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Baldur's Gate

Here's what I'm thinking for Baldur's Gate:

I've discovered that you can see the "official" results for the various Sundering adventures via the old D&D Sundering Facebook app. The results for Murder in Baldur's Gate that are of most interest to me are:

1) Duke Torlin Silvershield narrowly beat out Ravengard to became the Chosen of Bhaal (with one of the PCs coming a close third).
2) Silvershield's gunpowder plot overwhelmingly came to an "explosive conclusion".
3) Silvershield's reinstatement of the old duelling laws was not opposed.
4) While the Upper City curfew was overturned, the taxation of luxury goods was not.

Also, Duke Adrian beat out his half-brother Viekang to become the Bhaalspawn Slayer in the opening encounter.

Anyway, so I'm going to run with the above results. So Silvershield pulled off his gunpowder plot, blowing up the Parliament of Peers and half of High Hall. I'm also going to say that his plan worked, so the new Parliament of Peers is pretty much free of Guild influence, and even the kingpins in the Lower City are suffering a bit as a result. The Guild is not as powerful as it once was, but perhaps they've now become a little more violent in response.

The old duelling laws that he got reinstated are still in force, although I'll say that things have settled down a little bit. The Watch, in particular, has been reigned in, so mostly you just get patriars settling grievances this way.

With one of the PCs in my game a member of a minor patriar family, I have some ideas up my sleeve. I'm going to say that her father was one of the peers killed in the explosion. When the PCs arrive in Baldur's Gate, the patriar PC's mother will insist that she go and "pay her respects" to her father, who - as a lesser patriar - was buried in the family crypt in the cemetery out in Tumbledown. When the PCs get there, they'll find that some of the cemetery's permanent residents have recently grown a bit restless. Due to the still-simmering turmoil in the city, no one really wants to do anything about it.

Here's where I'm going to run DDEX1-4 "Dues for the Dead"* - with a few minor changes. In particular, I need to come up with a different reason for the Red Wizard being there (as in the actual adventure, since it's set in Phlan, the wizard has been sent there by Rath Modar to find one of the old Pools of Radiance). Perhaps he's just there to cause trouble. Anyway, I'll have some clues that he's actually involved with the Cult of the Dragon, as a way of foreshadowing the Red Wizards' involvement.

Once the PCs have dealt with the undead, they'll be free to go and visit the patriar PC's father's crypt, where his spirit will appear and inform her that he's been watching her and wishes to aid her in her quest. He'll then go and "possess" her heirloom greataxe, transforming it into a magical sentient weapon.

I also found a neat idea on a PbP game where Selebon talks to the PCs about having had a mysterious female in a palanquin place a large order for wagons and such from him. That should be a good clue that Rezmir has been.

My only real issue at this point is that I'm not sure any of the cultists in the caravan will be able to recognize the PCs. Mainly because in Episode 2, they did a preliminary scout of the camp from the ridge above and then waited until nightfall before sending the rogue in by himself to free Leosin. No one spotted him and they made a clean getaway. They killed all the stragglers and avoided the rearguard as well. However, Mondath escaped from the dragon hatchery in Episode 3. She got a good look at them all too, so if I were to have her catch up with Rezmir, she could give a fairly good description of them all.

The elf, dwarf, and human could disguise themselves and, especially if they split up when they join the caravan, avoid notice fairly easily, but the goliath is going to stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe I should just have him be the one who gets recognized without bothering with Charisma checks.


*I've also considered running DDEX2-10 "Cloaks and Shadows", as that's a nice urban intrigue adventure with the PCs finding themselves framed for murder and having to track down the real cult assassin in order to clear their names, but I'm not sure. I think it would require a lot of work to move it out of Mulmaster and put it in Baldur's Gate, especially because of all the contextual handouts and things. I might leave it for an interlude in Waterdeep, which would give me more time to redo the specifics.
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My players have all asked about reporting back once they've followed the cultists all the way to their destination. As far as I can tell, neither Leosin nor Ontharr explain what the PCs are supposed to do once they've reached the end of the road. As the DM, I know that it doesn't matter a great deal due to how the end of Hoard and the beginning of Rise work out, but still ... it's odd that these guys are asking the PCs to spy on the Cult of the Dragon without telling them where to go to debrief. I just had them say that if the cultists turned out to be heading further north than Baldur's Gate, then the PCs could go to Waterdeep and find faction agents there to report to.


[insert something clever]
That's a problem with most of HotDQ: the NPCs are always giving these vague missions that should just point the party to the next dungeon, but if the players take them at face value they might derail the adventure by actually doing the sensible thing.


[MENTION=6790990]MrZeddaPiras[/MENTION]: It hasn't been a problem so far. Governor Nighthill's quests are all pretty straightforward, and he stays in the keep, so the PCs will always know where to find him. And when he asks them to follow after the raiders, it's with the expectation that the PCs will report back to him. Again, when they rescue Leosin and get him back to Greenest, he asks them to go back to the camp and then report back to him (and/or Ontharr) in Elturel.

It's only here in Episode 4 where the matter of reporting back appears to have been forgotten.

As for everything that comes after - well, it's all part of the mission the PCs are given in Episode 4, so I'm not sure it's going to be a problem again. It's just this one time.


[insert something clever]
Well, I wasn't talking about "reporting back" specifically, just about the vagueness of most of the task the PCs are given. My players didn't feel they had a valid reason of going into the cave in chapter 3 for example. They might have decided to go back to Greenest to tell Nighthill and Leosin about the cult's disappearence. Later, when they got to the bullywugs' castle, they debated that they should have tried to go back and alert Leosin because storming a castle full of frogmen and lizardmen wasn't a smart move. Their mission was to find out where the treasure had gone and they could be reasonably sure that was the castle.


My players didn't feel they had a valid reason of going into the cave in chapter 3 for example. They might have decided to go back to Greenest to tell Nighthill and Leosin about the cult's disappearence.
Huh. I didn't have any trouble getting my players to send their PCs into the cave. They seemed pretty keen to go exploring after talking with the hunters and getting a bit of a sense of who and what was in there. Plus, the rogue used his Cult Infiltrator background feature - and a stolen uniform - to infiltrate the cave as far as the cultists' barracks before reporting back to the others.

Later, when they got to the bullywugs' castle, they debated that they should have tried to go back and alert Leosin because storming a castle full of frogmen and lizardmen wasn't a smart move. Their mission was to find out where the treasure had gone and they could be reasonably sure that was the castle.
This is a fair point. Any suggestions on how to account for that?


As far as Castle Naerytar went...
I had Snapjaw tell the PCs that yes treasure came into the castle, but it was taken downstairs and never seen again, along with prisoners and occasionally rezmir herself would emerge and depart from the cellar though the lizard men were forbidden from going downstairs.

I also made the brutality of the bullywugs front and center which spurred my heroes to attempt a swampy revolution


[insert something clever]
My players actually ended up strinking a deal with the bullywug chief... long story. They never talked to Snapjaw because they killed on the spot the troglodytes in both patrols they met before reaching the castle. In describing the castle I tried to point out the incompetence of the defenders (the open gates, the lazy guards...) so the players considered sneaking into the castle as a valid option, but surely there was also a lot of out-of-character reasoning involved.


My players actually ended up strinking a deal with the bullywug chief... long story. They never talked to Snapjaw because they killed on the spot the troglodytes in both patrols they met before reaching the castle. In describing the castle I tried to point out the incompetence of the defenders (the open gates, the lazy guards...) so the players considered sneaking into the castle as a valid option, but surely there was also a lot of out-of-character reasoning involved.

Neat. Mine dealt with Snapjaw, infiltrated the castle. Got the weapons to te lizard men and started a revolt. Borngrey wound up rallying th cultists in his tower and leaving the bullywugs to fend for themselves, even offering to aid the lizard men in exchange for being left in possession of the castle. Heroes wound up fighting Pharblex in the courtyard, then pursued him downstairs when he escaped. I had a clever ambush planned at the lake with frogs and bullywugs erupting from the water around Pharblex himself... But heroes being game breaking, plan smashing monkeys ruined that with a well planned use if pas s without trace, invisibility, sneak attack... Pharblex down.... Bullywugs will broken...

Stupid heroes hehe.

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