's character to just want to incapacitate and restrain these guys, but I got all overexcited by the character's first combat. :)

Stringbean, mind if I retroactively make those non-lethal hits on the two downed guys?

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[sblock=OOC]Sorry, short post to keep things moving. New York calls, I must answer![/sblock]
The two scouts fall before the sheer unbridled violence that is the party's responses. The second archer reappears, now standing tall on the ten-foot roof over the leatherworks. He and his earth-bound companion aim and fire on Atlas. The crossbow bolt passes harmlessly overhead, but the bowman's arrow slammed deep into Atlas's thigh.

Lt. Rayn, dazzled by the attacks against him, still manages to bring his sword down onto Atlas, blade slipping past his armor and carving a huge gash across his chest, dropping him to the ground from the sheer force of it.

[sblock=Kendrick, Atlas]I'll explain the alley later, but for now there's nothing of interest.[/sblock]
[sblock=Catein]It fits your character, and doesn't change the encounter. Sure, they were taken down by non-lethal force.[/sblock]
[sblock=Status]Martelai's attack against the archer at E7 misses. Rolls.

Atlas hits for max damage, 12 Rolls.

One of the two archers hits Atlas for 11 damage Rolls.

Rayn hits Atlas for 14 damage Rolls.

Archer @ E7: 24/32, Slowed, -2 to Attack.
Lt. Rayn: 36/47 Dazed.
Atlas: 1/25, Prone.

Archers (BLUE)
AC 15, Fort 11, Reflex 13, Will 12
HP 32, Speed 7
OA Simple Punch
+3 versus AC, 1d4+2 damage

Lt. Rayn (RED)
AC 18, Fort 16, Reflex 15, Will 14
HP 47, Speed 5
OA Bastard Sword
+10 versus AC, 1d10+5 damage[/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Kendrick draws his other sword, circles Rayn and tries to take his head off. He is a bit too enthusiastic and barely miss.

[sblock=Actions]Move: to G8 through H9 to avoid OA
Minor : Draw Weapon
Standard Attack : Shield of Blade

Still no quarry, no action left for it! I swear I am going to spend the rest of the adventure with my blades drawn! :rant:

Shileld of Blades
vs Raun AC 18 (1d20+7+2=16, 1d8+4=11) miss[/sblock]

[sblock=Stat block]

HP 31 / 31 Healing Surge 8 / 8 AP:1

AC: 17 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 13 Will: 13


formerly roadtoad
Catein continues directly toward Rayn, seemingly unmindful of the danger presented by the mad Lieutenant and his archers. "Cease this madness!" it cries as a column of glowing chain shoots directly from Catein's outstretched hand, covering the dozen feet between them in an instant. Rayn seems unaffected by this attack and Catein seems to be considering further action. Catein takes moment to study the combatants in an effort to divine their motives.

move: walk to F12
standard: Avenging Light at Rayn
1d20+4 vs Fort (16) = 10; miss! (accidentally rolled d20 for damage, good thing I missed)
Insight to determine the goal of Rayn's team:


First Post
Bell's next move was to run past the seemingly well handled sword fight to try and locate the run away elf. As she began to move forward, all that changed. As she watched Atlas take heavy blows she began reacting, without really thinking. She continued moving forward, muttering arcane words under her breath as she went.

Seeing Kendrick move into position to assist Atlas she offered some herself.

"Get up!" And once again her words became infused with arcane power, seeping into Atlas' stony form. Her eyes then moved past her comrade, toward her enemies.

She shrieks at Lt. Rayn, focusing her will on him and causing vibrations of sound to veberate throughout his body. In her haste she misplaces her tongue and ends up coughing for a moment instead.

She turns to the archer on the roof and with a final surge of energy aims her dagger at him and blasts him with arcane energy, willing him to avoid Atlas, at least for now.

[sblock=actions]Move action to E10.
Majestic Word on Atlas, Spend a Healing Surge, Get Surge Value +3 HP
Focused Sound vs. lt Rayn. Focused Sound Attack (1d20+3=4) That's a 1.
Action Point! Misdirected Mark vs. Archer in B5. Misdirected Mark, Attack vs. Reflex (1d20+3=14) Misdirected Mark, Damage (1d8+3=9) and the archer is marked by Kendrick.[/sblock]

[sblock=Atlas]Atlas you have the option of sliding up to two times if you so choose, once for Virtue of Cunning and once for Majestic Word[/sblock]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Preparing for the hurt he fully expects to materialize, but trusting in his pact with the icy darkness to keep him covered Martelai move to the point where he can protect Atlas from the archer. Shadows around him swirl and turn into icy blue mini blizzard around him, obscuring his form just as effectively as the shadows before.

Ignoring for the moment the archer on the roof, half-elf raises his hands again, making motions of reading from the book. As he speaks, icy blue flames appear over his brow, building in strength and after final words, bursting forth to engulf first archer and then Rayn somehow washing over Atlas without effect.
"By the decree of Khirad, you're now my ally! Protect me from my enemies."

Move: to D9, shadow walk concealment
Minor: curse Rayn
Standard: Decree of Khirad (burst three, catching the archer and Rayn)
Attack with prime shot: miss(1d20+5=11)
Damage (psychic): 1d6+4=7
curse damage: 0 (miss) 1d6=2

Attack with prime shot: hit (1d20+5=19)
Damage (psychic): if he misses with basic attack 1d6+4=8, otherwise 0
curse damage: 1d6=5

On his turn, Rayn makes free action basic attack from F8 (slide) on the archer. If he misses, he gets hit for 1d6+4 psychic, see rolls

[sblock=Stat block]
Eldritch blast
Dire Radiance
Cutting Words
Chains of Levistus

Decree of Khirad[/sblock]
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First Post
Stringbean2142 said:
The elven archer moves around the corner of a nearby building and is lost from view, while the other crouches behind the upturned cart and reaches for another bolt to reload. In the confusion of the initial moments, the woman scrambles into the building behind her and slams the door, leaving a trail of blood in the street. Her attacker begins to pound on the door in pursuit of her, and fresh screams ring out. Many of the screams sound like children, and Bell and Atlas both remember that was the building Yurian's wife had been leading her charges to earlier.
Pretty Important, before I make my move, where is this attacker, is he taking care of? Or is he inside the house?
Will be posting later today!
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[sblock=OOC]I have a bit of time, so answering a few questions that have popped up. I'll be stuck in an airport most of tomorrow, so after any posts tonight it will be somewhere like 20 hours before I'm posting again.[/sblock]
[sblock=Veruzak]No, nothing like the Kenku. The Kenku language is deeply based on pantomime and body language, and would be senseless simply heard as a language. While you don't know if this is a language you picked up in their heads, it had a definite sense to it.[/sblock]
[sblock=Catein]Your passive is higher, so I'm using that. Still, you can't tell what the point of this attack is. What you do pick up is that they are working seamlessly as a team without any obvious communications between them. An elite strike team that has trained together for years can act like that, but this isn't that type of team.[/sblock]
[sblock=Atlas]There was five attackers total to start the attack. One was Lt. Rayn. One, the attacker of the woman, was one of the two scouts. The other scout is the one who tipped the cart and scared off the horse(s). One archer is currently crouched behind the wagon, and the other archer went around behind the building (where you couldn't see) and is currently on the roof, 10 feet up at B5. I wasn't sure which attacker you meant, but all five you know of are either on the map or out of the fight.[/sblock]


First Post

May Veruzak please target Martelai in his blast area, with Grasping Shadows, or Scorching Burst? (prefer GS)

He can hit all of the enemies with both, by enlarging his spell, but Martelai will be in the area...

It would be targeted at D7 (alt 3), SB what kind of penalties would that get for the guy on the roof, and the other two?



First Post
ScorpiusRisk said:
Seeing Kendrick move into position to assist Atlas she offered some herself.

"Get up!" And once again her words became infused with arcane power, seeping into Atlas' stony form. Her eyes then moved past her comrade, toward her enemies.

The magic words of the young softskin washes over Atlas like a gentle breeze that immediately renews the statue's strength. Fighting off the rest of the pain, Atlas he notices that he now is flanking Lt. Ryan with Kendrick.
Then he rises to face the lieutenant " I will not go down easily " and he furiously slams his shield into his body, making him loose balance.
Move Action: Stands up.
Minor Action: Uses inspiring word on himself and gets 1 extra hp. (which lands him on 20/26 of his total hp's)
Standard Action: Uses Furious Smash, hits Fort. 19 and does 4 damage and Kendrick gets +2 bonus to his next attack roll and damage rolls.
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